Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 923 The Lingering Shadow Upstairs

Kubado Central Hospital.

In a single ward on the fifth floor, Judy was sitting on the bed in hospital gown, and Nagisa Isogai was sitting on a chair beside her peeling apples.

Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko, who came running over after school, stood aside, chatting with Judy.

"Ah? Teacher, are you an FBI investigator?" Suzuki Sonoko shouted in surprise.

Mao Lilan quickly covered Suzuki Sonoko's mouth, "Sonoko, this is a hospital, keep your voice down."

Suzuki Sonoko nodded, and after Mao Lilan let go, he couldn't wait to ask, "But why did you come to Japan to be a teacher? Are you a spy?"

"No! No!" Judy said with a smile, still with a weird Japanese accent, "The prisoner I was following escaped, so I came to Japan for vacation. I like Japanese video games very much! And being a teacher is what I have always been doing." Dream! But my vacation is over, and I will go back to the United States after the abdominal injury recovers..."

"Here," Isogai handed the peeled apple to Judy, "So you are really the FBI."

Judy took the apple, a little puzzled, "So?"

"Yeah, because I think you are very strange. You are a foreigner. You seem to have undergone physical training and marksmanship training for a long time. You are so powerful but you want to be a high school teacher. You will inquire about strange things and often make secret phone calls with people." Beizhu watched Judy finish the inventory, and suddenly laughed, "I was thinking a few days ago, could you be a spy sent by a foreign country to Japan to investigate Japan's confidential information, so I sent a text message to ask my father if he should call the police, I should tell the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or something, but my father said that there is no evidence, so it is better to look again."

Judy's peasy eyes, "Yes, is that so..."

Did she just miss a crisis?

Shouldn't we thank the unrelated father and daughter for their 'unsent grace'?

Suzuki Sonoko was curious, "Teacher, what did you tell us the day you resigned, 'the treasure map fragments you've been looking for'?"

"My boss called me and said that the prisoner I had been following had a clue and asked me to go back immediately." Judy said.

"I see." Suzuki Sonoko nodded, believing it.

"I was planning to leave that day. When I drove past Dr. Ali's house, I planned to say goodbye to the cool boy, but I saw a suspicious person escorting the cool boy and Xiao Ai into the car, so I drove there," Judy said. He continued, "Then when I was chasing to the pier, someone shot at me, and I used a pistol to fight back at the opponent. Of course, the gun was taken from the opponent..."

Isogai Nagisa suddenly raised his eyes and stared.

No one asked how the gun came, but deliberately explained that Judy was lying and the gun was not stolen.

In other words, Judy brought a gun to Japan on vacation!

"Fortunately, Mao Li hid in the trunk of my car, helped me call the police, and protected Xiao Ai, which helped me a lot. But at that time, I was shot in the abdomen and couldn't move, so the kidnapper escaped. Because the sky was too dark, I couldn't look down on the other person's face..." Judy said with regret, and felt that Isogai was looking at her, and asked doubtfully, "Isogai? Is there something on my face? "

Isogai laughed, "No, no, I was just looking at your face, it seems that you are recovering well."

"Oh, yes!" Judy waved her fist, looking full of energy, "I've always been in good health, this injury is nothing at all!"

"However, Xiao Lan," Suzuki Sonoko turned to look at Mao Lilan, "Why are you hiding in Teacher Judy's trunk?"

"I had a farewell party for the teacher that day. When I went to the bathroom, I saw a picture of Conan, Brother Feichi and us posted on the bathroom mirror. I wanted to ask the teacher that day, but the teacher was not at home. I saw the trunk of the car. It's okay, I hid in the trunk without thinking much," Mao Lilan was a little embarrassed, and then smiled, "But the teacher is not a bad person, it's great! I wonder if the teacher is dealing with Shinichi I was entrusted by the prisoner to find his weakness, so I was thinking, the teacher said that he found the treasure map, is he going to meet the prisoner..."

Are these people so smart?

Judy was sweating, and explained with a smile, "Oh! I wanted to keep those photos as a souvenir, so I took them. It's like casual photography, which is very popular in the United States. Originally, those photos were pasted in the living room, but I When my Japanese friend went home and saw the photo, his expression was very strange, so I moved to the mirror in the bathroom!"

"That's right, Americans seem to like to post a lot of photos on their desks and mirrors, but the Japanese don't have this habit, so it's okay to find it strange," Mao Lilan recalled, "I used to go to New York with Shinichi to watch a stage play. At that time, there were many photos posted on the mirrors of those female stars..."

"Is that the time you and Shinichi met the murderer?" Suzuki Sonoko asked.

Mao Lilan nodded, "Yes."

"Speaking of murderers, there seems to be similar reports recently," Judy said with a smile, "you should pay attention to safety..."

"Jingle Bell……"

"Sorry, I have a call." Mao Lilan took out his mobile phone to look at it, and went to the door of the ward to answer, "Hello, doctor?...Yeah, we are still in the Central Hospital of Cupido... Are you here? Judy The teacher is on the fifth floor, Ward 506...Huh? Is it Brother Chi?...Okay, I see."

After Mao Lilan hung up the phone and turned around, Suzuki Sonoko asked curiously, "Xiaolan, what's wrong?"

"It's the doctor. He sent Brother Feichi to the hospital and asked if we were there," Mao Lilan explained, "Xiao Ai is going to come and see Teacher Zhu Di, and thank the teacher for saving them that day, so he asked the teacher's ward number by the way. .”

Judy thought of the 'British sarcasm', with a stiff smile on her face, "Then... why did Mr. Chi come to the hospital?"

"His cold has never been better..." Mao Liland said.

"Brother Feichi has had a cold for a long time, right?" Suzuki Sonoko asked.

"Yeah, the doctor seems to say that he needs to be hospitalized," Mao Lilan looked at Zhu Di, "Dr. A Li said that his ward is 606, which seems to be just upstairs from Teacher Zhu Di."

Judy: "..."

Her lingering 'upstairs shadow'...

"Judy, you should rest," Isogai got up, "I'm going to buy some fruit to see my father."

"I'll go too," Suzuki Sonoko said, "Teacher, take a good rest!"

"We won't bother you." Mao Lilan was also going to have a look.


Twenty minutes later...

Upstairs, Ward 606.

Judy followed in a wheelchair anyway.

She reported Hui Yuan Ai's choice to James Black in the morning, and she has nothing to do at the moment, and it's boring to be alone in the ward, why don't you come up and take a look, but...

All of them were stopped by the doctor.


Mao Lilan was about to ask about the situation when the elevator door at the end of the corridor opened, and the five little ghosts of the Boy Detective Team were still carrying their schoolbags, and ran out of the elevator door at a faster pace.


Yuan Tai ran to the front, bent over and panted, and looked up to see Mao Lilan, Suzuki Sonoko, and Judy, "Huh?"

Hui Yuanai followed quickly, seeing the two nurses pushing the electrocardiogram detector into the door and closing the door of the ward, then turned to look at the group of Mao Lilan standing neatly outside, feeling uneasy, looked up The doctor standing in front of Mao Lilan, "Do I need an electrocardiogram machine for a cold?"

"Mr. Chi's condition doesn't look like he has a cold." The doctor lowered his head and opened the medical records and examination reports in his hand. "He had a medical examination record after falling into the sea before. He came to the hospital for an examination ten days ago. He had a cough, but he didn't have a cold." There should be symptoms such as runny nose, and there are signs of respiratory inflammation, because the doctor who received him asked him at that time, and he said that he had indeed had cold-like symptoms after the plunge into the sea, so the doctor suspected that he had fallen into the sea The subsequent cold was caused by germs infecting the respiratory tract and causing inflammation, but that time the condition was not serious and he recovered by his own immunity, but this time it recurred due to the weather or other reasons, and the doctor who received him prescribed it After taking the medicine for a while, his cough was under control, but then he started to have a fever..."

"The fever may indeed be caused by infection, inflammation or something like that." Haibara thought about it.

"What about the specific result?" Dr. A Li asked.

"We haven't come to a specific conclusion yet." The doctor was a little embarrassed. He closed the examination report in his hand and looked at Dr. A Li. Whether it was ten days ago or today, he did not detect a bacterial infection, nor did he have the leukocytosis that inflammation should have."

"Is his temperature high now?" Conan asked with a frown.

"No, his body temperature is around 39.5 degrees, almost unchanged," the doctor turned his head and looked at the glass square window on the door of the ward, "but his heartbeat is very fast, fluctuating around 130 beats per minute, occasionally jumping to 130 beats per minute. 140 times, this is in a relaxed state, and he can’t tell how long the rapid heart rate lasted. If our situation continues, it will cause cardiomyopathy, or cause dyspnea and shock, so we prepared an electrocardiogram Testing machines and ventilators."

"Then can we go in and see Brother Chi?" Ayumi asked while holding her schoolbag.

"Not yet, little sister," the doctor said kindly, bending over to Ayumi, "Now it's best for Mr. Chi to recuperate..."

A nurse pushed the door out and said softly, "Doctor, Mr. Chi asked, can the children go in and talk to him?"

The doctor straightened up, frowning and hesitating, "He'd better rest now..."

"Then can you play on the computer?"

A young man's voice sounded faintly weak from the room, but the familiar calm tone reassured Dr. Ali and the others outside the ward inexplicably.

The doctor turned and walked to the door, "Mr. Chi, you need to rest."

The five children approached the door and looked in, their eyes widening quickly.

Chi Feichi was wearing Judy's gray-blue hospital gown, leaning against the head of the bed, his expression still calm, but his eyes were covered with water mist, coupled with his soft voice, he was unbelievably gentle.

After being rejected, Chi Feichi asked again, "Can I read?"

He has entered the state of 'epiphany' again, his brain is so clear that he can't waste it, but the work he is currently doing, whether it is contacting, reading plans, or reading materials, cannot be separated from the computer.

Can't work, can he read books?

"Mr. Chi..." The middle-aged male doctor looked puzzled.

Mao Lilan approached the door and advised, "Brother Feichi, you should have a good rest."

"Yeah, yeah," Sonoko Suzuki probed his head, together with the five little devils who squeezed to the door, and Dr. Ali who kept up with him, they squeezed all the doctors into the door. It's not too late!"

Chi Feichi said nothing, and closed his eyes.

He slept all day and really couldn't fall asleep.

If you can't even read a book, then he is the digital model of Hetu Luoshu...

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