Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2960 Wrong judgment

While he was madly complaining about Chi Feichi, Belmode always had a smile on his face and added, "But the number thirteen doesn't always feel good to me."

"Belmod, you have to believe in science," Chi Feichi didn't want to mess around with Belmod anymore, "But if you mind, we can confirm the information quickly and leave here."

Belmod estimated that it would be difficult for Conan to find this place, so he did not deliberately delay the time, and confirmed the information with Chi Feichi, "I have read all the information you uploaded, and now I want to know your judgment on the current situation. For reference, you mentioned that that person is being chased by underground banks for debt collection. He should be avoiding debt collectors recently, right? Do you think he will hide somewhere else? "

"There is no safer place than the police station," Chi Feichi truthfully told Belmode his judgment. "He should show his hard work in the past two days and take the initiative to stay in the police station and work overtime. The first two days There had just been a case of theft, and then the theft turned into extortion, and the case was transferred to the Criminal Department, and he was involved..."

Next, Chi Feichi told Belmod about the case at Xiongwen Food Company, and answered other questions from Belmod.

For example, what is the relationship between Guofu Tian Chun and the two colleagues in the intelligence? Is it possible that he has borrowed money from these two people or has borrowed money from these two people in the past two days? For example, which underground bank Guofu Tian Chun borrowed money from? Does he know the underground bank? The situation at the bank...

It was impossible for Chi Feichi to write down every scene he saw in the intelligence. He only extracted the parts related to Guofu Tian Chun. Some of these things were recorded in the intelligence, but they were not detailed enough, or lacked Operation Belmod. details that need to be mastered.

This is also the reason why the two of them need to confirm the intelligence face to face - Belmode needs to understand some contents that are not recorded in the written intelligence based on his own behavior habits, and at the same time, he also needs to confirm whether Chi Feichi has done enough by asking for details. Accurate intelligence was incorporated into written intelligence.

Although face-to-face flexible Q\u0026A may not necessarily tell whether a person has lied or concealed anything, it is better to be able to confirm face-to-face than nothing.

Regarding Belmod's questions, Chi Feichi answered directly if he could answer them. If he was unclear, he simply said that he was unclear or unsure. When Belmod needed his own opinion, he also told Belmod his opinion. .

Belmode would not completely rely on Chi Feichi's intelligence to act. He would also investigate and confirm important intelligence before taking action. Therefore, he did not repeatedly ask Chi Feichi for details in the written intelligence to judge the authenticity of the intelligence. He just asked. Some of the details in the written intelligence that were not clear enough, and Chi Feichi’s analysis and judgment of the intelligence.

"You will upload his information and rush to have Rum pass it on to that person. Do you think our success rate in controlling this person is high?"

"Yes, he clearly knows that the interest rates of underground banks are unreasonable, and most of the interest may be waived after prosecution. However, he would rather bear unreasonable debts than solve the problem through law, which shows that he cares about what he now has. He is worried about losing his job due to gambling. From another perspective, it also shows that his awareness of supporting the law is not that strong. When he faces the responsibilities he should bear, he will have an avoidance mentality and will run away. Pressure, whether it is responsibilities in life or responsibilities in career..."

"That's why he gambles and chooses to hide it, right? Now that we have found the flaw in his character, we have ways to control him. But judging from his character, when we control him, should we pay attention to the infliction of force on him? Shouldn’t his pressure be too much? I will come to him as a savior to help him relieve his pressure and provide him with some space. This should be very effective, right? "

"I'm not sure what you are thinking, Belmode, but I think the title of savior is not appropriate enough. Let him do something in exchange, just like we did before, let him have something in our hands, and match What help we can give him is much more reliable than receiving his gratitude."

"Of course the handle needs to be in our hands, but I'm wondering, if the handle we hold puts him under too much pressure, will it force him to turn to other forces?"

"As long as we show that we value his position and let him think that we need him, I think he will avoid the pressure on his own and cooperate with us with a sense of luck that we are reluctant to destroy him. Of course, we must also give him some when the time is right. Just a reminder, to keep him in line...that’s just my opinion.”

"I know, I will confirm his character again, and then decide how to contact him. In fact, I am very concerned about his gambling debts. It is not just me, I think that person will also feel about his situation. It's not stable enough. If he starts gambling again after getting our help, it will be useless no matter how much we give him..."

Just as Belmode had predicted, the two communicated through questions and answers, and the work of confirming the information was completed in less than ten minutes.

"That's it, I don't have any other questions for the time being," Belmode smiled and stared at the box containing candies in Chi Feichi's hand, "If I had known earlier, I should have waited for you to find someone to drink with. The place where the east and west are chatting... Do you have drinks there? Or liqueur chocolate, sour lemon candies..."

"If you feel thirsty, it would be better to go to the vending machine on the first floor to buy a bottle of water to quench your thirst." Chi Feichi didn't want to hand over anything he had to Belmod, so he turned around and walked towards the door with the box in his arms, "I Let's go now. If you have any questions to ask me later, you can contact me again. After I return to Tokyo, I should have a lot of personal time to talk to you on the phone."

"Then let me leave too. There's really no sense of security in a room where you broke in by breaking the door lock..."

Belmode, disguised by the raki, left the room behind Chi Feichi. When he saw Chi Feichi walking toward the stairs, he consciously separated from Chi Feichi. When he got to the elevator, he pressed the elevator button to go downstairs.

Second floor.

Haiyuan Ai checked all the conference rooms, even the tea room at the end of the corridor, using the action pattern of 'approach carefully - quietly probe - enter the door to check'. After seeing that the tea room was empty, With a trace of confusion in his eyes, he gently closed the door of the tea room.

She tried to reason, but she guessed wrong...

Which link is the problem?

Didn't Raki come here to find Brother Fei Chi? Or is it that the location of the secret conversation was actually the underground parking lot or the third floor?

After thinking about it for a moment, Haiyuan Ai turned around and looked at the emergency stairs next to the tea room, walked into the stairs, and walked downstairs.

Edogawa must have gone to the underground parking lot. She has either just searched the parking lot roughly, or is already eavesdropping on the people in the organization. She should go to meet Edogawa first...

Underground Parking Lot.

Conan walked around the parking lot along the aisle. Because he was worried that his footsteps would disturb the people in the parking lot, he deliberately walked lightly and listened attentively as he walked.

As a result, we found two couples who were getting tired of each other in the car, a middle-aged man who was sitting in the car smoking and seemed to be in a bad mood, a young girl who went to get something from the car in the parking lot, and a group of young people who were carrying their drunken friends upstairs. Men and women, a family of three driving out of the underground parking lot, and a middle-aged woman also driving out of the parking lot...

Conan observed everyone entering and exiting the parking lot to make sure there was no suspicious person among them.

This also made Conan realize that his judgment was wrong. Thinking of the time he wasted in the parking lot, his heart gradually sank. At the same time, he also felt a little impatient. After looking at the last corner, he raised his watch. After checking the time, he turned around and ran quickly toward the stairs.

He only spent about ten minutes searching in the parking lot. Normally, this time was not long, but he was still worried that during the time he was in the underground parking lot, the people in the organization had already finished their work and left...

In this case, he doesn't know when he will find traces of these guys next time!

"Ta, ta, ta..."

The sound of running footsteps of children echoed in the underground parking lot. Because of the fast running speed, the rhythm sounded very brisk.

After Conan confirmed that there was no suspicious person in the parking lot, he no longer cared about whether his running would alert others. He sped up and ran toward the stairs, and then bumped into Haibara Ai in front of a car.

Haibara Ai had already seen Conan, but as soon as she stopped, before she could say hello, she was knocked to the ground by Conan.

"I'm sorry, I..." Conan also fell to the ground and apologized while sucking in the cold air. He looked up at the person he knocked down. When he saw Haibara Ai sitting in front of him, he said in surprise, "Hui, Haiyuan?"

Haiyuan softened for a moment, stood up with his hands on his knees, glanced at Conan speechlessly and said, "Brother Chi is right, you should really develop the habit of looking at the road carefully when walking."

"Sorry, sorry," Conan smiled sheepishly at Haihara Ai, stood up and dusted off his pants, "Why are you here?"

"Come here to find you. I've already searched the second floor before..." Hui Yuan Ai whispered, her face suddenly turned pale, she turned to look at the direction of the elevator, and pushed Conan to the side in a panic. Hide in the middle of the car.

Conan realized that something was wrong and did not let Hui Yuan Ai push him hard. He hid quietly between the cars consciously. He also reached out to give Hai Yuan Ai a hand and hid with Hai Yuan Ai between the two cars, following Hai Yuan Ai's footsteps. He looked in the direction of his gaze, and his expression became serious.

In the aisle of the parking lot, a man dressed in black walked in front of a car. The young face under the blond hair was cold and his blue eyes were like two pieces of ice because of the coldness hidden in them. He glanced around and saw A black car stopped in front of it. He took out the car key from his pocket and pressed it to open the electronic door lock.

Conan estimated the distance between the two parties and felt that he could not run to the side before the other party drove away, but he still frowned and ran out, whispering, "Haiyuan, wait for me here!"

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