Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 3413 Where is Kudo Shinichi?

Kuroba Kaito sat in the car and watched Terai Kinosuke and Koizumi Anko walk out of the parking lot. He turned his head and focused on Sawada Hiroki, "We really want to take him..."

Sawada Hiroki: "..."

It's already reached this point, does Kaito still want to go back on his word?

Kuroba Kaito thought of the magical sound filling his ears when a child cried, and immediately swallowed his words, took a baseball cap and put it on before getting out of the car, "Brother Chi, let's separate here, wait. After getting off the plane, you and Nanatsuki-san just need to take care of this brat, and I will keep an eye on those people! However, don’t forget to remind Xiaoshu to pretend you don’t know me later!”

After Kuroba Kaito left, Ike Feichi and Koshimizu Nanatsuki also got out of the car with Sawada Hiroki. Accompanied by bodyguards, they walked into the airport and found Suzuki Jirokichi and his party to join them.

Suzuki Jiroyoshi arrived at the airport early in the morning to make preparations. After Chi Feichi arrived, he took Chi Feichi to see the plane he had prepared and spray-painted with the slogan of the sunflower exhibition. He introduced it excitedly, "How is it? This plane looks good, right? The yellow and green fuselage represents the yellow flower disk and green branches and leaves of the sunflower. At the same time, the fuselage is also spray-painted with seven sketches of "Sunflowers" and "Sunflowers Looking Up to Japan". With a slogan like "Exhibition", this aircraft will definitely attract a lot of people's attention whether it is taking off or landing, and it can well promote this sunflower exhibition. As for safety issues, you don't have to worry, Starting from 8 o'clock this morning, I arranged for the security inspection team to come over for inspection. Officer Charlie also came over early in the morning to help. I also contacted Detective Mori and told him the time when the plane arrived at Haneda Airport. Let Conan pick you up at the airport..."

On the plane outside the window, some people were using scanners, detectors and other equipment to inspect the inside of the plane.

Suzuki Jirokichi introduced some of his arrangements and found that the bodyguard behind Chi Feichi was carrying a lot of luggage. Looking at the security inspection machine temporarily placed in front of the boarding gate, he reminded, "If you want to send your luggage to the plane in advance, just let People pass through here with their luggage, and after inspection, they can put their luggage on the plane.”

Chi Feichi immediately asked his bodyguards to put the luggage on the plane, leaving only Feichi, a living creature, as well as emergency medicine and small oxygen bottles and other sundries on his body.

Koshimizu Nanatsuki left behind a duffel bag containing children's supplies, and put the box containing Mei's original doll into the duffel bag in advance and took it with him.

"Sister Nanatsuki, are you experiencing the feeling of being a mother in advance?" Suzuki Sonoko said with emotion, "It's really not easy to be a mother. You have to carry so many children's things when you go out..."

Suzuki Jirokichi looked at Chi Feichi and said, "Actually, I also asked the flight attendant to prepare a lot of children's supplies. It doesn't matter if you don't bring these things. The things I asked the flight attendant to prepare are enough for twenty children!"

Yuesui Nanatsuki: "..."

Two or twenty?

Did Mr. Jiroyoshi send someone to the mall to purchase goods?

"The housekeeper asked a maid with children to help organize this." Chi Feichi looked at the luggage bag at Koshimizu Nanatsuki's feet. "The other party prepared it very carefully, and we are very grateful to her, so we just put it in The things were brought here.”

"Then the things I asked people to prepare should be used as backup items," Suzuki Jiroji laughed. "When you are traveling with a child on a long trip, it is always a good idea to prepare more!"

"H-I'm sorry, I'm a little late!" Hondo Yingyou ran quickly from the crowd. He was probably running too fast. When he got close, he was already out of breath and bent down to catch his breath.


"Are you here? Eyou!" Suzuki Sonoko turned around and saw the out-of-breath appearance of Eyou, the owner, with a look that didn't know whether to laugh or cry. "The time we agreed on was 11 o'clock in the morning, and now there are still two days left before 11 o'clock. Minutes, you don’t have to run in such a hurry!”

"Because I want to come here early..." Hondo Eyou explained with a smile. He noticed the little child standing between Koshimizu Nanatsuki and Chi Feichi and was startled. "Huh? Whose child is this?"

"This is the child of Brother Chi's friend," Suzuki Sonoko leaned close to Eyou's ear and lowered her voice. "This child's parents have passed away. His aunt's sister is studying in high school in Japan. He is Brother Chi's friend. Please ask him. Brother Chi helped bring this child to Japan..."

Our hall Yingyou saw a child quietly lowering his head and playing with dolls. He felt that the child was too quiet and well-behaved. He was a little worried about the child's mental state. He frowned and asked in a low voice, "Where are the other relatives of this child? Uncles and uncles. Like, no one came to the United States to pick him up?”

"Brother Fei Chi said that his relatives are all in Japan, and his sister thought it would be too troublesome to notify other relatives to come and pick them up." Suzuki Sonoko did not think so much, and told the main hall Yingyu what Chi Fei Chi said in a relaxed tone, "Just in time Brother Fei Chi had helped take care of this child before. The child was well-behaved and sensible, and it was not troublesome to take care of him. He got along well with Brother Fei Chi, so his sister decided to let Brother Fei Chi take the child back. "

"So that's it..." Hondo Eyou heard that it didn't sound like the tragedy of 'an orphaned child being abandoned by his relatives'. He breathed a sigh of relief and turned around and looked around, "By the way, where is Kudo Shinichi? Doesn't he also want to follow you? Will we go back to Japan together?”

"Yes, but Kudo hasn't arrived here yet. Two hours ago, he called and said that he had something urgent and might be late." Suzuki Sonoko took out her mobile phone to check the time and muttered with some dissatisfaction, "This guy We won’t encounter another incident, so we’re ready to let our pigeons go…”

"Then did you call him later?" Bentang Yingyou pretended to make a serious proposal, "You can call him to ask if he is in an emergency and if he needs help. If he doesn't plan to come, you don't have to wait any longer. He did, didn’t he?”

"I called him ten minutes ago," Suzuki Sonoko said with a speechless face, "but when he called me in the morning, he used a public phone in New York. I also called the one he used before. The phone number, that number has been unreachable..."

"Then just wait, maybe he is already on the way."

Hondo Eyou said this not only to Suzuki Sonoko, but also to himself.

He had already sent an email to Conan about this last night.

After Conan knew that a suspicious guy had joined the team escorting "Sunflower" as Kudo Shinichi, he should have made preparations in Japan in advance and would not let the suspicious guy succeed easily.

In this case, all he had to do today was confirm whether the guy was on the plane and tell Conan the news.

Twenty minutes later, as the plane's scheduled departure time approached, Chi Feichi, Suzuki Sonoko and others were preparing to board the plane, but 'Kudo Shinichi' still did not show up.

Hondo Yingyou reluctantly said goodbye to Chi Feichi and Suzuki Sonoko, turned around and walked into the surrounding crowd, hid in a hidden corner nearby, and quietly observed the situation at the boarding gate.

If the suspicious guy senses something is wrong and doesn't plan to board the plane again, that's not a bad thing. At least they don't have to worry about the guy doing anything on the plane...

This can be regarded as temporarily protecting the painting, right?

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