Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 935 Hongzi, who was so drunk that he lost his mind

At ten o'clock that night, a luxury yacht set off from Tokyo Pier, gradually moved away from other cruise ships, and sailed out of the bay.

After leaving the searching sight of others, a group of burly men carried things onto the deck.

At the same time, there are also swimming snakes, a large group of cats, a large group of crows and birds of various colors, two black bears...the species are very rich.

A group of men carefully avoided the animals running around, set up the hot pot, and returned to the cabin to bring out desserts, raw meat, fruits, wine, water, and cat food. Check the water temperature, use the walkie-talkie to contact the person who puts the hot water, and one person arranges the heater next to it.

Koizumi Hongzi wore a long fluffy cape and was accompanied by the housekeeper to the deck.

A certain old housekeeper was holding a boy over one year old in his arms, expressionless.

From a certain day on, the painting style of Master Hongzi, the successor of Red Magic, is not quite right, but the development is good, at least Master Hongzi has more and more followers, and they are all young and middle-aged, with a level of magic. It also seems to have improved, the point is, Master Hongzi is much happier than before...

That's a good thing.

It's just that an old man like him can't accept it for a while.

Sawada Hiroki looked up at the gloomy face of the old housekeeper who was holding him, worried that he would be thrown into the swimming pool in the next second, "Uncle, don't worry, I can walk by myself."

"You're welcome," the old butler smiled strangely, "I'll carry you over."

This is a network life form, and that is also a very magical existence.

Sawada Hiroki: "..."

I'm more worried that he will be thrown into the pool.

Koizumi Hongzi squatted down in front of the open-air swimming pool, reached out to check the water temperature, and said to the two busy men, "Okay, it's ready."

"Okay, Lord Night God." The two men nodded solemnly, turned and left.

After Koizumi Hongzi and others walked away, she took off her coat and threw it aside, revealing a girly red swimsuit underneath. After stepping into the swimming pool with a smile, she caught a glimpse of the person who set up the hot pot table from the corner of her eyes, and her face was restrained. Intoxicated, he regained his indifferent face, looked up at the sky, "It's a pity, it's not summer."

"If you want to come out to play, you can come again in summer." The old butler said, putting Hiroki Sawada by the pool, and did not forget to hand Hiroki Sawada an inflatable dolphin.

"That's right..." Koizumi Hongzi nodded, and the next second, her calm face collapsed.

Feichi swooped into the warm water, followed by a large number of snakes, white, gray, and black...

Koizumi Hongzi's expression changed in an instant, and she quickly went up to the pool, picked up her cloak and put it on, she slowed down, then turned her head and smiled at the old housekeeper, "Forget it, let's go eat first."

"You can do whatever you want, Master Hongzi," the old housekeeper looked at Sawada Hiroki by the pool, "but..."

"I'll wait for the godfather, you don't have to worry about me." Sawada Hiroki entered the pool with the inflatable dolphin.

Isn't it just that there are nests of snakes floating in the water, and they won't be bitten anyway...

Even if he is bitten to death, it will be a while to see if Miss Witch can give him another body.

After Sawada Hiroki entered the water, Juhei jumped into the swimming pool with his son. Tuanzi stretched out his front paws to explore the water, and jumped in too.

Hiroki Sawada was splashed with water, and then passively floated among the churning snakes, among the swaying water waves, and among the three bears splashing water on each other, and found Hongzi Koizumi sitting between the seats Watching him slapping the table and laughing, he stretched out his hand expressionlessly to wipe off the water on his face.

On the other side of the deck, Wuming and a group of cats just turned their heads to look at it, moved away in disgust, and continued to talk about business.

"The big demon master said that you are willing to follow me in the future." Wuming looked at the group of rogue cats that Chi Feichi had recruited from the Kabadocho area, and meowed earnestly, "Then, I will be responsible for you and I will not be partial , time will prove my sincerity, I won’t let you starve if I have Wuming to eat, of course, if the food is not enough, we will find the big demon master..."

On the railing of the upper platform, Feimo led a large flock of birds to watch. After watching for a while, he looked at the dark sea in the distance.

Wuming is still talking seriously, "We need a place to live, we are looking for the big demon master, we need a soft nest, we are looking for the big demon master, we need medicine, we are looking for the big demon master, in short, when there is something missing, I will talk to the big demon master Said, but there is one thing, everyone must learn to use human communicators, and cooperate with the black coals to collect information..."

Black coal?

Feimo lowered his head and stared at Wuming.

"The station must be garrisoned at all times. I don't know the details, but I can ask Feimo for advice," Wuming seriously meowed, "But I hope everyone can go all out. In addition, abide by the rules, there are not many rules..."


With the sound of a huge monster coming out of the water, the yacht also swayed.

Koizumi Hongzi immediately formed a magic circle to protect the things and creatures on the deck, mainly to protect her hot pot.

The killer whale's huge head reached the edge of the deck. Looking at the confused people and animals on the deck, it bared its white teeth, "Hello everyone, I'm Feili~ I seem to be late."

Wuming looked up at Feimo above, "Meow meow?"

Feimo'meow meow', "It's Feili..."

"It said hello everyone, I am Feili, I seem to be late." Xiaomei walked out of the cabin.

"... Tomorrow? I see." Chi Feichi hung up the phone and followed Xiaomei to the deck.

In an instant, bears roared on deck, snakes barked, and cats meowed one after another.

The translator Xiaomei was stuck for a moment, looked at Feili, and concluded in one sentence, "Everyone sends you friendly greetings."

Seeing that Chi Feichi sat down on the sofa by the deck, Feili didn't even bother to say hello, and rubbed his big head beside Chi Feichi's, "Master, I miss you so much~!"

Koizumi Hongzi: "..."

There is a sense of déjà vu that the child of nature will be eaten in the next second.

Wuming and Qunmao looked indifferent, retreated silently, and retreated to the hatch of the ship to continue the meeting.

Scary creature!

Chi Feichi let Wuming rub it again and again, then reached out and patted Wuming's face, "I'll eat first."

"Okay~" Feili lay obediently on the edge of the deck, saying hello to other creatures he had never seen before.

The old butler looked at the chaotic deck in a cold sweat. When Fei Li appeared, the others decisively withdrew, leaving only him...

By the way, there is also Young Master Noah who is being shaken by the water in the swimming pool.

Sawada Hiroki escaped with the dumpling in his arms when the dumpling came ashore. When the dumpling ran to Feili, he let go and jumped onto the sofa, "Godfather, what were you up to just now?"

"Yeah, it's rare for everyone to go out for a lively vacation together, and you keep answering the phone." Koizumi Hongzi distributed the bowls and chopsticks to Chi Feichi and Sawada Hiroki.

"Someone asked me to help introduce her to Teacher Maori, and Teacher Maori took over the commission, but he said that Xiaolan was going to a karate training camp recently, and if he went to work on the commission, Conan was unattended, so let me go and take care of it... Chi Feichi looked at the crimson hot pot, picked up the walkie-talkie thrown on the sofa, connected to the communication, and said to the other side, "Bring me a bowl of hot water."

Koizumi Hongzi's eating spicy food is becoming more and more scary, but Hiroki Sawada can't stand such a spicy hot pot...

Today's gathering was decided by him and Hongzi Koizumi, to gather the animals around him to get acquainted with each other, and it can be more lively, and the location is set at sea, just for the convenience of Feili.

Originally, he planned to let Joshua leave later and call Joshua's group, but Koizumi Hongzi said that he wanted to drink some blood for fun, and he was worried about scaring those people, so he didn't call the group.

As for the people from Fifteen Nights City who stayed here to help...

Koizumi Hongzi didn't hide it when she was in Fifteen Nights City, those people already knew Koizumi Hongzi's strange recipe.

An hour after the meal, Koizumi Hongzi, who was clamoring to drink blood and wine for fun, had too much to drink, patted the table, and stood up, "I just want to eat the hottest hot pot, drink the sweetest blood, and live in the best place." The palace with the most pets! Oh oh oh oh oh oh~"

The old housekeeper was silent for a while, "You deserve everything."

Chi Feichi felt that he hadn't noticed, and said to the "Golden Eagle Warrior" who came to collect the hot pot pots, "It's finished, you can go to rest after you arrange your shift."

"Alright, Lord Sun God."

A group of golden eagle warriors looked serious, cleaned up everything on the table as quickly as possible, wiped the table clean, passed through groups of noisy animals, and evacuated people.

"It's so lively," Koizumi Hongzi sat back on the sofa again, leaned back, and looked up at the sky, "There are so many stars..."

Chi Feichi looked at the old housekeeper, "Send her to rest."

"Wait!" Koizumi Hongzi sat up straight for a second, blushing drunkenly and looked at Chi Feichi, "One more thing, you promised to show me the stone you got in Guize Township... ..."

Chi Feichi took out the stone from his coat pocket and put it on the table.

It seems Koizumi Hongzi is not drunk enough to lose her mind, remember...

"That's it..." Koizumi Hongzi picked up the stone and looked at it, then backhanded it into Xiaomei's body.

Xiaomei, who was sitting on the sofa as a translator, was at a loss for a moment. The stone was swallowed into her body like cotton candy without hindrance, "It's delicious, thank you..."


Chi Feichi was silent.

He was wrong, Hongzi was already too drunk to think.


The old butler fell silent.

Is it okay that the rock was thrown into the head of a doll in the Son of Nature family?

Sawada Hiroki was also silent.

After Miss Witch drank too much, she felt even more abnormal.

On the side, Feili and Tuanzi were comparing the black and white patches on their bodies, and found that the atmosphere was weird, and turned their heads to look at the group of people beside the sofa in doubt.

Feichi and the snakes stopped, Feimo and the birds looked down, and the cats who were about to go to sleep also turned their heads...

In the midst of everyone's attention, Koizumi Hongzi waved his hand indifferently, "It's just the stones of Yin Yang Dao that are used to raise shikigami, and some people use them to store souls and resurrect them with other people's bodies..."

Hiroki Zetian looked at Chi Feichi, the childish voice was very immature, but his tone was very serious, "Keep a part of my soul in the Internet to ensure that I will not die completely, it is a chance to be reborn, you can Do you understand that?"

Chi Feichi nodded, and looked at the old housekeeper with a calm face, "It's all right, send Hongzi to rest."

The old butler nodded, and stepped forward to help Koizumi Hongzi, "Master Hongzi, I will take you to rest."

Koizumi Hongzi got up and smiled at Chi Feichi, "Maybe a big tengu will be raised!"

"I'm sorry, Lord Son of Nature," the old butler apologized, "My Lord Hongzi..."

"It doesn't matter, it's fine for Xiaomei, as long as Xiaomei can't die," Chi Feichi said calmly, "It's not a day or two for Hongzi to be prodigal."

The old housekeeper burst into tears, and helped Koizumi Hongzi walk inside.

It hit the nail on the head, and finally someone could understand him. His family, Mr. Hongzi, is a real prodigal witch!

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