Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 940 Is the boss playing urban bungee jumping?

In the afternoon, Azusa Enomoto asked for leave directly, and went to a Colombo restaurant with a group of people with her mobile phone.

Chi Feichi handcuffed himself and Zetian Hiroki's hands with the anti-lost rope, and walked all the way to the baby.

Miyamoto Yumi saw that Chi Feichi took Sawada Hiroki to the street to buy snacks, stopped and waited on the side of the road, rubbed his chin and muttered, "So it's not an illegitimate child..."

"Illegitimate child?" Azusa Enomoto was surprised.

"I originally thought so," Yumi Miyamoto approached Azusa Enomoto, gossiping in a low voice, "Although Mr. Chi often takes Conan with him, he seems to like children very much, but a one- or two-year-old child is different from a seven- or eight-year-old child. It would be a lot of trouble to take care of a one or two-year-old child. He doesn't look like someone who can help others with children, so the child must have something to do with him. Mr. Maury and his wife have been separated for a long time, and I have never heard of them. I gave birth to a little baby, and Mr. Chi's parents have also been separated for a long time, so I wonder if that child is Mr. Chi's illegitimate child..."

Conan Half Moon Eyes eavesdropped.

He thought that Officer Yumi had changed his temper today, but he was still so gossip, he could compete with Sonoko.

Azusa Enomoto sweated, "But, Mr. Chi is unmarried, so there is no need to keep the existence of the child secret, right? Besides, even if it is an illegitimate child, the child should be called Mr. Chi's father, right?"

"Yeah, children don't care so much, so I don't think so," Yumi Miyamoto peeked sideways at Chi Feichi, who was taking the children to buy snacks, and said speechlessly, "Besides, the road here is not very crowded. , Mr. Chi still tied the rope, making it clear that he wanted to be lazy and didn't want to bother to pay attention to where the child went!"

Azusa Enomoto thought about it, and felt sorry for Xiaoshu. She was slipped away like a pet by someone, so she nodded with a serious face, and after Chi Feichi and Hiroki Sawada came back, she tried to hug Hiroki Sawada away, but was rejected ...

Walking all the way, when we arrived at the Colombo restaurant, Hiroki Sawada had already packed a lot of snacks.

Miyamoto Yumi joined the queue of "worried that this child will not survive three days in Chi Feichi's hands", and helplessly reminded, "Mr. Chi, is it not good to let such a small child eat snacks?"

"I plan to give it to others as a gift." Sawada Hiroki said.

"Xiao Shu speaks very clearly," Azusa Enomoto said with a smile, overflowing with maternal love, "It's amazing!"

Azusa Enomoto received a gift pack of snacks from Hiroki Sawada!

Yumi Miyamoto just wanted to tease Hiroki Sawada, and she also got a gift pack of snacks!

Sawada Hiroki did not forget about the remaining female policemen and Conan in the spirit of being a part of what he sees.

Distributing snacks here, thanking you happily, and interacting happily, the clerk in Colombo stood for a while before looking at Yumi Miyamoto in police uniform and said, "That...Excuse me..."

Excuse me, is the police here to work? Or come over for dinner?

Only then did Miyamoto Yumi remember that there was still business to do, and explained to the clerk that she was the policeman who called earlier, and asked the clerk to help identify the person who borrowed the phone yesterday evening.

Just after the communication, the bell at the door of the store rang.

The clerk looked up and quickly whispered, "That's the customer!"

Conan turned his head to look, and it was indeed a middle-aged man wearing light-colored sunglasses, and behind him was a big man who looked a bit vicious.

Since the police from other departments had been notified to search the reporter's house before, Miyamoto Yumi called to confirm that a copy of the ledger had been found there, and then went straight forward and took him away.

Chi Feichi took Conan and Hiroki Sawada to stay for dinner, and also called Azusa Enomoto, and called Kogoro Mori, Ran Mori, Dr. Ari and Ai Haibara.

A group of people gathered at a large table.

After dinner, Haibara took her mobile phone to ask for Azusa Enomoto's contact information.

She almost missed a woman who is not brother Chi who can contact many times, so she must add it!

"Going to a banquet tomorrow night?" Dr. A Li was chatting with Chi Feichi, "Then Xiaoai..."

"Sorry, I'm not going." Hui Yuanai turned around and said, and continued to add UL friends with Enomoto Azusa.

"I seem to have heard Yuanzi mention it, but what about Xiaoshu? He's still too young, it would be boring to go to that kind of place, and Brother Feichi won't be able to take care of children when the time comes, right?" Mao Lilan looked at the lying on the ground. The yawning child on Chi Feichi's lap, "My training camp will end earlier..."

Mori Kogoro blushed from drinking, "You don't plan to bring another little devil home, do you?"

"What's the matter, I just help take care of it for one night," Mao Lilan glanced at Kogoro Moori, "and it's not Brother Chi..."

Mori Kogoro suddenly thought that the commission he was still busy with was introduced by Chi Feichi, and the reward was very high. Then he thought that Chi Feichi had helped take Conan with him today, and then he thought that he had eaten Chi Feichi's meal tonight, and it was gone immediately. The thought of complaining, "Hey, listen to me, I agree! This way the house will be more lively!"

"Is this so?" Mao Lilan was a little embarrassed, "I thought you wouldn't, Dad..."

"How is it possible?" Mori Kogoro pretended to be dissatisfied, "Really, your father and I are the kind of people who don't even want to do a little favor?"

"Sorry, sorry," Mao Lilan coaxed with a smile, "Don't be angry!"

"I can also help take care of it," Dr. A Li smiled at Chi Feichi, "Although I don't know how to take care of such a small child, but Xiaoshu is so good, it should be easy to take care of, and Xiao Ai is also there... ..."

"No, no need," Mori Kogoro said immediately, "I am Feichi's teacher, and I should help him take care of the little ghost by the way. You don't have to argue with me, Dr. A Li."

This opportunity has to be won, otherwise Chi Feichi will be owed too much, and he will be too embarrassed to complain about his apprentice in the future, so how can it be done!


the next day.

Chi Fei woke up early.

Sawada Hiroki, who was sleeping next to him on the small bed, opened his eyes in a daze, "Godfather, good morning..."

"It's not yet dawn, you fell asleep." Chi Feichi took out his mobile phone to check the date, and found that it was the end of spring, so he didn't put on his coat again. "I'm going to do morning exercises. Wake up first, you can ask Xiaomei to play with you."

Hiroki Sawada raised his hand and rubbed his eyes, "I'll go too."

"Your small body is not suitable for morning exercises." Chi Fei left the room late, "Go crawl in the living room by yourself."

Sawada Hiroki: "..."

I feel insulted!

However, the body of such a small child is indeed prone to sleepiness. This kind of life that can enjoy a happy sleep without typing codes, without being awake day and night on the Internet, does not sleep for nothing.

He chooses to sleep.

In the nearby building, Yan Nan Takatori also got up very early in the morning, cooking breakfast in the kitchen, bored of waiting, and took a telescope to observe the outside world from the kitchen window, ready to see the surrounding situation.

It was still bright, and the outside was dim and blurry. You could see the roof of the five-story shopping mall next door, and beyond that, was the apartment where his boss lived, separated from the mall by a clean path...

Takatori Yannan looked at both ends of the path with the binoculars, and put down the binoculars after finding no suspicious persons.

His boss must not be awake yet.

The people in the organization are all night owls, maybe they are just going to sleep at this point, there are not many people who get up early like him.

And his boss is facing his kitchen window, which is a bedroom. Except for the light that was turned on once a few days ago, it is completely dark at other times.

What is the specific situation, he dare not say or ask, if the boss finds out that he is fine, he will pay attention to the window of the boss's house, and the boss of his snake spirit disease will do something terrible...

Takatori Yannan complained frantically in his heart. Seeing that the breakfast was not cooked, he turned his head and found that the light in the bedroom on the 11th floor of the building over there was on. There seemed to be a black shadow standing in front of the window and opening the window.

The next second, the black figure jumped down from the window.

Wait, that seems to be his boss's house?

Takatori Yannan picked up the binoculars and looked over there, and found that the room over there was indeed lit and the window was indeed open. A climbing rope was hung outside the window. The figure just now should not have committed suicide by jumping off the building.

Turn the binoculars to the path below and observe silently.

Although most of the view is blocked by the mall, he can still see clearly on both sides of the road. If someone jumps from the boss's house or the boss forces someone to jump off the building, then he will help dispose of the corpse or arrest people.

When meeting such a boss, he has to be prepared for a variety of work content!

Half a minute later, there was no one running away on the road. He watched with his own eyes the figure of his boss slowly lift off from the blind spot behind the mall, and was dragged up to the 11th floor by the automatically retracting climbing rope.

Then, his boss jumped from the window again.

Then, his boss was pulled back to the 11th floor by the rope.

Then again, his boss jumped from the window again.

and then and then...

Yan Nan Takatori saw Chi Feichi pull the rope up to the 11th floor for the sixth time, and found that his boss finally sat on the window and started to untie the rope around his waist. ignite.

Early in the morning, is his boss playing urban bungee jumping?

up, down, up, down, up...

In the field of vision of the telescope, the black shadow in the opposite window jumped down again.

Takatori Yannan put away the lighter and looked over, suddenly found that the rope loop was still on the window sill, and the person had disappeared. The cigarette he had just lit failed to bite, and it fell to the ground after scraping the corner of his clothes with a 'snap'.


His boss was playing urban bungee jumping, but forgot to tie the rope?

No, no, didn't the boss sit still when he drew the rope and fell from the window sill?

Dazed for five or six seconds, Takatori Yan Nan came back to his senses, and quickly took out his mobile phone to call Chi Feichi.

The bell was answered once it rang.

Over there, the young male voice was still calm, "Why are you looking at me when you don't sleep early in the morning?"

Takatori Yannan: "..."

Sure enough, it was discovered.

However, shouldn't he ask the boss first, 'What are you doing when you don't sleep and jump off the building in the morning'?

"Hey, I just went to the kitchen to make breakfast, and I just took a look at the surrounding situation, and I accidentally saw you jumping downstairs," Takatori Yannan explained, thinking of the last time Chi Feichi jumped down, he seemed to forget. tied the rope, "Are you all right?"

"It's okay, do you have a lot of breakfast?"

"Huh? I prepared a lot..."

"Then open the access control on the first floor for me, and wait for me for 5 minutes."



Takatori Yannan put down his phone, stared at the page showing 'Call ended' for two seconds, then put away his phone and went to the living room to help unlock the door.

He, a steady man, had to get used to the bewildering behavior of his snake boss.

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