Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 3102 He was happy too early

"Actually, with so many guests today, someone will always bring it up," Kenshiro Hatakeyama sighed, "It's time for her to try to accept the fact that Yu has left us..."

As Kenshiro Hatakeyama said, after the incense burning and mourning, some people sitting in the restaurant talking about the Suzuki Tower sniper incident.

Lunch was a shared meal, and there were several side dishes on the table in front of everyone. Suzuki Sonoko directly arranged his table next to Koshizu Nanatsuki's table, and continued chatting with Ike Feichi and Koshizu Nanatsuki. , to prevent others from asking you questions.

At the end of lunch, Tatsuya Ishihara and Koko Ishihara followed Kenshiro Hatakeyama to the restaurant and expressed their gratitude to the guests on behalf of the family of the deceased and the Hatakeyama family.

Due to the large number of visitors, the Hatakeyama family arranged the guests to different restaurants in batches. The restaurant where Chi Feichi and others were sitting had guests from major consortiums and senior executives of the Hatakeyama consortium. Most people knew or knew the Ishihara couple. However, Hatakeyama Ken Before thanking them, Shiro solemnly reintroduced the Ishihara couple, and the introduced names were - Hatakeyama Tatsuya and Hatakeyama Rikako.

It wasn't until the three of them finished thanking each other and headed to another restaurant that the people in the restaurant began to murmur.

"It seems that the son-in-law of the Hatakeyama family has agreed to marry into the family..."

"In other words, will Rikako or Tatsuya be the next president of the Hatakeyama Foundation?"

"It should be so. Maybe after the farewell ceremony for the body tomorrow, the Hatakeyama family will announce this..."

"The Hatakeyama family's response was very quick. This way, stabilizing it as soon as possible can also make the employees in the consortium feel at ease..."

"I heard that it's because the president made a will before his death. The president... is such a pity. I wonder if the new president will be as capable and easy to get along with as him..."

"Okay, let's not talk about the new president. We don't know who the new president is yet..."

Listening to the whispers of others, Suzuki Sonoko also whispered to Chi Feichi and Koshizui Nanatsuki what she had learned, "I heard when I first arrived here. According to Yu's will, he has no heirs. , when his wife is also dead, his property will be handed over to his mother, so after Yu's death, the shares in his name went to Aunt Komiko. After discussion, the elders of the Hatakeyama family decided to let Miss Rikako Her husband, Mr. Tatsuya, will marry into the Hatakeyama family and assume the position of president. If Mr. Tatsuya does not agree to marry into the Hatakeyama family, then the consortium will be temporarily managed by Mr. Kenshiro. In the future, if Arisa finds a husband who is willing to marry into the Hatakeyama family, then The shares in Yu's name will be handed over to the couple's children. However, since Mr. Tatsuya agrees to marry into the family, there is no hope for Arisa..."

As he said that, Suzuki Sonoko thought of the Ishihara couple, or the Hatakeyama couple who had just changed their surnames, how energetic and proud they were when they spoke just now, and whispered with a speechless face, "I don't think Mr. Tatsuya will refuse to marry into the family." , before, it was just because the Hatakeyama family had Yu, the heir, that he had no chance to marry into the family. But looking at the proud look on his face when he spoke on behalf of the Hatakeyama family just now, you can tell that he is very satisfied with his new status. If not everyone is here, I would I think he can laugh out loud at Yu’s funeral!”

Koshizui Nanatsuki felt that it was not good to speak ill of people behind their backs, but when he remembered that the couple were really happy just now, he couldn't tell lies without conscience, "Maybe it's because the relationship between him and Mr. Yu is not that deep." Well, it’s inevitable to feel happy when you suddenly inherit a financial group.”

"What about Miss Rikako?" Suzuki Sonoko murmured, "She and Yuko grew up together as siblings. As a result, she was actually more happy than sad today. Really, she only thought about how much she could get... …”

"Did Mrs. Mu Mianzi give them shares?" Chi Feichi asked calmly.

"Ah, I forgot to mention it just now," Suzuki Sonoko's eyes lit up and she immediately shared in a low voice, "Aunt Komiko only gave part of the real estate in her name to Miss Rikako, but the shares were not given out."

Koshizui Nanatsuki was a little surprised, "In other words, Mr. Tatsuya is just about to become the chairman, and he doesn't actually hold any shares?"

"Yes, in terms of shares, the current president should be Aunt Komiko. Mr. Tatsuya is only the acting president. If he manages the consortium well and considers the Hatakeyama family, Aunt Komiko might consider it. Give him the shares," Suzuki Sonoko said with half-moon eyes, "The most important thing is that Aunt Komiko will not consider handing over all the shares to him until he and Miss Rikako have a child."

"In this way, even if Mr. Tatsuya passes away unfortunately, the shares will be inherited by their children and Miss Rikako, right?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki said with a bit of laughter, "It seems that Mr. Tatsuya is still very satisfied. .”

Chi Feichi: "..."

Yueshui knows how to "look at problems from another angle" and can say "he was too happy too early" so fresh and refined.

"Yes," Suzuki Sonoko smiled, and deliberately put on a look of vicissitudes of life, and said with emotion, "But the Hatakeyama family did this to prevent the Hatakeyama family's property from being divided and drained, and to treat it as a wealthy family. How can it be so easy to come to your home with a son-in-law!"

Chi Feichi felt that Suzuki Sonoko did not include him at all, and reminded him, "Should Kyogoku listen to this sentence?"

Suzuki Sonoko then remembered that she also seemed to need to recruit someone. She was stunned for a moment, and then quickly waved her hands confidently and said, "I'm different from Ah Zhen. I don't care at all whether I can inherit the Suzuki Foundation. Zhen became the national karate champion in high school and was Japan's "Kick Kick Master". He was able to live a good life relying on his own strength, not to mention that he still had a strong sense of self-esteem and was unwilling to admit defeat. I believe he is not the kind of man who wants to gain wealth by getting married. Of course, because my sister is getting married, we still have to be prepared to take over the responsibility of the consortium, so we can only make him come to my house. For him, there may be a lot of pressure in the future, but I think Ah Zhen will definitely be able to bravely face challenges and overcome them, just like he faces every opponent~! I will too Always cheer him on!"

"Then have you told Jingji about getting married?" Chi Feichi asked calmly.

"Yes," Koshimizu Nanatsuki asked expectantly, "Have you talked about getting married in the future?"

"Not yet..." Suzuki Sonoko suddenly became embarrassed, with a smile on her face, "I mentioned my family situation to him before, and said that my sister was going to get married, so I My parents need me to recruit a new wife, but he said he doesn’t want to give up being with me and will continue to work hard!”

Koshimi Nanatsuki was so sweet that he smiled and his eyes shone, "Then do your parents know that you are dating?"

"Not yet, they already know that I have a boyfriend, but I haven't officially introduced Ah Zhen to them yet," Suzuki Sonoko whispered with joy on her face, "I want to take Ah Zhen to meet him when he comes back next time. Meet my parents and introduce them formally.”

Koshizui Nanatsuki couldn't keep the corner of his mouth down, and said with a smile, "If there is any new situation then, you must tell me in time!"

"You two, please pay attention," Chi Feichi whispered, "We are here to attend a funeral today."

Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Suzuki Sonoko then realized that the current situation was not suitable for happiness, and quickly put away the smiles on their faces, and the sound of chanting that had been ignored just now reached their ears again.

Along with the chanting, there were also nervous comments from other people.

"Indiscriminate killing? Is that what the news says?"

"It's not so obvious in the news, but the murderer hasn't been caught yet. The police can only judge that the murderer may commit crimes again, but they are not sure who the murderer wants to attack. Isn't it just killing people indiscriminately?"

"Is this the murderer of the Suzuki Tower sniper incident? I heard that people were killed for three consecutive days. It's really terrible..."

"I heard that the murderer not only killed people with a sniper rifle, but also used weapons such as pistols and grenades on the way to escape the police pursuit. It is too dangerous for such a person to be wandering around outside!"

"I said, let's call and ask two more bodyguards to come over..."

"My wife came back from abroad with her children today. She will be arriving at Narita Airport soon. What if the murderer chooses a place like the airport to attack? No, I have to pick them up!"

The news that 'the murderer of the Suzuki Tower sniper incident is on the run and will kill people indiscriminately' spread to the restaurant, and other topics were gradually suppressed. The people participating in the discussion looked solemn, and several middle-aged men who were about to drink also I started to feel restless because I was worried about my family.

As the first person got up to go out and say goodbye to the Hatakeyama family, people in the restaurant got up and left one after another. Even Suzuki Sonoko received a call from her father, asking Suzuki Sonoko to wait for the bodyguards to arrive before leaving home.

Soon, the Hatakeyama family also took the initiative to tell the truth about the news in the restaurant, and organized bodyguards to guard inside and outside the yard and at the gate to escort those who wanted to go back to the car.

It’s 2024 in the blink of an eye, time flies so fast.

I wish you all a happy new year and all the best in the new year!

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