Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2974 There is someone behind the scenes

"Then let's guard this bad guy!"

Gentai and Mitsuhiko looked at the tall and thin delivery man on the ground, somewhat eager to try.

"Brother Fei Chi said that we should stay away from them." Haiyuan Ai stopped the two people who were about to approach. "If he wakes up and takes the child as a hostage, the situation will be troublesome."

"That's right," Koshimizu Nanatsuki also reminded seriously, "When we tell the police the situation, even if he escapes now, it will be difficult to escape capture later, but if someone is held hostage, he may be able to escape with the help of hostages. Police chase.”

The three children looked at each other and did not move closer. They just stood near Koshimi Nanatsuki and stared at the tall and thin delivery man on the ground.

"Then let's stay away and keep an eye on him..."

"We won't be used by him!"

Chunky deliveryman: "..."

Speaking of taking hostages, he felt that it was still a question of whether his companions could get up from the ground before the police arrived...

Chi Feichi quickly found the tape used to seal the boxes from the delivery truck. He and Koshimi Nanatsuki watched a delivery man alone and asked the children to tie their hands and feet together with tape.

"By the way, Brother Chi, Sister Nanatsuki, why are you here?" Genta asked curiously.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki was stunned for a moment and asked doubtfully, "Didn't you put the invoice in the captain's collar and send out a distress signal?"

"The invoice in the captain's collar is indeed from us," Mitsuhiko looked at Conan, "but..."

Ayumi also turned to look at Conan, "But, Conan said that the captain would go to Poirot Cafe in the evening to beg for food. We originally thought that the captain would take the invoice to Miss Azusa."

"The captain not only goes to Café Poirot," Koshimizu Nanatsuki smiled, "sometimes he also goes to our place to beg for food, and today we bought sweet snacks to entertain the guests at home, so he probably passed by We smelled the scent, so we ran directly to the living room on the second floor. We saw the invoice in its collar and found it here."

"Did Conan know this before?" Mitsuhiko asked, seeing that Conan was not surprised at all, "The captain will go to the Seventh Detective Agency, and he may also bring the invoice to the Seventh Detective Agency..."

"Yes," Conan smiled, "I did hear Miss Azusa say that the captain sometimes goes to the Seven Detective Agency, but the captain's visits to the Seven Detective Agency are not frequent and the time is not fixed. I thought it before It was unlikely that I would bring the invoice to Seven Detectives, so I didn’t tell everyone.”

While they were talking, the five children were not idle and tied the hands and feet of the two deliverymen tightly with tape.

Koshizui Nanatsuki put down the wooden sword in his hand, smiled at the children and sighed, "Fortunately, the captain sent the invoice to us. Miss Azusa is not a detective after all. After seeing the invoice, she may see the invoice." There is strange English on it, but she may not be able to deduce that you are trapped in a refrigerated delivery truck. It will take a long time to find you. If you are trapped in the refrigerated delivery truck for a long time, it will be very dangerous... ...If Mr. Amuro were in the store, he would probably be able to quickly deduce where you are, but he took a day off today and was not in the store."

Conan was a little surprised, "Did Mr. Amuro take leave? When I passed by Poirot Cafe when I went out in the morning, I saw him in the shop!"

"Mr. Chi and I bought snacks for guests at noon and went home, and on the way, we gave the candies we wanted to give to Miss Azusa. At that time, Mr. Amuro was no longer in the store," Nanatsuki Koshizu thought about it for a moment. "Miss Xiaozi said that he called the store manager in the morning and told him that he would take leave in the afternoon, and he left the store at around 11 o'clock in the morning..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Speaking of which, the reason why Amuro did not continue working at Poirot Cafe this afternoon seems to be because she had to arrange for someone to go to Kumamoto Prefecture to monitor Kunifu Tasumi...

If the captain had sent the invoice to Café Poirot, it would be difficult for Ms. Azusa to deduce the hidden information in the invoice, and the story of the five children being rescued by Amuro at the critical moment would not have happened. The five children would have encountered different situations. A minor annoyance.

However, the captain sent the invoice to him, which allowed him to eliminate the hidden dangers caused by the changes. Now the five children are safe and will be out of trouble earlier than in the original plot.

"So this is ah……"

Conan nodded absently, wondering if Toru Amuro had gone to help the organization.

Ayumi noticed Saito Hiroshi standing alone and playing with his mobile phone. Worried that Saito Hiroshi felt lonely, he took the initiative to step forward and talk to Saito Hiroshi, "Brother, you just told those two bad guys that you wanted to deliver something to Are you going to Yoneka Town 7-chome?"

"That's right..." Hiroshi Saito smiled at Ayumi and waved the mobile phone in his hand, "But now the delivery person probably can't continue working, so I also sent a message to my friend not to deliver the things. As for the need It’s better for me to take the things delivered to Seven Chome later by myself.”

Seeing Ayumi talking to Hiroshi Saito, Conan turned his attention to Hiroshi Saito.

Sure enough, he still felt like he had seen this person before somewhere...

Chi Feichi saw Conan staring at Saito Hiroshi with a puzzled expression, and took the initiative to say hello to Saito Hiroshi, "We meet again, Xiaobo."

Hearing this title, a memory came to Conan's mind, and he suddenly remembered where he had seen the boy in front of him.


That day, he, Chi Feichi, Uncle, Xiaolan, Sister Nanatsuki and Haibara went shopping. The girls went to buy the gothic loli skirts that were popular at that time. As a result, they encountered an ice cream robber on the street.

When Chi Feichi knocked the ice cream robber to the ground, a young man wearing a white knight uniform also fell next to him.

At that time, Yuanzi thought the boy was an accomplice of the robbers, but it seemed that the boy was just squeezed by the crowd and fell next to them. Coincidentally, the boy was someone Chi Feichi had met before.

Chi Feichi called the boy "Xiao Bo" and said that he had met the boy before in the United States. He also mentioned the characteristics of a small mole on the boy's finger.

Judging from the boy's confused reaction when he asked for details, he seemed to be unable to remember Chi Feichi, but he also believed that Chi Feichi had seen him before...

The figure of the junior high school student in front of him overlapped with that of the boy in his memory, with a bunch of long black hair tied behind his head. He was still the same handsome, gentle and harmless figure he saw last time.

It's just because they haven't seen each other since the last time they met, and the boy is not wearing the white knight uniform today, but the regular clothes that ordinary middle school students would wear, so he feels familiar but can't remember where he met them. Pass.

Hiroshi Saito was stunned for a moment. He didn't understand what Chi Fei Chi wanted to do at first, but when he saw Conan's expression of understanding that he was remembering something, he immediately realized that Conan had an impression of their previous meeting, and he also instantly understood what Chi Fei Chi wanted to do. The reason why Chi Qianqian asked him to call the police.

As the caller, he would be required to stay until the police arrived. If he left secretly, these children would definitely think that he was acting suspiciously.

Considering this, he will give up the idea of ​​leaving secretly and take the initiative to stay.

In this way, he and Chi Feichi could 'recognize' each other naturally.

Yes, since Conan has an impression of him and will recognize him sooner or later, it would be strange for him and Chi Feichi to pretend not to know each other anymore. They had better calm down and pretend to have recognized each other long ago, just because of the situation just now It’s special that I’m not in a hurry to reminisce about the past.

As for the police...

Although he used to have the status of a bounty hunter as a 'crow appraiser', he accidentally left behind some unclear photos. Those photos were kept in the intelligence department as important information. The equipment that saved the information was not usually connected to the Internet. Shenqu couldn't hack in and help him delete the photos, but Shenqu had searched all the photos that had been circulated and could confirm that none of them were very clear...

As long as ordinary Japanese police do not apply for intelligence assistance from other channels, it is impossible to know his identity. Otherwise, he would not be able to use his identity to enter Japan openly this time.

Therefore, it would be no problem for him to have contact with ordinary Japanese police officers for a short period of time.

And he had never left fingerprints or hair at the scene before, any evidence that could identify him. Even if the police or the FBI were targeting him, it wouldn't matter. Those people had no evidence to arrest him.

Furthermore, compared to the previous situation where he was alone and weak, he now has a backer behind him. Even if an FBI investigator who knows his intelligence is standing right in front of him, he believes that the Divine Comedy can help him evacuate safely.

There was someone behind me, so I didn't panic.

After reacting, Hiroshi Saito showed a gentle smile to Chi Feichi, "It's been a long time indeed."

Saying that, Hiroshi Saito looked at Conan and Haibara Ai with a smile, "And you guys, when I saw you just now, I couldn't recognize you for a moment..."

"Huh?" Bumi looked at the people with some surprise, "Is this Brother Xiao Bo someone that Brother Chi, Conan and Xiao Ai know?"

"I know him too," Koshizui Nanatsuki smiled and looked at Chi Feichi, "He is a child that Mr. Chi met in the United States before. Mr. Chi seems to have been a guest at his home a few years ago, right?"

Chi Feichi nodded and said, "But we haven't seen each other for many years."

"I was still very young when we met in the United States, and I still can't quite remember the circumstances of our first meeting," Hiroshi Saito smiled gently and harmlessly, "But I'm very happy to have people I know in Japan, By the way, I have now officially transferred to Japan to study."

"Are you also going to school in this area of ​​Mikka Town?" Mitsuhiko asked curiously.

"No, the school I go to is a private middle school in Ekoda. You can live in the school during the week," Hiroshi Saito explained with a smile. "I came to Yoneka Town today to find a Japanese restaurant that is said to be delicious. Restaurant…”

Chi Feichi heard about the school Saito Hiroshi was going to enroll in and roughly guessed Saito Hiroshi's next plan.

Ekota is some distance away from Yoneka Town, and is not the main activity area for those FBI agents who secretly enter Japan. Hiroshi Saito deliberately chose to live and go to school in that area because he wanted to stay on the edge of the FBI agents' activity range. Whenever you have an opportunity to cause trouble, keep a low profile when you are not in the mood, and keep your distance from FBI agents...

In fact, this is also the best choice. Although Hiroshi Saito is not targeted by various intelligence forces like Gin, if he enters the main scope of activities of FBI agents, he will easily be noticed by the FBI and conduct surveillance, investigation, and activities. Not very convenient to get up.

By choosing to go to Ekoda, where Koizumi Koizumi is located, you can stay close to the FBI agents, stay away from the center of the storm, but still find opportunities to come and cause trouble, and at the same time, you can ask Koizumi Koizumi for help when encountering a fatal crisis. , it is much better than choosing high-risk areas such as Aipado Town and Yoneka Town.

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