Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2892 The soft-hearted witch

"That's right, if you don't give them a conclusion, the Demon of Light will probably ask the FBI to monitor you next," Koizumi Anko joked, "By then, it won't be so convenient for you to go out and do bad things."

"Those people enter the country secretly for investigation. They usually have to hide from the Japanese police. It's not difficult to deal with them..."

Chi Feichi thought of the FBI people and added, "But it's better not to be watched. Let's not talk about them for now. Please confirm Rachel's situation."

"Crystal ball..."

Koizumi Anko called the crystal ball. Seeing the image of Rachel's basement reflected in the crystal ball, she took the initiative to ask, "Son of nature, do you really not need my help in divination?"

"No need," Chi Feichi equipped himself with various belongings, put on cotton gloves, and took out a box of medicine from the bag, "The luck of the Demon of Light has returned to normal, and I have also decided to help Lei when necessary. Please tell me, as for whether his bad luck has anything to do with Rachel's accident, it doesn't matter whether we know this or not."

He sent an email to Koizumi Anko this morning, asking if Koizumi Anko could avoid the influence and help him divine the reason for Conan's bad luck in the past few days.

Then Koizumi Anko responded to his email and clearly expressed her rejection. It probably meant that the divination might make her turn into a white light person or a weirdo with strange skin. She didn't want to hide in the dark for a long time. I couldn't leave the house, so I refused to do divination.

However, less than two minutes after he received the email, Koizumi Anko called him again and said that although he might turn into a weirdo after the divination, as long as he said a few nice words and sent a gift as compensation, he could help try. Try it...

This time he refused.

He is not angry with Koizumi Anko, nor does he think it is difficult to say a few nice words or give a gift. He just knows that the divination will make Koizumi Anko hide in the house in the dark and peek at the world for ten and a half days, unable to go out. I don't think it's necessary anymore.

Conan's luck returned to normal, and he also decided to help Rachel Asaka. As long as everything gets back on track, it won't matter whether or not this divination happens.

Hearing that there was no need for divination, Koizumi Anko accepted the task of helping to locate Rachel Asaka's location. Unexpectedly, she asked him again now...

The Scarlet Witch is indeed still the tsundere with a tough mouth and a soft heart.

"Since you said you don't need it, then I don't care," Koizumi Anko said calmly, "It's useless for you to regret it later. If you want to know, just go to the laboratory in Minato and throw coins."

Chi Feichi knew that the last sentence was the key point and asked directly, "Does it work?"

If it worked for him to go to the laboratory, stand in the middle of a pile of magic circles and throw coins, this should be a simple divination that he could complete by himself.

"The accuracy shouldn't be too low, but it can only be a simple divination of 'Yes or No', and it's easy to be interfered with," Koizumi Anko held the crystal ball in her right hand and used her left hand to smooth her wind-blown hair. A proud smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, "If divination were so easy, wouldn't anyone be able to become a witch?"

Chi Feichi checked the medicine in the bag without looking at Koizumi Hongzi who was showing off proudly. He listened to the slight breathing coming from the crystal ball and raised his eyes to the crystal ball in Koizumi Hongzi's hand, "Hongzi, what did you just say? Said she fell asleep?"

The crystal ball reflected a space that looked like a basement.

The light in the room was dim, and a ray of light leaked from the gap in the cement board at the top, hitting the bottom step of the narrow staircase.

The female figure was huddled in the shadow next to the stairs, wrapped in a thick coat, motionless, only the faint sound of shallow breathing could be heard, and she indeed seemed to be asleep.

Koizumi Anko looked down at the crystal ball and talked about the movements of Rachel Asaka that she had monitored, "She hid in the basement under the storage room on the first floor of the apartment in the evening and sat down next to the stairs. She looked at the phone for a while, then closed her eyes and started to rest. In fact, the light in the basement was very dark. After she stopped using the phone, I didn't see clearly whether she closed her eyes, but her breathing gradually became lighter and she fell asleep. The person lying there is no different. I think she must be asleep. At least she can still breathe, so she must still be alive... Is there any problem? "

"It is true that the person is not dead," Chi Feichi said calmly as he observed the woman's figure reflected in the crystal ball, "However, that basement should be a warehouse where convenience stores store daily necessities. There are towels, paper towels, water cups and the like everywhere. , it should not be a refrigerator. In the current midsummer climate, the temperature inside may be lower than outside, but the temperature will not be low enough to require wearing a thick coat. She is likely to have a fever, and her breathing will occasionally It becomes rapid, and then there will be a very obvious exhalation sound, which is also very similar to the respiratory rate of high fever."

"She suffered a gunshot wound and has been hiding for the past few days. Those people also went to nearby hospitals to search during the day. It is estimated that she has not had the opportunity to use anti-inflammatory drugs before. The probability of wound infection causing fever is indeed very high," Koizumi Hong Zi stared at the woman's figure in the crystal ball, "Isn't she already unconscious?"

"Not sure," Chi Feichi took out a brand new waterproof bag from the bag, "I brought antibiotics and other drugs, which can be used for trauma, but I also need to clean up any fingerprints that may be left on the box. .”

"Then let me help you take a look at the surrounding situation first. The crystal ball..."

Koizumi Anko watched the scene displayed on the crystal ball change. When she saw the situation outside the basement clearly, her face changed slightly and she reminded aloud, "Son of Nature, those people have found the outside of the storage room on the first floor!"

In the picture displayed by the crystal ball, two men wearing black clothes and sunglasses arrived at the door of the storage room.

One of them leaned over to observe the broken door lock, squatted down, stretched out his hand to wipe the ground next to the door crack, looked down at the amount of dust on his fingers, then raised his head and nodded to his companion, then stood up and backed away. Like his companions, he took out the pistol hidden under his coat.

The other person held the gun tightly with his right hand, gently held the door handle with his left hand, and suddenly pushed the door open. At the same time, his body relied on the door panel as a shield. The pistol in his right hand was aimed into the house, and the muzzle of the gun was quickly raised to the height of a normal female head.

When he opened the door, the man who stepped aside did not approach the door and was on guard with a gun.

The tacit understanding and well-trained appearance of the two of them made Koizumi Anko break into a cold sweat for Asaka.

"They should have been able to determine that Rachel was hiding inside," Koizumi Anko asked with a frown, "Do you need me to use magic to remotely interfere? If I directly use magic to interfere with their actions, it may affect me a little, but I can use magic to attack the nearby circuit system. As long as the entire area is powered off, it should make them all alert and delay their search speed."

Chi Feichi looked at the picture in the crystal ball and suddenly asked another question, "In the picture of the basement just now, there seems to be a big lock on the cement board buckle at the entrance. Did Rachel lock it after entering? ?”

Koizumi Hongzi didn't know why Chi Feichi asked this, but she still affirmed, "Yes, after Rachel went in, she found a new lock from the basement box and locked the entrance. But if If those people really plan to break in, the lock probably won’t hold up for long.”

Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze again and continued to wipe away any traces he might have left on the medicine box. "She should be able to escape on her own without your help for the time being. Maybe she wants to fight back."

"Counterattack?" Koizumi Hongzi was a little surprised, "At this point, does she still have a way to fight back?"

"She has been hiding in the basement for some time. The searchers have only now found her outside, which means that the pursuers are not closely behind her. The reason why she did not leave this area is probably because there are people watching at the main intersections nearby. "With her injured body, she can't run very far, but she has enough time to choose a suitable hiding place," Chi Feichi analyzed while wiping the medicine boxes one by one, and then put the medicine boxes into waterproof bags. "A place like the basement looks hidden, but not to mention that the organization will prepare guns and bombs during the pursuit. Even if it is filled with water, the basement can easily be turned into a closed cemetery. You have time to choose." Under the circumstances, she would not choose a place like the basement to hide. In addition, she found a lock to lock the entrance slate buckle when she entered. She probably already knew what the basement was like and what would be there. Since She must have her reasons for choosing to hide here, and there may be back-up tactics she prepared in advance in the basement."

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