Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 965 He has a lot of experience in this

"Please," Mitsu Kusano dissatisfied, "Who are you?"

"I am your guest here, my surname is Yaxia, and I have reserved room 205 here," the man walked into the store, glanced at Kazuki Kazuki with a hint, and then looked at Hiroki Sawada Chi Feichi got up and took a look, as if he was identifying Chi Feichi's identity, "Originally, I came here just to see the situation, but I didn't expect that all the actors should be here, and now there is something to report! Haha Ha ha……"

Kusano Mitsu saw the man go to the front desk, and looked away, "So, would you like to stay here?"

"Live," Chi Feichi said, "three rooms."

Mori Kogoro, who was just about to speak: "..."

That's fine, he doesn't care whoever lets his big apprentice hold the investigation funds, he can live anywhere.

"Ah, but so far only Room 308, which was canceled by the guest, and Room 307, which was vacated, have been cleaned," Kusano Mizu apologized, "Can I wrong you and go there to rest first? Those two rooms have a living room and a bedroom. And the bathroom, the futons and bathrobes are complete, enough for you to use, if there are other rooms cleaned, I will let you know."

"Actually, two rooms are enough," Mao Lilan thought, "I can take Xiaoshu, Conan or Hehui, Dad and Brother Feichi and another child, or I can take care of the three children... ..."

Chi Feichi didn't object, "That's two."

This kind of room only needs one bedding and can sleep in a row. He just wants to be clean. If there are no extra rooms, two of them are fine.

"Great! This way I can stay with Kazuki for a while longer," Kusano Mitsu looked very happy, and turned to the passing waitress, "Sanzhi, take the guests to rooms 307 and 308!"


The waitress named Sanzhi also wore the pink-purple kimono in the store, her long hair was braided and tied behind her head, her attitude was cold, she did not speak along the way, and after leading a group of people into Room 307, she said, "This is Room 307." Room, the adjacent room on the right is 308, the bathrobes and quilts are in the closet, please do your own thing!"

"Hey, hello," Mori Kogoro said speechlessly when he saw Sanzhi turn around and leave, "Miss, can you explain clearly?"

"It's annoying! We're already very busy, so we don't have the time to accompany extra guests like you. Don't think that you are a celebrity!" Sanzhi said with a cold face, and left directly.

Juanchuan Kazuki was stunned, the sunglasses on the bridge of his nose slid down, and he simply took them off, "What a fierce woman."

"Yeah, this attitude is really bad..." Mori Kogoro also complained in a low voice.

A group of people divided the room.

Chi Feichi and Mao Lilan were in charge of one side, and let the children choose by themselves.

Sawada Hiroki didn't think much about it, and said that he would share a room with Chi Feichi.

Conan was a little hesitant, he wanted to share a room with Chi Feichi so that he could discuss clues, but he didn't want Suanchuan and Hui to be alone with Xiaolan, even with the uncle around.

"I'm with Brother Chi." Kiankawa Kazuki said.

Conan immediately stopped hesitating, "Then me too!"

"We're all going to be with Brother Feichi," Mao Lilan turned to Chi Feichi who was packing his bags, "Brother Feichi, you can take care of the three of them alone, won't it be a problem?"

"No," Chi Feichi turned out his yukata. He is not used to using the yukata from the hotel outside, no matter how clean it is, and he also brought the one worn by Sawada Hiroki, "Three are more economical." Heart."

"That's right, the three of them are very good!" Mao Lilan smiled and praised, and glanced at Kogoro Mouri, "Then I will take care of the one who is the most troublesome one even though he is an adult."

"What do you mean I'm the most troublesome one?" Mori Kogoro muttered and went out, "After running for a day, I'm almost tired and lying down, so hurry up and pack up, let's eat something, and then go to the hot spring..."

Suanchuan and Hui saw that Mao Lilan and Mori Kogoro had left, and Chi Feichi went to the bathroom to change his yukata. There were only him, Conan, and a small child left here. Looking at Conan, he asked in a low voice, "Hey, what are you doing?" Want to follow me to choose?"

Conan Banyueyan, "No, I've always lived with Brother Chi when I travel."

Does this guy know who is the 'genuine'?

Juanchuan Hehui stood up, "Then I'll go to Elder Sister Xiaolan's side."

"Then I too..." Conan also stood up.

Suanchuan and Hui didn't leave, took a look at Conan, sat down, "You still say you didn't choose with me?"

Conan: "..."

Then let him follow.

Anyway, Xiaolan couldn't be alone with Chi Feichi, Juanchuan and Hui, so Chi Feichi didn't need to worry about it, but this kid didn't know what to do, and he took advantage if he was not careful.

Chi Feichi changed his black yukata and went out of the bathroom, and helped Conan and Kinukawa Kazuki find a suitable small yukata from the closet, "Go to the bath directly after eating."

"Thank you, Brother Chi." Kinukawa Kazuki took the yukata, turned around and ran into the bathroom.

Chi Feichi: "..."

Such a big child, what are you afraid of...

Conan took a look, put the yukata by his hand, and looked like he was waiting for Kinukawa Kazuki to come out of the bathroom.

Seeing that Hiroki Sawada didn't move, Chi Feichi said, "It's not like you two haven't changed clothes in front of me."

Seems to be……

Conan and Hiroki Sawada were silent for a moment, then stood up and changed their clothes.

Three minutes later, Chi Feichi took the three children out, met Mao Lilan and Mao Li Kogoro, and went to the restaurant together, feeling more and more like a professional babysitter.

When Mori Kogoro arrived at the restaurant, he didn't eat the food, but the wine was poured first.

Chi Feichi refused the invitation to drink on the grounds that he had to take care of the children. After eating, seeing that Kogoro Moori and other guests were able to drink, and it seemed that they would have to drink for a long time, he turned around and asked the three little ghosts, "May I Go take a bath, how about you?"

"No, I want to wait for uncle." Conan refused decisively.

He has a lot of experience with this.

You should share a room with Chi Feichi to sleep, so you won’t be disturbed. It’s best not to choose Uncle Mao Li who can snore, talk in sleep, and suddenly turn over to give you a heavy pressure.

And take a bath with Uncle Mao Li, Uncle Mao Li will help with the bath, it is best not to choose Chi Feichi, let alone help with the bath, that guy will stay far away as soon as he enters the water, like he is a plague , and don’t chat with him, either rely on something to close his eyes and don’t know what he is thinking about, or put one hand on the pool to play with his mobile phone, which makes him so boring that he plays with water every time...

"Then I'll wait too." Kiankawa Kazuki said without thinking.

Chi Feichi ignored the two brats and took his godson to take a bath.

Conan asked in a low voice, speechless, "Then why did you follow me to choose?"

"No," Kazuki Kazuki said, "Because I feel that Brother Chi doesn't like to meet people, especially unfamiliar people. I'm not that familiar with him. Let's wait for you and Mr. Mori."

Very smart...

Conan finally looked at Kinukawa Kazuki squarely, thinking that Hattori Heiji was once disgusted when he reached out to Chi Feichi, nodded, and added, "Actually, the kid is better."


After Chi Fei arrived at the hot spring bath late, he found that the hot spring bath here was a mixed bath for men and women, and there were already a group of men and women in it. After thinking about it, he chose to take Sawada Hiroki back to the room to take a bath.

Sometimes he is not picky, if he asks for information, he can accept it no matter what, if he takes a bath with acquaintances, that's not impossible.

But there are obviously not enough benefits and benefits at present, and they are all strangers, why don't they choose to go back to the room to wash?

After returning to the room and taking a shower, Hiroki Sawada yawned profusely, and Chi Feichi didn't bother to go to the restaurant anymore, so he called Mao Lilan.

"Brother Feichi, have you finished your bath yet?"

"Just after washing, Xiaoshu is sleepy. I will watch him sleep for a while in the room, and I won't go to the restaurant. Conan and Hehui will leave it to you to take care of him."

"No problem... Is the bathing place crowded now? My father is almost drunk, we plan to take Conan and Hehui to take a bath..."

"I don't know. There are mixed baths and there are too many people. We went back to the room to wash."

"Well, then I'll take them there later..."

Conan who eavesdropped over there: "..."

No, don't worry about being crowded, perhaps to Chi Feichi, one or two strangers are considered 'too many people'.

Kiankawa Kazuki who eavesdropped over there: "..."

Sure enough, he made the right choice.

In the room, Chi Feichi hung up the phone and found that Hiroki Zetian was lying on the bed, lying on Feichi and fell asleep. He stepped forward and turned Hiroki Zetian over, put Feichi beside him, and helped pull the quilt , just sat aside and read emails on his mobile phone.

Seems pretty clean lately.

His family's cheap parents usually don't send him emails, and they seldom contact him for group affairs.

Oda Kirito is also busy with the acquisition, which has already been discussed, and he will not ask him to report the process, and just let him know when the result comes out.

The pet hospital would not come to him for anything, and if they did, it would be a big deal.

There seems to be nothing serious about the organization recently. After Belmode disappeared, no one sent an email to chat. The familiar Takatori Geno and others just sent an information or reported a trend, and they finished it in a while.

I haven't planned to make a bounty recently. I don't need to look at the email address received in July for the time being. There is a very serious problem...

【Are you dead? 】

Chi Feichi paused, and found it a bit strange to ask such a question, so he should be more reserved.

Deleted, re-edited, sent to Gin.

【Are you still alive? Raki]

He sent an email to Gin this morning to tell him about the movement, which showed that the email was sent successfully, but Gin has not responded yet.

It was unusual for Gin, who was used to returning in seconds except when he was sleeping.

【contacting via phone. Gin】

Gin replied in seconds and initiated a call invitation.

There was no one else around Chi Feichi, so of course he would not refuse, so he called Gin Jiu back.

The phone was connected, but there was no sound from the gin over there.

Chi Feichi also remained silent. After listening for a while, he made sure there was no noise on the phone, and then said, "What's the matter?"

"It's okay, just to tell you that I won't die even if you die. The flight that had an accident and made an emergency landing the night before in the news report was the one you took, right?" Qin Jiu also confirmed that this is Chi Feichi and he didn't have a bug by his side, so he mocked in a slow tone, "The flight you took back to Tokyo just after something happened, and you continued to run the next day. Are you planning to bring disaster to the whole of Japan?"

Don't ask him why he was taunting.

When he saw the email in the morning, he wanted to reply, 'Can't you stay in Tokyo for a while? ’, but considering that guy Lak would definitely come back to stop him with ‘there’s nothing wrong with you’, he didn’t plan to go back.

Logically speaking, it doesn't matter where Lak goes, as long as it doesn't affect the action, but every time Lac has some accidents and incidents, it's like mixing all kinds of accidents in the whole of Japan.

And the subtext of asking "Are you still alive?" is "Are you dead?" Does this sound like a human language? Can't you ask "Are you busy"?

"I didn't cause the disaster, and there's nothing wrong with you." Chi Feichi said.

The abnormal alarm was lifted, still in the style of gin.

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