Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 934 Did you use him as a punch card?

"No..." The panic on Conan's face froze and disappeared. He looked at Chi Feichi with complicated eyes, sighed deeply, and used the flashlight of his watch to illuminate past Chi Feichi and entered the abandoned bathroom, and then looked inside the bathroom. In the eerie and eerie environment, he sighed deeply again, and looked at Chi Feichi with more complicated eyes.

Chi Feichi turned back and closed the door.

Since it would be misunderstood that he was on the phone with someone, then Conan probably didn't hear what he was saying, and he didn't even hear Otsuzawa Asami's voice.

Conan was thinking about how to talk to Chi Feichi.

When we first met, he heard that Chi Feichi had hallucinations and auditory hallucinations, and he thought it was quite scary. He had seen a case where the prisoner killed a close colleague because of his hallucinations and auditory hallucinations. After getting along with him, he found that Chi Feichi only occasionally said something inexplicable, as if he was communicating with something he couldn't see, or maybe he was communicating with Feichi or other animals. He probably got used to it slowly. Chi didn't do anything strange, so he didn't take it to heart.

But tonight when he came along the corridor, he faintly heard someone talking here, and only when he got closer did he recognize that it was Chi Feichi's voice.

In the old house that had been abandoned for ten years, what did Chi Feichi whisper in the dark bathroom alone?

Just now he comforted himself, don't think too much, don't make a fuss, because Chi Feichi might be calling someone else, or calling the police officer who was ambushing downstairs to come up to communicate the situation.

It's just that when Chi Feichi opened the door, he didn't have a mobile phone in his hand, and there was no one in the bathroom, so...

His back is so cold.

Chi Feichi stared at Conan, feeling that Conan's strange gaze made him uncomfortable, very similar to the gaze of the Great Demon King Fukuyama Zhiming, "Don't look at me like that, what are you doing here?"

Conan felt that Chi Feichi's state might not be right, he had better stop irritating Chi Feichi, and put on a naive and innocent expression in an instant, with a cute childish voice, "I saw you haven't been back for a long time, and I was worried that you couldn't find the bathroom Well~!"

Speechlessly, Chi Feichi extinguished the burnt cigarette on the sink, put the cigarette butt away, turned and went out, "Let's go."

The cold wind poured in from the broken window, and after the only point of light went out, the surrounding area became even darker.

Before Conan left, he looked up and saw his dim and blurred reflection in the incomplete mirror, sighed inwardly, and walked out with his hands in his pockets.

Fortunately, he has a strong heart.

Anyone else would have been insanely scared by Chi Fei.


In the middle of the night, the lights of the people in the village were turned off one after another, and there was a strange cry of birds in the distance.

A little black rummaged into the attic of Yize's house, rummaged through piles of boxes, found a cloth bag from a box, carefully opened the bag, and looked happily at the gems inside.

"As expected, you are still here."

Haibara Ai said, walked out from behind the box, turned on the watch-shaped flashlight, and pointed it at the shadow, "Mr. Sakagi."

Genta and Mitsuhiko also walked out of the back of the box, using the flashlight of the watch to shine on the person who appeared under the light.

"We've been waiting for you for a long time!"

"You can't escape now!"

Sakagi Shokichi was startled, then got up, and pretended to be stupid, "You, what are you talking about? I just went out for a walk because I couldn't sleep, and then I walked into this very similar house..."

Haibara Ai raised the mobile phone in his hand, and Kogoro Mori's voice came out from the mobile phone.

"Then how do you explain the gems in your hand? Mr. Sakagi! Those gems should be the gems that were robbed from the next village half a year ago?..."

Conan hid outside the door, using the voice of Mori Kogoro to reason through the phone call with Haibara Ai.

"Mr. Sakagi, in fact, you are the main culprit who swallowed the gems after killing Nagakura Eiji..."

Sakagi Shoyoshi quibbled a few times, but seeing that he couldn't quibble, he clenched the cloth bag containing the gems tightly in his hand, brandished the dagger in his hand to scare the young policemen and children who were backing away, and suddenly turned and ran to the window.

Behind the wooden box by the window, Chi Feichi leaned against the wall, visually detected that Sakagi Shoyoshi had entered the attack range, and kicked it out.

Asami Otsuzawa appeared outside the window, floating in the air, "Give it back to me, Eiji..."


Sakagi Shoyoshi smashed on the wall of the attic, the bag in his hand fell aside, the bag opened, and the gems inside spilled all over the floor.

Only then did Chi Feichi turn his head to look at Asami Otsuzawa outside the window.

Why are you stuck?

Asami Otozawa: "..."

The eldest brother is really a good person, and the whole process of finding out the main culprit, exposing the main culprit, and arresting the main culprit has been fully covered.

The young policeman called for the manpower, dragged the unconscious Sakagi Shokichi downstairs, picked up the scattered gems on the ground with an evidence bag, and just looked up to thank him, but found that Chi Feichi and the children had disappeared, scratched his head in doubt, and continued tidy.

Downstairs, Ayumi was wearing a white cloak, standing with her back to the window, she turned her head when she heard footsteps, "Conan! Everyone!"

Conan ran to the front, stopped, and said with a smile, "You did a great job, Ayumi!"

"You acted so superbly just now!" Mitsuhiko also praised.

Chi Feichi walked last, looking up at the window of the attic of the house.

Conan actually regarded the Osawa Asami who appeared as Ayumi, how short-sighted is this?

Outside the attic, Asami Otsuzawa smiled sweetly at Chi Feichi, and his figure slowly disappeared.

"What acting skills?" Ayumi looked at Conan suspiciously, "I just stood here quietly all the time."

"But, the one just now..."

Before Yuantai could finish his words, he was interrupted by Mitsuhiko's exclamation.

"Ah!" Mitsuhiko pointed to the white shadow outside the attic window, and said with horror, "You, look at that!"

Asami Otsuzawa's figure has merged into the white mist, Conan looked up and said speechlessly, "That's just mist, you can see clearly."

"Is it fog?!"

Mitsuhiko and Yuanta looked again and found that it was really a white mist that was about to dissipate.

"This is called the Brocken phenomenon, this kind of light is reflected through the cloud, and is diffracted and interfered by the water droplets in the cloud, and finally forms a rainbow halo, which often includes the observer's own shadow in the halo, In some places, it will be regarded as the Buddha's light," Haibara Ai concluded, "It's just the mist and light in nature turned into a magic trick, and Ayumi's figure is projected on it."

Ayumi looked clear, "Is it because of this phenomenon that I saw Mami that night?"

"That's right," Conan laughed, "So, there is absolutely no phenomenon in this world that cannot be explained by theory and reasoning!"

Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze, his left hand was still in his jacket pocket, and his fingers were gently stroking the rough stone. The name engraved on the stone gradually faded, and finally the immature lines could no longer be touched.

It seems that Conan and Haibara Ai are a firm scientific party.

Even if he took out the stone, no one would believe that it was given to him by Asami Osawa, and they would probably think that he was more seriously ill.

Even if he showed his claws, these children would probably look at him in horror, suspecting that he was an experimental subject in some body modification research.

To this, he can only say...'As long as you are happy'.


In the evening of the next day, on the streets of Tokyo.

A black Porsche 356A was parked on the side of the road, waiting for gin to wait for the time for vodka. When the phone rang, he took it out and took a look.

【came back. ——Raki】

Gin suddenly remembered something, returned to the mailing list, and flipped through the mails from a while ago.

[I'm going to Osaka to attend a banquet tomorrow, and I'll be back in two days. That one asked me to tell you that I can help you deal with something by the way. ——Raki】

[I'm back, I just arrived in Tokyo. ——Raki】

[I'm going to Tottori tomorrow, three days, that one asked me to tell you. ——Raki】

【I'm back. ——Raki】

[I'm going to Yokohama, two days at most, let me tell you. ——Raki】

[To Kyoto, one week. ——Raki】

【came back. ——Raki】

[To Karuizawa, three days. ——Raki】

【came back. ——Raki】

[Huis Ten Bosch, three days. ——Raki】

【came back. ——Raki】

[Guize Township, three days. ——Raki】


Is this treating him as a punch card?

It's not a punch card for work, but a punch card for travel!

Still getting lazy!

He really wanted to say to that person, 'Don't let Lak check in every time he finds me', but he couldn't.

He really needed to know where Luke was. If something happened to Luke, or if there was an emergency in Tokyo, he could at least know what happened to Luke, whether he could help, or... where Luke died.

The problem seems to be with Lark's 'right to move freely', but can't that guy just stay in Tokyo for a while?

[rest. ——Gin]

After Gin replied, he did not clear the mailbox. He would not let the phone fall into other people's hands. The various passwords set in the phone are also very complicated, and some recent information needs to be kept, so there is no need to clear it too frequently.


new mail:

[Sea vacation, one day. ——Raki】

Gin: "..."



An auto repair shop in Kubado-cho.

Without waiting for a reply, Chi Feichi quickly pressed a familiar phone number and dialed.

He frequently empties his mailbox on his mobile phone, and he doesn’t keep any unimportant emails, but he remembers that at the beginning, Gin would reply, “I don’t have anything to do in Tokyo recently, I’ll contact you again if I have something to do,” and “There’s nothing we need to do over there.” do' or something, until recently, was just:

[Got it, contact me if you need something. ——Gin]

【fine. ——Gin]

【Ok. ——Gin]

[rest. ——Gin]

Very cold and impatient.

Gin has changed.

The phone connects.


"it's me."

"Oh, wicked child of nature? How's it going? Are you free tonight?"

"I'm free, I'm picking up the car, I'll go back to pick up Feichi later."

"Then I'll rent a yacht first. Dabai and Jubingwei are at my house now, and I'll take them there together. Don't you have to wait for the zoo to close?"

"Well, I'll pick it up then."

"Then let me prepare dinner by the way, how about having hot pot tonight? Try my craft."

"Okay, I'll contact you when I get to the pier."

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