Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2973 is understandable

In the cargo compartment, the young detective team heard Chi Feichi's voice, recognized who the calm voice came from, and stood up with surprise on their faces.

"Another person who wants us to help deliver things..." The short and fat delivery man's face relaxed.

"Okay, we have to help him anyway..." The tall and thin delivery man looked at Hiroshi Saito, swallowed the word 'little devil' that he was about to say, and replaced it with a term with a better attitude, " If your child brings something to you, I’ll take it over for you, but you have to agree first that we don’t have a pick-up list..."

"Brother Chi!"

The five children ran to the door of the cargo compartment. Yuantai, Guangyan, and Ayumi shouted at Chi Feichi who walked to the door of the cargo compartment.


"Those two guys are bad guys!"

The two deliverymen did not expect that there would be children in the cargo compartment, and their expressions changed greatly.

The tall and thin deliveryman hurriedly tried to close the door, but as soon as he exerted force on his hand holding the door, Chi Feichi reached out and grabbed his wrist.

"I saw a child in the refrigerated carriage, but I wanted to close the door immediately," Chi Feichi looked at the tall and thin delivery man with a panic expression on his face, and said in a calm tone, "It seems that you have a big problem... …”

The tall and thin deliveryman suppressed the panic on his face and his expression turned fierce, "This matter has nothing to do with you. I advise you not to mind your own business!"

"If I want to take care of it, are you going to take action against me?" Chi Feichi looked at the tall and thin delivery man and asked with a somewhat serious attitude.

"You..." The tall and thin deliveryman felt that Chi Feichi's question was puzzling, but when he saw Koshizui Nanatsuki walking to the side, he felt a little more relieved when he thought that Chi Feichi had a young girl to take care of. Confident, "You don't want your girlfriend to get hurt, right? Then let go of your hand and follow my instructions..."

"What a pity. If you strike first and I fight back, it can be said to be self-defense." Chi Feichi's right hand that grabbed the tall and thin delivery man's wrist suddenly retracted, and he hit the tall and thin delivery man's abdomen with his elbow, "Don't worry You filed a complaint with the police..."

The tall and thin deliveryman was hit by an elbow in the abdomen, his stomach twitched, and his body reflexively bent over.

"However, you threatened the child's life and did not listen to my advice." The moment the tall and thin delivery man bent down, Chi Feichi's elbow came down from top to bottom and hit the tall and thin delivery man on the back of his neck. He said calmly, "It must be understandable if I take action."

The tall and thin deliveryman was hit hard on the back of his neck. His vision went dark. He bent forward and fell to the ground. His head and knees almost touched the ground at the same time. He vomited two mouthfuls of vomit that came out of his stomach. Soon, He fell weakly to the ground.

The short and fat delivery man saw that his companion was handled lightly with one hand. He looked at the tall and thin delivery man who was curled up on the ground like a shrimp. He swallowed and looked up at Chi Feichi with the eyes of a humanoid monster. .


A wooden knife was stabbed out, and the tip of the knife stopped at the short and fat delivery man's throat. It did not hurt the short and fat delivery man, but also made the tip of the knife close to the short and fat delivery man's skin. The force was adjusted very delicately.

Koshizui Nanatsuki held the wooden knife in his right hand. When he saw the short and fat delivery man looking at him with frightened eyes, a smile appeared on his face, "You don't want to get hurt, right? Then leave the car door and follow my instructions..."

The short and fat deliveryman kept a frightened expression, raised his hands high, and with Koshimizu Nanatsuki holding a wooden knife against his throat, he moved sideways in small steps and moved away from the car door.


These two people made him feel so dangerous. In fact, they encountered TA-Q-BIN robbers, right?

The kid in the car might have been tricked by the robbers into helping out!

After Ike Feichi took action, Hiroshi Saito put on a shocked expression of "What is going on?", as if following his instinct to avoid danger, he took two steps back, but when Nanatsuki crossed the water, he used a wooden sword to force him. When the short and fat delivery man moved away, he couldn't help but laugh when he saw the small steps of the short and fat delivery man. When he found that the short and fat delivery man looked at him, his face quickly returned to "what the hell happened" surprised expression.

The short and fat deliveryman wanted to rub his eyes with his hands, but he looked at Nanatsuki Koshizui who was pointing a wooden knife at him. He was worried that if he moved around, Nanatsuki Koshizui would mistakenly think that he was going to attack him and cut himself, so he gave up the use of his hands. The thought of rubbing your eyes.

Just now he seemed to see the boy who looked like a junior high school student smiling.

He must be too scared, he has already started to get dazzled...

Being so frightened today, will there be any sequelae in the future? So worried.

After the police came, he asked the police that he needed a psychiatrist, and the police should agree... right...

Wait, are these people going to call the police to handle this?

Before considering the sequelae, should he first convince these people that in a society governed by law, everyone should not mess around, or would it be better to let the police handle these matters?

While the pudgy delivery man was thinking wildly, Chi Feichi had already completely opened the compartment door of the refrigerated delivery truck and started to take the children out of the car one by one.

Mitsuhiko, Ayumi, Genta...

The clothes on the three children were cold from the cold, and they all shivered when they came into contact with the slightly warmer air outside. However, they all had smiles on their faces, excited to be rescued, and they seemed to be in good spirits.

Conan wanted to climb out of the cargo compartment by himself, but found that his hands and feet were a little stiff from the cold, so he simply waited with the other children for Chi Feichi to hold him. After the three children were carried out of the car, he did not rush forward. He looked at Haiyuan Ai who was falling behind him, "Haiyuan, you only wore..."

"I see."

Haiyuan Ai interrupted Conan's words. When Chi Feichi's eyes fell on him, he stepped forward with a calm expression.

Yes, calm down, she is wearing Mitsuhiko's coat now. This kind of blue-green coat can be worn by both men and women. Unless Brother Chi didn't watch her go out, he wouldn't know that she went out wearing a woolen skirt alone before...

Chi Feichi reached out and carried Hui Yuan Ai out of the car. He could feel Hui Yuan Ai shivering after contact with the outside air. When he bent down to put Hui Yuan Ai down, he looked at the coat on Hai Yuan Ai and said, "You The coat on me looks familiar.”

After saying that, Chi Feichi turned around and hugged Conan.

Without Chi Feichi's questioning, the three children immediately sold out Hui Yuan Ai.

"Those are Mitsuhiko's clothes!" Gentai answered enthusiastically.

"Because Xiao Ai's sweater skirt was scratched by the captain, and the threads were hung outside the car, and the wool of the entire skirt was torn away." Ayumi looked at Mitsuhiko with admiration in her eyes, "So Mitsuhiko put his I took off my coat and gave it to Xiao Ai..."

Mitsuhiko looked a little embarrassed when Ayumi looked at him, and smiled and scratched his head, "Because it's really cold inside. If Haibara doesn't have any clothes to wear, she will definitely be frozen!"

Chi Feichi put Conan on the ground and turned to look at Haiyuan Ai.

Haibara Ai looked at Mitsuhiko who was a little embarrassed but obviously very happy. Thinking that Mitsuhiko had really helped her very thoughtfully before, she couldn't deny it and nodded, "I really want to thank Mitsuhiko for helping him this time." Lend me your coat."

Chi Feichi stepped forward and rubbed the cold hair on Haiyuan Ai's head, lowered his head and smiled at Haiyuan Ai, "Then thank Guangyan properly."

Hui Yuan Ai looked at Chi Feichi's smile and his scalp went numb.

She seemed to understand the meaning of this smile - 'I'll deal with you later! ’


It's over, Brother Fei Chi seems to be really angry.

She took the initiative to reflect on her mistakes later, wondering if she could pass this level...

Today’s despair ×101.

I silently vowed to listen to my brother from now on ×101.

Conan saw Hai Yuan Ai's reactions and vaguely guessed that Hai Yuan Ai didn't want Chi Fei Chi to know about the disappearance of the woolen skirt. He suddenly understood why Hai Yuan Ai silently fell behind when Chi Fei Chi took them out of the car. , cast a gloating look at Haiyuan Ai, and soon his attention was attracted by Saito Hiroshi on the roadside.

Strange, why did he feel like he had seen this junior high school student somewhere before...

On the side, Chi Feichi also put away the smile on his face, turned to Saito Hiroshi on the side of the road, "Can you help me call the police?"

Hiroshi Saito was originally considering whether he should find an opportunity to leave quietly, but he didn't expect Chi Feichi to stop him. He was stunned for a moment, nodded quickly, and took out his mobile phone to call the police.

"Yue Shui, look at the two of them and pay attention to safety." Chi Feichi looked at the tall and thin delivery man on the ground. "Kids stay away from them. I will go to the car to look for any ropes or tapes. First, put them away." They tied up."

"I understand," Koshimizu Nanatsuki nodded, looking at the short and fat delivery man with warning eyes, "Stay quiet and don't move!"

The short and fat delivery man wanted to nod, but the tip of the wooden knife was still pressed against the front of his neck, so he did not dare to move. He raised his hands higher to show his sincerity, "Yes, I understand!"

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