Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 974: They're all drama masters + fine points! [Add changes to the orange cat in the mai

"I knew you were looking for Brother Feichi," Suzuki Sonoko straightened up, looked at Conan with his hands on his hips, and teased, "But it's a pity, you won't see him tonight."

"Brother Feichi isn't coming?" Mao Lilan asked.

"He said," Suzuki Sonoko explained, "he said that since tonight is just a rehearsal, he won't come, and he will come again tomorrow night when Kaito Kidd officially attacks the gem."

On a nearby building, the helicopter team hired by Jiro Suzuki was changing shifts.

Since Kaito Kidd indicated that he would come tonight, the temporarily recruited helicopter team was also used.

"Thanks for your hard work."

On the building, a heavily armed pilot nodded to the greetings and boarded the helicopter.

The helicopter lifted off, and Kaito Kuroba, who had hidden in the helicopter in advance, showed up.

The driver temporarily turned off the intercom, and whispered, "Master Kaito, we will arrive at Point Alpha in a minute."

"Understood!" Kaito Kuroba looked at the aerial photography displayed in the helicopter, and pressed the earphones plugged into his ears, "Brother Feichi, we will arrive at Point Alpha in a minute, so we can get ready for action!"


Chi Feichi used tools to hide under the helicopter. He had already put on Kaito Kuroba's face and put on Kidd's suit.

After the helicopter took off, the sky was dim at night, and Chi Feichi's changed Kidd suit was consistent with the white body of the helicopter, so no one could clearly see that there was a person attached to the helicopter.

A minute later, Chi Feichi heard Kaito Kuroba say 'here we are' from the headset, aimed at the roof of the building below, and threw the hook rope forcefully.

The hook rope fell on the roof of a building, and the claws were pulled by the rope to slide across the ground and firmly stuck on the concrete guardrail of the roof.

"I am leaving."

As Chi Feichi spoke, he pressed the switch on his waist.

The mechanism stuck to the bottom of the helicopter was closed, and Chi Feichi fell downwards. Soon, the frame of the mechanism propped up the cloak on the back, and the gliding wing formed not only stabilized the falling speed, but under Chi Feichi's control, it also Fly to the opposite building.

"Brother Feichi, are you still used to operating the hang glider?" Kaito Kuroba asked.

"It's okay." Chi Feichi landed on the top of the opposite building, and the other claw connected by the rope was stuck on the roof.

"Did you also hear the call from the fans below?" Kuroba quickly said, "Tonight you are Kaitou Kidd, remember to respond enthusiastically to everyone, and don't disappoint those who are looking forward to the performance!"

Chi Feichi put on a black robe, jumped onto the rope connecting the two buildings, and slid to the middle, "Got it, I've reached the middle of the building."

In the helicopter, Kaito Kuroba was speechless.

I've said to be more enthusiastic, and it's still the same.

He was really worried that a "very abnormal Kidd" would appear in a while...


Just now Chi Feichi flew between the two buildings, and someone in the crowd standing on the street had already seen it. As they shouted, more and more people looked up at the sky.


While throwing the smoke bomb, Chi Feichi tore off the black cloak on his body and stood up straight.

"Ah! Kidd! Kidd!"

The crowd in the street below cheered.

Among the crowd, Conan looked up and saw the white figure floating in the air, with a look of surprise, "What?!"

"Floating, floating in the air..."

The crowd was silent for a moment.

In the OB van, Suzuki Jiroji yelled loudly into the intercom, "Don't be fooled, it's all a trick! He should hang himself in the air with a black hot-air balloon or something like that, and go to the nearby helicopter immediately. He confirms above!"

"Unit 7 received!"

On the No. 7 helicopter, Terai Konosuke replied with a suppressed voice, and drove the helicopter above Chi Feichi.

The real core of this method is the helicopter.

There were two transparent threads on Chi Feichi's body, which were connected to the helicopter. When the helicopter reached the top, Terai Konosuke straightened the two transparent threads.

The hook rope that Ike Feichi used to connect the two buildings before was also connected to the helicopter, and was recovered by Terai Konosuke and Kuroba Kaito.

In other words, after the helicopter arrived above Chi Feichi's head, Chi Feichi didn't need to stand in the air with the rope connecting the two buildings, but used the transparent line hanging from the helicopter to hang himself up.

At the same time, Terai Konosuke and Kuroba Kaito in the helicopter will also play the previous aerial photography of the Suzuki Consortium and the composite video of Kaitou Kidd to replace the current aerial photography, and send the video of people without transparent lines to the OB van.

In this way, the crowd below could not see the transparent line in the sky clearly, and Suzuki Jirokichi, who was staring at the OB van, saw the synthesized video. In addition, when the helicopter was flying, there was a strong airflow nearby, and other helicopters would not approach it. , a floating magic is completed.

On the No. 7 plane, Konosuke Terai and Kaito Kuroba quickly retrieved the rope, replaced the video, cast a beam of light, and did not forget to report.

"This, this is Unit 7! There is nothing on Kidd's head..."

"What?" Suzuki Jirokichi stared at the display screen in the OB van with a look of astonishment.

"Since there is nothing above your head..."

Gin Nakamori didn't finish his sentence, and immediately turned around and ran to the building next door.

Conan followed suit.

It must be that there are ropes across the buildings on both sides to support Kidd to stand in the air!

The two quickly ran to the buildings on both sides of the street, and the police mobilized by Ginzo Nakamori acted at the same time.

In the air, Chi Feichi whispered to the earphone side, "Conan and the police are going upstairs, and the helicopter's flying altitude will be lowered a little."


The helicopter slowly lowered its height until the fuselage was level with the roof of the building.

Conan and Nakamori Ginzo ran to the building, and ran to the roof against the strong wind brought by the helicopter propeller.

The wind is too strong. If the two want to see the helicopter, they can only squint their eyes, and it is difficult to see a transparent line hidden in the dark night sky.

Furthermore, the two did not suspect the helicopter, but only guessed that the "Phantom Thief Kidd" in the air connected the rope to the roof of the building.

After searching around, they found that there was no rope on the roof of the building, and both of them were a little confused.

"No?!" Nakamori Ginzo looked down from the roof against the strong wind, and found that the crowd on the street below and Kaitou Kidd floating in the air could be seen at a glance, "There is no wire rope anywhere!"

On the opposite side, the policeman in the building where Conan was also reported to the walkie-talkie, "Officer Nakamori, there is nothing here!"

In mid-air between the two buildings, Chi Feichi pressed his hat. Under the white top hat and black hair, there was a smile on the corner of the mouth of the black-feathered Kuaidou's disguised face.

Once the magic is exposed, it will make people feel that this is a non-magical scam, but before it is exposed, it is still worth watching.

In magic performances, enthusiastic audiences are usually needed to help witness, such as checking props and checking that there is nothing on the magician. He straightened his body and stood in the air for a long time as if standing on the ground, just waiting for enthusiastic audiences to take the initiative to check.

Now that the enthusiastic audience has checked out, the show can begin...

On the roof of the building, Conan was lying on the side of the guardrail, gritted his teeth and looked at the white figure floating in the air, and also vaguely saw a smile that seemed to be joking and kind of expressing goodwill at the corner of the other's mouth.

This guy... is still so pretentious!

Chi Feichi stood in the air, pinpointed the pronunciation of "Phantom Thief Kidd", stretched his hands, and the white cloak was blown up by the strong wind from the helicopter behind him, and the sound was amplified from the loudspeaker.



The crowd below responded with enthusiastic screams and cheers.


In Helicopter No. 7, Kaito Kuroba heard the movement, and the calm expression on his face before completely collapsed, "He...he..."

That kind of enthusiastic and passionate attitude towards acting is very strange to Kidd, but it is not Chi Ge!

Konosuke Terai turned his head and saw Kuroba Kaito as if he had seen a ghost, he was puzzled and worried, "Master Kaito, what's wrong with you?"

"He...cough cough..." Heiyu Kuaidou slowed down, trying to calm down, "It's nothing, I was just a little surprised, I didn't expect Brother Feichi to do this..."

"That's nothing strange," Terai Konosuke retracted his gaze and sighed with emotion, "He's also a student of Master Pirate One, and of course he's also Kaitou Kidd's apprentice! It's normal to be able to play Kaitou Kidd well. Let's do it!"

Alas, he didn't know why Master Kaito was so surprised.

Obviously Master Kaito himself is also like this, as soon as he shows up as Kaitou Kidd, it's like being possessed by the "soul of Kaitou Kidd".

But he can understand that when he first saw Master Kaito act as Kaito Kidd, he was also surprised to think that it was his master thief.

As the successor of Master Pirate One, whether it is the successor of the disguise technique or the magic trick, the acting skills and finesse in his body... cough, no, it should be said that it is the kind of "love acting, focus on acting" in his body This quality is all the same!

After the cheers below subsided, Chi Feichi imitated Kaito Kidd's usual gentle and reserved tone, and continued, "Then, tonight's rehearsal... a rehearsal that happened to me, please watch."

In the helicopter, Kaito Kuroba scratched his head with his hands.

That's right, he can act, and it's normal for Brother Feichi to be able to act, but the sense of disobedience is so strong...I can't imagine it at all...It caught people off guard...Also, he really wanted to go outside to watch the scene...


While Chi Feichi was walking, he put his hands in his trouser pockets and played the recorded footsteps. Following the movement of the helicopter above, he walked towards the roof of the Suzuki Museum step by step, as if walking leisurely in the air.

Being hung in the air, but still imitating the appearance of walking on a flat road, there are high requirements for body balance, physical strength, and performance ability.

His physical strength and body balance must be fine, but in order to walk, he still practiced all morning.

Acting is not easy.

When Chi Feichi walked near the roof, the golden statue holding a gem on the roof was suddenly taken in by the agency.

Chi Feichi stopped, pressed his top hat with his right hand, and said in the voice of Kaito Kidd, "Okay, today's rehearsal is over, and I will meet you at the same place at 8 o'clock tomorrow night."


Smoke bombs exploded in the air, and the beam of light shifted a little while the helicopter was moving.

Chi Feichi quickly took off the white Kidd suit in the smoke and replaced it with a black suit, hiding in the darkness after the beam of light shifted.

Kaito Kuroba on the helicopter activated the transparent thread mechanism, pulled Chi Feichi up, and opened the hatch under the helicopter, allowing Chi Feichi to enter the helicopter.

Seeing that Chi Feichi had come up safely, Heiyu Kaidou sat back, "Looks like what grandpa guessed, as long as you get close to the roof, the mechanism will bring the gems back to the house, so we still have to start from the inside... "

Chi Feichi walked near the driver's seat, and tore off the disguised face of Heiyu Kaito, "Tomorrow at one o'clock in the afternoon, I will take Xiao Ai to visit Suzuki's consultant."

Kuroba Kaito was a little surprised, "Then you won't go to the museum with him at night, will you?"

"No, Xiao Ai and I will go to the museum first."

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