Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 928 Just Accidentally Scared Her

After the little girl retreated to the corner, she knelt down and sat down, huddled in the corner and hugged her legs, her face was covered on her knees, trembling, her figure became more erratic, like a flickering flame, and her voice was eerie. "Whooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo..."

Chi Feichi got through the window and approached the little girl.

"How could this be..." The little girl's erratic shadow continued to tremble, and she didn't even notice that Chi Fei was late in front of her, "Big brother died so badly, even worse than Rongzhi, so pitiful... woo woo woo... ..."

Chi Feichi reached out and touched the little girl's head, and found that his palm penetrated through without any resistance. He squatted down again, "Hey, I..."

The little girl looked up at Chi Feichi, and suddenly let out a shrill scream, turned around and ran across the shrine wall, rolling and crawling.

Chi Feichi: "..."


"Ahhhhhhh!" The shrill and erratic scream drifted into the distance, "Ghost!"

Chi Feichi stood up speechlessly, and while walking up the stairs of the shrine, he took out his mobile phone and called Koizumi Hongzi.

The circuit and communication lines in Fifteen Nights City haven't been laid yet, but Koizumi Hongzi is already tired of playing. After arranging her guards to go to the pier to ambush, she didn't return to Fifteen Nights City. The phone should be able to get through.

Over there, the beep sounded for a long time, then hung up.

Chi Feichi called back.

Once, twice, three times, four times, five times...

After dialing the sixth time, the phone was connected, and Koizumi Hongzi's growling voice came, "Ahh! You bastard, calling in the middle of the night to disturb others, you have a snake spirit!"

Chi Feichi walked up the stairs, turned down the volume of the call, and waited for Koizumi Hongzi to finish yelling before saying, "It's me."

There was a moment of silence, Koizumi Hongzi continued to growl, "It's three in the morning! It's three in the morning! Don't disturb me if you don't sleep, okay? You still keep calling, keep calling, keep calling... you nasty child of nature !"

Chi Feichi still waited for Koizumi Hongzi to finish his roar before saying, "Look at me with a crystal ball. There seems to be a ghost in this village I'm in."

"Ghost?" Koizumi Hongzi was taken aback, "Are you sure? It can't be some magic trick, right?"

"I'm not sure, but I don't think it's a magic method." Chi Feichi walked to the attic and walked to the window of the attic.

"Wait a minute!"

Koizumi Hongzi was quiet for a long time before she heard a voice, with a strange tone, "Did you do something to the little girl? She was crying and ran out of the village."

Chi Feichi: "I just accidentally scared her."

Koizumi Hongzi: "..."

only? Still not careful?

The Son of Nature is really evil, even the ghosts are scared to cry.

Chi Feichi opened the window of the attic, looked at the river in front of the shrine and the jungle in the distance, "Is she really a ghost?"

"Ah, that's right, they are indeed dead souls, and they have existed for at least ten years." Hongzi Koizumi paused, "It's strange, how can there be such creatures as ghosts in this world, um...she doesn't seem to be able to leave the village. , ran to a certain distance and was bounced back, as if there was something invisible blocking her, could it be the earth-bound spirit?"

"Do you want to take him back and study it?" Chi Feichi asked.

"It's too cruel," Koizumi Hongzi paused, "I'll let you know if you want to catch her or not. I'll report your location. If you run after her, I'll observe first."


Chi Feichi agreed.

Next, a frenzied and ruthless thing happened in Guize Township.

Relying on his current excellent physical strength, speed, and agility, as well as Koizumi Hongzi's accurate reporting, Chi Feichi chased after the little girl's ghost.

The little girl ran away crying, invisible from time to time, and turned around to find that figure was still chasing her, as if she could see her, and continued to cry 'woo woo woo', running away in a panic.

"Big Brother is a villain, a villain..."


"Come here, ghost, save Mami..."

"Woooo...Eiji, where are you, someone is bullying Mami..."

"Save Mami, woo woo woo..."

In the end, the ghost of the little girl was probably tired from floating, and hovered at the foot of the tree without energy, covering her face and crying hiccups.

"Mami is going to... hiccup... to be eaten..."

"Okay, okay, okay," Koizumi Hongzi's voice was speechless on the other side of the phone, "Such a poor little girl, you really have the heart to scare her into crying for so long."

Chi Feichi stood in front of the little girl's ghost, and said in a calm voice, "First, it's the little ghost girl. Second, you didn't hesitate to report just now. Third, don't talk nonsense, tell me your observation results."

"Okay," Koizumi Hongzi imitated Chi Feichi's calm tone and said, "According to my observation, her range of activities is only in this village and the forest outside the village. It should be an earthbound spirit. You should have heard of it." Earth-bound spirit, right? In the theory of Yin-Yang, this is a kind of undead who has grievances and unresolved grievances and is bound at the place of death. It uses the ground or buildings as its body, and it is also the prototype of the earth god. The general earth-bound spirit is only Being able to move about in a certain room or house, of course, I haven’t seen it before, I’ve only seen it in ancient books, an earth-bound spirit like her who can move around a village is considered a half-earth god, This kind of earth-bound spirit was also very rare in the past, and it can become an earth god. Unlike the wraith trapped in the house, most of them are cute and kind, and they can also transform into small cats, birds, etc. Creatures, onmyojis in the Heian era like to make contracts with them, but it's a pity, probably because this is the end of the age, she has no power at all, it's good if the resentment and heart knot can keep herself from dissipating, and neither of us Yin and Yang people can't take her away, either she can't realize her dying wish and will be trapped here for the rest of her life, or she will dissipate after fulfilling her wish."

Chi Feichi listened to the phone and approached the little girl, "Don't cry, I won't eat you."

The little girl raised her head twitching, her red eyes looked at Chi Feichi pitifully, "Really, really?"

"If I could eat you, I would have eaten you already." Chi Feichi said.

The little girl thought about it, and found that it was true, she let go of her vigilance, "Then... why are you chasing me, big brother?"

Chi Feichi lied without blushing, "My companion said that you are here because you have an unfulfilled wish. I want to ask what your wish is."

"So that's how it is. I'm sorry. I thought..." The little girl Ghost looked guilty, "Originally, I wanted to watch Rong Hao grow up, watch him marry a wife and have children, as long as I saw him happy, I would be happy. But he has been very unhappy since last year, and has been running out of the village. I can't leave with him, I don't know what trouble he encountered, and then...then half a year ago..."

The voice of the little girl's ghost became smaller and smaller, and then stopped suddenly.

Chi Feichi looked at the little girl, and found that the little girl's figure was not as solid as before, and was as pale as a human-shaped ordinary white mist.

"Mamei is sleepy," the little girl ghost raised her hand and rubbed her eyes, her voice became softer, "Big brother, I have no strength, I want to sleep first, by the way... My name is Asami, Asami Osawa, big brother Brother, you..."

Asami Osawa disappeared.

Chi Feichi: "..."

So, what is the wish?

"It seems that I consumed too much energy before." On the other side of the phone, Koizumi Hongzi was silent for a while, and suddenly lowered her voice, "Son of Nature, are you really planning to help her realize her wish? Once the wish is fulfilled, she will disappear." Well, I...there are not many special 'monsters' like us."

"I'm just asking her about her wish. I still have to ask her what she means," Chi Feichi calmly analyzed, "I don't know what the real earth-bound spirits have been like since ancient times, but she and I are in film and television works. The earth binding spirit seen in the book is different, she just said the words 'it was hope' just now, her wish is likely to change over time, the reason may be that she is conscious, or her resentment or obsession is not enough Firm, maybe both, but no matter what the reason is, if one day her wish changes and happens to come true, she will dissipate, and if she doesn't dissipate, she must not get what she wants most... "

"That seems a little too cruel." Koizumi Hongzi couldn't help but said.

"No, the point is, if one day she wants to dissipate, she will definitely dissipate," Chi Feichi continued, "So now it's not what you want or what I want, but what she wants, whether or not Before you understand her thoughts, your sorrow and reluctance are unnecessary."

On the other side of the phone, Koizumi Hongzi was speechless, and said with half-moon eyes, "Thank you so much, after listening to your analysis, I don't even have any worries at all..."

Chi Feichi: "You're welcome."

Koizumi Hongzi: "..."


"I want Fang Zhou to help you check the information, you go to sleep."

After Chi Feichi finished speaking, he hung up the phone, opened the mailbox, and sent an email to the email address registered by Hiroki Sawada. Within half a minute, three emails arrived.

One email was about Eiji Nagakura, not much information.

Eiji Nagakura, 20 years old this year, his academic record is only up to high school graduation, he had registered with his real name on the Internet a year ago, and then a lot of news reports cut it out.

In the photo is a handsome guy with a somewhat immature face.

The content of the report is similar. Half a year ago, Eiji Nagakura rushed into a jewelry store in a nearby town with a gun, shot and killed the guard, then robbed some jewelry and hijacked the jewelry appraiser to escape, but many people were left at the scene. Fingerprints, not long after being wanted by the police, he committed suicide with a gun...

One email was about Asami Osawa with even less information.

Probably because this place is too traditional, there are few electrical appliances, and ten years ago, the Internet was not as popular as it is today. Ark did not collect much information. Among the information of Asami Osawa, only one hospital admission record was entered into the network.

Asami Otozawa, from Onizawa Township, was diagnosed with tuberculous meningitis when she was nine years old and had a diagnosis record entered in a hospital in Tokyo.

This is a disease with no obvious symptoms in the early stage and is easy to be missed. Asami Osawa was diagnosed very late, and she should have died of illness less than a year later.

The last email is the information about Guize Township in the past five years. Guize Township is still applying for the earth heritage, which is the world cultural heritage.

According to the villagers, the buildings here are all left over a hundred years ago. They just repaired them, and never demolished and rebuilt them.

There is still no result on whether the application can be made, but the village has been divided into two factions.

Fang Zhou intercepted part of the interview report. One faction should be headed by Yongcangyan. Yongcangyan has been interviewed many times and said that he will work hard to complete the application for the World Heritage. However, it is recorded in the report that there seems to be another group of people in the village who oppose the application for the World Heritage. I don’t know. To what extent is the contradiction...

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