Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 977: Conan: I suspect that my friend has fallen

"Building momentum?" Hui Yuanai was puzzled.

"Originally everyone thought that Suzuki Ayako would be the future heir of the Suzuki Foundation. She has a more stable personality and is more suitable to be the heir, but she is married," Chi Feichi explained, "Sonoko is seventeen years old this year. The elder sister is regarded as the heir, and now she suddenly tells others that Sonoko is the future heir. Even if there is no trouble, the high-level employees in the consortium and the partners of the Suzuki family will doubt if Sonoko can do it, and Sonoko seldom used to be Ms. Suzuki Show up, then, before Yuanzi officially inherits the consortium, someone needs to show her off and help her build momentum. After a few years, when she takes over the consortium, it will be much smoother. Everyone will take it for granted and avoid a lot of unnecessary troubles .”

"So that's how it is," Haibara Ai thoughtfully, "So, Sonoko has been accompanying Uncle Jirokichi on TV this time, and no one else from Suzuki's family has been involved..."

"There will be more in the future," Chi Feichi judged, "until Yuanzi's limelight overwhelms Ayako."

"Then what about you?" Hui Yuanai looked at Chi Feichi, "Do you need someone to help you build momentum?"

"I don't need it," Chi Feichi explained, "I'm the one to take it for granted, and everyone has already accepted it by default."

If his family's cheap parents want to establish another heir, whether it is Hui Yuanai, the second child or an illegitimate child, then it will take a few years to cover up that he is the rightful successor in other people's minds. 'the concept of.

And Ike Shinosuke didn't do nothing. Promote Oyama Mi and reuse Wilson, two people who know him better than him, that's just the first step. After about five years, all the old and new senior executives in the group will follow him. There are contacts and friendships, so that those people believe that he is the future principal.

As for the Field Group, his cheap mother still seems to have a kind of worry that 'my son will not live long', and is more inclined to let him eat and wait for death, play and go crazy, without considering the issue of power transition, but to clean up the group, It is a thing that is good for development and for transition.

Of course, not doing these things will not affect inheritance, and doing these things is just to make the transition of rights more smooth.

The secretary of Suzuki's family brought a glass of watermelon juice, which temporarily stopped the conversation between the two of them.

"Thank you," Hui Yuanai thanked, waited for the secretary to leave and shouted, then picked up the cup and took a sip of watermelon juice through a straw, "You explained so much to me, don't you plan to drink a glass to quench your thirst?"

Chi Feichi took out the cigarette case, twirled it between his fingers, and a cigarette was easily shaken out, and the cigarette case was closed at some point, "I just drank tea at Suzuki's house, and you want to go to the bathroom later I won't go with you."

"When did I bother you about going to the toilet?" Hui Yuanai bit the straw, cold, proud, and despised a famous detective, "Only Edogawa would let someone accompany him."

Following Huiyuan Ai's words, Chi Feichi agreed, "That's right, Xiao Ai is much more independent than Conan."

"Then do you have an idea?" Hui Yuanai looked up at Chi Feichi, "What happened to Kidd's miracle of walking in the air last night? Can you..."

Chi Fei stared: "..."

Hui Yuan Ai felt terrified by Chi Feichi's strange gaze, and didn't say anything further, "What's wrong?"

Chi Feichi withdrew his gaze, took out the lighter, and lit the cigarette with downcast eyes, "I was the one last night, I accidentally hurt the monster thief Kidra's stomach, and the notice letter had already been sent out at that time, so I can only do it for him, don't tell others people."

Hui Yuanai fell silent for a moment, got up and leaned over the table, reaching out to grab Chi Feichi's face.

She suspects that the person in front of her is not Brother Feichi...

Chi Feichi: "..."

Is Xiao Ai so skinny now?

Hui Yuanai sat back after realizing that it wasn't a fake face, looked at Chi Feichi strangely, and said in a low voice, "I'm not surprised that you got mixed up with Kaitou Kidd, you guys didn't know it well, He also played identity swap with you before, creating the illusion that you are not July..."

Chi Feichi corrected, "The word 'unclear' cannot be used here."

Hui Yuanai ignored Chi Feichi's protest, "But I watched the broadcast at the doctor's house last night, that"

"If you don't act like a little bit, how can you hide it?" Chi Feichi said, "As for the method of walking in the air, Kidd prepared it in advance, and his assistant assisted me to complete it..."

Hui Yuan Ai's attention shifted, and only after listening did she realize that something was wrong.

Chi Feichi explained the whole trick, and said, "The Kidd who will appear tonight is also not the real Kidd, but a dummy, because the golden statue holding the precious stone will be taken back to the museum by the authorities, and he will use a fake People attract everyone's attention, disguise themselves as Suzuki consultants, sneak into museums and take away gems."

Once the tricks of the magic show are explained, it will be less fun to watch.

What was going to happen tonight didn't appeal to him at all. He knew the process long ago, so he just came to sit on the roof and enjoy the breeze.

Since Huiyuan asked, then don't blame him for taking the opportunity to lift the table and pull a person into the water to accompany him to be bored...

Hui Yuanai completely lost his expectation for tonight, and asked blankly, "Did you do it on purpose?"

Chi Feichi admitted frankly, "Yes, yes."

Haibara Ai:"……"

She wanted to drag someone into the water too, but couldn't.

What if Kaito Kidd is in danger because of telling others?

Kidd has friendship with Brother Feichi, Kidd believes that Brother Feichi told Brother Feichi the plan, Brother Feichi believed in her, so he told her these things, she must not say anything...

"Brother Feichi, Xiaoai!"

Suzuki Sonoko came from the entrance of the rooftop, still the same as before, and greeted loudly from a long distance.

Mori Kogoro, Mori Ran, and Conan followed to the rooftop.

The secretary waiting at the door brought a group of people to the table, "Miss Yuanzi, what drink do you want?"

Suzuki Sonoko was sitting with her hands under her chin, with a rare ladylike reserved look, "Whatever you want."

As soon as Conan sat down, he asked with a naive expression, "Brother Chi, why didn't you come last night?"

"The little black cat in an elder's family is sick," Chi Feichi said without changing his expression, "I agreed to let me go and have a look."

"So that's the case." Conan smiled and believed it in his heart.

His little friend prefers small animals, and the elder's cat is sick, and he can't get away with it, so it's not surprising that he gave up trying to catch Kidd.

But when it came to cats, he remembered what Ayumi had said about Chi Feichi adopting a sick white cat, and he also remembered Belmode!

Itakura Zhuo mentioned in his diary that a woman with a haughty attitude called him, she was the companion of the man in black, and once heard cat meowing from the other party, the other party was very impatient. Hang up the phone.

He guessed that the woman was Belmode, and also suspected that Belmode had been in contact with Chi Feichi for a long time, and that Belmode hung up the phone, perhaps not because of impatience, but because he was worried that the meowing of cats would attract other people , Was found by someone on her call.

Afterwards, he asked Dr. Ali to go to the Department of Veterinary Medicine of Dongdu University to talk to the students. He also used his identity as a primary school student to lie about social investigations, stop the car coming out of the parking lot of Chi Feichi's apartment, and ask the other party if there was anything in the apartment. No one has pets.

The result obtained by the doctor was: 'Student Chi? I don't know much about it, I heard it's very powerful...Keeping a cat? I haven’t heard of it’, ‘No, he stays in the school library very late every day, unlike raising a cat, there may be more specimens of cats’, ‘I haven’t heard of it’, ‘Should not Yes, but I don't know if he has any pets at home'...

In order to cover up his purpose, he asked Dr. A Li to ask a lot of questions, not only about Chi Feichi, but also about whether the outstanding graduates in recent years had pets.

As it turned out, not many people knew about Chi Feichi. His little friend was completely autistic and a loner. No one had ever seen Chi Feichi raise a pet, and no one had ever seen Chi Feichi. Late with female celebrities, it is said that there are no women who have a better relationship.

Even Dr. A Li expressed emotion. It seems that when they met Chi Feichi, Chi Feichi had changed a lot. In the future, he must take Chi Feichi out to play more and make more friends... Cough .

He got nothing here either.

There were not many residents in that apartment, and some people bought the house, but they didn’t live there for a few days all year round. It seems that the residents on the same floor as Chi Feichi are not in China, and the relationship between neighbors is relatively distant, but those who live in the apartment People basically said that no one had cats or dogs in the apartment a year ago, but someone had seen Chi Feichi’s white cat recently. An uncle saw Chi Feichi carrying the cat home in front of the gate on the first floor. It was the day the cat had just had surgery.

At the same time, everyone he asked said he hadn't seen any big American stars in apartments or parking lots.

From this point of view, Chi Feichi and Belmode should not be old acquaintances.

He couldn't say he was relieved, but he was more worried.

With Chi Feichi's personality that is not easy to get close to people, he can accept a woman coming to his house when he is sick, and let that woman move around and use the bathroom at will, which means that for Chi Feichi, Bermode are different.

He suspected that his little friend had fallen.

This suspicion arose when he mentioned that 'Kris might be Kenzo Masuyama's accomplice', and Chi Feichi asked unreasonably, 'Why can't it be me'.

Although Chi Feichi's expression was calm when he asked, that guy was always like that, and he couldn't tell anything from his expression. At that time, he suspected that Chi Feichi was defending Chris, and he got angry because of his suspicion.

Until Chi Feichi fell ill and Ayumi met Bellmode at Chi Feichi's house, this suspicion was confirmed again.

Alas, that woman in Belmode is really scary, and Chi Feichi can handle it all. The trouble is, he doesn't believe that Belmode approached Chi Feichi for the purpose of dating, that's impossible, there must be some conspiracy.

Fortunately, Belmode is gone now, giving him time to sort out his thoughts.

As long as he no longer shows hostility towards 'Chris', next time Chi Feichi contacts Bellmode, he might tell them.

But he also needs to be careful, it is best not to let 'Kudo Shinichi' appear in front of Chi Feichi in the future, nor let Chi Feichi know that 'Kudo Shinichi' is still in contact with Mao Lilan.

Although Belmode doesn't seem to have any plans to attack him, if Chi Feichi contacts Belmode and there are other people organized by Belmode, and Chi Feichi just mentions 'I saw Kudo Shinichi', then He's screwed.

It was also for this reason that the last time he flew to Hakodate and had an accident, he called Xiaolan afterwards, said something nasty, and told Xiaolan not to tell anyone else that he was still in touch.

In this way, whether it was because of his special order or because she felt embarrassed, Xiaolan would not tell anyone about his phone call, including Chi Feichi.

In addition, it was also the matter of the Gem of Destiny last time that made him dispel the last worry in his heart.

He had previously suspected that Chi Feichi was a member of that organization, but because Chi Feichi had suffered from depression and there were no suspicious people near Qingshan No. 4 Hospital, he dispelled his suspicions. After passing Chi Feichi, nothing happened. No matter how you look at it, it is impossible for Chi Feichi to be a member of that organization.

But after Belmode appeared at Chi Feichi's house, he couldn't hold back his doubts.

And last time at the Cosmos Theater, Kaito Kidd disguised himself as "Kudo Shinichi", Chi Feichi didn't seem to pay attention or was surprised, and just took the baby to sleep.

Chi Feichi just wanted to leave them and report secretly to the organization? It's not impossible, but he has noticed that there is no suspicious person near the Kudo Shinichi disguised by Phantom Thief Kidd, and there is no suspected organization in the entire Universe Theater area.

It was because of this that he completely dispelled his doubts.

In fact, he was a little guilty, he had doubted his little friend again and again, among which Chi Feichi liked to wear black clothes was a big reason, but Chi Feichi was not the only one who liked to wear black clothes. Not all those who wear black are members of that organization, there are mafia, violent associations, and those who simply like black clothes...

In short, he doubted and confirmed so many times, he should not doubt anymore, and the last time it was Kaitou Kidd's disguise, it doesn't count that he appeared in front of Chi Feichi with his original body, even if Chi Feichi was with Belmode If you contact, you will only say "Phantom Thief Kidd disguised as Kudo Shinichi" instead of "I saw Kudo Shinichi", that's fine.

Stabilize first, and wait until he finds out why Belmode is close to Chi Feichi, and then he will try to solve it.

"Ah!" Mao Lilan exhaled softly.

Conan came back to his senses and saw Mao Lilan's hat was blown to the ground by the wind, he jumped off the chair to help pick it up, "I'll get it!"

Seeing Conan running so fast, Mao Lilan didn't get up again, "I'm sorry, Conan, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Mori Kogoro looked up at the surrounding sky, "There are so many helicopters, the wind is too strong..."

The sky was completely dark, and the searchlight cast a not-so-bright beam on the roof of the building, illuminating a group of people sitting under parasols.

The secretary brought the drinks to the table, put a monitor showing news reports on the table, said, "Please take it easy," and turned to leave.

Seeing the reporter's report on whether Kidd would come, Suzuki Sonoko immediately said excitedly, "He will definitely come, he will definitely come to the appointment!"

"If Kidd succeeds, your uncle will suffer a loss," Mori Kogoro reminded speechlessly, "You don't sound like the words of the Suzuki consortium's lady at all."

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