Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 946 Yoko Okino: You Can't Lose Money!

"You can think about it," Okino Yoko saw that Chi Fei didn't respond for a long time, and didn't urge him, and said seriously, "I know we can't win. Everyone knows that a senior executive of our company recently proposed to find other consortiums to invest in the market. But it was directly rejected, because there are not many people who are willing to offend the Suzuki consortium, the Maike group and the Field group, and there are many consortiums that are related to you, and they will not destroy that relationship for an entertainment economic company. Moreover, if If our company really seeks support from other consortiums, it will really tear our face, and everyone is unwilling, but our chairman is just unwilling to be suppressed. If you are willing to buy at a lower price, he is very willing to cooperate, and I also I want to end the war, and I don't want to be targeted again, so it doesn't matter even if I betray the company..."

"You didn't betray the company, I was the one who betrayed the company." Chi Feichi said.

Even if he buys at a premium, he won't lose money.

One is that there will be losses in war, and the other is that he knows that the entertainment industry has a bright future, so he can integrate resources as soon as possible to earn more.

But ThK company is not yet capable of acquiring the company behind Okino Yoko, so he can only let the Maike Group... No, in this regard, it is estimated that his mother should take the shot.

Then we have to consider two issues.

First of all, based on the current situation of the Field Group, does it have enough funds to acquire it.

There is no need to worry about this issue. Even if the Field Group has been in turmoil recently, it has a strong foundation of old capital backed by the financial system, so it is still no problem to acquire an economic company.

Second is the problem of ThK company.

The acquisition of the Field Group has something to do with him, but it has nothing to do with the other three investors of ThK. ​​Now he asks his mother to acquire the economic company behind Yoko Okino, which is equivalent to taking away the target that ThK intends to devour and giving it back to others Provided capital assistance.

In fact, from the perspective of profit, ThK company will not lose money. With him in the middle, the two companies are the strongest allies, so hurry up and exchange resources. At that time, artists will have more resources and more choices. It is good for the development of artists, and as the company grows, shareholders' income will also increase.

What's more, as long as Odagiri dares to play, the situation may not necessarily become "two companies".

But from a sentimental point of view, he had to agree to Yoko Okino without discussing with the other three people...

Chi Feichi took out his mobile phone, and was about to send an email to Morien Kikuto, Odagiri Toshiya, and Suzuki Sonoko to explain, and also thought it would be best to meet and talk, when Yoko Okino grabbed his wrist.

"Wait a minute," Okino Yoko grabbed Chi Feichi's wrist, tensed up, and quickly let go, "I, I haven't finished yet."

Chi Feichi put down the phone, "Then you continue talking."

"I know I mentioned it too suddenly. You need a little time to think about it, and you may not agree. I just want to take this opportunity to mention it to you. It would be best if you agree," said Okino Yoko As he spoke, he drank a sip of wine, stared down at his feet neatly placed on the platform, and lowered his voice a bit, "What I really want is a guarantee that Mr. Chi will not make me an outcast, No matter what, at least leave me a way to return to the present, I don't want my years of hard work to be in vain, and I don't want to disappoint so many people who like me..."

Saying that, Okino Yoko was a little lost.

Although Mori Kogoro is her fan, but she knew that if they really wanted to meet, Chi Feichi would not care about that at all, and he was merciless last time.

After all, the friendship between them is not enough.

The feeling of knowing that the future is crumbling, but being powerless to stop it is really bad, so she thought, no matter what, she must try again.

Going to Chi Feichi every day to get a sense of presence and intimacy? No, a little carelessness like that would annoy Chi Feichi, and she felt that the probability of that was not low.

When Chi Feichi encountered difficulties, did he help him? That's not okay, even if she encounters difficulties, others may not be able to encounter difficulties, and the difficulties encountered by Chi Feichi are not something she can solve, and she feels that compared to unspoken rules, that kind of calculating behavior She couldn't accept it.

After much deliberation, only the current path is safer.

If Chi Feichi was a greasy old man, married or had a girlfriend, she wouldn't do this, but Chi Feichi didn't, and she didn't have a boyfriend herself.

Well, everyone is about the same age, and the other party is a person who can compete with her for a job because of his appearance, and is not only a person who only has an appearance. Not only does she not hate it, but she also admires and admires it.

When she came back from the 3K Hotel in Osaka, she thought about it seriously and came to a conclusion.

You can go, no loss.

The reason why she hesitated until today is because she thought of another question

Will it be self-defeating and make Chi Feichi feel disgusted instead?

After all, Chi Feichi should have never been in the circle before, so he might not be able to accept these things. If Chi Feichi felt disgusted, it would be a worse situation than being rejected.

So she decided to wait and see, wait for Chi Feichi to get used to the circle, wait for Chi Feichi to get to know the circle for a while, and she can't say it bluntly, and then try it out.

Recently, the company has a problem with its funds. She wants to seize this opportunity. After all, if Chi Feichi buys it at a premium, the chances of success will be even smaller. Difficult.

Step by step to today, what she insists on is to seize the opportunity, don't expect to have it next time, because sometimes the more you want something, the less it will appear, and you will be more upset in the future.

In fact, when she was in the parking lot, she was so nervous that her palms were sweating. At first, she wanted to retreat and wanted to fool her, but Chi Feichi found out that she didn't simply want someone to send her back, and then hinted, she kept thinking Looking at Chi Feichi's face to determine Chi Feichi's attitude, what annoyed her was that maybe she shouldn't have chosen a place like the parking lot, she couldn't judge Chi Feichi's attitude at all.

She was ready to be stared at by Chi Feichi with cold eyes of contempt and disgust. When Chi Feichi brought it up to the hotel, she still had some doubts that Chi Feichi was testing her to find the evidence. After agreeing, Chi Feichi turned on her face and scolded her.

In the end, we arrived at the hotel. It went smoothly beyond her expectations, and it went so naturally that it made her a little confused.

I always feel that she didn't understand Chi Feichi before...

But that didn't seem to matter anymore. When Chi Feichi said that she was 'visionary and smart', she felt that Chi Feichi didn't know a little about her.

The idea also inexplicably changed from "no loss" to "blood earns no loss"...

Chi Feichi looked at Yoko Okino's sad face for a while, blushing for a while, and distracted eyes for a while, and suddenly said, "Let me teach you a simpler way of saying it."

"Ah?" Yoko Okino came back to his senses, his mind stuck for a moment, and then he remembered what he had said before, and turned to look at Chi Feichi curiously, "What do you say?"

"Beat it lightly," Chi Feichi said.

Yoko Okino was taken aback for a moment, and after realizing it, she laughed and said, "I'm not that demanding, just don't beat me to death, I'm still very...very hard to beat, will Mr. Chi agree?"

"That's fine."

Chi Feichi didn't plan to touch the phone again, so if he could agree to this, what emails and calls would he send at this time?

Yoko Okino relaxed a lot. After realizing that Chi Feichi was not as difficult to speak as he imagined, and was willing to communicate with her first, he moved a bit, leaned on Chi Feichi's shoulder, and asked curiously, "Mr. Chi has never thought about it. Am I looking for you for the filming of the Onmyoji series of movies?"

Chi Feichi pretended to think about it, "Do you want to be cute in the movie?"

Okino Yoko looked at Chi Feichi with a smile, "Is it okay?"


"I'm joking, it's because some high-level executives in the company think that I shouldn't take risks and show ugly faces in order to play a good role. If that happens, I will be hated by fans, so I'm allowed to play so many roles in the drama. Lovely character, in fact, I also want to play the role well... And I am not like that in all works, um... Let me think about it... Have you seen the "Golden Yaksha" I collaborated with Hehui? I acted The heroine is a tragic character, and I didn't play cute."

"I haven't seen it."

"Ah? Then... that in "Great Monster Gomera"..."

"I almost forgot, you are Emily."

Yoko Okino: "..."

Originally, I wanted to say, "Although it is a movie that children like to watch, but she also acted seriously", but Chi Feichi, who has never seen "Golden Yasha", actually watched "Gemilla" and said Her Elf Emily...

Chi Feichi continued, "I remember that in the fourth part, in order to help the injured Gomera get the energy stone, Emily pretended to be a human being and mingled with humans to take risks..."

Okino Yoko nodded again and again, her eyes sparkling.

It's inexplicably cute to say that movie so seriously.

Blood earns no loss, blood earns no...

Chi Feichi: "Then he was caught by Doctor Bad's men and tore his clothes..."

"Ah... what strange place are you paying attention to!"

"Is that torn too?"

"Yes...but that's because the bad doctor wanted to prove to the public that Emily is an elf, and wanted everyone to see her wings, so..."

The two glasses of wine were drank little by little during the conversation, and everything happened naturally and harmoniously.

At three o'clock in the morning, Chi Feichi helped Yoko Okino pull up the quilt and was about to leave.

Yoko Okino lay in a daze for a while, and became more awake. She turned over and looked at Chi Feichi who had already changed her clothes, "Are you planning to leave?"

"When it's dawn, I'll go to the company to find Min Ye and the others to discuss the acquisition, and then I'll go to the Maori Detective Agency." Chi Feichi put the key card on the bedside, "You wake up and call someone to bring you breakfast If you don’t want to go back, you can stay for two more days. If you are worried about being discovered when you leave the hotel, call someone to take you to the elevator we took when we came here. It is a special elevator for the hotel manager and special members. You can go directly to the underground. Then ask the driver to take you away."

"Ah, I see."

"Do you want to turn off the lights?"

"Okay... please."

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