Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 966 Come, please continue


News reports of the flight accident occupied the screens in front of major shopping malls in Tokyo. The person in charge of the airline publicly apologized and said that he had already started to deal with it.

Passers-by on the street heard and saw it, and they couldn't help discussing it.

In the car on the side of the road, Vodka watched the surveillance footage of the plane engine falling off and the airport runway exploding on the screen outside, watching with relish.

"Hmph... That person said that you had a serious cold before, so he asked you to take a good rest for a while," Qin Jiu was sitting next to him and talking on the phone, "It seems that you have something to do..."


Suddenly, a woman's scream came from the phone.

Vodka was startled when she was sitting next to her, and she turned to look at the gin in surprise.

Qin Jiu was silent for a while, "Anyway, wait for that person to contact you and finish the matter over there."

"Oh, I see."

Chi Feichi hung up the phone and deleted the call log.

Gin seemed to explain to him why he hadn't had anything to do recently.

Is this worrying about his overthinking?

Indeed, he knows very well that the organization cannot do nothing. If he has been 'idle', even if he is not an undercover agent, he will guess whether someone is targeting him, whether there is something that must be hidden from him, whether it is...

After a scream from downstairs, Sawada Hiroki still didn't wake up, turned over, and was still in a deep sleep.

Feichi poked his head out from under the quilt, "Master, is something wrong?"


Chi Feichi put away his cell phone, took Feichi with him, picked up Hiroki Sawada who was still sleeping, and went out to the downstairs where there was chaos.

The man surnamed Yaxia died.

Just five minutes ago, Mori Kogoro finally had enough of drinking, drunkenly took Conan, Kinukawa and Hui with Mori Ran to take a bath.

On the way to the bathing place, Mao Lilan found a camera lens cover dropped on the ground. He guessed that it was dropped by a duck, so he took the lens cover to the second floor, intending to return it to the duck, but found that no one answered the door, and the duck dropped it. The door of the room was unlocked. When I opened the door and probed, I saw the duck fell into the bathtub in the bathroom, with its head submerged in the water. Mao Lilan screamed subconsciously in fright.

"Although Mr. Duck Down fell into the bathtub, he didn't drown..."

Ducking out of the room, Conan whispered to Chi Feichi about the situation.

Juanchuan Kazuki took the words seriously, "Mr. Maoli found strangle marks on the neck of the corpse, which cannot be hidden from him. Sister Xiaolan has already reported to the police..."

Conan: "..."

There is a feeling of being robbed of a 'job'.

He... Okay, let's talk, save him from talking.

"Mr. Mori said that he was murdered, and the scene of the crime must be protected before the police arrive," Kazuki Kazukawa turned to look at the hotel staff and guests gathered at the door, "Also, there is also a small hotel on the first floor of the hotel." Sister Lan is going to guard and not let anyone leave."

Conan: "..."

Come, please continue.

"Also, Conan found Yaxia's mobile phone dropped by the door of the bathroom in the room," Kazuki Kazuki looked at Conan again, "He picked it up and looked at it, but he didn't show it to me, and then the mobile phone was taken away by Mr. Mori , and because he touched things at the scene of the crime, Mr. Maori kicked us both out..."

Conan: "..."

Are you sure this isn't a sneaky complaint?

Sometimes, a seven or eight-year-old kid is really annoying.

Suanchuan Kazuki said, looking at Conan with a clear face, "It turns out that the little boy in "The Court Girl Detective" is really a character based on you. The second part is already being filmed, and there is a part that is I found evidence at the scene of the crime, but was kicked out by the police, but you are not as cute as in the script, and you are not as good at acting like a baby."

Conan said blankly, "Really? I'm really sorry."

Come on, go on.

Suanchuan Kazuki ignored Conan and looked at Chi Feichi, "That guy is a reporter, right? He probably has been staring at me for a while, and he knows you. I think it should be a reporter who specializes in gossip and entertainment. , I recognized you from the color of your pupils when we came in, and he should know some secrets that we don't know, so he knew the purpose of our coming, and said that the actors are all here."

Chi Feichi nodded in approval.

Although Kinukawa and Teru are only seven years old, but in the entertainment circle, and Oda Kiritoshi is an older brother who runs an entertainment company, it is not a problem to distinguish the paparazzi.

"Then it's a bit difficult," Juanchuan Kazuki analyzed solemnly, touching his chin, "People like them are very curious and like to spy on other people's privacy, and they may have a lot of people in their hands to offend them. There are too many people..."

Conan didn't vomit with Juanchuan Hehui any more, thought for a while, and looked up at Chi Feichi, "Brother Chi, won't you go in and have a look?"

Chi Feichi looked down at Hiroki Sawada who was still sleeping in his arms, "It's inconvenient to run to the scene while holding him."

Conan: "..."

As a master of reasoning, to be caught by taking care of children... I am heartbroken!

[Reading books to get red envelopes] Follow the public account [], and read books to draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

"Does He Hui's mother have any clues?" Chi Feichi asked again.

Hurry up and push the progress of the plot, he still has to take his own children to sleep.

Conan looked at Kinukawa Kazuki, "Before we went to the bathing place with Uncle Mori, although sister Xiaolan came halfway and Mr. Kamoshita came here to send lens caps, but we and uncle went to the bathing place first, there is a mixed bath for men and women, when we went in , the waitresses in the store happened to be taking a bath in it. They were Ms. Kusano who received us when we came, Ms. Bessho who looked very shy, and Ms. Sanzhi who had a bad service attitude. All three of them had moles on their bodies , Ms. Kusano is under the right collarbone, Ms. Besso is on the chin, and Ms. Sanzhi's mole is on the back of the neck, because they are soaked in water and there is water mist around them. After that, sister Xiaolan yelled again, not sure Do they have moles anywhere else on their bodies, but none of the three have moles on their left collarbone..."

Speaking of abandoning his mother, Suanchuan Kazuki did not answer the conversation, and listened to Conan in silence before adding in a low voice, "I can't remember wrongly, no matter how I recall, the mole is all on my right hand On the other side, if that woman is holding me, the mole is below her left collarbone."

Conan nodded, seeing Kiankawa Kazuki pretending to be calm, he didn't think the kid was annoying anymore, "Don't worry, we can find her."

Chi Feichi squatted down, turned Sawada Hiroki to his side, brought him close to Juanchuan Kazuki's ear, and asked in a low voice, "When you watched Mole sleep, she must have been doing other things, right?"

Conan leaned closer decisively and listened.

Juanchuan Hehui was taken aback for a moment, then nodded as he recalled, and also lowered his voice, "There was a 'dong dong dong' sound, she should be busy."

"Boom boom?" Conan was puzzled.

"For example, chopping vegetables." Chi Feichi said.

"It seems to be chopping vegetables..." Kinukawa Kazuki recalled, stunned.

Conan reacted, "Cutting vegetables requires one hand to support the vegetables and the other to hold a kitchen knife. It is impossible to hold a child, that is to say..."

"He Hui was too young at the time, so I misremembered. He was actually being carried on his back, which would be higher than being carried," Chi Feichi answered directly, "Then, He Hui's mother's mole is on the back of her neck. , not below the collarbone."

"It's Miss Sanzhi." Conan said.

"Could it be her..." Juanchuan Hehui returned to his senses, hesitantly said, "She doesn't seem to know me at all, and she doesn't like me too much..."

"She has such a bad attitude, I probably don't want you to see it," Conan looked at Kinukawa Kazuki and said, "I probably sent you a postcard because I wanted it too much, but she didn't want you to think that she wanted it after you became famous. That's why she didn't sign or leave an address on the postcard, and she didn't look for you, so when you came to her door, she might be deliberately distant and indifferent because she was nervous and didn't want to be discovered by you."

"Women's thoughts are so complicated," Chi Feichi said speechlessly, "It's the same for women who are mothers."

The same is true of his cheap mother, with strange and complicated thinking and awkwardness to death.

Juan Chuan Hehui nodded, with two people accompanying him and someone behind him supporting him. When he found out the truth, his heart calmed down a lot, "Yeah, it's really troublesome."

Conan watched the two start complaining about 'a woman who is a mother'. After being speechless, he remembered his old mother who forced him to call him elder sister and was playful like a child. He nodded and asked again, " He Hui, what are you going to do next?"

Suanchuan Kazuki frowned, "I haven't figured it out yet..."

"Huh? Mr. Chi, Conan, you are here too!"

At the stairway, Henggou Sanwu followed Mao Lilan and saw Chi Feichi hugging a child, and Conan and a little boy, walking up and down, bending over and looking, "Mr. Mao Li has two more children here." Child? Also, I think you look a little familiar, maybe you are the one who often appears in movies and TV shows..."

"That's right," Kinukawa Kazuki nodded, "I'm Kinukawa Kazuki."

Mao Lilan stepped forward and saw that Hiroki Zetian was asleep, and introduced in a soft voice, "As for this child, his name is Xiaoshu, and he is the child of Brother Feichi's friend's family. Please ask him to take care of him for a few days."

"I see," Henggou Sango straightened up, "Then what about Mr. Mori? He should be here too, right?"

"Cough!" Mori Kogoro stood at the door of the room, coughing dryly to attract Henggou's gaze, "Officer Henggou, come in first."

When Mori Kogoro and Henggou Sanwu introduced the past, Chi Feichi handed Sawada Hiroki to Mao Lilan, took out his gloves, put them on, entered the door, and walked to the bathroom.

Yaxia was wearing the bathrobe provided by the hotel, sitting on his knees, his upper body leaning forward to soak in the bathtub. There were very thin strangle marks on his neck. Because the strangle marks were too thin, it was impossible to see whether the rope had any lines. There was a beating mark on the back of his head. trace.

After Henggou Sanwu understood the situation, he squatted down in front of the bathtub and observed the corpse, "Then, did the murderer soak the deceased in the bathtub to confuse his estimated time of death..."

"Such small tricks will not work in front of me, Kogoro Mori!" said Kogoro Mori confidently.

Henggou Shenwu was surprised, "How do you say that?"

"Mr. Yashita's cell phone has been photographed," Mori Kogoro took out the gloves provided by Chi Feichi, took out a flip phone and held it up. A photo was displayed on the screen of the phone, "This photo is completely recorded. According to the crime scene, the time below the photo is 11:48 pm!"

In the lower right corner of the photo is the half face of Yaxia with a painful expression. Behind Yaxia, there is also a woman who looks naked. The photo does not capture the face, but only the upper body of the woman. You can see the woman's hands tightly Pulling the string wrapped around Duck's neck, you can also see a mole-like black spot on the woman's left collarbone.

Conan didn't stop Mori Kogoro. He didn't let Kinukawa Kazuki look at the photo on his phone before, because Kinukawa Kazuki said that his mother had a mole under the left collarbone, which was the same as the murderer in the photo. He was worried about Kinukawa Kazuki. Kazuki was hit, but since he knew that Kinukawa Kazuki's mother was Saneda with a mole on the back of her neck, it didn't matter.

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