Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 945 Yoko Okino's Purpose

10 p.m., the building's underground car park.

Chi Feichi walked to the red Lexus he had just brought back, but did not open the door, "Miss Okino Yoko, what do you want from me?"

"Didn't I tell you that when I was at the restaurant?" Okino Yoko wore a short blue dress with curly hair tied behind her head, and said with a smile, "I want to ask you to take me home!"

"It's not like you don't know, I've been drinking." Chi Feichi said.

When Yoko Okino brought the newcomers to him to say hello, she saw him drinking, and Yoko Okino knew him for the first time, so she should know that he would not take the driver, and asked him to take her back. That certainly wasn't really for him to send.

Moreover, Yoko Okino has his own company's car to ride in, so he doesn't need to deliver it, it would be troublesome to ask him to deliver it.

If the gossip newspaper reporter who investigated Yoko Okino’s home squatted and saw it, the relevant gossip news would be published in the newspapers tomorrow morning, and before noon tomorrow, Yoko Okino’s company and the vicinity of his residence would be blocked by fans.

"Yes, that's right," Okino Yoko also realized that her excuse was not very good. She raised her head to see Chi Feichi's expression, but found that the light was too dim, and she couldn't see clearly. There are few people and there is a lot of pressure, "Mr. Chi, the light here is dark and gloomy. You are really scary now... No, it's not scary, it just scares me."

Chi Feichi was silent for a while, "Please speak up if you have anything to say."

Being cute doesn't work, so don't tease him secretly.

He is not a ghost, how could he be scary.

Yoko Okino lowered his head and struggled for a while, seeing that Chi Feichi was still waiting for her to speak, obviously not so impatient, he struggled for a while, "I'll go get the hat and glasses, how about we go out and find a quiet place to sit for a while? "

Chi Feichi thought about the nearby hotels, took out his mobile phone, "Ilia Hotel? I'll call to book a room."

Yoko Okino is not Xiaobai who became an artist for the first time, so she will not understand those hinting routines, and there is no possibility of teasing him. It should be true, but he doesn't understand why.

"Ah, yes...then I'll get the hat."

Sure enough, Yoko Okino did not refuse, turned around and ran to her car, opened the door and took her hat.

Chi Feichi called to book a room and asked the hotel to arrange a driver to drive over.

Okino Yoko covered her face tightly with a hat, glasses, and scarf, carried a big bag, and put on a rustic loose coat. Like an ordinary woman with a rough appearance, she got into the car with Chi Feichi.

The car didn't drive for long, turned two streets and entered the underground parking lot.

After the driver handed the room card to Chi Feichi, he led the way to the elevator behind the parking lot.

After arriving at the hotel room, Yoko Okino changed her shoes before taking off her scarf, glasses, and hat. She looked outside the floor-to-ceiling windows at the Dongdu Iron Tower and the street scene, which looked exactly like the restaurant. After looking around, she asked with reddened ears, "Chi Sir, why do you want to book two rooms?"

Chi Feichi took out Feichi who had just probed his head, took him to one of the rooms, turned on the light, put Feichi on the bed, turned around and went out, closed the door, and locked it from the outside.

Tell Yoko Okino the answer in one go.

Feichi: "..."

The quilt is so cold, it seems to have been abandoned.

The owner actually locked the door from the outside, and it couldn't even slip through in the middle of the night... Pooh, no, it's not that kind of snake!

In the living room, Yoko Okino looked at the whole process and sweated a little, "Have you always carried Feichi? You also carry it when you go out?"

"I usually bring it with me." Chi Feichi turned back to the sofa, "Do you want something to eat?"

"Thank you, but I want to control my diet, so I don't need anything to eat. You can drink whatever you want, and you can decide." Yoko Okino paused, "I'm take a shower and change clothes."

Chi Feichi made an internal call and asked someone to deliver drinks upstairs, took a shower in the bathroom of the living room, looked around the living room and the rest of the rooms, and observed all the buildings opposite the window.

Yoko Okino heard the sound of Chi Fei late entering the room in the bathroom, reluctantly left the tub of warm water, dried her hair, put on a bathrobe, stared at herself in the mirror for a while, and took a deep breath, open the door and go out.

Chi Feichi sat on the platform in front of the window, poured the dark red wine from the decanter into two goblets, and said without raising his head, "Come and sit."

Yoko Okino stepped forward, "That..."

As soon as Chi Feichi looked up, he saw Yoko Okino with loose hair and wearing a bathrobe hiding behind the curtain and looking outside.

Because she had just taken a bath, Yoko Okino's cheeks were flushed after washing off her make-up, and the skin on the half of her legs where the bathrobe was exposed was also a soft pink.

Yoko Okino sensed the gaze from the side, turned her head to meet Shangchi Feichi's gaze, and looked at those purple, gloomy and more aggressive eyes, like a terrifying abyss that was about to engulf her, suffocating her heartbeat and breathing at the same time. For a moment, fortunately, those eyes quickly returned to their usual calmness, as if it was just her illusion.

"It's okay, come here," Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze, "I saw it just now, and there is no building nearby where I can see this window."

Looking at it just now, some characteristics unique to the second dimension made him look like he was reading an enlarged version of a comic for a moment, as if watching all this through a world barrier, which made him almost jump into a scene.

"Okay..." Yoko Okino breathed a sigh of relief, calmed her beating heart silently, took off her slippers, walked to the platform, and sat next to Chi Feichi.

Chi Feichi handed a glass of red wine to Okino Yoko, smelled the faint aroma of shampoo beside him, and finally regained the cognition of "I'm not a paper man in front of me".

"Thank you." Yoko Okino caught the cup and noticed that Chi Feichi's eyes fell on her again, this time he didn't dare to look up and turned his head to look out the window.

"I don't understand what you're thinking." Chi Feichi tentatively clarified his words.

With Yoko Okino's fame and status, there is no need to do such a thing for resources, and Yoko Okino is not a casual person.

Okino Yoko is the trump card of the competitor, and he has also learned about it, not only the external image, but also the word-of-mouth in the circle.

Since her debut, although Yoko Okino has been rumored to be scandalous, they are all rumors. Once she becomes famous, if she interacts with a certain male artist on the show, people will guess whether she has a relationship. As far as he knows, Yoko Okino has nothing but There is an ex-boyfriend who has broken up and committed suicide, and has never had an affair with any man.

This is a smart and far-sighted woman who can resolve many troubles and obtain many resources by herself.

When the "Earth Ladies Team" group was going downhill, Okino Yoko discussed with Hoshino Terumi, disbanded the group, developed each other and pretended that the relationship was not in line with the hype, and also arranged several interviews.

After such speculation, the attention of the outside world has shifted from the group to the individual, and the impression of "cute girl group" has also become "Yoko is so cute", "Hui is beautiful and cool", "Xiao Xue is the most mature and sensible", "Xiao Kaoru is so innocent" , 'It's a pity to disband'...

Is it a pity to disband? It's not a pity at all, if that combination continues, the outside world's impression of them will always remain as a 'cute girl group', and they will not discover the differences between the four of them. Sooner or later, the popularity of their combination will completely pass. At that time, it would be very difficult to take advantage of the hype to become popular.

Afterwards, Yoko Okino took advantage of the popularity to appear on the show, and when faced with the attacks of black fans at the time, she also handled it properly, with a serious and sincere attitude, which instead attracted a large number of fans.

Going on shows, hosting shows, making commercials, making TV series, making movies...

Okino Yoko's success step by step, her own brain accounted for a large reason, far more than other skills, the help to her is not as great as her brain.

Even Yoko Okino's company only started to invest more resources in her step by step after discovering her potential.

In other words, a female star who has been popular for so long is never a fool.

In addition to singing and dancing, it also depends on how you treat people, how big your vision is, how far you can see, how well you can withstand stress, and how well you can cope with crises.

Such a person suddenly found him, and the picture must not be in front of him. The reason why he was not vigilant or refused was because he knew that Yoko Okino would not harm others and had a sense of proportion.

Apart from the risk that he might be hacked to death by his teacher, it shouldn't cause him any major trouble.

Furthermore, even if Yoko Okino didn't meet enough points for him to like, she was very comfortable to get along with, and she was considered clean, which would not trigger his cleanliness. She is beautiful, has a good figure, and is famous enough...

Everyone has thought about it, as long as it is not too embarrassing, he has no reason to refuse.

"What does Mr. Chi think?" Yoko Okino turned to look at Chi Feichi with a hint of expectation in his eyes, "I want to hear what Mr. Chi thinks of me."

"Miss Yoko is a smart person with a vision. What she plans is definitely not in front of her eyes, nor is it a simple resource, but Miss Yoko will not plan anything harmful." Chi Feichi did not avoid Yoko Okino's gaze, "So , I can't guess what Miss Yoko is going to want."

Yoko Okino stared at Chi Feichi for a while, then suddenly rolled her eyes with a smile, "Mr. Chi..."

"What's wrong?" Chi Feichi didn't understand why Okino Yoko suddenly smiled like a flower, but if he didn't understand, he asked directly.

"Few people would praise me for being smart and far-sighted. In fact, I prefer this kind of praise, but sometimes I am afraid that someone will say that I am smart. Then someone will definitely say that I have a scheming heart. As an artist, I have to bear a lot." Okino Yoko seemed to be in a good mood, although the smile on his face was restrained a little, but there was still a smile in his eyes, and he said frankly, "Then let me just say it, I want Mr. Chi to invest in the acquisition of our company, recently we There is a problem with the company's funds, and now this opportunity is just right."

Chi Feichi didn't answer in a hurry, but thought for a while, "Is there any possibility of buying at a lower price?"

"I don't know much about this, but..." Yoko Okino glanced at Chi Feichi's face quietly, and found that he couldn't see any attitude, and he was a little uncertain, "It shouldn't be possible to lower the price, or in other words, it would be good if there is no premium. But now the acquisition is not a loss, our company has great development prospects."

Chi Feichi lowered his eyes, picked up the wine glass, and took a sip of the wine.

What Yoko Okino was thinking was a bit out of his expectation, but it was not incomprehensible.

The two companies seem to have a good relationship at present, but sooner or later they will compete for resources. Even if it is not for resources, their original plan is to erode the value of the other company step by step, and wait for the right opportunity to come forward to acquire , or rather...annexation.

In this process, Okino Yoko will definitely be sent to the battlefield by the opponent, and their ThK has strong capital behind them, the chance of losing is too small, and they have the ability to make a comeback if they lose.

Pretty bullying.

But what is more pitiful than competitors is people like Yoko Okino who are thrown out to charge.

Facing such a situation, the person in charge of the company will want to fight, show their strength, and increase the company's value. If they fall into a tug-of-war, ThK may choose to buy directly considering the cost of the tug-of-war. Then they can make a profit by selling the company. And if you lose, at most it will be embarrassing. After so many years of earning, you have already paid back your capital, and you can surrender and negotiate when the opportunity is right.

As for people like Okino Yoko, when the other party needs it, they will desperately push her up, and they will also desperately attack and find ways to knock down this pillar.

Frankly speaking, based on the situation of the other party, as long as the pillar of Okino Yoko is blurred, it will basically be crossed, and the acquisition can be started.

Compared with the value of resources owned by a company, the value of a Yoko Okino is nothing at all.

As long as there are resources and funds, you can hold 'Okino Yoko' one after another. At that time, except for some ashes, everyone's attention will shift to the newcomer, forgetting about the artist who was confused in the struggle, After the artist has no resources and does not show up for a long time, the ashes fans will gradually find new targets. When mentioning the artist again, the most they can say is 'I like her. If she comes back, I will support her', but the specific No one can say how many people will do what they say, how many people can firmly support, and how many people can have the original enthusiasm.

Human nature is like this.

Moreover, falling from the clouds is very traumatic. Even if she can come back after a period of silence, will Yoko Okino still be her former self, and does she still have the enthusiasm and courage that attracted people before? Or is it a false maintenance of the persona, on the surface it is still Yoko Okino, who collapsed overnight behind her back, and gradually lost her self-distinguishment?

They can afford it, but Yoko Okino can't afford it.

Yoko Okino betrayed her own company? No, if he comes forward to buy now and cannot lower the price, the other party will definitely be willing to consider agreeing to it. After all, the wolf-hearted ambition they plan to erode step by step, the other party may not be clear. It is better to be acquired now than to be acquired after being eroded. ? And everyone is doing well.

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