Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 927 The Impulse to Beat Himself to Death

An hour later, the Flag set up by Mori Kogoro fell down.

Ayumi is lost...


At the entrance, Mao Lilan looked at the four children who came back to ask for help in surprise, "Ayumi is gone?"

"I'm sorry," Mitsuhiko looked frustrated, "We lost her while we were still here."

Conan took the Ayumi scarf he picked up, flipped through it, and shook his head at Haibara Ai, "There are no clues on it."

"Anyway, I think it would be better for more people to find her." Yuan Tai said anxiously.


The door of the restaurant was opened.

Mao Lilan turned her head and looked at the people coming from the corridor, "Brother Feichi? Ayumi is gone, I'm going to find my father..."

"No need to go, I'm completely drunk," Chi Feichi put on his coat and walked all the way to the entrance, "Go to the police here for help."

Mao Lilan looked around and found that a group of uncles in the restaurant were drunk and lying on the floor, and then looked at Chi Feichi with clear eyes: "..."

It's really all down.

A group of people went out again, and this time Junzi Yongcang followed to lead the way to the local police station.

"What happen to you guys?"

On the way, the man in the purple suit holding a flashlight saw a group of people passing by and shouted loudly, "Can you help me?"

Mao Lilan hurried over, "Don't bother!"

"Hey, it's too cold!" the man in the purple suit shouted dissatisfied.

After the police mobilized the villagers to help search, the villagers found Ayumi who had passed out at the foot of a tree near the shrine.

Chi Feichi went up to check on Ayumi's condition, took off his coat and covered Ayumi, hugged Ayumi, turned around and said to Mao Liran who was rushing over, "There is no external injury."

Mao Lilan breathed a sigh of relief, and turned to thank the police and villagers.

It's not spring yet, no matter how sunny the day is, the temperature at night is still very low, a group of people didn't stay in the mountains and forests, and took Ayumi back to the hotel.

An hour later, Ayumi woke up in the bed, opened her eyes, and looked blankly at Chi Feichi who was sitting next to her and the others surrounding her, "Brother Chi...and...everyone?"

"Ayumi! Are you okay?" Mitsuhiko asked.

"Do you have any pain?" Mao Lilan also asked eagerly, "Do you feel any injury?"

Ayumi felt her body, her voice was a little weak, "It's okay, I'm fine."

"Can you continue talking?" Seeing Ayumi nodded, Conan continued to ask, "What happened?"

"This..." Ayumi recalled, "I was going to play with everyone, and suddenly I saw a beautiful girl waving to me on the other road, so I followed."

"Girl?" Conan wondered.

"Well, she's about ten years old, with a baby head," Ayumi said, "and wearing a red dress..."

"Impossible," Yong Cangyan who had just entered the door stood at the door, his legs trembling slightly, his expression shocked, "This is impossible!"

Yongcang Junzi behind Yongcangyan was a little excited, "She must have come here to meet Eiji, Mami, she..."

"Mami?" Conan asked curiously.

Ayumi also sat up and looked at Mr. Nagakura, "So her name is Mami?"

"Yes, Mami and our dead son Eiji were childhood sweethearts," Nagakura Junzi lowered his eyes, with sadness and tenderness in his eyes, "their relationship is very good, every time Mami is bullied by naughty children in the village, Eiji would always stand up to protect her, and every time Eiji was injured, Mami would always bandage him up. The two of them were only one step away...Mami must have believed that Eiji was innocent, so she came to see him. Yes!"

"Innocent?" Conan wondered.

"Aren't you finished!" Yongcangyan suddenly pushed Mr. Yongcang, and then said to Ayumi, "Little sister, I think you must have misread it, you must have misread it!"

Children don't want to be misunderstood, Ayumi insisted, "But I clearly saw it."

"Do you suspect that she is lying? Uncle!" Yuan Tai stood up dissatisfied.

Mitsuhiko also stood up and spoke up for Ayumi, "Ayumi is not the kind of kid who can lie!"

"Okay, calm down." Conan hurriedly persuaded.

"Excuse me, how can you be sure that Ayumi is wrong?" Haibara Ai looked at Yong Cangyan, her attitude was quite calm, but she used a questioning tone.

"Needless to say, the two of them..." Yongcang paused, "Eiji passed away last month, and Mami died ten years ago!"

Conan was surprised, "What?"

Ayumi was also taken aback, "Mami died ten years ago?"

Genta and Mitsuhiko hugged each other in fright.

"So it's a ghost?"


The door on the side was opened, and Sakagi Shokichi and other residents stood outside the door.

The smile on Sakagi Shokichi's face was a bit stiff, "Although I am a man, I am most afraid of hearing such stories."

The two girls looked at each other.

"Sure appeared!"

The couple who lived here hugged each other without hesitation, comforted each other, and sprinkled dog food.

The drunk Mori Kogoro got up, walked to the door unsteadily, "What are you arguing about?"

"You guys..." Yong Cangyan suddenly became annoyed, glanced at Mao Li Kogoro, Chi Feichi, Mao Lilan and the children, and asked, "You were sent by them, right?"

"Husband..." Junzi Yongcang frowned.

"I will never be fooled! I will never be at your mercy, just wait and see!" Yongcang Yanyi said something inexplicable, and then snarled at Mori Kogoro, "Listen clearly, I never put Eiji that This kind of person is my son!"

"Husband," Junzi Yongcang couldn't bear it, "you say that, Rongzhi is too pitiful!"

"Shut up!" Yongcang sternly reprimanded.

"Calm down, Boss," Sakagi Shokichi hurried forward to grab Yong Cangyan's arm, "This wine must be too poor!"

"That's right," Mori Kogoro said drunkenly, "Don't be so angry, let's have a drink to warm up before we talk~!"

"Don't worry about me!" Nagakura Yan yelled at Sakagi Shokichi and Mori Kogoro, and turned to leave the room.

Junzi Yongcang hurriedly followed, leaving a group of residents silent at the door of the room.

"It seems that this village has other stories besides ghosts." Hui Yuanai said thoughtfully.

Mitsuhiko became excited, "This is quite worthy of our investigation!"

Yuan Tai also became energetic all of a sudden, "That's right!"

Chi Feichi looked at the group of little ghosts eager to try, "Go to sleep."


Yuan Tai raised her head unconvinced, and met Chi Feichi's gaze.

After a second of silence, the five little devils responded obediently.



Chi Feichi drove a group of little ghosts to sleep, and helped Mao Li Xiaogoro, who couldn't stand still and shouted 'keep drinking', back to the room.

As the candles in the rooms are extinguished one by one, the remote village is enveloped in darkness and tranquility.

Conan was lying in bed, listening to Mori Kogoro snoring thunderously by the door, listening to Genta and Mitsuhiko muttering sleepily on the right, staring blankly at the drowsy ceiling for a while, then turned over When he was about to go to bed, he suddenly found that Chi Feichi, who was lying on his left side without a sound, was also asleep, so he asked in a low voice, "Brother Chi, are you still asleep?"

Chi Feichi stared at the drowsy ceiling and let out a 'hmm'.

It may be that Feichi is not here, and he is not used to it, or it may be that he has been staying up too late recently, and he suddenly can't fall asleep.

Conan was just about to chat with Chi Feichi about today's strange things, when Chi Feichi said suddenly.

"Go to bed quickly, and when you fall asleep, I'm going out for a while."

Conan: "..."

After talking about this, how can he still sleep?

"Go out?" Conan pulled back the quilt and sat up, curiously asked Chi Feichi, "It's so late, where else do you want to go?"

"Are you curious?" Chi Feichi said softly, pulled back the quilt, stood up, and walked towards the window in the dark.

"Of course," Conan got up and followed, speechless, "When did you learn how to be tricky?"

"No, the trick is to wait for someone to ask, and then tell the other party the answer..."

Chi Feichi opened the window and jumped out directly from the window on the second floor, and the soft sound floated into the room from the window.

"And I wasn't going to tell you the answer at all."


Conan took two steps forward, ran to the window, looked down, but could only see the darkness, stayed for a moment, and walked into the bed expressionlessly.

I get it, that black-hearted Chi Feichi just wanted to make him curious and keep him from falling asleep.

He will not be fooled by Chi Feichi!

But where is Chi Feichi going? Is it related to what happened today? That guy won't get any clues, will he? Is it the clue of the mysterious girl Ayumi said, or the clue of Mr. Yongcang's strange attitude? What happened to the girl Ayumi saw? How could a girl who died ten years ago appear? He didn't believe that there were ghosts in the world. Did Chi Feichi discover some tricks and planned to investigate late at night? ...


He, the detective, was too curious to sleep.

So, what exactly is Chi Feichi going to do when he goes out in the middle of the night?

Think about it, think about it carefully, there may be clues he missed.

When Conan recalled every detail of his arrival in Guize Township today, Chi Feichi took out his mobile phone to start the timer after leaving the vicinity of Yongcang's house in the dark, and then ran in a random direction.

Guize Township is built on the hillside, and Yongcang's house is on the top. The roofs and tree branches along the way have become Chi Feichi's foothold.

The roofs of two buildings more than five meters apart were crossed, and people fell on the roofs, but the original old thatched house did not make a sound.

A slender branch on the edge of a big tree standing on the side of the road was stepped on, but the branch did not break due to the weight of the human body, but shook slightly, like a breeze.

Chi Feichi was like a silent ghost, swift as the wind, straight down all the way, and when he reached the bottom near the shrine, he landed quietly, took out his phone, and stopped the timer.

2 minutes 47 seconds...

Sure enough, his body has changed.

The first time I felt the change was yesterday morning, after the fever and the feeling of weakness in my hands and feet completely dissipated.

The first change is that when he walks, his own muscles and bones will adjust unconsciously. Sometimes he exerts force on his feet, and sometimes he exerts force on his waist muscles. The strength varies. These adjustments are not the force methods he has mastered. But it seems that the habit that has been trained for a long time and has been integrated into the body has not been considered by his brain at all, and it is naturally used when walking, making his steps lighter and more labor-saving.

It was probably because his footsteps had been very soft before, and other people didn't notice the abnormality, but he could feel it himself.

The muscles that humans can mobilize during activities are limited, but when he is moving, his body can mobilize some muscles that cannot be mobilized normally, with subtle precision.

After the test just now, it can be proved that under the same physical exertion, his running speed is at least twice as fast, and his jumping level has also doubled. There is a big difference, but if it is an animal with keen hearing, it may be difficult to detect his footsteps now without listening attentively.

It was quite shocking. He always felt that the time, energy, blood and sweat he had spent in practicing light body art for so many years in his previous life was like feeding a dog.

If he in his previous life met him in this life, he should have the urge to 'I'm out of balance and I beat myself to death'.

He vaguely guessed that this change was brought about by Wuming.

after all……

Among the animals around him who call him 'Master', only the nameless cat has the characteristics of light feet, fast speed and responsiveness.

Moreover, the body temperature of cats is higher than that of humans, and it will be at 3 under normal circumstances, which is probably the reason for his fever.

The second change is what he can feel when he breathes.

There seemed to be an extra space in his lungs. During inhalation and exhalation, some gas would remain in that space, and then pass from that space to the body.

He has tested this change yesterday. When he breathes normally, part of the air that enters his respiratory tract will remain in that space. If he wants to fill that space at once, it will take about five minutes. , can hold his breath for two hours.

This is under normal circumstances. If it is in a deep sea with low air pressure, he needs more air to control the air pressure in his body, so the breath holding time will probably be shorter.

When he was discharged from the hospital last night and took X-rays, no abnormalities were found in his lungs.

This change should be brought about by Feili.

Whales can store blood in their blood and dive for a long time, but as a human being, he doesn't have much blood, and his blood's ability to store oxygen is not as good as that of whales. Probably because of this, Sanwu Jinzhi remodeled his lungs.

In other words, his ten-day-long cold this time was caused by Feili and Wuming's side effects of "body modification"...

Chi Feichi put away his mobile phone, walked to the gate of the shrine, locked his eyes on a window that was only big enough for a child to climb in, and tried to get in through that window.

The whole process was not too difficult. He didn't know how to drill at first, but after his eyes fed back the size of the window to the brain, when he moved, the brain began to control the bones and muscles and make adjustments.

He could clearly feel the process of dislocation and restoration of the bones when they passed through the window, and then... it passed... It passed before he felt it well...

If the master who practiced the bone shrinking skill in the previous life knew, he would want to beat him to death more than himself.

He had never practiced bone shrinking kung fu in his previous life. That kind of kung fu had to be practiced from a young age to soften his body and last for decades. To practice bone shrinking kung fu, he had to give up some martial arts that focused on strength. He never considered giving up strength. Naturally, you will not practice bone shrinking skills, but only train basic flexibility.

Chi Feichi thought for a while, took off his coat and threw it in the shrine, drilled back and forth through the small window twice, and entered the shrine for the third time, choosing to face upwards, and stopped halfway through, with his waist stuck The window, the upper body is folded back, with the spine as the center, the body is hung on the window in a '∧' shape.

The human body should not be able to fold back to this extent. He has seen living people whose hands and feet folded back into an 'o' shape, and hands and feet folded back into an 'n' shape, but they can be folded into a '∧' shape. He had only seen the corpse and himself.

Well, now the powerful judo practitioners should also want to kill him.

What is certain is that he can stand up and move around, which means that the bones are not soft, but the bones in his whole body have either become more flexible, or there are more cartilage joints in the middle of the bones...

Chi Feichi hung on the window, not in a hurry to get out, stretched out his hand and shook it as fast as possible, and found that he couldn't see his palm at all.

It seems that the ability of the cat's "shadowless slap serial hand" is also there.

Very good, if those magic masters knew his current hand speed, they would especially want to beat him to death.

In the woods near the shrine, a little girl in a yellow sweater and red skirt appeared, staring at the person with only the lower body hanging on the window, and was stunned.

It looks like a corpse with a broken spine...

The little girl's feet didn't touch the ground, she didn't move, she floated to the front of the shrine, passed through the closed gate of the shrine, looked at the stranger hanging on the window, and approached cautiously.

Although the sky was very dark, and the shrine was even darker, but when the little girl who looked like a ghost walked through the door and entered the house, Chi Feichi caught the figure in the red dress from the corner of his vision.

When the little girl approached, Chi Feichi had already confirmed that there was no projection in this room, and it didn't seem to be some kind of moving projection method, otherwise, when the little girl passed through the gate of the shrine, her figure would have changed slightly.

Do ghosts really exist?

After the little girl got closer, she squatted down in front of Chi Feichi.

Because Chi Feichi's waist was bent back, his hands were hanging by the wall, and his head was hanging upside down. After the little girl squatted down, the eyes of both sides were just at the same level.

Chi Feichi wanted to see what it was and what he wanted to do, so he observed it without moving.

The little girl also wanted to see what Chi Feichi was. She squatted motionless and observed Chi Feichi. She saw the drooping hair, smooth forehead, pale complexion in the night, and the pair of calm eyes that reflected her figure. The abyss was like purple eyes without focus. He stretched out his hand and shook it. Seeing that the other party didn't respond, he moved his face closer.

Chi Feichi subconsciously held his breath.

An erratic figure of a girl squatted, and a young man who didn't breathe, didn't blink, and his body was folded in a strange way, both of them sat face to face in the shrine for a long time.

Chi Feichi could even feel the girl's hair brushing past his face, leaving a trace of coolness.

Two minutes later, the little girl stood up stiffly, stared at Chi Feichi, backed away trembling all over, and murmured, "Okay, so terrible... dead... what a terrible corpse..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

No, as a ghost, how can you be afraid of a corpse... Pooh, he is not a corpse!

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