Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 941 Takatori must suffer a heavy hammer!

On the alley, Chi Feichi turned the corner of the street and walked towards the apartment building where Yan Nan Takatori lived.

Last time in Onizawa Township, the test was interrupted by Asami Osawa, and there was an important missing test——

fell down.

When a cat falls from a high place, its body will adjust its falling posture in the air to ensure that the padded feet touch the ground first to ensure that the abdomen, back, head and other parts will not be injured.

Although cats can also fall to their deaths, they always have more guarantees of survival than other animals when they fall.

He just wanted to test whether he could adjust his body in the air like a cat when he fell, so he tied a rope around his waist for this purpose.

After all, he didn't want to kill himself, and he didn't want to break his legs due to too much impact.

And just now, during the fall, the wind howled in his ears, and the strong wind hit his face head-on. He couldn't speak at all, and he couldn't open his eyes, but listening to the subtle changes in the sound of the wind, he felt inexplicable. Premonition', he knew exactly how far he had fallen, and he could even calculate how many floors he had reached.

The muscles and bones of his whole body are also constantly making fine adjustments, which are also automatic adjustments without thinking. It seems that when he accepts the estimated situation in his mind, his body adjusts itself.

Not only can he adjust his posture from 'head down' to 'feet down', but the falling speed is not as fast as expected.

When he fell for the first time, he grabbed the rope with his gloved right hand halfway through the fall, and slowed down his falling speed a little bit, so as not to break his leg bone due to too much impact when he landed. Not as big as he imagined.

The second time he fell, he grabbed the rope a little later, so that his legs suffered a greater impact when he landed. It turned out that his legs didn't even feel numb, not to mention broken bones.

The third time, the fourth time, the fifth time...

He increased the impact on his legs when he landed again and again, and found that the speed of his fall was not as fast as expected, and his body could withstand the impact when he landed, so he finally untied the rope and jumped in the air.

Experiments have proved that if he jumps from the 11th floor, the soles of his feet will be numb from the shock, but there will be no other problems.

It's a pity that it was already dawn, and the residents of nearby apartment buildings had already woken up one after another. In order to avoid causing commotion, he could not continue the experiment.

You can find a good time or a good place another day, and then try jumping from floors below the tenth floor, jumping from floors above the tenth floor, jumping from floors above the twentieth floor...


Chi Fei arrived at Takato Yannan's house late for breakfast, and asked Takato Yannan to run to Yiding's underground training ground for training. By the way, he gave Takato Yannan a hammer, and then ran home together, just happened to go to his house together have lunch.

Hiroki Sawada put on contact lenses, sat on the carpet in the living room playing computer, and got ready to go to the Maori Detective Agency for a while, when he heard the door open and looked up, he saw Chi Feichi and the man in sunglasses who came in, and immediately recognized Who is the other party, "Uncle Takatori?"

Takato looked at Yan Nan, suspiciously looking at a certain little guy through the sunglasses, "Boss, this is...?"

It was only then that Hiroki Sawada remembered that Yano Takatori had seen "Hiroki Sawada" who was 10 years old, but he had never seen "Little Tree" who was one and a half years old.

"My friend asked me to take care of the child for a while," Chi Feichi closed the door, and flipped a pair of slippers for Takatori Yannan, "Just call him Xiaoshu."

"Little tree?" Yan Nan Takatori sat down at the entrance and changed his shoes, and looked back at the little one who was walking towards them, "You look very young, why did his parents entrust him to others to take care of him..."

Sawada Hiroki went to the side, raised his arms, and hugged Chi Feichi who was sitting in the entrance facing him while changing shoes. He was with his godfather, so he was not left behind. Way to round up the previous loopholes, "Not many people can come to your house, I guess this is the Uncle Takatori you told me about? He is really cool!"

"En." Chi Feichi cooperated with Sawada Hiroki to make up for the leak.

Takatori Yannan was flattered, "Did you mention me to him?"

There are really not many people who can come to the boss's house, and he is one of them, so he is very happy.

The boss even mentioned him to the children, which showed that he was very important to the boss, and he was very happy.

And listening to the child's remarks, his boss introduced him to the child with the word 'cool', the child will not lie, he is very happy.

Alas, the eye sockets that were hammered blue by the boss in the morning don't hurt much anymore.

"I told him about it." Chi Feichi reacted flatly, changed his shoes, got up and prepared to go to the kitchen, "I'll cook a couple of dishes, let's forget about drinking, and I'll drive to the Maori Detective Agency in a while, and ask for ice cubes Get it yourself."

"I'm not picky," Yan Nan Takatori immediately changed his shoes, went to the kitchen to get ice cubes, and was about to go to the bathroom to apply eye sockets, "Boss, did you do it on purpose in the morning?"

Chi Feichi: "Yes, yes."

Takatori must suffer a heavy blow for spying on his house with binoculars in the early morning.

Takatori Yannan: "..."

Very good, still this straightforward and annoying speaking style.

Chi Feichi cooked rice, fried two dishes with the ingredients at home, and cooked a soup.

Two old men took a child to eat, and the atmosphere was not deserted.

Takatori Yannan joined the worrying queue of "suspecting that the child will not survive three days in the hands of the boss".

"Boss, did you leave this child at home this morning?"

"Boss, is it okay to let this child eat rice directly? Do you want to cook soft food for him?"

"Boss, is it not good for such a big child to eat too much?"


"Can you finish your meal in peace?" Chi Feichi put down his chopsticks, got up and took the bowls and chopsticks to the sink.

"Okay," Takatori Yannan bowed his head to eat, "Are you going to the Mori Detective Agency today? That means, I don't have a job today, right?"

"After a while, I'll help you change your face to distract Gao Shan." Chi Feichi returned to the table and poured a bowl of soup for Hiroki Sawada. "I'll contact you again if I have anything to do."

Gin hasn't responded to his emails, so he's out of work.


In the afternoon, Chi Feichi drove Sawada Hiroki to the Maori Detective Agency. When Maorilan opened the door, he saw that there were many people there.

Mao Lilan, Conan, Dr. Ari, Haibara Ai, Genta, Ayumi, Mitsuhiko, Suzuki Sonoko...

Mori Kogoro should have gone out to investigate. It is not something that can be handled in a day or two.

As soon as Sawada Hiroki arrived, he was immediately surrounded.

"Little tree, you're back!"

"No, no, you can't say that, it should be that you are here."

"Oh, that's okay!"

Chi Feichi handed out the big snack pack that Hiroki Sawada asked him to bring, and listened to Genta, Ayumi, and Mitsuhiko chattering around Hiroki Sawada.

"Xiaoshu, sister Sonoko will invite us to go fishing tomorrow, do you want to go together?" Ayumi asked.

"You should know what fishing is, right?" Mitsuhiko asked.

Conan laughed dryly in his heart, this brat looks like he took medicine and became smaller, how could he not know what fishing is?

"I know." Sawada Hiroki responded childishly.

Hui Yuanai looked at the white and tender little one with big black bright eyes, and couldn't help lowering her voice, "Xiao Shu, do you want to go fishing with us?"

Sawada Hiroki looked at Chi Feichi.

Chi Feichi looked at Hui Yuanai, "Xiao Ai, are you planning to go too?"

After disappearing from Belmode, Haibara Ai became more active in participating in the activities of the Detective Boys.

"Although I'm not very interested in rewards, the most important thing is to participate. It's good to go and see with everyone," Hui Yuanai explained in a mature tone, and then asked, "Aren't you going?"

"No," Chi Feichi said, "Min also has something to do with me, and I'm going to look for him tomorrow."

"Well, I know you're a busy person," Hui Yuanai looked at a well-behaved little one, and his tone became gentle again, "What about the little tree? If you have something to do, you can't take him with you..."

"Brother Chi, let Xiaoshu go with us!" Guangyan said with a serious face, "We will definitely not take him to do dangerous things this time!"

"That's right," Yuan Tai nodded, "We will protect him!"

"Yonko and I will go with the children, and we will take good care of them," Mao Lilan looked at Suzuki Sonoko, "Right, Yuanzi?"

Suzuki Sonoko was a little worried that she might not be able to handle it, and rubbed her chin, "It's really not possible, I'll bring two of the maids at home, let's forget the ones who are too young...Xiao Lan, you don't want to adapt to the life of raising children in advance, do you? "

Mao Lilan blushed suddenly, "Yuanzi, what are you talking about!"

"Okay, okay, I won't tease you anymore," Suzuki Sonoko got up from the sofa, "Brother Feichi, let me go by your car, and I'll change my dress outside the banquet hall!"



Early the next morning, after Chi Feichi completed the daily jumping test, he sent Hiroki Sawada's clothes and small water bottle to the Maori Detective Agency, handed the child to Maorilan, and drove away with confidence. .

Even if something happened to the unreliable little ghosts of the Boys Detective Team, nothing happened to Hiroki Sawada.

THK President's Office.

Chrysanthemum Mori was sitting on the desk, whispering to Oda Kirito.

Hearing the knock on the door, Oda Kirito also got up to open the door.

Senyuan Chrysanthemum raised her head to see the person coming, she still sat on the desk regardless of her appearance, and greeted with a casual smile, "Feichi, you're here."

Chi Feichi entered the door, "The door is still locked in broad daylight, what are you discussing?"

He heard the sound of unlocking and turning the doorknob outside the door, and he still locked the door in broad daylight, sneaking around.

"Cough..." Senyuan Juren coughed dryly, and just about to speak, he found that Chi Feichi immediately raised his eyes to stare at him, choking on his well-thought-out words.

Chi Feichi quickly looked away and sat down on the sofa.

There are secrets, there are definitely secrets!

Just now he just casually said that the door can also be locked for 'talking about new projects', which is not surprising, but Senyuan Juren didn't answer immediately, and wanted to make a speech while taking advantage of the dry cough. This kind of prelude to lying is not a good habit.

"It's nothing, I was talking to him about going to a banquet at night, and I happened to tell you too... Forget it, let me talk about another thing first," Oda Kirito also closed the door, and clicked the lock, Turn around, walk back to the sofa and sit down, "It's Hehui's business, it was about half a month ago, I went back early that day, my father was not at home, and the servants at home cooked the meal, so I wanted to call him I was eating, and when I opened the door, I saw his kid sitting at the table staring at cards and other things in a daze. When he saw me, he hurriedly put them away. A stack, originally I wanted to tease him, and asked him if it was a love letter from a girl or a letter from a fan, but he seemed to have cried and his eyes were still red. I'm afraid that asking him will make him cry..."

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