Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 973 Everything is under control

After waking up, Kaito Kuroba goes to school every day.

Chi Feichi went on to find Terai Konosuke to do handwork, and spent the whole morning making a scaled-to-scale model of the Suzuki Museum, disguised himself to go out, set up a spot for the organization, changed his face, and slipped into the Suzuki Museum by the way Here, help Kuroba Kaito look at the internal layout and the like.

As soon as Kuroba Kaito got out of school, he ran to Terai Konosuke's store and got into the small kitchen behind, "Brother Feichi, what are you having for dinner tonight?"

"Chicken meatballs in tomato sauce, shredded potatoes, mushroom egg soup..."

Chi Feichi poured the soup into the bowl, turned and went to the oven, "I also tried to make a famous British dish, Starry Sky Pie."

"Looking at the Starry Sky School?" Kaito Kuroba helped out with the soup, "Sounds like a good match for the magician under the moon!"

Chi Feichi went out with the 'Looking at the Starry Sky School', put it on the table, and looked at Kaito Kuroba.


Looking up to the star pie is indeed a famous British dish. It is not popular in this world in this life, but in his previous life, it was so popular that he had many "love names", such as "dead eyes pie", such as "despair star pie".

The method is not difficult: use butter, flour, a small amount of salt, and water to make dough, refrigerate it for later use, mix fish fillets, mushrooms, shrimps, bacon, egg liquid, flour, and water to make fillings, roll the sunken dough into a cake shape, and finally Then insert the fish head soaked in white wine, sprinkle with shredded cheese, and put it in the oven.

As for the effect after it is released...

It was a pie that was baked brilliantly yellow, and there was a vertical circle of fish heads that were also grilled goldenly, with scorched eyes and wide eyes, looking at the sky at a 45-degree angle.

Kaito Kuroba looked at the pie, except for a star printed in the middle, the color had nothing to do with the starry sky, and there was also a fish head erected in a circle that looked like a fish struggling hard, trying to jump out of the oven but was baked to death, couldn't help but After a moment of silence, "'s not that good, and I don't like fish..."

After dinner, Chi Feichi first tasted the 'Looking at the Starry Sky Pie' he made.

"Looking up at the Star Pie" may seem a bit strange, but at least the ingredients are normal, and the taste is not unpalatable.

And those foods that are not cooked and have a bad smell, such as kasumatsu cheese, live octopus, canned herring...Let’s not talk about the taste, but the safety attribute is not high, and it may be life-threatening or sick. He didn't even care about the challenge.

There are so many delicious foods, isn't it good to drink spicy ones?

Konosuke Terai obviously thought so too. After tasting it, he finished the other dishes, and there was more than half of a certain pie left.

It's not bad at all, but it's hard to say no to a certain pie after eating other dishes.

Kuroba Kaito took a sip out of curiosity, and was almost moved to tears by the fishy smell in his mouth. He swallowed it reluctantly, "I really hate fish the most!"

Terai Konosuke got up helplessly, "Forget it, I'd better get rid of it, don't eat it, let's discuss the plan to get the 'Blue Miracle' later."

Chi Feichi and Hei Yu quickly stood up to help, cleared the table, washed the dishes, and then entered the room where the models were placed.

"This is the Blue Miracle," Kaito Kuroba looked at the gem model of the figure on the roof of the museum model, "Can't I use the hang glider to carry it home directly?"

"Uncle Suzuki hired an elite security team, including a helicopter team. A total of 20 helicopters are on standby and are still being recruited," Chi Feichi said. "So many helicopters will disturb the airflow and make the hang glider useless."

Kaito Kuroba resolutely gave up using the hang glider, "Then think of another way."

"Other methods are also very difficult. I got information from the construction staff that the platform where the gems are placed can be taken back into the museum by means of a mechanism," Terai Konosuke said, "there are 100 cameras in the museum, monitoring every area in the museum , there are no dead ends."

"Then how about using the Disguise Technique to sneak in?" Kuroba Kaito asked.

Chi Feichi looked at the model, "I sneaked into the guards to inquire, and it seems that there is no plan to arrange anyone in the museum, so I can't pretend to be someone else."

"There is also video recording on the helicopter," Terai Konosuke pointed at the model car at the door, "All the images will be sent to the car at the door."

"It's not impossible..." Kaito Kuroba stroked his chin, looked at the kite placed on the cabinet in the corner, and suddenly laughed, "Then let's fly the kite again!"

"Fly a kite?" Terai Konosuke was puzzled.

"Use a helicopter to hang it," Chi Feichi explained Heiyu Kaito's idea, which is also the plot of "Kidd the Phantom Thief's Air Walk". "Like a kite, it is connected by wires."

"Moreover, it has to be in the sky!" Kaito Kuroba smiled and showed his white teeth, "Walk through the sky and perform an incredible miracle for the audience!"

Chi Feichi stretched out his hand and pressed the space bar on the laptop next to him, and then continued to fast forward, "And..."

The TV program arranged by Suzuki Jirokichi began to play on the computer screen, all of which were aerial videos taken by helicopters. From Suzuki Jirokichi’s ride to the front of the Suzuki Museum, Conan and Mao Lilan also followed Suzuki Sonoko and others at the gate of the museum. Jiro Kichi meets.

Kaito Kuroba understood what Chi Feichi was going to show him, and smiled playfully, "Hey—that little guy is also planning to participate! It's okay, let him be surprised this time too! Grandpa, the preparation and arrangement of the props how much time is required?"

"It will be ready by Saturday!" Terai Konosuke said.

"Okay, then it's settled!" Kuroba Kaito leaned over, connected the foreign account with the desktop computer, and sent an email to Suzuki Jirokichi:

【Your proposal, I gladly accept it, and I am scheduled to act on this Sunday, October 12 at 8:00 pm. Please allow me to visit you the night before. ——Phantom Thief Kidd

Ps: To live up to the name of the blue miracle, I decided to come here on foot to worship...]


The plan is in place, and the notice letter is sent out.

Chi Feichi originally thought that he had nothing to do, so he planned to stay at the Kuroba Kaidou's house for another night, take Feichi home the next day, and then bring Huihara Ai to visit Suzuki Jirokichi on the day of the action, waiting to see a good show , but people are not as good as God.

Starting early the next morning, Kaito Kuroba began to run to the toilet repeatedly, and before noon, he was already at home with collapse...

When Terai Konosuke heard this, he immediately put down what he was doing and went to visit Kuroba Kaito's house.

Kuroba Kaito slumped on the sofa with a face full of despair, "I really hate fish the most, if I had known, I wouldn't have eaten that bite out of curiosity... Tomorrow night I have to meet that old man and the little guy..."

Chi Feichi stood aside to help prepare the medicine, and had nothing to say.

In the past two days, except when Kaito Kuroba went to school, he stayed with Kaito Kuroba, and Kaito Kuroba brought the bento to school with him, so it is certain that Kaito Kuroba did not eat anything strange s things.

The only one who is not very friendly to Kuroba Kaito may be the "Looking at the Stars".

It stands to reason that there is no problem with the ingredients, the production method is no problem, and he and Terai Konosuke, who eat more, have no problems. Kuroba Kaito should not have diarrhea after taking a bite, but Kuroba Kaito may be more sensitive to fish sensitive.

"Master Kaito, why don't you just forget about it?" Terai Konosuke persuaded worriedly, "In your situation, I'm afraid you won't be able to show your strength tomorrow night, and something will probably go wrong!"

"No, the notice letter has already been issued, how can we miss the appointment!" Heiyu Kaidou sat up excitedly, then slumped down again, and suddenly turned his head to look at Chi Feichi who was helping to prepare the medicine.

He had an idea, just didn't know how to say it...

Chi Feichi went to the sofa with Yao Yao, and handed the cup to Kaito Kuroba. Seeing Kaito Kuroba staring at him, he guessed Kaito Kuroba's thoughts, "Got it."

"Ah... hey?" Hei Yu quickly took the cup in a daze.

Know what?

"I also don't want to see Kaito Kidd missing appointments and being called a coward by others." Chi Feichi sat down on the sofa beside him, looked at Heiyu quickly and said, "I'll help you go tomorrow night. To act, you need to go by yourself, and you can almost recover by the night after tomorrow."

Kuroba Kaito nodded again and again, "That's no problem!"

"That's really great. Do you need to prepare hang glider? I have spares in my warehouse." Terai Konosuke said with a smile.

Yeah, that's great.

The "brother cooperation" he was looking forward to came true, and it was not in vain that he secretly applied a little detoxification medicine to the chopsticks used by Master Kaito.

In fact, it doesn’t take until the day after tomorrow, Master Kaidou will be able to recover tonight, but that is not something that can be neglected, Master Kaidou will not let Kaito Kidd’s actions be stained with failure for the sake of being brave, not Master Chi And I will definitely not sit back and watch Kaitou Kid get stained...

His spare hang glider was not in vain, everything is under control!

Neither Chi Feichi nor Kuroba Kaito suspected that it was Terai Konosuke, because they never thought that Terai Konosuke would secretly trick Kuroba Kaito.

Facing Konosuke Terai's proposal of 'using a spare glider', neither of them objected, nor did they have any reason to object.

The hang glider is an escape tool and must be prepared.


the next day.

After seven o'clock in the afternoon, the sun completely sank into the sky, and the sky darkened a little bit.

Many people gathered in front of the Suzuki Museum.

Reporters, Kaitou Kidd's fans, ordinary people watching the excitement, the police, the security personnel hired by the Suzuki Foundation... The team lined up from the entrance of the Suzuki Museum to the street, noisy and lively.

"Kidd! Kidd! Kidd!"

The open space next to the gate of the museum was separated by a fence, and a large group of fanatical fans crowded around the fence, shouting in unison.

The hostess of the TV station also faced several cameras and began to broadcast.

"According to the notice letter from Kaito Kidd, today is the day to check in advance. Will Kidd really show up as the notice letter said? Let us wait and see!"

"Just pull his face hard! He always wears makeup anyway!" In the open space in front of the museum gate, Nakamori Ginzo stood beside the police car and yelled at the walkie-talkie, "Not only to pull, but also to pull! I pull hard!"

Not far away, Mori Kogoro took Mori Ran and Conan to stand in front of the fence, silently looking at the irritable old brother Nakamori Ginzo over there.

"Little Lan!"

Suzuki Sonoko sat on Suzuki Jirokichi's three-person motorcycle and raised his hand to say hello from a distance, "Here!"

Suzuki Jirokichi parked the car next to a group of Maori.

"Is Kidd here?" Suzuki Sonoko asked impatiently.

"Not yet." Mao Liland said.

Sonoko Suzuki got out of the car and helped to introduce, "By the way, Uncle Jirokichi, let me introduce, this bearded uncle is the famous detective Mori Kogoro."

Maori Kogoro:"……"

Mustache? What is this called?

"Oh! So he's a detective... I've heard of you for a long time!" Jiro Kichi Suzuki warmly extended his hand to shake Kogoro Mori's hand.

Seeing Conan looking around, Suzuki Sonoko bent over to Conan's ear and asked with a smile, "Hey, kid, what are you looking for?"

"Uh, it's nothing." Conan was taken aback by Sonoko Suzuki, "Sister Sonoko, didn't you say you would invite Brother Chi to come with you?"

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