Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 925 I won't show you

On the morning of the next day, on the tram heading to Guize Township, a group of five children from the Detective Boys, Chi Feichi, Mao Lilan, and Mao Li Kogoro occupied a large row of seats.

"Brother Chi, is it okay to leave Wuming at home?" Ayumi asked.

"No name?" Yuan Tai was puzzled, "Who is that?"

"Didn't I tell you? Brother Chi picked up the cat. According to sister Chris, it seems to be a sick rogue cat. After Brother Chi sent it to the hospital, he adopted it and named it Wuming," Ayumi laughed, "It's a very beautiful white cat, but when I saw it at Brother Chi's house the morning before yesterday, it was very shy!"

Chi Feichi: "..."

Nameless... shy?

The child probably misunderstood Wuming a little bit.

"Ah, is it really okay to leave it at home?" Guangyan turned to look at Chi Feichi.

"It hasn't been half a month since the operation, so it's best not to go out," Chi Feichi said, "Feimo and Feichi will take care of it at home. They have enough food, and they can clean the toilet by themselves, and they will also use it in the bathroom. flush toilet."

Huiyuan sadly filled in the picture of snakes, crows, and cats in a room, and was at a loss for words, "Actually, I can ask the doctor to take care of it..."

Brother Feichi is really a buddhist pet, isn't he afraid that one of them will disappear after returning?

Chi Feichi: "I forgot."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Forget, forget?

"You didn't separate them, did you?" Conan was speechless.

"Don't worry, I won't die," Chi Feichi said.

But there will be fights for sure.

He was unwell before and didn't pay attention to his home. After he was discharged from the hospital this morning, he found that the legs of the sofa and table were full of scratches and peck marks, but the house was still clean.

Then he won't bother to care about it, as long as he can consciously clean up after the fight.

Hearing Chi Feichi's Buddhist answer, the others fell silent.

After a long time, Mao Lilan smiled and said, "Don't worry, brother Feichi is very good at teaching pets, and Feichi and Feimo get along very well. If the named Wuming, right? If Wuming is They are very shy cats, so they should be able to get along well, Feichi and Feimo are good kids who won't bully the weak!"

The three children Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko breathed a sigh of relief.


"Maybe I will help take care of Wuming..."

"They're all very well behaved!"

Hui Yuan Ai also felt that there was probably no need to worry. Thinking about Belmode, seeing the three children chattering and starting to discuss, he turned to look at Chi Feichi who was sitting next to him, and silently cheered himself up, " Brother Feichi, I have something to tell you."

In the back seat, Conan also got up and lay down on the back of Chi Feichi's seat with a serious face, ready to hear what Chi Feichi thought of Belmode and whether he found anything wrong this time.

Chi Feichi looked at Hui Yuanai, with an obvious meaning——say.

Hui Yuanai looked at Chi Feichi with a serious face, fell silent for a moment, and the seriousness disappeared in an instant, " actually..."

If she wanted to consider her brother's lifelong happiness, she couldn't just care about why Belmode was in her brother's house, but also persuade her.

But how do you speak? Just say 'you are not suitable'? Or do you say 'she's not a good person'? But in that case, would it appear that she was going too far, actually interfering in her brother's emotional problems?


Conan couldn't stand it anymore, lay on the back of Chi Feichi's seat, poked his head over, and said in a low voice, "Brother Chi, it's Chrissy Wynyard, Ayumi said that she was at your house the day before yesterday, what are you... ..."

"I went out to buy ingredients the night before, and I happened to meet her. She found that I had a severe cold, so she helped me carry the ingredients back," Chi Feichi said calmly, "I had a fever when I went back, and she was the one who took care of me. .”

Belmode was just betting that he made a mistake because he didn't 'collude' in advance, but he heard what Belmod said to Ayumi that day, and he didn't mention it, so he just made it up.

As long as he doesn't panic, Conan won't find out.

"Is that so," Conan tentatively asked, "Then when did she leave that day?"

"She still has to talk to her manager about retiring and terminating the contract, and she planned to leave before," Chi Feichi said, "I fell asleep at dawn, and when I woke up, I only saw the note she left."

"Then can you show me?" Conan said, "I mean the note."

"I didn't bring it, I'm at home," Chi Feichi refused, "and I won't show it to you."

When people tell a lie, in order to gain the trust of others, they always go through the lie in their hearts or even multiple times to fill in all the loopholes, but as everyone knows, sometimes too perfect preparation or rhetoric is more suspicious.

He did keep the note at home, in a notebook in a drawer in his room

Conan said he wanted to see it, so he took it out and sent it up? Those that don't exist are not ready to be 'examined', but it is more natural.

And Conan didn't have a reasonable reason, and he shouldn't agree to Conan reading a note from the opposite sex after taking care of him for a night.

Conan choked for a moment, but felt that it was normal to be rejected, "Hey, I told you, in the case of the Kubato City Hotel, Mr. Masuyama's accomplice was in the hands of the person holding the purple handkerchief. ..."

"I told you too," Chi Feichi turned his head and looked at Conan who was lying on the back of his seat, "I also took the purple handkerchief."

Conan doesn't know how to explain it anymore, unless he tells Chi Feichi everything, at least tells Chi Feichi about the organization, his suspicion of 'Chris Wynyard' can stand, but He didn't want to involve Chi Feichi, because Hattori Heiji discovered his identity by himself, if possible, he didn't even want to get involved.

The people in that organization are too dangerous. If the little friends go out to investigate, they will die if they are not careful.

Seeing that Conan was questioned, Huiyuan accepted the task of probing, "Brother Feichi, are you..."

"Onisawa is here."

The radio in the car sounded, and the surroundings became noisy, waking up Kogoro Mori who was dozing off all the way.

Mori Kogoro raised his head in a daze, "What, what? Are you here?"

Chi Feichi looked at Hui Yuanai, "What?"

Huiyuan Ai Doudouyan, changed the subject, "I just want to ask, has it been a long time since you called your godmother?"

Cooperating with the 'diverted attention', Chi Feichi got up, picked up his backpack, and prepared to get out of the car, "I've been sick recently, and I don't want to nag her, so I didn't call her, put on my backpack, and got out of the car."

Guize Township is located in the mountains far away from the metropolis.

Misty, meandering river, women squatting by the river washing fish, a group of children laughing, running past grain piles and Japanese-style wooden buildings with thatched roofs, simple and natural.

The cement road out of the station seems to have been built only a few years ago, and on both sides, many tourists have gathered in front of the quaint shops for tourists to buy souvenirs.

"It feels so natural!" Mao Lilan looked at the surrounding buildings with emotion.

Chi Feichi looked around, and his first thought was: Feichi must like it.

This time Feichi didn't come, and he wasn't used to not having a snake's head hanging on his collar to peek out.

"This kind of ancient feeling is really nostalgic!" Ayumi said with a smile.

Yuan Tai followed with emotion, "This is the feeling of caring, right!"

Mitsuhiko was stunned for a moment, then corrected with a smile, "Yuantai, you are wrong, what you want to say is nostalgia, right?"

Conan Banyueyan, how old are these little devils, what do you miss...

Mori Kogoro slept all the way, and got refreshed when he got out of the car. He looked left and right, and turned to ask Chi Feichi, "How is it, Feichi? After a serious illness, come to this fresh air, traditional and natural place to recuperate. It’s been a few days, doesn’t it feel good? Last time I helped someone solve a case, they specially invited us here to play!”

Chi Feichi nodded, "Let the teacher worry about it."

"Oh, it's nothing." Mori Kogoro suddenly smiled and scratched his head, his big apprentice is attractive when he speaks nicely, "I am your teacher, and your parents are not around, so I have to help take care of them! "

"This place is indeed worthy of applying for the Earth Heritage, and it's no wonder that it has become a hot topic recently." Hui Yuanai looked at the surrounding scenery and felt relieved.

In any case, she survived a catastrophe, her brother Feichi finally recovered from a serious illness, and being able to come to such a beautiful place with beautiful mountains and rivers with everyone is something worth celebrating.

Conan also decided to enjoy his leisure time, and don't think about Belmode, who has disappeared, "However, it seems that there have been more tourists here recently because of another topic."

"What is it? Conan," Mao Lilan was curious, "What other topic?"

Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, and Genta looked at each other and smiled, posing in a 'fluttering' pose, sticking out their tongues to make faces, and lowering their voices together.

"Of course it's this thing..."

"Ah!" Mao Lilan screamed with her eyes closed in fright.

The three children laughed again.

"Really, all of you are united to bully me," Mao Lilan looked helpless, then lowered her head and asked Conan, "Are you referring to the rumors of haunting?"

Conan nodded, "It is said that six months ago, several tourists saw a child's ghost here, and then the rumor spread."

"Really, it's so rare to come here, can't you brats get a good taste of ancient Japan? I can't stand you brats!" Mori Kogoro was dissatisfied with the reprimand, and stretched out his hand to Chi Feichi's shoulder, moving backwards Go to the izakaya, "Let's go, Feichi, let's ignore them. When we get here, of course we need to find a place to have a drink or two first!"

The others choked and said in unison, "No!"

Mao Lilan held onto Kogoro Maoli's arm, "Father, brother Feichi's illness is just recovering, why don't you keep dragging him to drink!"

"Then let me go," Mori Kogoro stretched out his other hand and reached for the door of the izakaya, "I'll go have a drink by myself!"

In the end, Mori Kogoro gave up drinking and willingly led the team to the booked hotel.

Just because Chi Feichi said...'The homestay we stayed in should have local specialty wine. '

There are no hotels or hotels in the area, and tourists live in the homes of local villagers.

Chi Feichi and his group booked the house at the top with the widest view, and there were several people walking along the way.

"Yamagata Architecture's homestay!" A young girl felt intoxicated after arriving at the place, "I'm so touched!"

Chi Feichi glanced sideways.

'Moved' is not suitable to be used here, 'excited' is more appropriate... Forget it, this is a stranger, he doesn't argue.

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