Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2891 The ritual of meeting

Night falls.

The red Lexus SC drove to a secluded road and stopped.

Chi Feichi packed up his belongings and walked into the abandoned building nearby.

After a moment, a group of crows flew out of the windows of the abandoned building, with several pairs of wings flapping and making a crackling sound as they flew high into the sky.

"Gah! Gaah!"

The next moment, a loud cry resounded through the night sky, causing the only young crow among the crows to sigh softly, retracting his sight from admiring the night view of the city, and flying with all his strength into the distance.

"The honor guard of the Feimei Army is out, please retreat!"

"The crows are escorting their master out for patrol!"

"Anyone who hears the sound should stay away. If you are unlucky and get knocked away, we are not responsible!"

"If you knock our crow away, we want you to look good!"

"Go forward! Follow the flying trajectory of the master's wings and we will speed up!"

Amid the crows' arrogant and accurate cries, Chi Feichi's little crow flew silently with the group, flying over the bustling streets, passing through high-rise buildings, and landing on the rooftop of a high-rise building.

In the night, a figure in a black cloak stood on the edge of the rooftop. His slender white right hand exposed the cloak, tightly grasping a fluorescent crystal ball. When he looked up at the flying crows, he lifted his hood. The long red hair hanging down at the sides was immediately blown to both sides by the night wind, dancing with the wind.

Such a mysterious atmosphere was quickly destroyed by the shouts coming from the crystal ball.

"H-Lord Hongko! Please step back a little. It's too dangerous to stand here! I-I'm afraid of heights!"

Chi Feichi in the form of a crow in the sky: "..."

It turns out that his style of painting was not the only one to be ruined.

My heart suddenly felt balanced.

"Shut up, don't embarrass me."

Koizumi Anko held the crystal ball in her arms, lowered her head in warning, and tapped the crystal ball with the fingers of her left hand. After the crystal ball calmed down, she reluctantly left the rooftop.

She finally thought of a super cool appearance show that had the atmosphere of meeting members of the Underground Magic Church, but it was ruined by the crystal ball at the last moment...

The crystal ball is such a hindrance!

After the crows lowered their flying height, they began to circle in the open space on the rooftop. As a figure dressed in black appeared between the interlaced wings, the hovering crows dispersed around them.

The two big crows handed a certain live snake and a bag containing personal belongings to Chi Feichi respectively, and then flew into the night sky like the other crows.

Koizumi Hongzi walked forward with the crystal ball in her arms, looked at Chi Feichi who was standing under the falling black feathers, and tapped the crystal ball with the fingers of her left hand again, with a calm expression on her face that was obscured by the shadow of the hood, "Here you go. ”

If the crystal ball hadn't yelled just now, their meeting would have looked like an underground magic church!

Blame the crystal ball! Blame the crystal ball!

But the crystal ball made the atmosphere so strange just now. This guy, the Son of Nature, wouldn't laugh at her, would he?

Chi Feichi was poisoned by the arrogant and second-rate cries of the crows all the way. Naturally, he was not in the mood to laugh at Koizumi Hongzi's painting style just now. He was even a little envious of Koizumi Hongzi who was only disturbed by a noise source like a crystal ball. He opened it Bag packed his belongings and asked aloud, "How is the situation?"

"Rachel?" Koizumi Anko held the crystal ball in front of her with one hand, "She was hiding in the basement of the cabin and fell asleep. I saw that the people nearby couldn't search her for a while. I just went to see what the Demon of Light was doing first..."

Chi Feichi took out the mobile phone, sleeping gas, daggers and other things one by one from the bag and put them into his coat pocket, "What's there to see in there?"

"The crystal ball said he was talking about you, so I took a look." Koizumi Hongzi knocked on the crystal ball again, "Crystal ball, play it back."

"Okay, Anko-sama!"

The crystal ball quickly came out of the "pretending to be deep" mode, and the ball reflected the scene of Conan and Subaru Okiya having a secret conversation at Kudo's house.

Conan: "Bourbon said before that he would go back to work at Café Poirot after he had rested. Originally, I thought he was just making excuses and would not really come back. But I didn’t expect that when I went back today, I saw him working in the store. , it seems that he really plans to come back, I want to make an appointment with Teacher Judy and tell her the information about Bourbon..."

Okiya Subaru: "Do you want the FBI to help you investigate the purpose of Bourbon still staying at Poirot Cafe?"

Conan: "That's right. They shouldn't have any doubts about Shirley, otherwise they would have sent people to us to find out the news. In addition, I don't think he is here for Brother Chi this time. We were together last time Sneak into the small newspaper office to investigate. Bourbon is not surprised at all that Brother Chi can come up with the sneak tools. Brother Chi also did not hide his sneaking skills from Bourbon. In addition, during this time, you went to the pet hospital to investigate, and you are sure that Bob Ben didn't make any arrangements in the name of the hospital. I think Bourbon may have already known that Brother Chi was in July. He went to work in the pet hospital before, probably to investigate the clues about July. There was a target in Japan. Their organization should also pay more attention to the mysterious criminal. After he confirmed that Qi Qi was Brother Chi, he ended the investigation and left the hospital..."

Okiya Subaru: "I think so. He should be very interested in investigating this kind of thing. After all, he is an intelligence officer of the organization. But the fact that Mr. Chi is July is quite beyond my expectation."

Conan: "You have to help keep it secret. I'm afraid there are many people who have been offended in July. If his apparent identity is exposed, people may come to seek revenge. Haiyuan may also be targeted. Then the situation will change." It becomes more complex.”

Okiya Subaru: "Don't worry, I keep my mouth shut. Even if he has no enemies, I have no interest in revealing his identity. However, do you also want to tell Judy and others about Qiyue's identity?"

Conan: "No, I suspect that Bourbon may be coming for me or Uncle Kogoro this time. Miss Rena Mizuno, who was previously codenamed Geel, met my uncle before the accident, and then the bug on her shoe was used by Gin. I found out that people from the organization had taken action against the Maori Detective Agency. This time Shirley appeared on the Suzuki Express train, and Uncle Kogoro was also there. I was worried that they might target the Maori Detective Agency again, although we are currently nearby There doesn’t seem to be anyone suspicious, but they might send Bourbon, a master of intelligence investigation, to investigate first, or they should be careful to prevent them from dispatching..."

Okiya Subaru: "I see, you want to tell Judy the information about Bourbon so that you can request help from the FBI when necessary, right?"

Conan: "Yes, that organization has a lot of manpower available. You have to help keep an eye on the situation here. You can't go over and keep an eye on it at any time. If those people suddenly launch an operation against the Maori Detective Agency, I can only ask Judy Teacher and the others have helped. I should know more than just the FBI agents you secretly entered Japan this time, right?"

Okiya Subaru: "Then you should find an opportunity to exchange information with Judy. If the organization takes action and ask Judy and the others to help make the noise bigger, it should be fine."

This is acknowledgment that the FBI has more than a few agents sneaking into Japan this time...

Crystal Ball replay ends.

Seeing that Chi Feichi was still lowering his head to organize his props without even raising his head, Koizumi Hongzi reminded him curiously, "Your identity in July has been revealed."

"Conan concluded that the last time Bourbon contacted me was to investigate what happened in July. Subaru Okiya went to the pet hospital to investigate and was unable to investigate Bourbon's actions. In addition, when we infiltrated the newspaper office, Bourbon's ability to infiltrate me was not the same. "I'm not surprised, and I won't cover it up," Chi Feichi put a silk thread through his sleeve and wrapped it around his finger, "I agreed to infiltrate the newspaper office to investigate, and it was my choice to expose my infiltration skills."

If he is unwilling to sneak into the newspaper office to investigate, who can force him to do so? If he was unwilling to expose his sneaking skills, who would force him to expose it at that time?

Koizumi Hongzi understood, "Did you do it on purpose?"

"Although it was also because I was too lazy to climb the stairs those days that I used the high-altitude sneak method, but I do hope that Conan can come to some conclusions and stop staring at me all the time," Chi Feichi said, "Bobon is here. What's the point of them always staring at me when it wasn't for me in the first place? Instead of letting them always keep an eye on me for investigation, it would be better to expose the real reason why Bourbon approached me at that time."

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