Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 2979 Out-of-print delicious food

Chi Feichi saw other people's reaction so much. He tasted the ginger soup in his bowl and found that the others were not exaggerating.

With his resistance from having tasted many delicacies in his past life, he actually experienced the feeling of electric current passing through the surface of his skin, but his spirit was relaxed and comfortable.

Food insights +1001!

He seemed to know the exaggerated reactions of diners when they tasted the food in those food animations he had seen in his previous life.

It is the combination of taste, smell, and food temperature or texture that stimulates the brain to a certain extent, causing the brain to produce an extreme sense of pleasure.

The scene where the diners' spirits are intoxicated and floating in the sea of ​​spiritual consciousness is the animation work that concretely embodies the sense of spiritual joy. Reactions such as clothes exploding are a bit exaggerated. He thinks that this situation will probably not happen in this world.

After the warmth in his stomach spread to his body, Chi Feichi felt the fragrance lingering in his mouth and said, "It's a pity that I didn't weigh the spices and record the weight of the ingredients just now... With what I have now With my cooking skills, I’m afraid it won’t be easy to make soup like this again next time.”

Koshizu Nanatsuki and the five children were stunned for a moment, looking down at the ginger soup in their bowls.

meaning is……

Might these soups be ‘out of print’ after you finish them?

Suddenly I felt that the pot here was so small and the bowls were not big enough. Each of them couldn't get much soup.

"I'm a little reluctant to drink it." Ayumi looked at the brown soup in her bowl reluctantly.

"It's better to drink it while it's hot. The soup probably won't taste as good when it's cold," Chi Feichi reminded as he took another sip of the ginger soup. "The feeling after the second sip is different from before."

"Really?" Yuantai picked up the bowl and took a sip in anticipation. He no longer trembled, and his face became more satisfied. He smiled and said, "The second sip didn't give me the electric shock, but my whole body felt warm!"

Mitsuhiko also tasted it and added, "And there will be a soft fragrance left in your mouth. The fragrance is not particularly strong, but it won't disappear for a long time. It's really amazing!"

Ayumi took a sip, felt it, and couldn't help but take another sip. She smiled and said, "What Brother Chi cooked must be magic medicine!"

Conan, Haihara Ai and the other two children couldn't help but nod in agreement.

It's like magic that the food tastes so good!

Koshisui Nanatsuki drank his second sip of soup and felt comfortable all over. He cast an inquiring look at Chi Feichi.

Could it really be a magic potion?

"This is a normal cooking method," Chi Feichi clarified, "It's just that this time I performed better and the taste of the food I made has a little breakthrough. In addition, the weather has been cold recently, and everyone's body has been suffering from the cold these days. Invasion, now after drinking ginger soup, which is effective in dispelling cold, the chill in everyone's body will be dispelled, the body will warm up, the warmth required for biological survival and food needs will be met together, and the brain will naturally release joyful and joyful emotions .”

"It's like drinking cool spring water when you're hot and thirsty, right?" Conan smiled. "Many people's bodies can't help but tremble in that situation, and they also have a comfortable feeling of having their pores opened. , it feels very similar to the first sip we had just now!”

"However, when I feel hot and thirsty, drinking cold spring water is still not as comfortable as drinking soup now." Yuantai took another sip of soup, feeling the fragrance in his mouth, and sighed comfortably, "Ginger soup is much better than cold water. …”

Koshimi Nanatsuki and the other children were a little amused.

Before, I didn’t know who had a grimace and didn’t want to drink ginger soup, but also suggested eating ginger foam and ginger pickles…

Dr. A Li's house.

Dr. Agasa tried to call Mitsuhiko's phone number, but found that the call could not be connected. He then called the mobile phones of Conan, Haibara Ai, Ayumi, and Genta, and found that all the children's mobile phones were left at home. What to do.

Just when Dr. Ali was considering whether to call an acquaintance first or go out to find someone first, a call came in.

"Hey, this is A Li's house..."

"Doctor, this is Chi Feichi. The children are now at the Seven Detective Agency. They said you fried donuts for them. I will send them there in a moment."

"It turns out they are looking for you," Dr. Agasa breathed a sigh of relief and smiled, "I ordered cakes this afternoon and fried a lot of donuts, enough for many people. You and Nanatsuki are also with the children. Come and try it! However, the cake I ordered was clearly promised to be delivered before 4:30 pm, but it has not been delivered yet. The store did not call to say that the cake was not finished, and I don’t know how to respond. Things... while I'm waiting for you to come over, I'll take the phone and go over and ask!"

"The cake may be delivered very late, and the TA-Q-BIN deliveryman responsible for delivering the cake was arrested by the police."


That night, Chi Feichi changed the cooking venue and cooked a dinner at Dr. Ali's house.

The dinner didn't make people tremble and feel happy like the previous ginger soup, but it tasted better than most restaurants, and it was still eaten up by a group of people.

After dinner, the three children played games with Fei Chi in the living room and told Dr. A Li about the events they encountered in the afternoon and the magical ginger soup they drank in the afternoon.

Dr. Ali was worried that the children would be too cold and would tremble when drinking hot soup. He repeatedly warned the children to be careful about catching colds in the past two days.

Chi Fei, who was sitting aside drinking tea, said coldly, "The one who should be most careful is Xiao Ai, who even has no clothes."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Sure enough, you still can’t escape...

"Yes," Dr. Ali looked at Haibara Ai with worry, "Xiao Ai stayed in the refrigerated truck wearing only underwear for a while. Although Mitsuhiko later lent her his coat, before putting on the coat, She must be very cold, and she may not be very warm even if she wears a coat. She and Mitsuhiko, who later did not wear a coat, are most likely to catch a cold. You must pay attention to your health these two days!"

"I'm fine, doctor. I drank ginger soup today and I feel much better. However, I will stay at home more these two days, keep warm and rest," Haihara Ai comforted Dr. A Li and looked at it again. Looking at Chi Feichi, who was drinking tea with his eyes lowered and looking calm, he decided to take the initiative to review his mistakes, "I will never go out wearing a woolen skirt alone again. I will at least put on or take a coat before going out."

Chi Feichi put the teacup back on the table and turned to look at Haiyuan Ai. His tone was still calm and emotionless, "I said before that woolen skirts are not warm enough and easy to wear. It is not good to go out wearing a woolen skirt alone. You said you knew at the time, but today you only went out wearing a woolen skirt."

Haibara Ai:"……"


Yes, she seemed to have agreed casually at that time.

So now she takes the initiative to do a self-examination...

Keshui Nanatsuki was a little worried that Chi Feichi said too harsh words to Haiyuan Ai, so he moved to the side of the two of them to listen uneasily.

Chi Feichi noticed Koshizui Nanatsuki coming over, but was not distracted by saying hello to Koshimizu Nanatsuki. He continued to lament to Haibara, "You probably think that I don't know much about girls' clothing. It's because I have a problem with woolen skirts." bias……"

Haibara Ai:"……"


She did think so before...

After Brother Fei Chi got his idea right, he felt even more guilty.

"It's also me who didn't explain my thoughts clearly to you." Chi Feichi did not lose his temper with Haiyuan Ai, but explained his thoughts patiently, "I think wearing a woolen skirt that is not thick and another one A coat is easier to warm up than wearing a thick woolen skirt. Choose to put on and take off a coat when going in and out of the house, so that the temperature difference your body feels indoors and outdoors will not be too large, and you will be less likely to catch a cold. In addition, although now The craftsmanship and materials used in woolen skirts have improved than before, but knitted products will come off and once they come off, it will be difficult to maintain their original state. This is a problem that has not yet been solved..."

He had previously reminded Xiao Ai not to wear a woolen skirt alone. It was indeed because he remembered this incident and didn't want Xiao Ai to be shivering in the cold in the refrigerated truck.

But it's not just because of this incident.

In this incident, there were other children around Xiao Ai, and Mitsuhiko lent Xiao Ai his coat to wear. Xiao Ai would not freeze to death or get sick from the cold, but in the future, Xiao Ai's woolen skirt would become untied in the cold weather. What if you are falling apart and there is no one else around who can help? Does Xiao Ai want to imitate the little match seller and strike matches to keep warm?

That would only work if Xiao Ai had a match in her hand at that time.

In fact, he had already thought that Xiao Ai would not take his reminder to heart. Xiao Ai is a girl and knows more about women's clothing than he does, so she will trust her own judgment and experience more than his reminder. , so the occurrence of this incident is not necessarily a bad thing. You can use such an incident that is not too dangerous to let Xiao Ai and other girls around them learn lessons. This may be better than him saying it a hundred times.

Of course, for Xiao Ai, who likes to wear woolen skirts in winter and goes out alone in woolen skirts more than once, he believes that it is necessary to conduct some 'strengthening education' while it just happened today.

"Accidents are not 100% likely to happen, and the probability of accidents may even be very small, but there are better options that can reduce the impact of accidents, and we should also consider that option," Chi Feichi looked at Haihara Ai He said, "Of course there is no problem in wearing a woolen skirt, but I hope you can choose a way to wear it that is better for you and don't let it become a trouble or shadow for you."

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