Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2893 Shadow Man!

Koizumi Anko recalled Rachel Asaka’s every move after entering the basement, “In other words, after she entered the basement, she did immediately walk towards the box with the big lock, and found the lock after a while. It seemed like it was I know that basement very well.”

"And her physical strength is not at its limit, and she still has the ability to fight back." Chi Feichi put the medicine into a waterproof bag and sealed it. He raised his hand to summon two crows and asked the crows to take the waterproof bag away. "We will wait a little longer." .”

In the picture reflected in the crystal ball, the organization member who opened the door of the storage room had already observed the situation in the room, stared at the two rows of shelves that blocked his view, walked into the room with gentle steps, and walked towards the shelves step by step.

Before reaching the shelf, the man stepped on the concrete cover of the basement entrance with one foot.

At the old basement entrance, there was a big gap between the cement cover and the surrounding area. Even though the man stepped very lightly, after one foot stepped on the cement cover, the cement cover still sank a little, and the buckle collided with the lock. , made a crisp sound.


The man stiffened, stopped, and slowly lowered his head to look at his feet. After realizing that what he had stepped on was only a cement cover, he breathed a sigh of relief and looked down at the cement cover he had stepped on.

Just when the man discovered the entrance to the basement, Rachel Asaka in the basement also made a move. She got up and left the corner where she was huddled, and dragged a nearby large cardboard box toward the stairs.

Above the entrance to the basement, the man gently moved his feet away from the cement cover, but still let the lock on the cement cover buckle shake and make a crisp sound again.


In the basement, Rachel Asaka paused, looked up at the cement cover, and soon continued to drag the box. With her breathing becoming rough and rapid, she dragged the large cardboard box to the stairs. After taking a deep breath, , opened the towel products in the box, took out three bombs from the bottom, and stuck them at different positions on the side of the cement stairs.

After arranging the bomb, Rachel Asaka turned on the electronic detonation switch in the bomb, covered her mouth and coughed twice.


The cough was soft, but could still be heard clearly in the quiet basement.

"Did she deliberately lure those people down?" Koizumi Hongzi watched the live broadcast with a crystal ball with great interest. "If she detonated the bomb, she would also die, right? Did she plan to die with the pursuers?"

"It doesn't look like it," Chi Feichi looked at the picture in the crystal ball. "If she wanted to die together, she would drag as many members of the organization into the water as possible. The arrangement would not be that simple."

Above the cement cover, members of the organization inserted a small bug into the gap. Naturally, they heard the coughing in the basement. They turned to look at the colleagues guarding the door, left the bug, turned and left, and returned to the place. After arriving at the door, I took out my cell phone and sent an email to report the situation.

After a while, a big man in a black suit walked to the door of the storage room carrying a suitcase and handed the suitcase to the man who sent the email.

After taking the suitcase, the man returned to the house, squatted down, placed the suitcase next to the cement cover, opened the suitcase, took out bombs one by one, and quickly placed the bombs on top of the cement cover and on the shelves. superior.

Koizumi Hongzi: "..."

We are very cautious here...

But isn't it a little too crazy to throw a bomb at such a disagreement?

You put three, and I put five or ten. Do you want to join forces to blow up the whole building?

In the basement, Rachel Asaka did not sit still. She held a recorder and recorded her breathing. Then she turned on the recorder's loop playback mode and gently placed the recorder under the stairs. He quietly reached the corner on the other side, pulled open an iron plate, and revealed a passage less than forty centimeters long and wide. He took off his thick coat and climbed into the passage.

"Crystal ball, confirm where the exit of the passage is." Chi Feichi said.

"Okay, Lord Nature!"

The crystal ball changed the surveillance angle, and finally the picture was fixed in a small alley next to a nearby hotel.

At the entrance of the alley, there was also a big man in a black suit and sunglasses guarding the area. He had headphones in his ears and seemed to be communicating with his companions about the situation at any time. At first glance, he was an operative of the organization.

"No way," Koizumi Hongzi was a little surprised, "Why is there someone guarding here?"

"Lord Hongzi, it's not just him, there is another person guarding the nearby street." The crystal ball turned the surveillance screen to the street entrance, allowing Koizumi Hongzi and Chi Feichi to see the big man on the street, and then turned the angle to the other side of the street. "In addition, there are people in the car on the roadside. They seem to have locked down the general area where Rachel is and are gradually tightening the encirclement."

"Rachel planted the bomb in the basement, probably because she wanted to create movement and lure people there," Chi Feichi recalled the terrain in that area, "Especially in the direction of the exit of the passage, as long as she can lure people away, she can go there In a commercial area with a large population and convenient for hiding, you can also go to the station in the other direction, take the circular line train or take a taxi outside the station, and transfer to other places as soon as possible. However, the organization's operators should have also noticed this direction. It is suitable for her to escape. There are more manpower deployed here, and the area is monitored more closely... Hongzi, I will go over and take a look. You continue to keep an eye on their movements. If you need to guide the escape route, I will call. for you."


Rachel Asaka detonated the bomb in the basement before she could climb out of the tunnel.

The bomb placed by the organization members in the storage room above was also triggered and detonated, causing the apartment building to suffer two explosions in succession.

On the eve of the explosion, the member of the organization responsible for placing the bomb turned to the door to talk to his companions. He was not in the center of the explosion. Fortunately, he was not blown into pieces of human flesh. However, during the explosion, he and his companions were still blown away by the impact of the explosion, and their bodies were He flew to the street outside the apartment building and rolled several times, unable to get up for a long time.

The wall on one side of the apartment building completely collapsed, and fire, smoke, and thick smoke mixed together, rising into the night sky, causing nearby residents to panic.

Several young children were so frightened that they cried loudly at home. Many people opened their windows and cautiously looked in the direction of the explosion.

Some people frantically called the police at home, while others ran to the vicinity of the explosion in panic.

After the residents went out one after another, the men in black who blocked the alleys and street entrances began to feel uneasy. They looked left and right from time to time and explained the situation through their headphones.

Rachel Qianxiang lay down at the exit of the passage and pushed open the iron barrier at the entrance. She didn't rush out. She tried to breathe as calmly as possible and waited patiently for the man in black at the entrance of the alley outside to leave.

About three minutes later, the man in black at the entrance of the alley received the new instructions. He breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and left the alley, mixed in with the people who went out to check the situation, and walked slowly away.

Rachel Asaka used a small mirror to poke out of the passage and observed the situation outside. Worried about being discovered by the reflection of the mirror, she didn't dare to look further. She waited for a few moments and then put it on when a group of passers-by stood at the entrance of the alley watching the excitement. I put on a mask to cover my face, climbed out of the passage softly, leaned against the wall, and breathed a long sigh of relief. The cold sweat on my body was blown by the night wind, and my pores dilated. I felt that my brain, which was groggy due to fever, was much clearer. .


The dark muzzle of the gun was pressed against the side of Rachel Asaka's head.

The sound of the pistol's safety opening made Rachel Asaka's breath suffocate. The blood all over her body was as cold as the muzzle of the gun against her head. She looked sideways at the shadow man holding the gun next to her, and her eyes that were not covered by the mask suddenly surged. There was a strong look of resentment.

It’s this strange shadow man again!

The body of this kind of shadow person seems to absorb light. As long as it hides in the darkness and remains motionless, it is difficult for the human eye to distinguish it. The reason why she was injured this time is because this kind of shadow person is ambushing in the parking lot. When she was about to find the car she had prepared in advance, three shadowy figures suddenly jumped out of the darkness. In addition to the whites of their eyes, the three shadowy figures also revealed a row of gleaming white teeth with their evil smiles. If you startle her, she will be hit by a bullet unexpectedly!

Now I have fallen into the hands of this kind of ghost again!

Even if she can't escape this time, she will tear this ghost thing into pieces! See if this damn thing hurts and bleeds!

The shadow man looked at the frozen woman in front of him. He had no idea that Rachel Asaka had already begun to murder Xiao Hei with her violent hands. The smile at the corner of her mouth widened, revealing her white teeth, "What a pity. ,you……"

Another shadow man suddenly appeared behind the evil-smiling shadow man. The lightning flashed and the evil-smiling shadow man was instantly brought down to the ground by a stun gun.

Rachel Asaka only saw a flash of lightning, and the shadow man next to her fell to the ground with an evil smile. She felt her wrist being pulled by the shadow man No. 2 who appeared later, and subconsciously punched him.

Even though it was a sudden outburst due to physical discomfort, Rachel Asaka's punch was delivered quickly and hatefully. Her fist seemed to smash the air, creating a dangerous punching wind.

The fierce fist attack was easily blocked by Sombra Man 2's raised hand. At the same time, a bulging waterproof bag was stuffed into Rachel Asaka's arms by Sombra Man 2.

Rachel Asaka was surprised at the skill of Sombra Man 2, and vaguely saw some kind of antibiotic medicine in the bag. She did not immediately attack again, but raised her eyes and watched with vigilance as Sombra Man 2 handed over a brand new mobile phone. to one's own eyes.

A line of text was typed on the illuminated screen of the phone.

[If you don’t want to die, come with me. 】

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