Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 976 Two Equally Evil Guys

Chi Feichi, Suzuki Sonoko, and Huiyuan begged to leave and left at the door.

Suzuki Sonoko took the car to pick up the three of Mao Lilan, and Chi Feichi drove Hui Yuanai to the Suzuki Museum.

The secretary of the Suzuki family waited in front of the Suzuki Museum with his bodyguards. When he saw Chi Feichi's car, he took the initiative to meet him, waited for Chi Feichi to stop the car, and took Chi Feichi and Hui Yuanai to the side of the road. The roof of the building.

There were quite a few bodyguards wearing sunglasses standing around the rooftop. On the side of the street, there was a large table covered with a luxurious tablecloth, with a parasol above it, and a circle of delicately carved chairs beside it.

The secretary took Chi Feichi and Hui Yuanai to their seats, and the bodyguards retreated to other places on the roof.

"Please sit down, both of you," the secretary folded his hands in front of him, bent slightly, saw Hui Yuanai looking around, and explained, "All the buildings around here have been rented out by consultants, and last night Kaito Kidd appeared in In the air between this building and the opposite building, if Kaito Kidd is trustworthy, he should also appear in the middle of the two buildings tonight. If you want a drink, you can tell me, but you probably can’t if you want to have a snack, because the wind blown by the helicopter is too strong, and the dust will be rolled into the food.”

Hui Yuanai probed and looked. Indeed, the sky in this area is full of helicopters, more than 60 of them, flying densely in the sky. Sitting here, she has the feeling of being surrounded by fans 360 degrees without dead ends, blowing wildly, " Then please give me a glass of watermelon juice with ice cubes."

"Okay," the secretary looked at Chi Feichi, "Master Feichi, how about you? Do you need a drink or drink?"

Chi Feichi had no intention of eating, "No need."

The secretary looked at Feimo, who had fallen on the table, and Feichi, who was poking his head from Chi Feichi's collar, "Do you need to prepare something for your pet?"

"No need, thank you."

"Then I'll prepare the watermelon juice Miss Ai wants, so I won't bother you two. If you need it, you can tell me or someone else."

The secretary bowed and turned to leave.

Hui Yuanai looked up at the helicopter in the sky, "That uncle is really generous. He recruited a helicopter team and rented out all the nearby buildings. Does he have any grudge against Kaitou Kidd?"

"No grudges, he's just too bored and wants to find something to do." Chi Feichi also looked up at the helicopter in the sky, looked away, and was about to talk to Hui Yuanai about the Suzuki family. People will pursue spiritual enjoyment. For my mother and my father, career is the support of their spiritual world, but Mr. Jirokichi is different. This starts before Mr. Jirokichi was born. When his grandfather was in charge of the family, the eldest son was an excellent Naturally, he was trained as a successor, and in order to prevent his brothers from competing for family property, the second son, the father of Mr. Jirokichi, had no contact with business since he was a child, and only did what he wanted to do every day, but his uncle He died unexpectedly, and the Suzuki family lost their successor. At that time, his father was in his twenties, and it was too late to cultivate him. Fortunately, the youngest son was very talented. In this way, when the youngest son grew up, he became a The head of the Suzuki family..."

Hui Yuanai thought for a while, "Is that Yuanzi's grandfather?"

Chi Feichi nodded, and continued to speak softly, "Mr. Jiroji is only a few years younger than Sonoko's grandfather. When he was growing up, he was just like his father. Since the successor has been determined and is very good, the family members are very careful. Support him to do what he likes. When Sonoko’s father was born, Mr. Jirokichi was already in his twenties and almost 30 years old, and Sonoko’s grandfather was in his prime, and he was also not suitable as a successor, so he had no choice. I vented my energy on the management consortium, never contacted, and no longer like to contact.”

Hui Yuanai understood.

Suzuki Jiro Kina got stuck with an age bug, so he perfectly avoided all the master training periods.

As a result, Suzuki Jirokichi had no chance to get in touch with the affairs of the consortium at all. If he didn't understand, he probably played wild and had no interest.

"When Mr. Jiroji was in his twenties, he had a hobby—like spending money," Chi Feichi looked towards the museum building not far away, "His little uncle was Yuanzi's grandfather. Support, let him serve as a consultant to the Suzuki Foundation, let him spend whatever he wants, the more Mr. Jiroji spends, the more money the Suzuki family has. Just like this time, when Mr. Jiroji chose to challenge Kidd, Sonoko’s father suggested that he be here , This museum has just been built not long ago, and the surrounding buildings are all newly built. Mr. Jiroji bought the front page, recruited helicopters, and made things big. Now few people in Japan have never heard of the Suzuki Museum. Even visiting the museum has an extra meaning. It is to visit the place where Phantom Thief Kidd performed miracles. Before Mr. Jiroji rented the nearby building, the building had already been rented by the Suzuki Foundation. There is a street, and there are apartments invested and built by the Suzuki consortium nearby."

Haibara Ai:"……"

In this way, the Suzuki family really can't lose.

Kidd's fans will definitely come back to relive this duel, and people who know the Suzuki Museum will invite friends to take a look when they are free. The flow of people may not be less than these two days, and with the financial resources of the Suzuki Foundation , It doesn’t take long for a commercial street to be built. By then, a newly built area can suddenly become an area with a considerable flow of people and considerable consumption.

Not only can you not lose, but you can also earn.

"There is no need for Mr. Jiroji or Mr. Shiro to think about it. The planning department in the consortium will aim at the right time to complete the plan, so a person who can spend money, dare to spend money, and can spend money is really important," Chi Feichi said. To sum up, he and his father think that Wilson is available because Wilson has the courage to spend money. Established, "But Mr. Jiroji lost his temper again. He can have whatever he wants since he was a child. At that time, he wanted to prodigal, but the more he lost, the more he lost..."

Wealth, fame, fortune and beauties can have what they want. This kind of life seems beautiful, but it can also be boring.

If a person who has never had this kind of life suddenly has this kind of life, he may be addicted to it at first and enjoy it to his heart's content, but how many years can he enjoy it? Ten years, twenty years... One day, the emptiness will overwhelm everything and feel good in the heart, just like being in a deserted wilderness, there will be no new things worth looking forward to tomorrow, and I don’t know what is there for me to exist in the world Meaning, can't see the way to go and the way back.

In short, Suzuki Jirokichi has played everything that should have been played, and it is not new. He wanted to feel like a crazy prodigal, and he did try it. As a result, Suzuki Sonoko’s grandfather expressed his position with actions: Nephew, just spend the money. If you can If you lose the family, I lose. Not only can you not spend all the money, but you can spend more and more of your family's money!

"Mr. Jiroji ruined his family lavishly for several years, and he lost more and more of his property. Suddenly he felt boring. Every day he saw Grandpa Sonoko smiling and giving him money to spend, he felt a headache. He happened to be exposed to extreme sports. After entering the gate of the new world, he left Japan and began to challenge his limits everywhere,” Chi Feichi said, “You have also seen the awards in his family. He started from knowing nothing, went to study, train, and constantly break through. With no distractions and perseverance, he quickly won the first award and surpassed others. He suddenly felt bored and started aiming at the second extreme sports. The records of extreme sports have also been broken. For example, the record of climbing Mount Everest by the oldest person, he should have just wanted to challenge himself and break through himself at the beginning, but after climbing up and breaking the record, his goal is to Achieved, lost interest..."

Haibara Ai:"……"

At the beginning, she thought that Suzuki Jirokichi was miserable, and he missed the succession perfectly, because he had never been in touch with him, didn't know much, and couldn't even work, but soon realized that something was wrong. Death is the life that so many people dream of, but in the end they still go to work hard and desperately, taking all the awards that others failed to get, breaking all the records that others failed to break, and pocketing the achievements of so many people's dreams , I lost interest in a blink of an eye, and ran to cut off other people's pursuit of dreams... It's like gods and humans are all angry!

If the uncle is pitiful, there will be no poor people in the world.

Huiyuan Ai looked up again to see Chi Feichi with a calm face, and suddenly understood why she felt sorry for Suzuki Jirokichi before.

Because there is an equally vile fellow in front of me—I just don’t want to mess around and wait to die, I just want to make things happen, and life without things to do is too hard.

Let’s just say that her family is not Brother Chi, who cooks better than many chefs, reasoning better than many detectives, and even went to work as a bounty hunter. He is currently the most famous bounty hunter in Japan. He is also good at healing fractures and flying planes. , Playing games so well, and knowing how to treat animals... As a result, such a person still solemnly sighed, "It's really pitiful that Mr. Jirokichi has no work to do", which made her almost feel that Suzuki Jirokichi is very pitiful.

Do these two people know that this will easily arouse public outrage and they will be beaten to death...

"Even if Mr. Jiroji doesn't want to admit it, but he is 72 years old this year, and many extreme sports are no longer suitable for him," Chi Feichi continued, with sympathy in his heart. Suzuki Jirokichi is very pitiful when he has no goals in life and is lost. , but it is a pity that he is old when he clearly has a goal, but he is not finished. "The Suzuki family is worried about him doing extreme sports outside. , he probably wants to spend more time with his family..."

"In other words, he came back because of the wishes of the Suzuki family, and he himself realized that it was time to come back," Haibara Ai Banyueyan concluded, "But he still couldn't stay after he came back, and wanted to continue to challenge, so he chose" He will go all out to catch Kidd's goal, but the more he can't catch Kidd, the happier he will be in his heart, and he doesn't want Kidd to be caught by him easily, otherwise he will find a new challenge target, That's not easy."

Chi Feichi nodded, and said, "He came back for another purpose, to help Yuanzi gain momentum."

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