Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 947: Can't Blood Earn...Blood Loss!

Before Chi Fei left late, he replaced the trash can with a new trash bag and took away the original trash bag before going to another room to take Fei Chi away.

Hearing the sound of opening and closing doors coming from outside one after another, and finally calmed down, Yoko Okino looked at the dim ceiling and sighed inwardly.

Chi Feichi didn't intend to stay and rest, which was the most heartless statement.

If there is no lover's attitude, then it means that long-term relationship such as lovers, Chi Feichi does not consider it.

In fact, she already understood that if Chi Feichi planned to date her, he would reject her before or after arriving at the hotel last night, and seriously submit the date to her. That's the attitude.

It's just that she didn't realize that she actually had some illusions in her heart.

Men are all bastards, they were so talkative before, they must have wanted to make the atmosphere better, but she was still attracted and confused... blood loss!

However, Mr. Chi seems to be seriously considering the acquisition, and he is also in a hurry to do it. From the perspective of the original purpose, she is not losing money, but from the perspective of people, she is not losing money... blood is not losing money!

No, it’s a shame, I have to ask the program team for leave today, and I don’t want to wake up tomorrow, tomorrow’s filming will be postponed, and the commercials the day after tomorrow will probably have to be slow, although she can call and talk to the other party, the other party is probably able to accommodate It took a while, but she will soon have to make up work, she must be very tired... blood loss!

not right...

When Okino Yoko was full of entanglements, thinking for a while until he fell asleep in a daze, Chi Feichi left the hotel from the underground parking lot, took a taxi at the street corner, went back to the restaurant parking lot, drove his own car home, and brought garbage bags along the way. Throw it in the trash can on the side of the road.

It is a good habit to clean up personal traces.


After driving home, Chi Feichi jumped off the building every day before dawn.

Since it was only five o'clock in the morning, he had a lot of time to jump today. In addition to the floors he tried to jump yesterday and the day before yesterday, he had already jumped from the 3rd floor to the 10th floor several times. jump down.

In the opposite building, Takatori Yannan pretended to wake up at night, went to the kitchen in the dark and took a look at the opposite side, and when he came out of the bathroom, he couldn't help but take another look.

His boss has not been normal recently, and he is crazy about jumping off buildings.

The boss told him not to hide it from that person, so he told that person, and that person told him to keep an eye on it, but the boss didn't allow him to watch.

Although he wanted to listen to the boss, and he was more worried that the boss who had the snake spirit found him peeping and killed him with a gun, but driven by curiosity, he still couldn't help but want to pay attention, it was definitely not peeping...

When the windows of the nearby buildings were lit up one after another, Chi Feichi stopped his daily jumping, went out for a run, and stopped by to see the unnamed cat group stronghold. He didn't go home until 8:00 in the morning, and then drove to THK company.

"Acquire their company?"

In the president's office, Oda Kirito couldn't sit still anymore, got up from behind the desk, walked to the sofa and sat down, "Then what should we do? Feichi, think about Cang Mu, you can't love the new and hate the old!"

Chi Feichi: "..."

Don't talk nonsense, he enshrined Mai Cangmu as a pillar of luck and a magic needle of Dinghai.

The Senyuan Chrysanthemum who was called over yawned, trying to cheer up, and expressed his appeal, "Feichi, don't forget your friends and abandon us, you have to stand by our side...ah, so sleepy... I don't think you are like this, but I'm worried that you are being confused by Ms. Okino Yoko."

"I'm wide awake."

Chi Fei made a statement later.

Don't say, "In the sage mode, everyone is a paper man, I want to kill one to see the effect of comics", even if he is not in the sage mode, he is still very clear.

Oda Kiritoshi also looked at Chi Feichi, who was not in a hurry, and then at the "my people came to the meeting, but the brain is still sleeping at home" appearance, Mori Garden Kikuto once again murdered a certain two shareholders. Heart.

Before Oda Kirito could speak, Chi Feichi said again, "Also, you guys made a mistake. I didn't buy it, and I didn't have that much money to buy their company. The buyer was THK or Field Group."

"Us?" Oda Kirito immediately grasped the point.

"With the company as collateral, and also in the name of the company, borrow money from the bank of the Field Group to buy it. If you think it's risky, I'll tell my mother to let the Field Group buy it." Chi Feichi looked at Minya Oda, "as soon as possible Integration is good, it can avoid the cost of fighting against Taiwan, and it will be much easier to make money if you occupy most of the Japanese entertainment industry earlier, but you will have a lot of psychological pressure, and it is up to you to decide. The Field Group acquired their company, and I will not send things there. I just hope that the two companies can support each other. In the future, there will only be a day when THK swallows them up, and there will be no day when they swallow up THK. This is my guarantee .”

He's not digging his own family's wealth.

THK has his share, and is independent from the control of other financial groups and groups. If it develops well, it can become a way out for him.

Moreover, the Field Group itself also has a lending business, one thing is one thing, and the mother and child settle accounts clearly. Even if there is no problem with the account, he can at most get a minimum interest rate, and the money that should be repaid and the interest that should be paid will still be paid. of.

However, he didn't force Oda Kirito to borrow money as well, so he made a guarantee so that Oda Kirito would not feel pressured.

Oda Kirimi also saw that Chi Feichi was so serious, and he panicked, "I was just joking, you don't have to be so serious, of course I know you are not that kind of person..."

Senyuan Chrysanthemum, who was half asleep and half awake before, suddenly sat up straight, staring at Chi Feichi with bright eyes, "No, Feichi, you are so serious, do you think the opportunity is rare?"

Odagiri Toshiya: "..."

Can you stop making such a 'deceived corpse' move suddenly? It's scary.

"Yoko said that she didn't know the inside story, and she didn't find out. She just found out that there might be a problem with the company's funds from some of the company's expenses. A non-management person like her can tell me and take it as an opportunity for us to tell me, but she I don't know exactly what's going on, and I can't get any inside information," Chi Feichi asked, "What do you think this means?"

"The problem is not small," Senyuan Juren said decisively, "If it's not a trap, then the tighter they hide it, the more it proves that something big happened to their funds, and they pretended to be nonchalant in the company, maybe there is already a fire behind their backs .”

"We need to find out what's wrong with their company," Oda Kirito recalled with a frown. "It stands to reason that their company shouldn't have financial problems recently, and they've been so actively involved in the filming of the Onmyoji series..."

"Don't think about it, I asked someone to check it in the morning." Chi Feichi took out his mobile phone, "Two years ago, the theater company behind one of their shareholders had financial problems, and that time happened to be the years when their company's development momentum was strongest. , so they injected funds into the other party, intending to cross shareholdings and carry out integration. However, after the establishment of THK this year, the other party was not very optimistic about them. They lost the company, transferred funds, and planned to completely transfer to Hollywood for development. The other party was planning to sell shares. , they discovered the problem."

He used the ark to find out the news in the morning.

Although businessmen also pay attention to security, mobile phones are difficult to hack, and important things are discussed in person, but this matter is too big. If this crisis is not resolved, it will be exposed sooner or later. Fangzhou uses some illegal intrusion methods. It's not hard to get a little news.

Even if this 'a little bit' is a bit much...

"The two films they funded and produced are still burning money. Coupled with some losses that they planned to stop us some time ago but failed, the funds for the event are already very tight."

"Originally, the capital chain would not be broken, but the other party took longer to prepare, everything that should be transferred has been transferred, and the nationality has been changed to the United States long ago. Not only can they not sue the other party now, but they have to delay the other party and talk to the other party about recovery. Regarding the shareholding matter, after all, if this matter is exposed, the situation they will face will be even more severe under the panic," Chi Feichi continued, "But holding the other party is only temporary, and their president is also starting to arrange for people to collect Evidence, and it has already been harvested, the chances of winning the prosecution are not small."

"This is a real stab in the back," Senyuan Juren sighed a little, "But which expert did you ask to investigate, and all these can be found?"

"You won't be eyeing them long ago, right?" Oda Kirito also looked at Chi Feichi.

This is not something that can be found out in a short time. He would believe that Chi Feichi had planted spies in the top management of the other party.

Chi Feichi was noncommittal and changed the subject, "Tell me about your decision. If you want to borrow money to buy it, then contact Yuanzi and come over to talk about it."

"I'll call Sonoko!" Oda Kirito also got up decisively and walked to the desk to make a call, explaining his decision with actions.

"You don't need to talk about the matter between me and Yoko." Chi Feichi said.

Odagiri Min also took advantage of the phone call not being connected, and said, "I know, after all, Ms. Yoko sold her company. It's not good to say it, and it will be even more troublesome if people who don't know the inside story know about it."

Chrysanthemum Senyuan also promised, "As long as Ms. Yoko doesn't say anything, only the three of us and Ms. Yoko will know."

Chi Feichi nodded.

Although Suzuki Sonoko is not a person who can't keep secrets, gossip has a limit, some things will not be talked about, and it is the same with good friends, but Suzuki Sonoko can't hide things, if he sees his teacher chasing Okino in the future Suzuki Sonoko showed a strange expression when he was talking to Yoko, and there was a high probability that he would be questioned.

If he had a normal relationship with Yoko Okino, Kogoro Mori would have yelled a few words at most, but it happened not.

Then after his teacher finds out, it is really possible to chase after him and beat him, or to beat him like crazy even knowing that he can't beat him...

He was wronged by himself, and he couldn't retaliate against his teacher, so he might as well hide it from Suzuki Sonoko.

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