Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 922 Conan decides to solve the case first

"It seems that Brother Chi is very ill." Guangyan said worriedly.

"It's not just that," Ayumi said, "I heard from Sister Chris that the ingredients were prepared by Brother Chi last night, and she just warmed it up, but I think she should like Brother Chi very much..."

Conan tried to calm himself down, "Why do you say that?"

"Because she seems to have been taking care of Brother Chi very hard. It was very dark today. When I went, the lights in the living room, room, and kitchen were all on. There was a wet towel on Brother Chi's forehead to help cool down, and there were some on the bedside table. Wet towel," Ayumi recalled, "and she seems to have specially learned about Chinese culture. When packing the food, she said that she made Sydney stewed in rock sugar by herself in the morning. Because Brother Chi likes Chinese culture, she also understands However, Sydney’s words in Chinese are very similar to a kind of wine called... well, Shirley. If she can’t drink alcohol, she has to make Sydney stewed with rock sugar. She also said that she did it for the first time. I don’t know if it’s okay. Eat, let's have a taste..."

Huiyuan Ai stood there dumbfounded, with an ugly expression on his face.

Rock Sugar Stewed Sydney...

Stewed sherry with rock sugar...

Belmode is not interested in China, but he is clearly implying that he is more interested in stewing her.

If you have investigated it, you will know that Ayumi knows them, and they specially let Ayumi pack food, and tell Ayumi this, it is like some kind of bad declaration.

"If you can't drink, you have to make sherry stewed with rock sugar"...

It seems to be saying: 'If I can't deal with you, I'll kill your brother! '

Conan also constricted his pupils, and his mind was buzzing non-stop.

Leaving aside the kind of provocative and suggestive remarks, in Ayumi's experience in the morning, there are many details that he dare not think deeply about.

First of all, Ayumi didn't talk to Chi Feichi, she just saw it at the door of the room. Afterwards, Belmode took Ayumi to the kitchen to pack food on the grounds of 'he just fell asleep, don't disturb his rest'. It was impossible to determine what Chi Feichi's real state was.

Secondly, the lights in Chi Feichi's room, the living room, and the kitchen are all on. It may be that Belmode has repeatedly moved in these three places before, entering Chi Feichi's room, going to the living room, going to the kitchen, and entering Chi Feichi's room. , although in this way, it makes sense for Belmode to say that Chi Feichi just fell asleep. It is very likely that Chi Feichi was indeed awake before, but it is also possible that Belmode was looking for something or cleaning something. trace……

Belmode took a bath, possibly to clean up the blood on his body.

The wet towels on Chi Feichi's head and the wet towels on the bedside table may also be used to clean up the blood in the room.

Few friends would visit Chi Feichi's house, and there were not many residents in the apartment building where he lived, and it was unlikely that neighbors would come to him. Belmode should have a long time to clean up some traces, but in the morning Ayumi went to It happened too suddenly, Belmode could only quickly clean up some traces, and set up an illusion to deceive Ayumi...

By the way, Ayumi also said, the first time you ring the doorbell, no one will answer the door!

The time of being in a daze was only two seconds, and Conan and Hui Yuanai immediately turned and ran to Chi Feichi's apartment.

"Hey, Conan..." Genta handed the umbrella that Ayumi had handed him to Mitsuhiko, and chased after him, "Where are you going? Wait for me!"

Mitsuhiko could only help Ayumi open the umbrella, and waited for Ayumi to zip up her schoolbag before passing the umbrella over, "Let's go and see too!"


Ayumi took the umbrella and ran, but when passing a street, she was suddenly knocked to the ground by a tall man in a raincoat, and the umbrella fell into the stagnant water.

On the other side of the street, a woman staggered out with her hand covering her bleeding right arm, shouting, "Kill, murderer! Catch him!"

Ayumi was startled, and looked up to see Xiao Hei in the raincoat who had knocked her down and turned to look at her, and also saw that the right hand that was stretched out towards her was wearing a blood-stained white glove, she closed her eyes and screamed out in fright.


The scream also scared Conan, Haibara Ai, Mitsuhiko and Genta who were running ahead.

Yuan Tai stammered, "It''s Ayumi's voice, right?"

Haibara Ai was confused for a while, whether to turn back to look at Ayumi, or...

"Let's go and see!" Conan directly grabbed Haibara Ai's wrist, and dragged Haibara Ai to the place where Ayumi screamed. Seeing Mitsuhiko and Yuanta rushing over, he lowered his voice solemnly, "Ayumi went to Brother Chi's place in the morning. If Ayumi accidentally noticed something important, those people might attack her after she finished delivering the message. I have to go and see to make sure she's okay, and you can't do it yourself. Go alone, if this is a trap, it will be very dangerous for you to go alone!"

"But..." Hui Yuanai panicked.

"I'll call the doctor in a while and ask him to drive over and take a look!"

Conan's face was heavy.

The more Conan thought about it, the more he felt that Chi Feichi might be in danger.

After Conan ran to Ayumi, he decided to call the police first. After reporting to the police, he found that Ayumi had left clues about the criminals in his hand. Since Ayumi had to wait for the police to testify, he decided to wait for the police together.

After Conan waited for the police to arrive, he decided to hurry up and solve the case, and help the police catch the 'murderer' who attacked women with a knife, make sure that it wasn't from Chongbumei, and then rush to Chi Feichi's place.

A high-end apartment in Sudocho, on the 11th floor...

Chi Feichi stood with one hand on the wall, and only after his hands and feet were under control, he walked out of the room and looked at the wall clock on the living room wall.

Five p.m.

It has been two hours since he woke up, the high fever has not subsided, and he almost had no energy to get up at first, so he had to slow down by himself, and by the way, he could wait for Conan and Hui Yuanai to come over, lest those two people rush to nothing.

The elementary school students should be out of school at three o'clock in the afternoon today, but the rain has stopped, and he has recovered. If the two little devils haven't arrived yet, then there is no need to wait.

He took a step first and went to the hospital to lie down.

Even if it is useless to take medicine and injections, someone can take care of him when he goes to the hospital and help him physically cool down.

I don't know how long this state will last, and he doesn't want to damage his body because of the continuous fever.

Before going downstairs, Chi Feichi drank a glass of water, went to the kitchen to look around, and found a new bowl of stewed pears with rock sugar that should have been left last night. Guessing that it was made by Belmode, he decided to try it .

No matter what you eat, you must eat a little, and you will hang your life.

Downstairs, Dr. Ali parked the car on the side of the road, went to the underground parking lot of the apartment to have a look, then returned to the car, stared at the door of the apartment building, and made a phone call in a low voice.

"... There is no fire in the building. I went to the underground parking lot to check, but Feichi's car is still not there. The door of the safe passage staircase is locked, and there is no way to enter the apartment building from there... You said earlier that Belmode It might be here, what the hell is going on?"

When he thought of Conan calling to tell him that Belmode was here in Feichi in the morning and asking him to come and see first, he felt bad.

"Don't worry," Conan said in relief, "She might not hurt Brother Chi."

He calmed down and thought about it. Teacher Judy said that Belmode looked at Chi Feichi's back with complicated eyes. He hadn't noticed it before, but it was probably true.

Just like Belmode protected him when the bus was hijacked, shot Mao Lilan afterwards, and lured him away with a letter before preparing to attack Huiyuan Ai, didn't Belmode also wait for Chi Feichi to stay at home sick Are you ready to do it when you refuse to go out?

Coupled with the fact that the building did not catch fire, it is unlikely that Belmode will kill Chi Feichi.

In addition, even though Belmode said 'give up Sydney' at that time, he couldn't believe it completely, and he had to prevent this from being a trap to lure Hui Yuanai back. This did not conflict with Belmode's not hurting Chi Feichi.

Of course, those people in the organization are all evil, ruthless, insane, and murderous without blinking an eye. It is not ruled out that Belmod could not catch Shirley and become angry or attack Chi Feichi for other reasons.

But if Belmode wanted to make a move, the scene should have been cleaned up in the morning, and it was too late to rush in now. Chi Feichi's body was cold, so it's better to observe the situation first.

That's why he asked Dr. A Li to go over to have a look, and also to pull Hui Yuan Ai, not to let Hui Yuan Ai run over alone.

It's just that he couldn't tell Dr. A Li to prepare to collect Chi Feichi's body...

"Xinyi, do you want to call the police and let the police come and see?" Dr. Ali heard something was wrong from Conan's heavy tone, and said in a low voice, "If the police go to the apartment manager, they should be able to go in."

"No, if there are their people there, then we can't alarm them, lest they make any dangerous moves," Conan said, "In short, I still have half an hour to solve the problem here, and I will think about it after I get there. Find a way to sneak in and see, I’m a child now, it’s easier to move around without attracting attention, doctor, wait for me there, be careful, don’t be noticed.”

"New..." Dr. A Li was about to speak when he realized that the phone had been hung up.


The window glass next to him was knocked twice, Dr. A Li froze, his face changed, and he tried his best to calm his face, and then slowly turned his head to look.

was discovered?

Outside the car window, a young man in a dark blue coat bends down to look inside the car. He has black hair, purple pupils, and a calm face... His eyes are familiar, but there is a layer of mist in his eyes, which makes the outline of his entire face and his usual calm and cold eyes It looked a lot softer, and he almost didn't dare to recognize it.

"No, no late?"

After Dr. A Li came back to his senses, he breathed a sigh of relief and lowered the car window.

Chi Feichi guessed the reason why Dr. Ali is here, but he still had to pretend not to know, "Doctor, why are you here...?"

Dr. A Li sweated, and quickly found an excuse, "Oh! I passed by here and wanted to stop by to see you. Are you feeling better from your cold?"

"No," Chi Feichi said in a soft voice, "I was just planning to go to the hospital."

"Then I'll take you to Beihu Central Hospital." Dr. A Li saw that Chi Feichi's condition was not right, and suggested, "That's not far from here. Xiaolan and Yuanzi seem to be there too..."

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