There are special escorts in Chi Feichi's ward, who can not only help him change wet towels to cool down physically, but also help him keep an eye on his body temperature and heart rate, so he doesn't need to be guarded by anyone.

This is why he came to the hospital to be controlled.

If you can spend some money to solve the problem, you don't need to struggle to solve it yourself, and you don't need to trouble the people around you to stay up all night, which is very cost-effective.

After learning about the situation with the doctor outside the ward, Mao Lilan and Suzuki Sonoko decided to go home separately, and Dr. Ali also planned to take the children away.

The elevator reached the fifth floor, and before leaving Zhu Di, Hui Yuanai handed the bouquet in her hand to Zhu Di who was in a wheelchair, "Take a good rest and recover soon."

Judy took the bouquet, and was too embarrassed to care about the "British sarcasm" in the morning, and decided to pretend it was nothing, and said with a smile, "Oh, thank you!"

After Judy left, the elevator door closed again, Mao Lilan asked Conan, "Conan, are you going to the doctor's house with everyone, or come back with me?"

Conan raised his head and acted cute, "I want to go to the doctor's house, and tomorrow I will go directly to school from the doctor's house!"

"How long has it been since you, kid, returned to the detective agency?" Suzuki Sonoko complained, then turned to ask Isogai, "Miss Isogai, how about you? Are you planning to go home?"

Isogai Nagisa, who was distracted, came back to his senses, "Huh?"

"What's wrong with you?" Mao Lilan asked suspiciously, "You haven't spoken since just now."

"It's nothing. The time when the doctor said that the father had a medical examination for falling into the sea seemed to be the time when we went out to sea together on a cruise ship. But that time, I fell into the sea with him. After my father and I fell into the sea, he A self-inflating cushion popped up on the body, and we floated on the surface of the sea with the cushion, and neither he nor I drowned." Isogai touched his chin and thought carefully, "I just thought about it and made sure he was choking at that time. If you touch the water, will you get infected if you don’t choke on the water?”

"Really?!" Conan's expression changed.

"Yeah." Isogai was a little surprised why Conan was so excited, but he didn't think too much about it, "So I was thinking, Dad, he might be sick for other reasons, and I should tell the doctor tomorrow..."

"Okay," Suzuki Sonoko patted Isogai Nagisa on the shoulder, guessing, "Maybe Brother Feichi hurt his body because he soaked in the sea for too long? Don't think too much about it. I'll leave it to Think about it as a professional, and leave it to the doctor! But Sister Jibei, don’t you find it awkward to call Brother Feichi ‘Daddy’ all the time?”

"No way," Isogai Zhu was distracted, with a serious face, "I'm not used to it being called something else."

Suzuki Sonoko stared blankly at Isogai Nagisa, "I was defeated by you..."

Mollyland laughed out loud.

On the side, the three children Ayumi, Genta, and Mitsuhiko murmured together.

"Conan is always excited today."

"He must be very worried about Brother Chi..."

Conan approached Huiyuan Ai, and whispered, "Hey, Huiyuan, Brother Chi didn't choke on the water, so it couldn't be a respiratory infection caused by falling into the sea, and the doctor didn't find anything unusual, tell me, is it possible... "

Hui Yuanai nodded, and said softly, "I can make a medicine that makes people have cold symptoms, and there should be someone in the organization who can make a similar medicine."

Dr. A Li joined the chat team, "But, if Feichi's illness was their fault, why did they do it?"

"It's not clear yet," Conan said solemnly, "but if Brother Chi's situation improves, maybe Belmode did something to hold Brother Chi back..."

"Hey, Shinichi," Dr. Ali reminded in a low voice, "Isn't the time right? Feichi's cold should have started ten days ago, and Xiao Ai was seen by them seven days ago..."

"Then what if Brother Chi really had a cold at the beginning?" Conan analyzed, "He usually exercises, no matter how stubborn the cold is, it should be almost healed in three days, right? Haibara's cold only lasted For five days, it is impossible that his cold has not improved all the time, but if someone took the opportunity to inadvertently take some medicine with severe cold symptoms in the late stage of his cold, it would make him and us think that his cold has been going on for a long time. No, it can also ensure that during the time when Huiyuan encountered something, he was recuperating at home due to illness, and he absolutely couldn't get involved."

Dr. A Li thought about it, and felt that this inference was very possible, "Then, she went to Feichi's house later, maybe it was to deliver the antidote?"

"Ah...then just wait and see how Brother Chi is doing," Conan said with a smile on his lips, "I also really want to know if she didn't find a place to hide after she was injured, but went to Brother Chi's house." reason!"


Chi Feichi didn't know that Conan had thought so much, and it was naturally impossible for Belmode to know, but it was just a coincidence that Sanwu Goldfinger ended his effort that night.

As soon as the morning passed, Chi Feichi's body temperature began to drop, and his heart rate gradually returned to normal.

Early the next morning, after the doctor's ward rounds, Chi Feichi was asked to stay in the hospital for observation for another day. If his body temperature and heart rate did not fluctuate, he could be discharged.

All the machines in the ward were moved out. After Chi Feichi had breakfast, he went out of the hospital and went home to help Wuming clean the men’s toilet and refill the food. Door.

In the ward, Judy was talking to Akai Shuichi who sneaked over, and happened to talk about Chi Feichi's hospitalization.

When they heard the knock on the door, both of them fell silent.

The time for rounds has passed, the children and Mori Ran have gone to school, and Isogai Nagisa is also going to prepare for the opening of the new store. At this time, they will come to the door. Could it be...

"Which one is it?" Judy asked aloud.

A calm and indifferent male voice came from outside the door, "Me."

Akai Hideo twitched, walked lightly to the bathroom, opened the door gently, and prepared to go in and hide.

"Mr. Chi?" Judy gave Hideichi Akai a complicated look. Now she knows what "the shadow from upstairs" is. Men, now at the hospital, I still can't get rid of it, and I'm replaced by Chi Feichi, the biggest troublemaker, "May I ask what you can do for me?"

The person outside the door did not enter the door, and asked bluntly, "Playing games, are you coming?"

"Oh, yes!" Judy's eyes lit up, and seeing that Akai Shuichi had already hid, she moved out of bed with one hand on her waist, avoiding the wound on her abdomen, and sat in a wheelchair to open the door, "It's so boring to lie in the hospital Now, is your cold better?"

"much better."

"By the way, how is your little girl?"

"Xiao Ai?"

"Yeah, she and the cool boy were kidnapped before. If I hadn't followed up, they would have been in danger, but I was injured because of it..."

"Trouble for you."

Judy: "..."

Isn't this reaction too cold?

"It's normal for those children to make something happen every once in a while."

"Yes, is that so..."

Zhu Di pushed the wheelchair and left with Chi Feichi.

She was only so active to support Chi Feichi and cover Akai Shuichi to leave, not to play games to pass the boring hospital time.

Akai Shuichi who was in the bathroom heard that there was no movement outside and that someone didn't even close the door of the ward, so he was silent for a while, and quietly left the bathroom.

Forget it, he withdrew.


At 3:30 in the afternoon, when the young detective team arrived at the hospital, they saw Chi Feichi and Zhu Di, two patients in the ward, connected to the TV in the ward with their controllers, playing games in full swing.

"Go! Go! Mr. Chi, I'll charge in from the front, you go outflank! Next time it's your charge, I'll cover for you~!" Judy stared at the character charging forward on the TV screen, with excitement in her eyes Light.

Playing a two-player clearance game with Chi Feichi is really cool, just rush up and do it, anyway, Chi Feichi can help clean up the threats she can't notice and the enemies in the blind spots.

Chi Feichi manipulated the game character to detour, change pistols at close range, and headshot him.

When the fever subsides, his "sudden enlightenment" state is gone, but one should not be too greedy, it is enough to "sudden enlightenment" twice.

When it's time to relax, you have to play games.

Mitsuhiko and Yuantai entered the door, turned their heads and saw the two game characters rushing all the way on the TV screen, they were all stunned.

"Okay, that's amazing!"

Conan froze for a moment, walked in the door, observed Chi Feichi's expression, and exchanged a glance with Hui Yuanai.

Chi Feichi's eyes returned to their original calm and cold look, and there was no unhealthy redness on his face. In addition, the machines in the ward were gone, and the doctor let Chi Feichi play games. Chi Feichi's condition has definitely improved, and he is in good health.

Bumi waited for Chi Feichi and Zhu Di to pass the customs and rest, stepped forward and asked with concern, "Brother Chi, how do you feel?"

"The fever subsided last night, and the heart rate returned to normal." Chi Feichi put down the handle and got up to fetch fruit for a group of children. "Today, I will observe for a day, and I will be discharged from the hospital tomorrow."

"Thank you, Brother Chi."

"Thank you, Brother Chi!"

The five elementary school students who received the apples thanked them obediently.

Yuan Tai took the apple and secretly glanced at Chi Feichi.

Alas, the solemn and oppressive aura of elder brother Chi has returned.

Chi Feichi took Yuantai's hand, "Take the apple home and wash it before eating."

"Oh! Okay..." Yuan Tai obediently stopped talking, tears streaming down her heart.


Sure enough, Brother Chi, who looked very gentle, disappeared.

"What did the doctor say?" Hui Yuanai looked up at Chi Feichi who was drinking water, "Is it an infection?"

Chi Feichi drank his saliva before saying, "I'm not sure yet, so I need to observe."

"Before the doctor had time to take action, Mr. Chi's illness scared him away. Today he is in very good condition," Judy put down the handle and said with a smile, "But the doctor said that it may also be the reason for the warmer weather. It will be cold in the future." You must pay attention when you are sick, and if you have cold symptoms again, you must come to the hospital in time!"

Chi Feichi put the cup back.

That's right, after the early morning, there was no rain or snow, and the weather became much warmer, so the doctor guessed that it was a strange disease that could recur in cold weather and had no precedent.

Conan knew in his heart that it was in line with what he deduced last night. Chi Feichi's illness was cured quickly and for unknown reasons. Then, Belmode appeared at Chi Feichi's house yesterday, probably for the purpose of letting Chi Feichi know Take the antidote.

Now that Chi Feichi is healed, let's ask...

Haibara Ai pulled Conan who was about to go forward, and said in a serious voice, "I will find a chance to talk to him tomorrow."

Seeing that Haibara Ai was so serious, Conan froze for a moment, then nodded.

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