Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 926 Brother Feichi, calm down!

"Cut! This place is so old, is there a bathroom available?" In the crowd, a muscular middle-aged man in a purple suit said very disruptively, "I don't think there is an air conditioner in 80% of the cases, right?"

The girl who was emotional before frowned, and whispered to the female companion beside her, "This person is really annoying..."

The girl companion hurriedly stopped, "Shh, Rumiko, you will be heard."

But it was too late, the middle-aged man squinted at the two girls, looking a little fierce, "What are you talking about? Two ladies."

The two girls were taken aback and stepped back to embrace each other.

Among the tourists, an elderly man stepped forward and said dissatisfiedly, "Don't do this, can you? You have some grace!"

"Aren't you annoying?" Another male tourist couldn't help but ask.


The middle-aged man in the purple suit threw the one-shoulder hiking bag to the ground, looked at the group of people viciously, and pressed the knuckles of his hands, "You think I'm annoying?"

Chi Feichi looked at the man seriously and calmly, "Do you want to fight?"

He didn't want to be nosy at first, and the other party didn't provoke him, but he didn't do much activity during this time, especially in the last three or four days, either at home or in the hospital, he... wanted to hit someone, really wanted to .

Before, I was worried about spoiling everyone's interest in relaxing and traveling, but this person is still so arrogant in front of the elementary school students of death, and it is likely that something will happen, so it should be okay to give him a hammer first?

Mao Lilan sweated, and quickly grabbed Chi Feichi, "F-Brother Feichi..."

Calm down, calm down, a quarrel won't overwhelm others.

It's just that Mao Lilan didn't say anything behind. The man in the purple suit looked back and saw that although Chi Feichi was tall, he didn't look strong.

Then there is no more.

In the next second, the man was knocked down by the chokehold, and the back of his head hit the ground.

Mori Kogoro just turned sideways behind the wall of the house, posing in a deep and stylish posture, and was about to make a sound to suppress the situation, but it was over in the next second, he couldn't help being startled, and said speechlessly, "Feichi, don't be casual Let's do it, if you have something to say, you can talk about it..."

"Sorry, teacher." Chi Feichi, who was half kneeling beside the man, withdrew his hand, got up and looked down at the man who was stunned but not unconscious, and said calmly, "I've been lying down for too long recently."

It's a pity that this person did nothing wrong, and there is no suitable reason to "hammer".

Maori Kogoro:"……"

"That..." The elderly male tourist looked at Kogoro Mori, "Could it be that you are Kogoro Mori, the sleeping famous detective?"

Mori Kogoro immediately forgot about the man still lying on the ground, and hammered it, "Cough, that's right, it's Mori Kogoro who doesn't change his name or surname while walking down."

The two girls immediately ran forward.

"So it's Mr. Detective Mori? I'm so happy to meet a celebrity like you here!"

"Is that gentleman your disciple? He is amazing!"

"Where is it?" Kogoro Mouri was intoxicated for a while, and suddenly found that most of his limelight had been taken away by Chi Feichi, "I still don't think there is any need to rush to do it..."

"Hi, my name is Sakagi Shokichi," the elderly male tourist actively introduced himself, "It is my honor to meet you, Mr. Mori!"

"Hi, my name is Sang Dao and Ming," said the male tourist who followed closely before, "Please give me your advice!"

The man in the purple suit felt that he had been forgotten, so he stood up in embarrassment, patted the dust on his clothes, hesitated for a while, and decided to swallow his anger, he was a celebrity's disciple, and he really couldn't beat him, so... Forget it, "cut ! Really meaningless."

Chi Feichi took a look, seeing that this man could no longer hammer, so he didn't pay any attention.

A middle-aged couple walked out of the homestay. The woman looked at the man in the purple suit and said, "That... this gentleman..."

"What?" The man in the purple suit suppressed the embarrassment in his heart and kept a straight face.

"The place you are staying today is at the place of Mr. Shigang down below." The woman said.

"Then you wouldn't have said it sooner!" The man in the purple suit roared, and found that other people were looking at him. He suppressed his annoyance, picked up his hiking bag, turned and left with a sullen face.

The couple who came out watched for a while, then looked away.

"Hello everyone, my surname is Yongcang," the man bowed, "Welcome to visit you!"

The male owner of this homestay is called Yongcang Yan, and his wife is called Yongcang Junzi. After the couple greeted each other, they took the guests to their respective reserved rooms, told the others to settle down and go downstairs for dinner, and then went down first. Floor is ready to go.

This time, Mori Kogoro only booked two rooms, one for men and one for men, saying that a row of tatami mats on the floor would be conducive to experiencing traditional culture.

Chi Feichi felt that it was good to feel it. After tidying up his own bed, he helped other people in the room tidy up.

Mao Lilan took Hui Yuanai and Ayumi to pack up, waiting in the corridor to meet up, and went downstairs for dinner together.

The prepared dinner here is rich, with locally caught fish and wine brewed by local villagers, and the price is cheap.

Japanese-style buildings, Japanese-style tableware, Japanese-style food, a group of people sitting on the ground, eating lively.

Kogoro Mori saw that there was some wine to drink, and quickly pulled Chi Feichi, Sakagi Shokichi, Kuwashima and Ming to have a drink together.

This time, no one stopped Chi Feichi from drinking, and Mao Lilan and Hui Yuanai only told him, "Pay attention to your body, and eat in moderation", and then sat down at the table of women and children to eat.

"Hot wine is delicious in winter!" Mori Kogoro took a sip of the wine, feeling intoxicated, and raised the bottle to pour wine for Sakagi Shokichi, "Come, have a drink!"

"Oh, what an embarrassment." Sakagi Shokichi smiled and raised his glass with both hands.

Chi Feichi noticed that Sakagi Shokichi squinted his left eye to look at the wine glass, looked away, lowered his head to drink, and guessed how Sakagi Shokichi developed this habit,

Funny habit, for the fifth time tonight.

Mori Kogoro poured wine for Sakagi Shokichi, and seeing that Chi Feichi still had it, he picked up the small wine glass himself, and as soon as he took a sip of the wine, he was so frightened by Yong Cangyan on the other side that he spit it out.

"Are you kidding me!"

Yong Cangyan sat in front of the two girls tourists, slapped the brochure in his hand onto the food plate in front of him, put it on the sashimi, and said angrily, "How dare we publish such reports indiscriminately? There is no such thing!"

"Husband, you will scare the guests like this." Junzi Yongcang hurried out of the kitchen, knelt down, picked up the brochure, and said to the two girls, "I'm sorry, we just have something to do here."

Mori Kogoro turned his head to look for a while, then muttered, "What is it that made the boss lose his temper..."

Chi Feichi lowered his head and ate grilled fish, "There are ghosts haunting the earth heritage."

"There are absolutely no ghosts here!" Over there, the boss Zongcang told the two girls solemnly, "We are also getting a headache from these messy reports."

Mori Kogoro walked forward drunkenly with a wine bottle and glass, "I think so, since this place is called the Earth Heritage, it means that this place is the property of all human beings and the pride of the entire earth!"

"What you're saying," Sangshima and Akira moved closer to Yongcang Yan, and echoed Mori Kogoro's words with a smile, "This kind of report is really nerve-wracking!"

Seeing that the drinking group moved their positions, the two girls left decisively.

Mori Kogoro pulled away the food plate in front of the boss Yan Yongcang, put the wine bottle down, sat directly in front of Yan Yongcang, and handed over a small wine glass, "I just came for sightseeing with the mentality of watching the excitement, so I am too sorry for this place The scenery is gone!"

Sang Dao and Ming had already raised a bottle of wine, and said with a smile, "Yes, you are absolutely right, come on, Mr. Yongcang, don't think so much, come and have a drink!"

Yongcangyan was pulled into the drinking group, and he was embarrassed to lose his temper, "No, since I am the owner here, I should be the one to invite everyone."

"You're welcome, you're welcome," Mori Kogoro turned his head to remind Chi Feichi to change positions, "Feichi, come here and have a drink with Mr. Yongcang!"

Chi Feichi didn't want to join the business bragging at first, but seeing that the two girls seemed to be planning to come over to chat, he got up and went over.

Instead of dealing with uninterested girls, he chose to listen to business bragging and drink.

Sakagi Shokichi also carried his own sake bottle and changed positions, "Mr. Mori's words are really good, you are worthy of being a detective!"

"Come on, have another drink!" Seeing that Chi Fei was late, Sang Dao and Ming helped pour the wine, "My brother's drinking capacity is really good."

"Thank you." Chi Feichi thanked politely.

In his eyes, sake is not much different from water, and wine with a temperature below 40% is not wine.

"Come on, Mr. Yongcang!"

"Okay, let's have a drink together..."

"The boss came so late, I have to punish you three cups..."

Not far away, Conan Banyue watched the drinking group drink into one piece, and bit off the crispy grilled fish tail.

This group of people drank so lively, it turns out that the relationship between men can really be brought closer by wine...

A couple who also lived here left after eating, and soon the two girls also left. Mao Lilan took the children to rest after eating, but the drinking group was still firmly rooted in place drinking and drinking.

Before leaving, Hui Yuan Ai ran to Chi Feichi, "Brother Feichi, Yuan Tai and the others are planning to go out to find the ghosts, but Miss Xiaolan won't go, so I'll go and have a look. The villagers here seem to have a family responsible for killing ghosts every night." More patrolling, we will go with the people who made the watch..."

Chi Feichi nodded, "Come back early."

Sang Dao and Ming drank a lot, and looked drunkenly at Yuantai's children waiting at the door, "Little sister, are you going out so late?"

"Okay, kids just can't stay idle," Mouri Kogoro poured wine into Chi Feichi's small wine glass, "They will go out with other people, and they won't get lost. Maybe when we finish drinking, they will have already Go back to your room and fall asleep..."

"The people in charge of hunting will take care of them tonight, and other tourists who are more interested in hunting will also go," Yong Cangyan looked at Hui Yuanai, trying to put on a serious face, but suddenly burped , destroying the seriousness on his face, "But little sister, there are no ghosts here!"

"Ah, I see." Hui Yuanai didn't want to argue with the drunkard, put his hands in his coat pockets, and turned to go to the door.

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