Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2961 Just a little bit


Haiyuan Ai didn't have time to hold Conan, and she didn't dare to speak loudly. She could only watch Conan run to the opposite car.

Conan ran between cars, staying away from Haibara Ai. At the same time, he took a deep breath and deliberately shouted in a childish voice, "Ah——!"

Bermod was standing next to the black car with his face covered in raki, and suddenly heard a shout. His right hand on the door handle froze, and he turned his head to look at the place where the shout came from.

After Conan shouted, he immediately ran away from the place and quickly approached a black car under the cover of a car.

The child's screams also alarmed other people in the underground parking lot. The sounds of car doors opening were heard from all directions, and discussions and shouts rang out in the parking lot.

"Did a child yell just now?"

"Hey, kid! Where are you? What happened?"

"Wait for me here, I'll go over and take a look..."

"Let's go together!"

"Is there anyone over there? Does anyone know what happened to that kid?"

Although Belmod had already guessed who the yelling child was, his attention was still attracted by the people talking elsewhere in the parking lot. After reacting, he immediately opened the door and got in the car, shouting as fast as he could. Got the car.

Conan, who had already run nearby, was stunned for a moment, and immediately quickened his pace and ran up.

Hey, can you wait a little longer? !

He yelled to attract Raki's attention and delay it for a while so that he could have time to get closer to the car. As a result, the other person's attention was indeed attracted, but his shout also alerted the people in the underground parking lot. Others, the other person seems to be worried about being involved in trouble and wants to leave the parking lot as quickly as possible...


Belmode stepped on the accelerator and turned the steering wheel at the same time, causing the car to rush out of the parking space and turn quickly.

The car swung through an arc in the aisles and headed towards the exit of the parking lot without any pause.

Through the rearview mirror, Belmode saw a small figure running out from the middle of the car. The corner of his mouth moved slightly, but was pressed down before it could be raised, leaving the blond face with an indifferent expression.

She knew that the little detective came to drive in the parking lot just to show the other party her disguised face.

If Conan hadn't seen Raki appear in the hotel with his own eyes, Conan might have suspected that it was just another person who looked similar.

Only after confirming it with his own eyes will Conan pay attention to what he experienced tonight and be deeply impressed by everything that happened tonight, and then...

Conan followed the car. As he ran, he took out a rubber band from his pocket, stretched it open with his fingers, put a button-sized transmitter on the rubber band, and aimed at the rear of a black car. Then he let go of his hand.

Belmode saw Conan following the car and raised her hand. Although she didn't see clearly what Conan was holding, she guessed that Conan was probably planning to stick a transmitter or bug on her car and quietly turned the accelerator to the car. I pedaled a little more, allowing the car to speed up and hit the speed bump.

The ejected transmitter fell behind the wheel, fell on the speed bump, and rolled to the ground.

Conan stopped chasing the car and watched the black car in front of him drive out of the parking lot. He clenched his fists reluctantly and said, "Damn it!"

Belmod drove the car out of the parking lot, feeling a little more relaxed, but soon frowned again.

The little detective was still a little too reckless and actually dared to chase the car directly behind him.

If she hadn't been worried about alarming Lark, she would have really wanted to scare Conan once and teach him a lesson, so that Conan would not catch up with him rashly when he saw the real Lark in the future.

Alas, if Conan could use the energy to chase cars and examine the people around him, maybe...

Hmm... Maybe there's still no way to discover Lark's identity.

Lark is more cautious and difficult to deal with than ordinary people, so she should look for opportunities to help.

In the parking lot, Conan watched a certain black car leave, sighed, stepped forward and picked up the transmitter that fell on the ground.

Haihara Ai walked to Conan and looked down at the transmitter in Conan's hand.

Conan put the transmitter away listlessly, "This guy is really troublesome. I failed to stick the transmitter on his shoes last time, and I failed to stick the transmitter on his car this time. Every time It’s just a little bit…”

"You should be glad that you failed," Haiyuan Ai looked at Conan seriously and whispered, "You didn't stick the transmitter to the car. Even if he just saw a child behind the car through the rearview mirror, he probably He won't care, but if you successfully stick the transmitter on the car and the transmitter is discovered by him, he will definitely think of you, the little boy running behind the car, and then stare at you. Fuck the person next to you!”

Conan knew that he was indeed taking too much risk this time, so he smiled at Haiyuan Ai with some guilt, "It's rare to find traces of those guys, I really don't want to miss it..."

"Even if I remind you now to be careful in the future, you will still take risks next time, right?" Haibara Ai knew that her warning to Conan was useless. She glanced at Conan with a cold face and saw someone coming around. He quickly adjusted his attitude and whispered, "Someone is coming, let's get out of here first."

"Hey, there are two kids here!"

A young man stopped in the other aisle, greeted his companions nearby, passed between the two cars, walked towards Conan and Haibara Ai, and asked, "Two children, are you okay? We heard There were children shouting nearby, and I was worried that some children were in danger..."

"There was a big rat running over there just now, which startled me, so I couldn't help shouting," Conan pointed to a nearby corner, raised his head towards the man and his companions and showed his full face. It was a guilty expression, "I'm really sorry, big brother, for causing you trouble."

"Ah, it's okay." Seeing Conan's guilty face, the young man quickly waved his hand and said with a smile, "It's fine that you're okay, but why aren't you two with the adults..."

Under the escort of the kind people in the parking lot, Conan and Haibara Ai arrived at the elevator in the parking lot and got on the elevator.

"Thank you, big brother!"

"It's okay, don't run around anymore!"


Conan responded obediently, reached out and pressed the button for the seventh floor. After the elevator door closed, he put away the smile on his face and quickly frowned.

"Don't put on that sad face," Haiyuan Ai reminded, "Have you written down the license plate number of that car?"

"I took note of it, but the car had a license plate from Kumamoto Prefecture, which is why I find it troublesome. If this is just a car that the person found casually, it will be difficult for us to get useful clues from the car, and we won't be able to do anything about it next time. I found him nearby through the car, but..." Conan thought for a moment, looked up at the dancing numbers on the elevator, and said thoughtfully, "Haiyuan, what do you think he came to this hotel for? "

"He left so simply, and there didn't seem to be any of his companions in the parking lot. It didn't look like he was trying to assassinate someone," Haiyuan Ai thought, "Besides, he only stayed in the hotel for half an hour, so he definitely didn't He may be here to stay or eat. Judging from the time he stayed in the hotel, he should be meeting someone..."

"That's right!" Conan was immersed in the discovery and didn't notice the strange look that flashed across Haiyuan Ai's face. Looking at the numbers displayed on the elevator floor, his eyes regained sparkle, "Half an hour is not too long. He probably went to the hotel to meet someone, and that person might still be in the hotel now... he might even be a guest here!"


The elevator stopped at the seventh floor.

Haiyara Ai was thinking about her brother who had left the team. After the elevator door opened, she absentmindedly walked out of the elevator.

"Haiyuan, you go meet everyone first." Conan did not get out of the elevator. When Haiyuan Ai turned to look at him, he pressed the button for the first floor and said firmly, "I want to go to the first floor. I want to go to the first floor." Find a way to get the guest list and hotel staff list! I ask you to help me cover everyone there!"

Hui Yuan Ai was silent for a moment, and when the elevator door closed, she shouted, "Pay attention to safety, and don't forget that the children are still here."

"I know," Conan smiled, "Don't worry, I won't mess around!"

Hui Yuan Ai watched the elevator door close, then turned and walked towards the restaurant, feeling helpless.

Don't mess around? Why couldn't she believe it at all?

However, getting the guest list should not be a problem for Edogawa. She felt that she still had to confirm as soon as possible how Brother Fei Chi was doing and whether he had returned to the restaurant...

"Xiao Ai?"

Came a familiar male voice with a calm tone.

Hui Yuan Ai looked up and saw Chi Fei Chi standing at the door of the restaurant. He paused for a moment, then quickened his pace to reach Chi Fei Chi, "Brother Fei Chi..."

The three children who were blocked by Chi Feichi came out. Guangyan asked with a worried look, "Haiyuan, where did you and Conan go? You have been gone for almost twenty minutes, and the phone can't be reached. Everyone. I’m all worried about you!”

Yuantai also walked up to Haiyuan Ai and said silently, "If you don't show up again, we will go to the bathroom to find you!"

"Sorry, after Edogawa went to the bathroom, he remembered that he seemed to have dropped his detective armband on the first floor, so I accompanied him to the first floor to look for the detective armband. As for the phone call that couldn't be reached..." Haibara Ai said without changing his expression. Then, he took out his cell phone, which was turned off during the inspection of the conference room, and looked down, "The cell phone seems to be out of battery."

"No matter what, as long as you're fine," Ayumi smiled at Haihara Ai, then turned around and looked around, "By the way, where is Conan?"

"Edogawa is still looking for his detective armband on the first floor. He said he would ask the hotel staff for help. I thought everyone might be worried about us, so I came up to tell everyone," Haibara Ai sighed in her heart that she was lying more and more. As he became more and more comfortable, he looked into the restaurant with a calm face, "Let's go talk to the uncle and the others and tell them not to worry. Edogawa should be back soon."

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