Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 3411 It’s really convenient

Hiroki Sawada connected to the Internet with his body and transferred money to the bank accounts of six people through the Internet.

The bank account information of the six people has already been investigated by Umbrella.



Four of the six people had activated bank transfer reminders. After Hiroki Sawada transferred the money, the four people's mobile phones, which were set to vibrate mode, successively received text messages and vibrating reminders.

The four of them felt their cell phones vibrate, and heard the other three's buzzing sounds as if their cell phones were vibrating. They looked at each other and took out their phones with some hesitation.

Could it be the entry information?

Lord Shengzi did nothing, did not transfer money himself or ask someone to transfer money for help, how could it be the bank's account...


It’s really the bank’s account information!

And one, ten, hundreds, thousands, ten thousand...

Fifty thousand US dollars is enough for them to live in the United States or other countries for more than half a year.

The Holy Son has such an ability, and it seems that he does not need them to raise him at all, turns out that they are really the ones being raised?

Hiroki Sawada looked at the other two people who suppressed their curiosity and did not take out their mobile phones to look. "You can also check your bank account. If the money does not arrive, tell me in time. How to use the money? It's up to you to make arrangements. After you arrive in Tokyo, you can find a hotel to stay in and then contact me..."

As he said that, Hiroki Sawada sent an email to six people using an email address through the network connected to his brain, "This is my email address."

The new email contained only four letters: Noah.

After the six people saw the email on their mobile phones, they nodded seriously to Hiroki Sawada. Those who were good at memorizing even wrote down the email address.

The Holy Son can send information to their mobile phones without having to make any movements. He is indeed not an ordinary person...

The Holy Son has such ability and needs six of them to protect him, which shows that their future experience will not be easy.

That's right, how could the experience designated by the Lord God himself be as simple as raising a child and experiencing ordinary life? Can that still be called ‘experience’?

Looks like they need to cheer up.

"Before you receive my instructions, do not take the initiative to find me or contact me." Hiroki Sawada warned, lowering his head and scooping up a spoonful of shrimp paste, "About this trip, if you have any questions, , you can ask me now.”

Nick did not hesitate and asked seriously, "Lord Son, is it okay for us to enter Japan with any identity? Do we need to find a special identity? For example, a down-and-out person who has defected to relatives, a person who has returned to Japan from abroad. A wanderer, or an expert in some industry..."

"You can just enter the country as tourists." Sawada Hiroki said.

Nick nodded and added, "I have no questions to ask."

"I have a question..." Cecilia asked aloud, "Do you need us to help bring anything there? Also, when we get there, do we need to prepare anything for you in advance? For example, find a place to live, Buying daily necessities for children..."

"You don't need to bring anything for me, just bring what you want to bring," Hiroki Sawada said, "As for our residence in Japan, I will make arrangements after you contact me. "

Five minutes later, the Six Knights said goodbye to Hiroki Sawada and Joshua, put their hoods back on their faces, went out and left the abandoned factory in a car.

Chi Feichi met with Joshua and communicated on issues such as 'absorbing Bruno, the leader of the AE gang, to become a believer', 'the strategic significance of the AE gang in the New York area', and 'the subsequent development and penetration of the New York area'.

At 11:30 p.m., Koizumi Anko, Koshimizu Nanatsuki and the researchers packed up the equipment and magic potions in the hall, and notified people outside to help move things into the car.

After everything was loaded into the car, Chi Feichi, Joshua and others also left the abandoned factory in the car.


At night, the streets are much quieter than during the day.

Before Ike Feichi, Koshimizu Nanatsuki, Koizumi Anko and Sawada Hiroki returned to their residence, they took their bodyguards for a walk in Central Park near the apartment building.

The light in the park late at night is poor, and spring has just arrived, so many places are still desolate. There are really not many beautiful scenery in the park, but Chi Feichi, Koshimi Nanatsuki and Koizumi Anko have not seen anything since they came to New York this time. They walked around and took a look. Now that the business was over, the three of them wanted to take one last look at the scenery of New York before leaving tomorrow.

Hiroki Sawada didn't feel sleepy and followed the three of them wandering in the park. When he was tired, he let Chi Feichi hold him for a while. He used the brain computer to upload the physical data of the soreness of his legs. From time to time, he took off his scarf and hat to collect them. 'Body data of head cold state', uploaded to Ark Network.

"When I was collecting the magic liquid with Hongzi, I saw the UL message Xiaoai sent me," Koshizui Nanatsuki said while walking slowly, "Xiaoai said that the children gathered at Dr. Agasa's house, and everyone was I was very worried about your cold, and worried that calling would disturb our rest, so she decided to send a message to ask me. I replied to Xiao Ai saying that you are much better, you have taken medicine and have fallen asleep, because I said I I was very sleepy and ready to go to bed, so Xiao Ai didn’t call or make a video call to me, she just asked me to go to bed early..."

"Ah sneeze!" Sawada Hiroki sneezed after a gust of cold wind and put the hat back on his head honestly.

"That should be dealt with." Chi Feichi knelt down and helped Zetian Hiroki put on his scarf and straighten his hat. He saw Zeda Hiroki gently pinched his palm with his fingers, and waited for Zeda Hiroki to squeeze it. After finally letting go of his hand, he stood up.

"Noah has become a naughty kid," Koizumi Anko and Koshimizu Nanatsuki were waiting aside, complaining to Koshimizu Nanatsuki in a playful tone, "Now he takes off his hat and scarf, and now he pinches this and pulls that, It seems really worrying.”

"A normal one-and-a-half-year-old child is constantly collecting information about life, right?" Koshimizu Nanatsuki looked at Hiroki Sawada and said with a smile, "They would want to know what it feels like to take off a hat in winter, and they would like to know How do adults feel when they pinch their palms? They want to know the difference between leaves and human skin. Because they don’t know these things, they do things that make people worry. This is also the process of children exploring the world. They The life information obtained through exploration will eventually become their life experience. Noah wants to collect various data through physical sensations, and like ordinary children, try to do various things and Collecting life information, he does look more like a child... This should be a good thing, at least it will not make others suspect that he is not a normal child!"

Koizumi Hongzi had to nod in approval, "That's right..."

The four of them did not finish visiting Central Park. They strolled on the promenade for a while and found that there was nothing interesting to see in the park at night, so they went back to the apartment together and gathered in the home theater to watch a movie.

At 7:30 in the morning, Kuroba Kaito, Terai Kinosuke and the four of them met in the restaurant.

"In other words, after you visited the park last night, you went home and watched two funny movies, and played online games together for more than an hour..." Kuroba Kaito confirmed to the four of them with some surprise, "Until now. Didn't even go to bed?"

"I plan to get on the plane and then sleep," Chi Feichi calmly ate his breakfast, "This way I won't have to suffer from jet lag when I return to Japan."

Koshimi Nanatsuki smiled sheepishly, "I also want to get rid of the jet lag in advance."

"After arriving in the United States, I have never experienced jet lag," Koizumi Anko said calmly, "I want to maintain this habit so that when I return to Japan, I won't need to be jet lag again."

Kuroba Kaito: "..."

( ̄ ̄)

Speaking of which, it's been almost a week since they arrived in the United States. He and his grandfather's work and rest habits have gradually become more biased towards American time. However, Hongzi still maintains a daily routine of sleeping in and out at night, living completely according to Japanese time. It's really... …

How convenient.

As long as you stick to your original schedule, you don't have to suffer jet lag when traveling back and forth.

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