Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 972 Please Be Appropriate

Konosuke Terai had a black line on his face, "Master Kaito, you overreacted."

"Ah..." Kaito Kuroba sat back on the chair, and glanced at Chi Feichi, "What are you doing here?"

"I asked you to make a kite." Chi Feichi said.

"Hmph, I'm not interested in children's things," Kuroba Kaito turned his head, folded his arms and looked at the door, "I have a hang glider, so I can fly by myself. What kind of kite do I want?"

Chi Feichi didn't say any more, picked up his glass and took a sip of wine.

This kid is still arrogant. For a kid of this age, he would go to the house without tidying up all day. He...

Seeing that Chi Feichi didn't answer, Heiyu Kaito looked back, "Well, it's not impossible... I'd be happy to do it with you."

Chi Feichi nodded.

Forget it, Koizumi Hongzi lost control of his emotions this morning, he probably caused it.

Konosuke Terai hesitated, "Master Kaito, you said you wanted to leave early too, shouldn't you..."

"You guys have seen the news too." Kaito Kuroba patted the newspaper on the counter, with a cynical smile on his lips, "This old man has already sent out an invitation, how could I not accept it!"

"But, Master Kaito, this is a trap," Terai Konosuke said worriedly, "The other party is from the Suzuki Foundation, needless to say financial resources. I don't know what kind of warning they will make..."

Kuroba Kaito waved his hand, "Grandpa, the fight against the world's number one phantom thief, Kidd, has already become a hot topic. I can't do it without sending out a big announcement letter!"

"Sure enough," Terai Konosuke said with emotion, "Master Pirates is the same. Once you make up your mind, no matter how dangerous it is, you will not be afraid, and you will definitely do your best to make things happen."

"Anyway, I must do this vote!" Kaito Kuroba said firmly, and smiled, "Grandpa, I'll leave the investigation to you!"

"It seems that no amount of persuasion is going to work," Terai Konosuke suddenly felt as if he had been beaten into a chicken blood, "Then, the old man must thoroughly investigate this matter for Master Kaito!"

"Then thank you for your hard work!" Kuroba Kaito turned his head to look at Chi Feichi who was drinking beside him, and asked with a smile, "Brother Feichi, what about you? This time, are you on the side of the monster thief, or are you on the side of the arrogant Where is the pushy old man?"

"I'm not a debunker of magic," Chi Feichi said, "The most I can do is watch..."

"Then Master Chi will help this time, right?" Terai Konosuke asked expectantly.

This is a good opportunity to promote brotherhood. He must promote a cooperation of unity and friendship!

Chi Feichi was silent for a while, and agreed, "Okay."

Kaito Kuroba suddenly reached out to pick up Chi Feichi's wine glass on the table, and said with a smile, "Then let's toast to the cooperation!"

"Master Kaito..." Terai Konosuke stretched out his hand to stop him, dumbfounded.

Master Kaito, are you crazy about it? Minors cannot drink alcohol!

Kuroba Kaito raised his head, flipped the glass upside down, as if pouring wine into his mouth, but a burst of colored ribbons emerged from the back of the wine glass.

Terai Konosuke stopped with his half-stretched hand.

"Just kidding," Kaito Kuroba smiled and put the wine glass back on the table, "It's a pity that underage people can't drink alcohol, so we can only celebrate in advance in this way!"

"But you can take the medicine as soon as possible," Chi Feichi put his right hand back on the table, and under his hand was a cup filled with ice pucks and brown liquor. "That's the medicine for multiple personality."

Kaito Kuroba looked down at the wine glass in his hand, saw a yellow tablet at the bottom of the glass, let go of the glass with a grin, "Ha, it has already been replaced, brother Feichi, your hand speed is pretty good ..."

"That was just now..." Konosuke Terai looked down at the two cups on the bar.

"Brother Feichi, before I got the wine glass, he had already replaced it with a glass with the illusion of wine on the surface and pills inside. I guess the surface of the glass is actually frozen wine slices that look like wine liquid, and I After I got it, I thought it was wine, so I quickly replaced it with a cup that looked like wine on the surface but was actually a ribbon mechanism, and hid the original cup." Kaito Kuroba took out a cup from behind, and was It was the cup that had the ribbon fried just now, and the mechanism at the bottom of the cup could still be seen, "When the mechanism exploded the ribbon and Grandpa looked at the ribbon in surprise, I quickly replaced it with the cup that I thought was wine in it, and it turned out The frozen wine flakes inside quickly melted due to the temperature of the cup I hid on my body and the temperature passed by my hand, exposing the medicine inside. It looked like Brother Feichi suddenly replaced the cup of wine in my hand with the The cup for the pills, as for the wine glass at Grandpa's place, it's actually very easy to get..."

Chi Feichi took out another cup of the same style and put it on the bar counter, "I'm afraid that Kaito will play a prank, he will definitely choose the nearest prop, and besides the newspaper, there will only be my wine glass on the bar counter, so I poured the wine before." It’s time to get ready.”

"Hey..." Kaito Kuroba also took out a glass of the same style, put it on the bar, and grinned.

Terai Konosuke: "..."

From this point of view, his cup here is really smooth.

Chi Feichi took out another cup of the same style and put it on the bar.

Kaito Kuroba also took out a cup of the same style and put it in.

Chi Fei put down the cup later.

Kaito Kuroba put the cup.

Chi Fei put down the cup later.

Kaito Kuroba put the cup.

Chi Feichi, let it go.

Kuroba Kaito, let it go.

The speed of the two was getting faster and faster, with amazing hand speed, and a pile of cups were quickly placed on the table.

Konosuke Terai looked at so many cups of the same style in his shop, his head was covered with black lines.

Please be appropriate.

Chi Feichi stretched out his hand, and quietly removed a piece of mirror stuck in the middle, reducing the glass by half.

In fact, there were no more cups in the later stage, and he couldn't hide much. It was just a small mirror, look at the angle, put the mirror down, and then take out the glass behind the mirror, pretending to be a new cup and put it there...

Because the light in the store was a bit dim, the color on the counter was the same and there were no lines, so he deliberately blocked the light while sitting by the window to prevent the mirror from reflecting abnormal light. When the two of Huang Zhizhu looked into the mirror, they could have the illusion that there were more and more wine glasses.

Of course, the same goes for Kuroba Kaito.

Kaito Kuroba must have discovered that he was blocking the light and saw his method. He also used the opportunity of the blocked light to use mirror magic. He pretended to put the cup and adjusted the mirror according to the mirror placed by Kaito Kuroba , Let the mirror reflect more cups.

In the later period, the two of them speeded up, not because they were angry with each other and had more cups in their hands, but because they could create the effect of "glass shining" by being faster, and it also made it difficult for Terai Konosuke to see whether they had no cups to take later. So, to avoid being seen by Terai Konosuke.

Kuroba Kaito pulled out the newspaper pressed under the cup, covered the rest of the cup, and then pulled the newspaper away, taking away the small mirror and the real cup, leaving only one tablet and one wine on the table "Two magicians join forces, whether they cooperate intentionally or unintentionally, they can produce amazing effects!"

"The most I can do is help you investigate the information." Chi Feichi said.

He was talking about the gem of the 'Blue Miracle', Kuroba Kaito should understand.

Hei Yu quickly choked, and complained, "You only help to investigate the information? I thought I could perform a 'miracle as wonderful as a god' for that old man..."

"Oh?" Konosuke Terai was curious, "Master Kaito already has a solution?"

"No," Hei Yu quickly eyed half the moon, propping his chin with one hand, "Let's investigate first, I don't have a clue yet..."

Terai Konosuke: "..."

I can't be that confident.

Chi Feichi looked up at the wall clock, got up and said, "I'll make dumplings."

Terai Konosuke: "..."

Master Feichi didn't seem to take it seriously.

"I'll help," Hei Yu quickly stood up, "I'll make the kite first."

Terai Konosuke: "..."

The mentality suddenly became salty.

After the meal, Heiyu Kaito sent out his little white pigeon spy again, and sat with Chi Feichi in the shop to make handmade kites.

Although roasting bamboo strips would not speed up the progress due to the speed of their hands, the two of them were nimble enough. When Terai Konosuke came back from shopping, Chi Feichi had already started to help Kuroba Kaito draw green carp on the kite.

After that it's still manual time.

The three compared the promotional video of the Suzuki Museum and the video sent by the pigeons, and made sand table models of the Suzuki Museum and nearby streets.

Calculate road proportions, calculate height proportions, build with materials...

That night, after dinner, Chi Feichi followed Heiyu Kaito to Heiyu's house to rest.

Heiyu Kaito came to the living room after taking a shower, brushing his hair, and found Chi Feichi looking down at his phone, "Brother Feichi, are you okay lately? If you have something to do, you can go and do it. Grandpa and I can take care of it too."

"No," Chi Feichi quickly replied to the email, "It's just to arrange some intelligence investigation."

That one told him the target, but it is still in the investigation stage.

The data and intelligence are all there, but the terrain confirmation and the surrounding situation investigation still need to be carried out. When Midorikawa Saki and Urao Ayaka's investigations are almost the same, and he will go to the field in disguise, then the action can be arranged.

"If you want to take a bath, while..." Kaito Kuroba was about to sit on the sofa when he suddenly felt a pain in his waist and jumped up, "It hurts... Feichi, don't bite your waist!"

After biting it, Feichi let go, lying on the sofa watching Heiyu Kaidou, spitting snake letter happily.

Very good, Kaito can accept the "greeting" from it.

Seeing that Chi Feichi got up with the syringe, Heiyu Kaito took it decisively, and skillfully injected himself, "Okay, I'll do it myself."

"Then I'll take a shower." Chi Feichi went to the bathroom.

Kuroba Kaito administered antivenom to himself and sighed.

It can't go on like this, he found that after being bitten by Feichi, he actually felt a sense of intimacy, as if a good friend suddenly greeted him in the old way, he was very happy.

He won't be turned into a masochist by Feichi, right? It has to be controlled.

"Feichi, don't bite my waist from now on, it hurts more than being bitten on my arm..."

Feichi spit out the snake letter seriously, "Okay, I got it."

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