Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 3103 Children, don’t run around

After Suzuki Sonoko was picked up by the Suzuki family's bodyguards, Chi Feichi and Koshimizu Nanatsuki also got in the car and went home.

The car hadn't driven very far when the road was blocked due to too many vehicles. It wasn't until the traffic police arrived that the long queue of convoys slowly began to move.

"We have left the Hatakeyama family..."

Chi Feichi was sitting in the car talking to Takagi Sheba on the phone, "But there was a traffic jam on the road just now... Yes, the car we are riding in is equipped with bulletproof glass, don't worry... I understand."

After hanging up the phone, Chi Feichi said to the driver, "Go directly to the Maori Detective Agency."

"Don't go in the direction of Aipido Town. Now the news that 'criminals want to kill indiscriminately' has spread. Many people are rushing home or picking up their families. There are traffic jams on many roads in Aipido Town." Koshimizu Nanatsuki checked the real-time news on his laptop, "Don't take the Tsumutsu River bank route. Some people probably thought that the river bank route usually doesn't have many vehicles, so they drove around to the river bank road. As a result, more than one or two people thought so, so now the river bank There are already two roads blocked in the surrounding area, and the congestion is even worse than that in Aipido-machi. The traffic police cleared this one and blocked that one, and the traffic situation there has become a mess..."

The young driver, who came from Fifteen Nights City and got an identity to experience life, hesitated and said, "In this case, we can go through Shinjuku, but Shinjuku has a lot of commercial streets, and there are usually a lot of cars and people, so we go through Shinjuku District. , will the road be very congested?"

"Wait a minute, let me see..." Koshimizu Nanatsuki checked the traffic live website on his computer. "It shows that most streets in Shinjuku have more vehicles, but there are no traffic jams. It seems to be smooth."

"There are usually not many cars on the Tsumutsugawa Riverside Road, and traffic jams were not taken into consideration when building the road. Once they are jammed there, cars will stop and go, and they can't leave that area for a long time. But in Cupido Town, it is usually easy There’s a traffic jam, and it should be even worse today,” Chi Feichi said, “We’ll go through Shinjuku.”


The driver received the instruction and immediately turned the car at the intersection and drove towards Shinjuku.

There are many vehicles on the road, one after another moving slowly, but there are not many pedestrians on the sidewalks. Even in the once bustling streets, there are not many people on the road at a glance, and the remaining few people are also talking on the phone and coming and going in a hurry. , magically showing crowding and desertedness at the same time.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki read the latest news and then looked at the streets where passers-by were rarely seen. "Now many people have banned their children from going out..."

"I'll call the doctor."

Chi Feichi remembered that he also had children at home, so he called Dr. Ali's house and asked about Haihara Ai and the other children.

This morning, the Junior Detective Team was still doing summer homework models at Dr. Ali's house. At about nine o'clock in the morning, they all saw the news of Tim Hunter's murder being broadcast on TV.

At that time, Conan's skateboard was still charging at Dr. Ali's house. Conan originally wanted to wait until the skateboard was fully charged in the afternoon before going to the scene to check the situation. However, before Conan had time to go out in the afternoon, he was prepared by Mao Lilan. Miwako Sato picked her up on her way to the Mori Detective Agency.

The parents of Genta, Mitsuhiko, and Ayumi have also contacted Dr. Agasa and asked him to take care of the children for the time being. They also plan to take the children home to Dr. Agasa's house.

"I told them that it would be better for me to send the children back, which would save them a trip," Dr. Ari said helplessly, "but except for Genta, Ayumi and Mitsuhiko's parents are not at home..."

The children's energetic and not panicked voices came from the other side of the phone.

Ayumi: "My mother has work today, she will come directly from the company to pick me up!"

Mitsuhiko: "My father hasn't come home yet, and my sister has gone to take piano lessons again, so my mother plans to pick up my sister first. She will pick me up on the way and go back with her, and let me wait for her at the doctor's house!"

Yuantai: "My dad said that we are already a lot of trouble to the doctor. Today he will come to pick me up and send some eels to the doctor by the way!"

Mitsuhiko: "Actually, I think the adults are too nervous. The police really can't tell who the next victim is, but that doesn't mean the murderer will attack children, right?"

Ayumi: "So far, all those who have been killed are adults. It seems that adults are more dangerous."

Yuantai: "Yes, and we have encountered gangsters who hijacked bank customers, bus passengers, and airship passengers before! These gangsters are also very vicious, but we are not afraid at all!"

Haibara Ai: "Not everyone is as 'battle-experienced' as you are. The host of the afternoon show made a random remark about 'indiscriminate killing'. Now everyone thinks that the murderer will definitely kill someone at random. Compared with targeted kidnapping, such random killings are more likely to cause people to panic, because the victims may be themselves, their family members, or their friends. Before the results come out, no one knows where this bad luck will fall. Whose head, and everyone has this possibility."

Dr. A Li: "Your family members must be thinking that if the murderer is wandering on the street now, and you happen to be hanging out and are seen by the murderer and become the next target, wouldn't it be very dangerous? That's why they think I need to take you back quickly!"

Chi Feichi listened to a group of people discussing for a while, and after Dr. Ali and Haihara Ai explained the truth, he spoke up, "When the public is in panic, it is not only the criminals in the sniper incident who are at risk, but also others." Some people took the opportunity to cause trouble. It’s better for children not to run around outside. The three of you just wait for your parents to pick you up. Stay at home obediently these two days... Also, doctor, Xiao Ai, do you want me to pick you up? Are you going to the Seven Detective Agency?"

"I won't disturb you anymore," Dr. Ali said with a smile, "The prisoners this time like to use sniper rifles to shoot targets from a long distance. If I stay at home and don't go out, the prisoners won't have the chance to attack me. If I'm sorry, If I want to find you, just come and pick up Xiao Ai!"

"Brother Fei Chi, is there nothing unusual about you?" Haiyuan Ai seemed to move closer to the landline phone, and his questioning voice became much clearer.


"Then tomorrow morning, are you going to attend the farewell ceremony for Mr. Hatakeyama's body?" Haibara Ai asked again.

Chi Feichi guessed Hui Yuan Ai's plan and replied truthfully, "I made an agreement with Yuanzi today and we will both go."

"Then I won't go look for you tonight. I'm at the doctor's house," Haiyuan lamented. "Tomorrow I will accompany you to attend the farewell ceremony for the first student's body..."

"I told children not to run around. Just stay at home with the doctor. I won't take you there."

Chi Fei belatedly saw that Hui Yuan Ai had this intention, so he decisively rejected Hui Yuan Ai's proposal and hung up the phone directly after speaking.

Haibara Ai:"?!"

Ten seconds later, Koshizui Nanatsuki saw the UL chat message Haihara Ai sent to him on the computer. He suppressed a laugh and touched Chi Feichi next to him with his arm, "Xiao Ai asked me to show you this. "

A dynamic picture was displayed in the chat box: a little man with short brown hair had flames coming out from behind, and he swung an uppercut, punching away a bigger little man with black hair and purple eyes.

Chi Feichi turned to look at the gif and analyzed it calmly, "Such a short time is not enough for her to make this gif. She must have done it a long time ago, but it was only exposed today."

"Xiao Ai actually uses a computer to make something like this," Nanatsuki Koshizui laughed at the animated picture, "I don't even know how to make this!"

"There is a software that can directly turn the painting content into a dynamic image." Chi Feichi paused, "It's very simple. Do you want me to teach you?"

Koshimizu Nanatsuki nodded happily, "Okay!"

Chi Feichi immediately operated the laptop and downloaded the software. Then, while introducing various functions of the software to Koshimizu Nanatsuki, he demonstrated and used the software to create a dynamic picture:

Fire erupted from behind the little man with short brown hair, and he hit the little man with purple eyes away with an uppercut. The little man with purple eyes flew into the sky, and soon landed behind the little man with short brown hair in a half-crouching position. Then he stood up and picked up the little man with brown hair. The back of the person's neck was like carrying a kitten, and he was carrying the little man with brown hair and throwing him into the cell surrounded by iron bars. Finally, the little man with brown hair slapped the iron bars hard and fell to his knees in tears.

After the animation was completed, Chi Feichi logged into his UL chat account on his computer and sent the picture to Haihara Ai.

When Koshimizu Nanatsuki felt that he couldn't laugh or cry, he found that the car had stopped again. He turned around and looked at the stopped motorcade in front of him, and said feebly, "Is there another traffic jam..."

Chi Feichi called up the live traffic website on his computer again and looked at the broadcast news on the relevant road section. "In a shopping mall on the roadside ahead, someone suddenly shouted in front of the window that he saw a sniper. The people at the window were frightened. People ran in, causing some people to be knocked down and injured. Now the ambulance and police car have just arrived at the door. After the ambulance picks up the injured, it should be able to pass normally."

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