Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 942 This suggestion is okay

Oda Kirito also said, spreading his hands helplessly, "I noticed after that, and found that he would sometimes lock the door of the room and stay alone, and when he came out and saw me outside, he was also a little flustered, and he seemed to have cried, I was thinking Could it be that someone bullied him, but I checked it myself, but found nothing. There are many things in my company, and I was thinking about whether to entrust the children of the Boys Detective Team to investigate. After all, they are all children. It sounds simpler, and the investigation skills of those children are also very good..."

"He went to find Hehui's former bastard manager," Morizono Kikuto interrupted Toshiya Odagiri's thoughts, and said emphatically, "the other party said that Hehui should be looking at the postcard his mother sent him. It seems that since two years ago, Hehui's mother who abandoned him has been sending him postcards, but it stopped last winter."

"He Hui may be thinking about his mother, and worried that my old man and I are thinking too much, or maybe he is thinking about why that woman disappeared again, and feels sad..." Oda Kirito also paused, and frantically scratched his hair with his hands in distress, He said bluntly, "I want to find that woman and ask her what she thinks and why she didn't send postcards all of a sudden. This kind of thing is not something that children can investigate clearly. I want you to ask Mr. Maori if Time, just treat it as my entrustment to him, let him help to investigate, but I don't have any clues here, I just heard that He Hui was left at the door of the church..."

"Where is He Hui now?" Chi Feichi asked.

Oda Kirito also truthfully said, "The filming of the second part of Detective Girl Lawyer has just ended, he has been resting for the past few days, and today is the weekend, and I watched the editor work downstairs with Lu Chuan in the morning, I don't know if he is still there. "

Chi Feichi got up, walked to the desk, and directly called Lvchuan Kulala's cell phone number with Toshiya Odagiri's office phone.

"Hello, President? Are you looking for Hehui?"

"It's me, Chi Feichi."


On the other side of the phone, Lvchuan Kulala froze. I don't know if it was because of Chi Feichi's more and more cold and serious image in everyone's rumors, or because Chi Feichi had made an idea and tricked her into taking Juanchuan and Hui with her. Living in poverty in another city and almost unable to return, she felt very nervous when she thought of Chi Feichi.

"Chi, Mr. Chi, what can you do?"

"Is He Hui with you?" Chi Feichi asked, feeling a little speechless.

Is he that scary?

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"Yes," Midorikawa Kura said hurriedly, "he wants to eat cake, and he and I just got out of the editor's place, and we plan to sit in the lounge for a while..."

"Let him come to the president's office," Chi Feichi said, "bring the cake too."

"Okay, okay."

Oda Kirito also watched Chi Feichi hang up the phone, a little speechless, "You asked Hehui to come up, maybe you want to..."

Chi Feichi walked to the door, unlocked the door, and left a gap in the door, "Ask him directly."

He remembered that there was indeed a plot where Kinukawa and Kazuki were looking for their mother. The other party seemed to be in a hot spring hotel, and there was a mole somewhere. He didn't remember the specifics very clearly, but it was a good ending.

Moreover, he felt that it was better to be straightforward.

Odagiri was also anxious, "Hey..."

"I also think it would be better to say it directly," Senyuan Juren stood up from his desk, finally moved to sit on the sofa, and teased with a half-smile, "Minya, what's wrong with you? For this matter, she doesn't look bold at all, she's like a woman who can't explain clearly for a long time..."

Just as Oda Kirito was about to speak, Chi Feichi, who turned back, spoke first.

"He's called care and chaos, and, to be precise, he looks more like a middle-aged woman who has broken her heart for her children."

Senyuan Juren nodded, "Indeed!"

Oda Kirito also stared at the two for a moment, and found that the two ignored him calmly, and sighed deeply, "I'm not careful in making friends, Chrysanthemum, for my dignity, let's fight!"

"Why don't you fight with Feichi?" Senyuan Juren had no intention of getting up.

"I can't beat him," Odagiri admitted frankly, clenched his fists and said, "I'll deal with you first!"


There was a dry cough at the door, and Kulala Midorikawa knocked on the door before pushing the door open a little, "President?"

Odagiri Toshiya: "..."

His calm and wise president image has collapsed!

Although...he didn't have a stable image before.

"Let He Hui in," Chi Feichi got up and stepped forward, "You go to the lounge first."

Lvchuan Kulala avoided Chi Feichi's overly calm gaze, glanced hesitantly at Kinukawa Kazuki beside him, and nodded heavily with the mentality that Xiao Zhengtai was about to go to the execution ground but he could not help, and put the cake The box was handed to Kinukawa Kazuki, "OK."

Juanchuan Hehui took the cake box, and entered the door with the mentality of stepping on the execution ground, beating a drum in his heart, and took the initiative to say hello, "Brother Chi, Brother Minye, and Brother Juren."

Chi Feichi closed the door and clicked the lock, "You sit down first."

Kiankawa Kazuki walked to the sofa and sat down, put the cake box on the coffee table, and sat upright.

Although he was cheated by Chi Feichi before, he slandered in his heart such words as 'ruthless', 'no pity', 'not taking care of children', 'big devil, I want to destroy you on behalf of the moon', but he really saw noodle……

The devil's aura is very strong, he didn't think about anything before, and he didn't slander anything.

Odagiri also wanted to explain, but he didn't know where to start, so he fell silent again.

Kinukawa Kazuki: "..."

The atmosphere is so heavy, did he do something wrong?

Odagiri Toshiya: "..."

How should we talk about this? He has no experience.

Mori Garden Chrysanthemum: "..."

He was too optimistic before, but after getting along with him, Oda Kiritoshi and his father who is the head of the department should have the same personality, with a lot of thoughts in his heart, but face to face, he looks like 'you owe me money', there is no way Express it.

Alas, his home is better, but does he want to help?

Chi Feichi also knew that Oda Kirito could not speak, so he returned to the sofa and sat down, took out a recorder, and played it.

"The other party said that He Hui should be looking at the postcard his mother sent him. It seems that since two years ago, He Hui's mother who abandoned him has been sending him postcards, but it stopped last winter..."

Mori Garden Chrysanthemum: "!"


this recording...

Odagiri Toshiya: "..."


Will it be later...

"He Hui may be thinking about his mother, and he is worried that my old man and I are thinking too much, or maybe he is thinking about why that woman disappeared again, and feels sad... I want to find that woman and ask her what she thinks Yes, why didn't postcards be sent suddenly? Children can't investigate this kind of thing clearly. I want you to ask Mr. Mori if he has time. Just treat it as my entrustment to him and ask him to help check it out, but here I am I don't have any clues, I just heard that He Hui was thrown at the door of the church..."

Recording stops.

When Suanchuan Hehui heard the recording, he was taken aback for a moment, then raised his eyes to look at Chi Feichi in surprise, and then looked at Odagiri Toshiya after listening, his eyes gleamed with water.

Oda Kirito didn't care about anything else at all, and stood up from the sofa like a humiliated girl, looking at Chi Feichi in astonishment and aggrieved, "Feichi, you, you, when did you record the video?" Come down? What did you record this for?"

Chi Feichi ignored Odagiri Toshiya's strange gaze, and said without changing his face, "You didn't mention He Hui's surname change, but you were thinking about whether it would embarrass He Hui and make He Hui feel like he lost his mother. If you don’t mention the name I gave, I’m worried that He Hui will think too much, but if you don’t mention it, He Hui will think whether you dislike him. He is too greedy, and this matter is the same. If you check it yourself, it will easily lead to misunderstanding. For example, He Hui knows half of it, and you will wonder if you care if he is not your real brother, or if you care that he still cares about it? His biological mother..."

Therefore, adoption is the most troublesome, and it is better to recognize godparents or godparents, but adoption must also have a good meaning, representing a thorough acceptance.

"You mentioned that you found him crying secretly in the room, and I found out that your investigation has been carried out behind Hehui's back. I was worried that you would have misunderstandings in the future, and I wanted you to communicate directly with him," Chi Feichi continued, "But with your personality, you definitely can't tell him directly, so I recorded it."

It's a matter that's settled once it's cleared up, so don't cause any trouble by talking about it later.

In this world, misunderstandings may cause incidents, and Oda Kiritoshi has already been "suspected twice", so don't make any more incidents.

Oda Kirito also stared at Chi Feichi dumbfounded.

He has nothing to say!

Senyuan Chrysanthemum listened to Chi Feichi's unhurried and calm explanation of the situation, raised his hand and rubbed the center of his brows, his previous shock was gone, what was left, only a sense of powerlessness, "Then why did you With a voice recorder?"

"Personal items," Chi Feichi put away the recorder, "I suggest you take one with you, it's very useful and easy to use when necessary."

Chrysanthemum Senyuan was speechless for a moment, but she really thought about it seriously, and she and Oda Kirito also looked at each other.

This suggestion is fine!

"That..." Kiankawa Kazuki, who had been teary for a long time and was ignored, said, wanting to remind the three people that the topic was off topic, "Brother Minya said to help me find my mother..."

Now that the words have been spoken, Oda Qiermin didn't show any hypocrisy anymore, and waved his hands and said, "If you mind, go find it. The old man and I didn't think much about it. The adoption procedures have been completed. No matter what you are, you are my child, and my mother is also a child." He passed away a long time ago, there are only two big men in our family, and we are still very busy, and some things can't be taken care of. If you find your mother and she is willing to take care of you, you can go to see her at her place if you want, I I'm just worried that the result will not be as you wished and make you sad, but after thinking about it, I still think it's better to find out the truth!"

"Thank you, Brother Minya," Juanchuan Hehui lowered his eyes, his voice was soft and sincere, and he looked at the two people on the opposite sofa, "And Brother Chi and Brother Juren, thank you."

"Feichi, it shouldn't be a problem to entrust Mr. Mori to investigate this matter, right?" Oda Kiritoshi also asked.

"No problem." Chi Feichi agreed.

"Then please take Hehui to find Mr. Mori when the time comes. I will pay the commission fee, one million yen. If the investigation process costs too much, I will pay more," Oda Kiritoshi also quickly finalized the matter, "It's definitely okay to leave it to the famous detective Mr. Maori. I hope he can do his best. If you are in trouble, I will ask my father to tell him that he should give me face..."

"No, I'll mention it to him another day." Chi Feichi said.

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