Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 964 Conan: Love from Xiaolan-1! [For the cute master Jedir Berger to add more]

The next day, the time jumped to the end of July.

After Chi Feichi received a call from Mao Lilan, he took Sawada Hiroki and Fei Chi to the THK company, but only received Kinukawa Kazuki and brought them to Mao Li Detective Agency.

"Brother Minya, can't you come?" Mao Lilan replaced the tea with fruit juice and gave it to Juanchuan Kazuki.

"Thank you, sister~" Kinukawa Kazuki thanked obediently, and immediately made Mao Lilan smile.

Conan is sitting on the side, look at this side, Suanchuan Kazuki has facial features and European characteristics, with cute little freckles on his cheeks, sitting upright with a cute face, and look over there, Xiaoshu is lying on his back softly On the sofa, with his head bowed, his face is round and his eyes are black and bright...

Love from Xiaolan - 1!

Love from Xiaolan - 1!

"Min is also busy with company affairs, and will be very busy recently." Chi Feichi explained to Mao Lilan.

"In that case, let's talk about it another day," Mori Kogoro leaned lazily on the office chair, looking up at the ceiling, "Didn't you say that this commission is not urgent?"

Mao Lilan glanced over with dangerous eyes, "Didn't Dad say yesterday that he had to deal with the entrustment in his hand and didn't have time to go to dinner with Mom? Then hurry up and work hard, hard, and devotion!"

Hearing these threatening words, Mori Kogoro sweated, sat up straight, and was forced to open.

"Brother Minya told my father that it's fine for me to handle it myself. If they are here, I am worried that I will feel restrained, and I am also worried that it will cause pressure on that woman or cause her to misunderstand." Kazuki Kazukawa explained.

"That woman?" Mao Lilan was curious.

"It was my biological mother who threw me like trash in front of the church when I was one year old," Kazuki Kazukawa said with a displeased face, "I don't want to call her 'Mom'."

"Ah..." Mao Lilan didn't know what to say for a while.

Suanchuan Kazuki took out a stack of stained postcards and put them on the table, "Anyway, since two years ago, she would send me postcards every once in a while, until it stopped suddenly half a year ago. Want to commission Maori detectives to find her, or figure out what's going on."

Mori Kogoro got up and walked out of the desk, picked up the postcard on the coffee table and looked at it, "It's really dirty..."

Juanchuan Hehui said indifferently, "I felt uncomfortable after receiving it, so I just threw it aside."

"That is to say, throw it where you can get it, watch it several times a day, watch it after eating, and maybe watch it before going to bed." Chi Feichi directly exposed it.

"I didn't..." Juan Chuan He Hui just wanted to refute, but when he turned around and saw Chi Feichi's indifferent face, he was inexplicably scared, "I don't read it every day either."

Really, can't he just pretend he doesn't care? He also wants to save face, okay?

"That's how it is..." Mao Lilan understood, and for a moment she was flooded with sympathy and love, and looked at Juanchuan Kazuki with extremely gentle eyes.

"These postcards only have the name 'Atsuko' written on them, but no address..." Mori Kogoro flipped through the postcards, "How do you know this is a letter from your mother? It didn't mention that she was your mother either. "

"It's handwriting," said Juanchuan Kazuki. "When she left me at the door of the church, she wrote the words 'His name is Hehui' on a piece of paper, and left the name 'Atsuko'. These postcards The handwriting on it is the same as that on that piece of paper."

Conan gave a hint, and based on the characteristics of one of the postcards, he locked the line of "hotel hostess in Atami, Shizuoka Prefecture".

When Conan frantically prompted, Chi Feichi didn't say a word, sitting on the sofa playing mobile games, sending emails to Gin while others were indulging in reasoning.

[Shizuoka Atami, two days. ——Raki】

"Then let's go quickly!" Juanchuan Kazuki concealed his urgency with a cold face, put on sunglasses and walked towards the door, "I have a tight schedule and I still have to go to school, so it's best to settle the matter in these two days Brother Min Ye said that the board and lodging expenses during the investigation will be transferred to Brother Chi."

"I have already received it, and I can pay in advance if the fee is not enough." Chi Feichi got up, picked up Feichi, and signaled to Sawada Hiroki that it was time to go.

Mori Kogoro Ban Yueyan followed, muttering in a low voice, "It's like a group of horrible workaholics trying to drag me down, I think I might as well live on the Shinkansen from now on..."

Mao Lilan originally wanted to slander Mori Kogoro again, but thinking about Chi Feichi's continuous commissions, and the rhythm of taking the plane the day before yesterday, taking the train yesterday, and taking the Shinkansen today, she suddenly found her home Dad’s rant was right, she couldn’t bear to complain any more, she was silent for a while, smiled and comforted, “Just take it as a trip and investigate, I, Conan and Brother Feichi will all help, and He Hui is so Cute, sometimes I feel a bit like Conan, Dad, you should hurry up and help him find him!"

Conan stared at Kinukawa Kazuki who was looking back at them at the door.

Where is he like him? This kid also played the character based on him in the movie "The Female Detective in the Court"... that's all!


Atami is not too hot in Japan, but the weather at the end of July is hot enough.

After arriving at Atami, Mori Kogoro took the postcard with clues and dragged his family around to ask for clues and investigate. He was sweating profusely, and his suit jacket had already been taken off and draped over his shoulders.

Chi Fei checked the date sooner or later, and only wore the bear-headed white T-shirt that Hui Yuanai bought for him in Huis Ten Bosch last time.

There are only two days left in Sawada Hiroki's body, and the later stage, Koizumi Hongko's physical strength of the temporary body made by magic means is getting worse, basically the rhythm of "half an hour of activity, five hours of charging".

"Really, I finally came to Atami, not only didn't take a bath in the hot spring, but I was covered in sweat..." Mori Kogoro wiped the sweat from his head.

Mao Lilan looked at the postcard while walking, "There is only one postcard, and there are still too few clues."

Suanchuan Kazuki was walking wearing sunglasses, and when he saw a woman passing by with a child in his arms, he stopped suddenly, raised his head and said to Mao Lilan, "Sister, give me a hug!"

Mao Lilan bent down to look at Suanchuan Kazuki, "If you are tired from walking, I can carry you on my back."

"Hug! Hug!" Kinukawa Kazuki stretched out his hands coquettishly, "I want to hug!"

Conan: "..."

More coquettish than him!

To actually want Xiaolan to hug her is too much!

"You can act like a baby!" Mao Lilan smiled and hugged Juanchuan Hehui.

"No..." Conan didn't have time to stop him, so he could only stare at Kinukawa Kazuki unhappily.

Damn it, the weather is so hot, Xiaolan is still wearing a camisole, this kid is not a one and a half year old like Xiaoshu...

If it wasn't for Chi Feichi still hugging Xiaoshu, he should let Chi Feichi show this brat a taste of what it means to be 'choked by the collar' and what is meant to be 'Chi-style carrying a baby'!

After Suanchuan Hehui was hugged by Mao Lilan, Mao Lilan stood up holding him, and pointed her right finger under Mao Lilan's left collarbone, "This is it! That woman has a mole growing here, I still remember when I was a child I often fall asleep looking at that mole."

"Huh?" Mao Lilan let go, looking down at her collarbone.

"But at that time my body was a little smaller," Kazuki Kazukawa looked at the yawning Sawada Hiroki, and then at Mao Liran, "The mole should be located a little further down, so I can hug it again." Me once?"

Conan: "!"

Want to go further down?

Mao Lilan was also a little embarrassed, but she didn't feel that a seven or eight-year-old child couldn't be hugged, "It's okay..."

"Okay, no need," Conan stood in front of Kinukawa Kazuki, separated the two, and waved his hands awkwardly, "I think I already know where I am."

Kiankawa Kazuki was dissatisfied with watching Conan, "But if you don't understand thoroughly..."

"Forget it," Conan stared at Kazuki Kazuki with a dark face, gritted his teeth and squeezed out a sentence, "I already know it very well!"

After a group of people had lunch, they continued their investigation until late in the evening when they asked for clues at a hot spring hotel.

In a Japanese-style hotel, Mizu Kusano, a fat middle-aged waitress, knelt on the floor at the door, looking at the postcard, "This is a limited-edition item, only our store sells it, but this kind of four-card set The postcards have not been selling very well, there is really no way, the waitresses in our store have to share a share, anyway, they can’t sell them.”

"It's amazing," Mao Lilan bowed and sighed to Conan in a low voice, "Conan is completely right about the fact that the other party is a hotel hostess."

Conan couldn't help looking at Chi Feichi, who was very inactive today, and found that Chi Feichi was hiding at the side, prescribing the mineral water he had just bought for Hiroki Sawada, and silently looked away.

Sigh, what a good reasoning master, he got stuck in taking care of children...

"Then, I would like to take the liberty to ask again," Mori Kogoro said, "Is there a woman named Atsuko here?"

Kinukawa Kazuki lowered his head and pushed the sunglasses, pretending not to care.

"No..." Kusano Mitsu said, "We don't have anyone with that name here."

Mori Kogoro was a little disappointed, "That's right."

Kusano Mitsu looked up and stared, "Ah, may I ask if you are the famous..."

"Yes," Mori Kogoro replied habitually, "I am a detective Mori Kogoro."

Mitsu Kusano ignored Mori Kogoro, leaned over, and hugged Kinukawa Kazuki's shoulder in surprise, "You are Kinukawa Kazuki, aren't you?"

Maori Kogoro:"……"

Chi Feichi glanced at it, looked away, helped Sawada Hiroki get a tissue, and screwed up the mineral water bottle.

Embarrassed for his teacher.

"Hmm." Kinukawa Kazuki was also confused by Kusano Mitsu's sudden over-enthusiastic attitude.

"Sure enough, I read it right!" Kusano Mitsu continued to be excited, turned her head and said to a waitress passing by on the tray, "Bessho, come and take a look, it's Hehui-kun~!"

The waitress with short hair and a mole on her chin looked sideways, said 'Hello' in a low voice, and continued to leave with her things.

"It's strange, she's a huge fan of Kazuki." Mitsu Kusano was puzzled for a moment, then smiled again, "She's probably shy."

Saying that, Kusano Mitsu approached Kinukawa Kazuki again, expecting to ask, "By the way, Hehui, what are you doing here today? Do you want to stay here?"

"No," Mori Kogoro wanted to explain, "Actually..."

"Hum hum……"

A sneer came from the door, a man with long hair tied back, carrying a handbag, and a camera stood at the door, looked at Juanchuan Kazuki, and smiled strangely, "I think you are here to find someone, right? Find the mother who cruelly abandoned you."

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