Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2978 It’s not impossible to try the drink

"Is the ginger soup made by Brother Chi ready?"

The three children arrived at the bar, actively climbed on the bar chairs, and sat in a row with Conan and Haibara Ai.

Yuantai stretched his neck and sniffed, smelling the spicy smell of ginger soup, and instantly became depressed, "The ginger soup cooked by brother Chi is no different from the one made by my mother. I thought I could drink delicious ginger soup." !”

Mitsuhiko laughed, "Genta, the main ingredient of ginger soup is lots and lots of ginger. No matter who cooks it, it will always have a spicy taste."

"But do we have to drink ginger soup?" Gentai looked distressed, "Obviously you can eat ginger-roasted eel, sushi with ginger pickle, ramen with ginger foam, and you can also put ginger molasses in milk!"

"Drinking hot ginger soup is more effective in dispelling cold."

Chi Feichi had no intention of adopting Yuantai's suggestion. He placed two bowls with a small amount of ginger soup in front of Haiyuan Ai and Conan respectively. "Xiao Ai and Conan will try to see if the sweetness is enough. The five of you will be refrigerated today." We stayed in the car for too long, everyone had to drink a bowl, Xiao Ai and Guang Yan each had one more bowl than the others."

The three children sighed helplessly, "Yes..."

Haiyuan Ai didn't hesitate and drank the small amount of ginger soup in the bowl. After putting down the bowl, she commented, "The taste of ginger is too strong. For children, the sweetness may not be enough, and there is no added sugar in it." Honey……"

"I also think the ginger flavor is too strong. You can add more sugar." Conan also gave his opinion after tasting the ginger soup. "You can also add other ingredients, such as the honey Haibara mentioned, or lemon juice and tapioca flour." ."

Chi Feichi listened to the two people's suggestions, added honey to the ginger soup, and dug out the bottles and jars he kept in the kitchen. "There are no lemons at home. You can see if there is anything else that needs to be added."

Conan looked at the bottles and jars placed on the cooking table by Chi Feichi, his expression blank, "What are these...?"

"Tangerine peel, a seasoning, is also a medicinal ingredient in Kampo medicine. Adding it to ginger soup can dissolve moisture in the body, strengthen the effect of dispelling cold, and has an appetizing effect." Chi Feichi pointed at a transparent plastic jar and moved to the next one. , "If you want to add a bit of bitter taste, you can add Kampo medicinal materials, which can also enhance the effect of dispelling cold. If you want to enhance the effect of dispelling cold but also want a numbing taste, you can add Sichuan peppercorns, add some salt and vinegar, and the taste will probably be good. …”

Conan: "..."



Three children: "..."


At this moment, Brother Chi seems to be turning into a wizard, trying to randomly select some from a bunch of strange materials to add to the magic soup...

Haibara Ai:"……"


Why does it feel like Brother Fei Chi is a little eager to try, as if he wants to use them as guinea pigs?

"In addition, I also have cloves, grass fruits, black pepper, white pepper, cumin, anise...these seasonings will not conflict with the medicinal properties of ginger soup. Of course, among the soy sauce, salad oil, and ketchup used in cooking, There are also similar things." Chi Feichi turned his peaceful eyes to the five children again, "Would you like to try a new flavor of ginger soup?"

"Uh," Mitsuhiko felt that his facial muscles were a little stiff and he couldn't smile, "No, no need..."

Conan also said quickly, "I think it's good to have a simple taste. Honey was added to the soup just now, so that's almost it."

Haiyuan Ai nodded seriously, "Just taste a little sweeter than before."

Chi Feichi was a little regretful, but he didn't force the children. He filled a small bowl with a full bowl of soup for each of the five people, and let the five people drink it slowly. He poured some ginger soup into another pot. I started researching 'special flavor ginger soup' using the packaged ginger soup.

Curry is also made with spices such as ginger, cloves, cumin, black pepper, and mustard. You can eat curry rice, but why can’t you drink spicy ginger soup?

These children have a preconceived notion that ginger soup is a medicinal soup that can dispel colds and prevent colds, so they subconsciously question the new taste.

In his opinion, ginger soup is not much different from other dishes. Although the spiciness itself cannot be changed, other flavors can be added to reduce the irritation of the spiciness to the taste and smell.

For example, adding a little bit of Sichuan peppercorns, using the numbness produced by Sichuan peppercorns, can make people's sense of taste and smell slightly dull...

Add a little fennel to enhance the aroma of the soup, and let the aroma suppress the pungent smell of the ginger soup...

Since scallions were added to the ginger soup before, the flavors of onions, ginger, honey and sugar, and peppercorns are mixed together, which is a bit messy. It is also necessary to add a flavor that can soften the various flavors and combine them. An ingredient that combines flavors, but also be careful not to conflict with the properties of ginger soup...

The young detective team sat in rows in front of the bar, watching Chi Feichi enter the cycle of "adding things to the ginger soup - stopping from time to time to look at the bottles and jars to think about it - continuing to add things to the ginger soup", looking at each other. .

Yuantai complained softly, "Brother Chi seems to be a wizard making magic medicine."

Mitsuhiko nodded in agreement and lowered his voice, "They probably won't let us try it..."

After a minute, the spice smell in the new flavor ginger soup spread out and merged with the original ginger and green onion flavors to form a spicy and appetizing smell. The smell was somewhat similar to curry, but it seemed It smells much more refreshing than curry.

The five members of the Young Detective Team looked at each other in confusion again.

Mitsuhiko said what others were thinking, "Well, if you must try it, it doesn't seem impossible..."

After three minutes, the spicy smell emanating from the soup became softer, and the curry-like flavor completely dissipated. The spicy smell was no longer pungent, and the aroma was perfectly integrated, making people more appetizing.

The five members of the Young Detective Team sipped the simple version of spicy ginger soup from the bowl, and occasionally looked up at the pot in front of Chi Feichi.

That pot of soup smells delicious. I want to try it...

Koshizu Nanatsuki took the bowl, walked to Chi Feichi, and looked expectantly at the half pot of soup in front of Chi Feichi, "Is the soup ready? Can I have a taste?"

Yuantai quickly shouted, "Brother Chi, I want to try it too!"

Chi Feichi said without raising his head, "Drink the bowl in front of you first."

Five members of the Young Detective Team: "..."

I know, I know.

They shouldn't have doubted Brother Chi's cooking skills just now!

Chi Fei Chi turned off the fire, put a small amount of soup into a bowl with a spoon, tasted it, and after confirming that it tasted good, he gave Koshizui Nanatsuki a bowl.

Although Yueshui was not trapped in the refrigerated truck, the weather has been cold recently and Yueshui went out wearing a skirt. It would definitely not hurt to drink some soup to dispel dampness and cold.

The five members of the Young Detective Team quickly drank up the simple version of the ginger soup in front of them, and then looked up at Nanatsuki Koshimizu trying the new flavor of the ginger soup.

Since the new flavor ginger soup had just come out of the pot and was at a high temperature, Koshisui Nanatsuki was not in a hurry to drink it. He looked up and saw five children looking at him eagerly. He felt a little embarrassed to be seen. He turned to Chi Feichi and said, " Mr. Chi, the children have finished drinking the ginger soup in their bowls."

The five children turned their attention to Chi Feichi again.

"I know, you guys, wait a moment." Chi Feichi filtered out the spice residue in the soup, then took the five people's bowls, filled the five people with the new flavor of ginger soup one by one, and poured out the last remaining , less than half a bowl of ginger soup was poured into his own bowl.

The soup in Koshizui Nanatsuki's bowl came out of the pot first, and was the first to reach a suitable temperature for the mouth. However, when he thought of the five children looking at him eagerly, Koshizui Nanatsuki decided to wait for the five children.

The five children did not let Koshimizu Nanatsuki wait any longer. They blew on their bowl of soup from time to time, making the soup quickly hot enough to be eaten.

Yuantai couldn't wait to pick up the bowl and took a big sip. After putting down the bowl, his body trembled and he let out a long sigh of relief with a satisfied look on his face. "It's a bit hot, but it's so comfortable..."


Koshizu Nanatsuki and the other four looked at Genta with doubtful eyes, then picked up their own bowls to drink the soup.

When evaluating food, shouldn’t we use words like ‘delicious’ and ‘delicious’?

The five of them took a sip of the soup and put down their bowls. Their bodies all trembled and they all breathed a sigh of relief. They finally understood why Genta made that comment.

"It's amazing!" Mitsuhiko's eyes sparkled, "I feel like a burning temperature spreads from my stomach to my body, and then my body feels like an electric current is flowing through it, and the pores all over my body are opened!"

"Me too..." Ayumi laughed, "Although that feeling is very special, it's not uncomfortable at all, it's very relaxing!"

Haibara Ai felt that the experience just now was magical and joined the evaluation team, "The feeling is a bit like entering a warm hot spring when the weather is cold, but it seems to be different..."

Koshizui Nanatsuki carefully recalled the previous feeling, "When you soak in a hot spring, the warmth is transferred into the body from the outside, but when drinking this kind of ginger soup, the warmth is spread from the stomach to the body, so the feeling is different."

"In addition, there is a sense of pleasure that radiates from deep inside after tasting delicious food!" Conan added with a smile, and was amazed by the magical experience just now.

His little friend’s cooking skills seem to have improved again.

And thinking that he would be able to eat many, many dishes made by Chi Feichi in the future, he felt that the joy in his heart was doubling.

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