Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 3414 Such a bad attitude

boarding gate.

In order to prevent Kaitou Kid from impersonating someone and getting on the plane, Suzuki Jirokichi arranged a checkpoint at the boarding gate. Everyone who boarded the plane had to go through the security machine again and their belongings were also inspected.

Chi Feichi put Feichi and his belongings on the table, hugged Sawada Hiroki and passed the security inspection.

Hefei Chi stared at the inspector with big eyes and small eyes: "..."

Does this snake need to be checked too? How to check?

"If there is nothing wrong with the snake, I will take it away first." Chi Feichi held Zetian Hiroki with one hand, stretched out his left hand towards Fei Chi, and waited for Fei Chi to wrap it around his arm before re- Hug Sawada Hiroki with both hands.

Suzuki Jirokichi and Charlie had already passed the inspection first and were standing aside waiting.

Seeing Feichi getting into Chi Feichi's sleeve, Suzuki Jiroji smiled and said to Charlie, "It's not easy for Kidd to pretend to be Feichi. Feichi is a rare gray-black mutant red snake. Just look at Feichi." If you have Fei Chi with you, you can confirm whether he is the real person!"

"What if Kidd prepares a pet snake with a similar color?" Charlie asked seriously, "In that case, there would be no problem for Kidd to pretend to be Mr. Chi..."

"It will be easy to be discovered this way!" Suzuki Sonoko and Koshimizu Nanatsuki passed the security inspection machine together and participated in the discussion. "We are very familiar with Feichi. Just see if the snake will interact with us." You can tell whether it is naked or not, so you have to look at it..."

With that said, Lingmu Yuanzi walked up to Chi Feichi and said, "Feichi, come out and say hello to me!"


Suzuki Sonoko: "..."

Hey, hey, are you so disrespectful?

"The temperature outside is low, and Fei Chi doesn't want to come out." Chi Fei Chi relayed Fei Chi's words on his behalf.

"Really?" Suzuki Sonoko looked up at Chi Feichi with some suspicion, "Are you really not pretending to be Lord Kidd?"

Chi Feichi gave Lingmu Yuanzi a look that seemed calm but made Lingmu Yuanzi feel disgusted. He hugged Sawada Hiroki and turned away.

"Miss Sonoko," the staff member behind the security machine replied kindly, "There is a difference between the figures of Consultant Chi and Kidd. Judging from the security inspection, there is no padding under his clothes, so Consultant Chi cannot be gay. Fake!"

"I see," Suzuki Sonoko looked at Chi Feichi moving away from her and complained in a low voice with a speechless face, "Kidd-sama shouldn't be able to act with such a bad attitude..."

Kuroba Kaito mixed in among the staff: "..."

For a moment, he didn't know whether he was underestimated or praised...

Within five minutes, the team of experts recruited by Suzuki Jirokichi also passed the inspection one by one.

Kuroba Kaito mingled among the staff and checked the belongings of Miyadai Natsumi and others together with other staff. After confirming that no one was carrying suspicious items, he didn't feel much relieved.

As long as Miyadai Natsumi is not stupid, she will not carry suspicious items with her at such a time, so it is normal that nothing is detected. After getting on the plane, he still needs to keep a close eye on people...

"Really, that guy Kudo still can't be contacted!" Suzuki Sonoko stood aside, listening to the notification tone on the other end of the phone, and put down her phone angrily, "That guy doesn't really want to let us go, right?"

Suzuki Jirokichi looked around, but did not see the figure of a high school student detective, and raised his wrist to look at his watch, "It is already ten minutes past the meeting time, and the scheduled departure time of the plane is approaching soon. Since we can't contact him, Then there’s no need to wait for him, let’s get on the plane first!”

Not far away, Bentang Yingyou was hiding behind a billboard. He watched Chi Feichi and others get on the plane. He frowned, took out his mobile phone, checked the time, and dialed a number.

"Hey, is this Conan... I'm Hondo Eyou. You said before that I can call you before twelve o'clock today... Yes, I'm at the airport now. I arrived before the agreed time. At the airport, I looked around in the waiting hall, and then ran to meet Yuanzi, Fei Chi and the others, but..."

On the other end of the phone, Conan responded calmly, "But Kudo Shinichi didn't show up, right?"


"Yes, yes, I have never seen that guy," I asked curiously, "How do you know?"

"If Kidd wanted to impersonate someone and get on the plane, he would definitely not join up with others too early," Conan analyzed. "That guy would first observe the situation nearby, and then suddenly join in when the plane is about to take off. "This way, it is not easy to fall into a trap, but there is also a possibility that the staff will not check so carefully because they are in a hurry."

"But, now that the plane is about to take off, he still..." Hondo Yingyou poked his head outside the billboard, and suddenly noticed a trace of blue clothes disappearing behind the boarding gate, and quickly walked out of the billboard, "Wait, wait a minute - "

"What happened?" Conan asked, "Did that guy show up?"

Hondo Yingyu walked quickly to the boarding gate and found that the boarding gate was closed. He immediately walked to the floor-to-ceiling glass window near the boarding gate and explained to Conan on the other end of the phone, "Just when I was calling you, there was Who got on the plane, I'm not sure if it was a staff member or..."

Under the gaze of Hondo Yingyou, the yellow-green airplane outside the glass window had closed its door and slowly slid away along the runway into the distance.

"Ah..." Bentang Yingyou became frustrated, "The plane has left!"

"Are you not sure whether Kidd got on the plane?" Conan was a little surprised and quickly comforted, "Don't be too busy to be upset. Now continue to stare at the plane! If Kidd wants to steal the painting , the best time to do it is before the plane takes off, and when the plane takes off but has not yet flown high into the sky. The former allows him to blend into the crowd in the terminal and escape, while the latter allows him to escape using a hang glider. , and after the plane flies to a high altitude, the glider may lose control due to the high-altitude airflow and the airflow brought by the plane. It is not so convenient for him to use the glider to escape. Therefore, if Kaitou Kidd wants to fight that picture on the plane If he does it, then when he does it, the plane won't fly out of the airport. You first make sure he doesn't do it at the New York airport. If he doesn't do it, then Uncle Mori and Officer Nakamori and I will be at Tokyo's Haneda Airport! Wait for him!"

"I, I know!" When Yingyou heard that the matter had not yet decided the outcome, he quickly cheered up and walked forward along the floor-to-ceiling glass windows. His eyes were fixed on the plane that was about to take off, and he remembered Another thing came up, "Speaking of which, Yuanzi called you before, right? Why can't you get through on the phone?"

"Garden?" Conan was a little confused, "I haven't received any calls before."

"Uh, I mean Kudo's phone number..." Eiyou Hondo noticed that he had made a mistake in his expression and explained, "Sonoko called Kudo Shinichi's previous phone number, but no one answered..."

"That's what you're talking about," Conan said with a trace of speechlessness in his tone, "Since you sent me an email about this, I called Sonoko using that number. Originally, I wanted to remind Sonoko and ask him Don't be deceived, but Yuanzi's phone has never been connected. I think that guy took the opportunity to get Yuanzi's mobile phone, put my number in the blacklist, and then saved another one in Yuanzi's mobile phone address book. The phone number was similar but completely unreachable, so Sonoko mistakenly thought it was Kudo Shinichi's phone number and kept dialing the wrong number... Sonoko probably wouldn't check the number so carefully when calling someone else, right? "

"Furthermore, Sonoko probably didn't realize that Kidd had taken away her cell phone, so she wouldn't have thought that the number saved in her address book had been changed, so she wouldn't have checked it carefully," Hondo Yingyou frowned, "Since Kidd has made it in advance, After making so many arrangements, he will definitely not give up easily! But why would he target famous paintings this time? Isn't he a monster thief who only targets gems? "

"As for Kidd's motive for focusing on that painting, I still don't know. It's possible that Mr. Jiroji or Brother Feichi made him unhappy at some point. He wanted to take revenge on those two people, so he sabotaged the Sunflower Art Exhibition. "Okay," Conan said with a relaxed tone, "But with Kidd's style of acting, even if that guy wants to take revenge on others, he won't go too far. Most likely he just wants to make a big fuss and give those two people a headache... "

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