Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 921 You won't rob Lak's house, will you?

The sky was gloomy and it was raining intermittently.

At noon, the rain stopped for a while, and two cars stopped side by side on the bank of a river in Tokyo.

In one of the cars, Belmode lowered the window, and without waiting for Gin who got out of the car to open his mouth, he handed over a plastic box, "Soup dumplings..."

After taking the gin, he handed over the vodka.

"Pumpkin and millet porridge..." Belmode handed out another bag containing two round boxes.

Gin took it and handed it to vodka.

Belmode continued to pass the box, "Braised pork ribs..."

Pick up the gin and pass it on.

"Stewed Pork Ribs with Lotus Root..."

"Pearl glutinous rice lotus root balls, this box is sweet, this box is salty..."

"Snow pear stewed in rock sugar, dessert..."

"Rice cake, this tastes very good..."

Belmode crazily handed it over, and gin received it crazily.

Vodka stared blankly at the piles of boxes in his hands, "These..."

"You won't rob Lak's house, will you?" Gin took out a cigarette and lit it.

He suspects that Belmode escaped with the delicacies from Lak's house...

"It was Lak who bought too many ingredients and had a bad fever, so he prepared the ingredients for me to steam or stew them. He also prepared a lot of ingredients. He said that if he couldn't finish eating, he would give you one. I think he is I can’t make it anymore, so I’ll make it and send it to him…” Belmode dug out a box from the big bag, and handed it out the window, “Spinach juice lean meat dumplings were made last night, but he didn’t eat them. There are still some left uncooked, and I am worried that it will be broken if I put it down again, so I boiled it and brought it here for you to taste."

Gin took the box again and put it on top of the pile of things hugged by Vodka, "Luck's situation is not good?"

"The fever is above 39 degrees, and I have lost my appetite since last night," Belmode re-fastened the bag beside her, which contained the portion she took with her on the road. "The situation is very strange. Taking medicine or physical It doesn't help if the fever goes down, but don't worry, when he wakes up, if he can't move, he can call an ambulance himself."

"Luck wouldn't have accidentally ingested a strange medicine, right?" Vodka recalled, "One time before, he accidentally added poison into water as a nutritional powder, and drank it himself..."

"Really?" Belmode turned to look at Vodka.

"Yeah," Vodka said honestly, "it really surprised Brother Gin!"

Gin: "..."

Shut up, he didn't...

But if you ask him why he is wary of the food that Lark has handled, this is one of the reasons-that guy's brain is so poisoned that he won't even let him go!

"He has eaten strange things," Belmode looked back, took out a long and thin cigarette and lit it, "but it shouldn't have anything to do with that thing."

"What?" Qin Jiu asked.

"Blood, most likely human blood," Belmode spit out a puff of smoke, "It's placed deep in the wine cabinet, it looks like it's been drunk before last night."

The gin is probably confirmed, a certain guy has pica, and sneered, "Then you have to be careful, the ingredients he gives you may not be taken from animals."

Vodka: "..."

Originally, the smell coming out of the box was quite fragrant, but after hearing what the elder brother said, he suddenly lost his appetite.

"Probably not. I stared at him and prepared the ingredients," Belmode laughed. "I've also checked the refrigerator, and there is nothing strange."

Gin looked up at the two men in black who came over, "They will take you there."

"Ok." Belmode got out of the car, walked around to the passenger seat and took the big and small bags before sitting in the back seat.

Qin Jiu watched the car leave before turning around and getting into the car.

Since Belmode said that he watched the whole process, the items sent should be fine, and they are not made of any strange ingredients, so they can be eaten.


After two o'clock in the afternoon, the rain began to patter down again.

Outside Didan Primary School, elementary school students left the school in groups of twos and threes holding umbrellas, and went back to Canada together.

Genta closed his eyes, sniffed and sniffed, and kept moving closer to Ayumi, "It's so strange, it smells..."

Seeing that Genta was getting closer to Ayumi, Mitsuhiko quickly squeezed Genta away, blushing and said, "Genta, what are you doing!"

"But it really has a fragrance," Yuan Tai sniffed again, "Sweet pumpkin...scented meat..."

Ayumi has been distracted, not paying attention to Genta's actions at all.

Haibara Ai turned to look at Ayumi, a certain little girl was a little strange today.

"Ayumi, what's wrong with you?" Conan asked directly.

"Ah?" Ayumi returned to her senses with a blank face.

"Yeah, you've been distracted since this morning," Mitsuhiko said, "During class, during lunch break, and activity class, you don't seem to be very happy..."

"Did someone bully you?" Yuan Tai put on a vicious look of "I'm calling the shots for you".

"No, I'm worried about Brother Chi... That's right!" Ayumi suddenly handed the umbrella to Yuantai, "Yuantai, help me get it!"

Yuan Tai caught the umbrella in a daze and helped open it.

Mitsuhiko watched Ayumi take off her schoolbag, leaned forward, and found that the schoolbag Ayumi opened was full of fast food boxes, "This is..."

Ayumi took out a box and opened it, and said with a smile, "Sweet pumpkin and millet porridge!"

The corner of Yuan Tai's mouth drooled.

Ayumi closed the box, took out another box, opened it, and said with a smile, "Also, delicious stewed ribs!"

The corner of Yuantai's mouth was drooling down to his chin.

Mitsuhiko couldn't help feeling, "It's so fragrant, although it's already cold..."

As soon as Huiyuan Ai smelled it, he guessed who did it, "So, Yoshida-san was late when we met us in the morning, so he went to see Brother Feichi alone, right? You said you were worried about him because Is he in a bad condition?"

The smile on Ayumi's face dissipated, and she closed the box in frustration, "Well, it seems that it's not very good..."

"Don't worry, he can still cook. The situation shouldn't be too bad," Conan said in relief. "He has always been in good health. No matter how stubborn the cold is, he can recover after a period of rest."

That's a man who smashed electric poles with his bare hands...

"But Ayumi, you should tell us when you go to see brother Chi, let's go together." Mitsuhiko said.

"That's right," Genta stared at the box in Ayumi's schoolbag with a greedy face, "You didn't say it when you were having lunch..."

"That's not true," Ayumi frowned, and her voice softened, "Brother Chi didn't do these, when I went, he was still sleeping..."

"Huh?" Conan looked at Ayumi suspiciously.

How did Ayumi get in there?

"When I went to ring the doorbell, no one answered the door at first. I thought Brother Chi hadn't woken up yet, but when I rang the doorbell, a very beautiful big sister opened the door," Ayumi recalled, "She said Brother Chi has a fever, because I gave Brother Chi the rabbit biscuits that I want to bring to everyone to taste, and she packed these things for me, because there are things in it that are not delicious if they are cold, and let me eat them after school. Take it home and heat it up, let everyone taste it together..."


After a while, Mitsuhiko stammered in surprise, "Chi, Brother Chi has a beautiful girl in his family! Are they living together with...?!"

"Or to take care of him?" Hui Yuanai asked.

Ayumi struggled a little, "Although that big sister was wearing a yukata, she said she wasn't Brother Chi's girlfriend, she just went to take care of Brother Chi."

Alas, she should have expected such a day to come. The age gap is too big, and it really is an insurmountable gap.

Conan laughed dryly, "That may be because the girl is embarrassed. Brother Chi can let the other party move freely at home and go to sleep at ease, and the other party can also take a bath in his house naturally after he sleeps, which shows that the two of them have a good relationship." The relationship is unusual."

"He really kept it a secret." Hui Yuanai rubbed his chin, recalling Chi Feichi's recent actions.

When did her elder brother hook up with a beautiful girl, but she didn't find any clue.

"Is it beautiful?" Mitsuhiko actively gossiped.

"Hmm! She is very beautiful, with a good figure and a good temperament, just like a big star," Ayumi recalled earnestly, "I think she looks familiar, she seems to be a celebrity, seen in movies or news reports But, I wanted to ask her, but I forgot to ask her because I was busy packing food and rushing to meet everyone later..."

"Movies or news reports?" Mitsuhiko rubbed his chin to analyze, "Would it be THK's artists? Brother Chi should have the most contact with THK's artists."

"It may also be an artist from another company," Haihara Ai also recalled, with beautiful female stars flashing in his mind, "For example, Yoko Okino's economic company has a very good relationship with THK recently, and the relationship is very good. frequently."

Gossip, they mean it!

Conan Banyueyan, "Hey, you guys..."

"Is it Miss Cangmu or Miss Yoko?" Motota's eyes lit up.

"No," Ayumi said seriously, "I don't think she's a domestic star because she's a foreigner and doesn't speak Japanese very well."


Mitsuhiko and Yuan were too surprised.

Conan and Haibara also looked at Ayumi.

Foreign female stars?

They also came into contact with one recently, and Chi Feichi also knew each other...

"Should be a famous female star," Ayumi tried to recall, "but I can't remember the name."

"Is it... Chrissy Wingyard?" Hui Yuanai asked tentatively.

Conan still thought, "Impossible, Haibara is thinking too much, that woman is exposed and injured", so Ayumi nodded...

Ayumi smiled and nodded, "I remember! It seems to be the name, I saw it in the movie brochure before!"

Conan and Haibara froze, feeling their brains explode.

Chrissy Wynyard... Belmode is actually at Chi Feichi's house!

"It's the second-generation female star," Mitsuhiko said with emotion, "She is very beautiful, has a good figure, and has already been a big star in many movies at a very young age."

Yuan Tai chuckled, "So Brother Chi likes girls like this."

Ayumi pulled up her hair to look, then looked down at her small body, and compared it, she suddenly found that Conan reached out and grabbed her arm, looked up in surprise, and saw Conan's ugly face.

"What's Brother Chi's reaction?" Seeing Ayumi's blank face, Conan repeated quickly, "I mean, when you saw Brother Chi in the morning, what was his attitude towards that woman?"

Ayumi was taken aback by Conan's ugly face, "Didn't I, didn't I tell you that Brother Chi is still sleeping..."

"Conan, what are you doing!" Yuan Tai dissatisfied.

"I'm sorry, Ayumi, I'm a little excited," Conan realized that he had frightened Ayumi, put down his hand, and his face eased a little, but he still couldn't help but asked eagerly, "Didn't you see him?"

"When the elder sister went to see Brother Chi at the door of the room, I followed and saw that Brother Chi was still sleeping on the bed." Ayumi didn't know why, but she still said truthfully, "Because the elder sister said that Brother Chi was not feeling well, so I went to bed. It didn't take long, don't disturb his rest, so we didn't enter the room..."

Conan suddenly remembered what Judy said.

When Judy was a little girl, she saw Belmode. Belmode lied to Judy that Judy's father was just asleep, but it turned out to be a corpse, and then set fire to the house... …

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