Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 3410 This is the experience of the Holy Church

In the dark room, Chi Feichi found that Sawada Hiroki's eyes were on the food for 99% of the time, either eating or eating. He no longer paid attention to the images shared by Sawada Hiroki, and quietly listened to Joshua's religious speech to the six knights.

The situation of the other five "knights" was actually similar to Cecilia.

Pine lost both arms on the battlefield and was blown beyond recognition. After retiring and returning home, he lived on a meager relief fund. Overnight, he went from an iron-blooded warrior to an incomplete person who had difficulty maintaining a normal life. Due to no source of income, Pine could only live in a neighborhood in the United States with poor security. From time to time, he had to face the humiliation of some bad boys, but he couldn't even resist effectively...

When he couldn't hold things steadily and caused them to fall, when he was knocked down by bad boys and laughed at on the street corner, and when he was exhausted from dressing and undressing, Pine also desperately chanted that sentence-'No matter what the price, whether it is gods or demons, give me a little hope'.

Then one day, Pine accidentally met Joshua on the street. After the two had a heart-to-heart communication, Pine willingly joined the Church of Nature.

Another knight, Nick, was once a world-renowned killer.

Compared with those killers who just planned and went straight to the gun, Nick's methods were more cunning and treacherous. He completed some very difficult assassinations by himself, and occasionally Nick would recruit some temporary companions to complete more difficult assassinations.

In the bounty ranking list of the Bounty Hall, Nick's bounty was once ranked in the first echelon, but five years ago, there was news that Nick failed in the assassination and was shot dead by Interpol.

Subsequently, Interpol confirmed that the news of Nick's death was true, and released Nick's personal information and a video clip of Nick being beaten into a sieve and falling into the sea. After investigation, the Bounty Hall also confirmed that Nick was hit by bullets in many vital parts, and believed that Nick could not survive, so Nick's bounty was cancelled.

What those people didn't expect was that Nick survived with his cunning mind and the back-up plan he prepared in advance, and he changed his face through simple methods such as growing a beard and pulling out teeth, and he also got a legal identity to live in the United States. However, Nick's body was indeed hit by multiple bullets, and his lungs were permanently injured. He would gasp for air after walking a few more steps. In recent years, he could only drag his weak body to survive and carefully conceal his identity.

The belief that supported Nick to survive was to find out why his original actions were leaked and why he happened to step into the ambush of Interpol.

But Nick also knew that his body could hardly support himself to investigate and take revenge, and he was always in a conflicting mood.

One day, Nick came into contact with a believer of the Natural Saint Church with the conflicting mood of "Should I give up or persist?"

The believer was a well-known philanthropist who had long helped some people with difficulties in life, including Nick, and often arranged some simple jobs for these people. After these people completed the work, they were given a reward or some daily necessities so that they could maintain their lives.

Nick's life got better after he met the philanthropist. So, after learning that the philanthropist had joined a strange church, Nick, with the idea of ​​'avoiding the persecution of the cult by the benefactor who had always taken care of him, and I want to eradicate the cult', pretended to be interested in the Holy Church of Nature, and showed extraordinary insight to the rich man, so that he joined the Holy Church of Nature through the rich man.

After joining the Holy Church of Nature, Nick got a chance to talk to Joshua alone after some calculations. Thinking that he would probably be beaten to death by angry believers after killing Joshua, Nick confessed his identity as a killer to Joshua with ill intentions, told his past story, and was ready to attack Joshua, the cult leader, after telling the story. However, when Nick was about to do it, Joshua called out the people who protected him with a helpless look on his face, and showed Nick the guns and bombs that Nick had placed in advance at the church activity site in front of Nick, telling Nick - don't think about doing bad things, doing bad things will not work here.


At that moment, Nick couldn't help but suspect that he had not infiltrated an evil church, but a killer organization.

After that, Joshua asked Noah to help him investigate the truth about Nick being ambushed by Interpol five years ago, and told Nick the truth. After a heart-to-heart communication, Nick also willingly joined the Holy Church of Nature...

Well, in short, these six knights were once people with outstanding abilities, and they all encountered a huge turning point that changed their lives, lost their healthy bodies, fell from heaven to the abyss, and then actively or passively joined the Holy Church of Nature, and had some good feelings towards the Holy Church of Nature. Now, the six people have regained their health and strength because of the Holy Church of Nature, and the psychological impact they have suffered will definitely be stronger than others. In the future, they should also be more protective of the rules and "God's will" of the Holy Church of Nature.

Noah's new body can live in the outside world for ten years. It would be very inconvenient if he didn't have people under his command. These six people can be regarded as the "starting team" he handed over to Noah. How to manage these six people, how to use the abilities of these six people, and how to develop in the future depends on Noah himself.

"... During the training period, the gods will watch you with their all-powerful eyes. If you fall, the gods will withdraw their blessings from you. And if you can complete the training well, the gods will also benefit from you." The sincere and reliable soul of the knight, I will give you the rewards you deserve, so for you, this is both a test and an opportunity..."

Joshua unhurriedly delivered nearly three minutes of religious remarks, including but not limited to, "God will help you record your merits and demerits. Merits will be rewarded, and mistakes will be punished." "Remain true to your original intention, don't be afraid of death, and believe in us." With the power of the gods, even if you die, the gods will protect your souls', 'As long as you don't betray your faith, the death of the body will not be the end' and other remarks.

Chi Feichi listened silently.

Joshua is truly a genius when it comes to religious brainwashing.

With Joshua's level, it doesn't seem impossible to help the Natural Holy Cult create an army of dead soldiers.

While Joshua was speaking, Hiroki Sawada used a spoon to eat most of the easily digestible food on the plate. After Joshua stopped, he temporarily stopped eating and looked at the six knights, "I You are going to live in Japan for a period of time. You will enter Japan separately in the next few days. Do not move together. We will meet up in Japan within a week. You do not need to be very fast, but I hope you can keep a low profile and not attract other people's attention. Regarding your recent expenses for food, drink, housing and transportation, I will provide you with travel funds..."

six people:"……"


Huh? Do you actually have travel funds?

They thought that the content of this experience was that the six of them would raise the Son of God together and experience the ups and downs of life with him. They were thinking that it would not be difficult to raise a child by themselves, let alone Six people together...

As a result, the Holy Son said as soon as he came up, "I will reimburse you for your food, drink, housing and transportation." This...

Is there something wrong with the experience content they previously understood? Why do you feel that Lord Holy Son means - I will raise the six of you next?

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