Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 979: The Experience of Two Consultants

The next day, Chi Fei woke up early, prepared the ingredients for breakfast, and went to the rooftop to go out for morning exercises every day.

Hui Yuanai woke up just in time for breakfast, and was surprised that Chi Fei woke up early, yawned, asked for good morning, but still didn't tell him about his hallucinations.

After breakfast, Chi Feichi took Hui Yuanai to the pet hospital to get some dog snacks, and drove to Suzuki Jirokichi's house.

Before the two got out of the car, they heard Suzuki Jirokichi's violent voice coming from the house.

"This little kid actually stole my front page!"

"Wow woof! woof!" Lu Bang rushed out of the door, then wagged his tail and entered at Chi Feichi's feet.

When Suzuki Jirokichi saw it, he felt even more worried, and stared at Chi Feichi with a beard blown.

Suzuki Sonoko stood aside on the phone, looked back, and continued talking on the phone, "Brother Chi and Xiaoai are here..."

Ignoring Suzuki Jirokichi's gaze, Chi Feichi handed the two bags of dog snacks to the maid, stepped forward to sit down, and picked up the newspaper on the table.

The front page of the newspaper was a group photo of Ginzo Nakamori and Conan, and there was a line of big words on it - [Kidd killer, the meritorious elementary school student showed his power again, Kidd was defeated and left! 】

The famous detective is too showy, do you think the people in the organization don't know how to read newspapers?

"Mr. Jiroji." Hui Yuanai greeted, and sat next to Chi Feichi, and looked at the newspaper with his head, feeling speechless.

A certain detective is too showy, do you think people in the organization can't read newspapers?

Fortunately, Conan's identity as a primary school student is not attracting attention at present, and the group of proud people probably won't take it to heart, otherwise they will be noticed by the organization sooner or later.

Suzuki Jirokichi stared at the two brothers and sisters who were calm as if they were in their own home, and he was not angry anymore, but he still hummed, "Today's celebration banquet is gone, my front page was robbed by that four-eyed brat."

Chi Feichi didn't hesitate, "You can eat whatever you want."

Haibara Ai:"……"

Cengfan is still so righteous...

Suzuki Sonoko: "..."

It's very Uncle Maori's demeanor!

Suzuki Jirokichi choked and looked around, "Where's Feimo? Why didn't you bring it here?"

"It's not raised by Feimo," Hui Yuanai helped to answer, she knew the question, so it was better for her to ask, so that Uncle Jiroji wouldn't get angry, "It likes to play outside, and Brother Feichi doesn't like to shut it down either. stand up."

"That's right, birds should fly freely in the sky, that's their nature," Suzuki Jirokichi said with emotion, and looked at Chi Feichi with a little more admiration, at least he couldn't let his pets out casually, Because he was not at ease, and because he was afraid that the pet he raised would suddenly abandon him, what he could do was to know that he didn't want to restrain the little bird, so he never raised a bird, so he asked curiously, "Boy Feichi, Don't you worry that one day Feimofei will go to another place? Or it will go to other people's house?"

"Animals are also nostalgic," Chi Feichi said softly, "and if it leaves one day, it means that our fate is over..."

Suzuki Sonoko, who came back from the phone call with Mao Lilan, was taken aback for a moment, feeling a little emotional.

Brother Feichi's idea is quite Buddhist.

Hui Yuanai also felt that Chi Feichi was open to it, and before he had time to comfort him, he heard Chi Feichi continue...

"After you catch it, whether you eat it roasted or boiled in soup," Chi Feichi said with a calm face, "I won't feel too bad."

Suzuki Sonoko: "..."

She was wrong, this is not Buddhist at all, this is Shura.

Haibara Ai:"……"

She was wrong, the one she hated the most was Brother Feichi!

Suzuki Jirokichi even rolled his eyes regardless of his appearance, "Fei Mo can find me here before you come, such a smart and crow, it's a pity to eat it, it's almost the same after being beaten up and starved for two days gone."

Suzuki Sonoko: "..."

Next, Jiroji Suzuki and Chi Feichi had a serious exchange of experience on the profession of 'consultant'.

Suzuki Jirokichi said that as a consultant of the Suzuki Foundation, it is really comfortable to travel around. He doesn’t care what the Foundation is busy with. If he has an idea, he can put forward an idea. He doesn’t care whether other people agree or not. Things like Mafun and human-powered flying are fun.

Chi Feichi said that he is also good as a consultant for Zhenchi Group, Pet Hospital, and THK Company. He usually raises an idea when he has an idea. When he is bored, he becomes a veterinarian if he wants to be a veterinarian. It’s okay to go to see female artists filming or singing, and it’s the most fun to play online games, arcade games, and various game consoles.

Suzuki Jiroji immediately said that the kind of non-challenging game is meaningless, and he played the rest.

Chi Feichi immediately told Suzuki Jirokichi with "Arcade games let you with one hand", that you are still good at playing games.

Suzuki Jiroji said again that he can compare the game with the handle...

Chi Feichi once again said that I don’t even need to play the game with the handle, and Feichi can crush you...

Haibara Ai and Suzuki Sonoko sat aside drinking tea, watching Suzuki Jirokichi's pile of game consoles, looking at Suzuki Sonoko, "Are all consultants like this?"

"Ah?" Suzuki Sonoko stared blankly at Suzuki Jirokichi, who was competing with Feichi, worried that his uncle would be angry today, so he regained his senses after a while, "Yeah, no... the other consultants are quite busy."

"I see." Hui Yuanai nodded, put down the teacup, and walked forward.

Her hand was itchy, so she came to give it a shot too.

Suzuki Sonoko saw that drinking tea alone was not interesting, so he stepped forward to play games.

The game is really fun.

A group of people played games until after noon. Feichi picked Suzuki Jirokichi, Huihara Ai, and Suzuki Sonoko several times in turn. When the maid served the food, he rolled the handle into the box on the ground with his tail and put it in a box, expressing I don't play anymore.

"Let's eat!"

Suzuki Jirokichi clapped his hands and got up. He felt comfortable after playing the game, but he couldn't play with a snake, which made him a little unwilling. "I'll practice again, and I will compete next time."

Feichi's mood suddenly became heavy. This old man is a formidable enemy besides his master. He is not bad in himself and has a lot of understanding.

When he arrived at the dining table, Suzuki Jirokichi still asked, "Feichi, do you want to invest in games together?"

"I don't want to compete with my family for cake," Chi Feichi sat down, "and I can't move, Umbrella is already preparing a lot of games."

Haibara Ai:"……"

A lot of games, that fit Brother Feichi's hobby very well.

Suzuki Jirokichi nodded in agreement, with some regrets, "Yeah, it's late, I haven't kept up with the times."

Suzuki Sonoko: "..."

Can you remove the word 'play'?

But she also has nothing to say, she has always felt that there is a kind of "consultant" who is a very magical creature, who discovers new items after playing around, and can break the game that others can't try their best, so Jiro Suzuki plays, the Suzuki family and the Suzuki Foundation agree with and fully support with both hands and feet.

"The Suzuki Consortium also has a lot of investments in games," Jiro Kichi Suzuki said, stroking the beard on his chin, "but the Suzuki Consortium focuses on the development of game devices, while Umbrella focuses on the Internet and does not conflict... No, Umbrella is also working on gaming equipment, right?"

Chi Feichi did not hide some of Umbrella's plans, "Umbrella intends to focus on the Internet, and the research and development of game equipment is aimed at breaking new ground."

"It's the 'cocoon' game equipment, right?" Suzuki Jirokichi understood, and said regretfully, "If I was in Japan at that time, I would never let them sell all the share of the project investment to Umbrella at a low price, then Interesting and fresh enough game equipment, it is worth spending money to revive it, maybe I will snatch it from you, the Suzuki consortium does not lack that research and development funds."

Chi Feichi knew that Suzuki Jirokichi was telling the truth. The old man might think this game was fun, and it would be a pity to shelve it just because Thomas had an accident. There is no need to spend any more money on the degree of perfection. If it is further improved, it will definitely be a chance to get rich, and the benefits will not be underestimated by the Suzuki consortium.

"But what about the release?" Suzuki Jirokichi asked, turned around and took food from the plate served by the passing maid, and thought about it seriously, "There was an accident at the cocoon's press conference last time, and the children were all trapped in the game , and the artificial intelligence is also manipulating the game equipment to send out electricity to attack the parents who want to save the children. Now countries do not like this kind of equipment and artificial intelligence. Even if Umbrella emphasizes the safety of equipment when launching the equipment, everyone will still Hesitation, if you want to develop a press experience meeting like last time, I'm afraid no one will save face."

"There must be a way, but it's not the time to launch it yet, and it will take a while." Chi Feichi didn't say too much this time, "I'll call you to play with me when I have time."

He has already told Ike Shinosuke that the solution is very simple. Let’s get out online games first, and then hold e-sports competitions. While making money, we’ll get out the e-sports industry and dig out those game enthusiasts .

In fact, it is not appropriate to invite the children of political and business leaders to be the first batch of experiencers. Those people often like to let others test the danger first, especially for their own children, they are very precious.

The candidates for the best experience are those e-sports players who have become idols and have a good reputation among game lovers.

As a game lover, he can be sure that a holographic game like Cocoon can definitely arouse the love and expectations of game enthusiasts, and there are more people who are willing to experience it.

However, the release of holographic game devices will have to be delayed for at least a few years, first of all because they need to have more advanced technology in their hands, have better replacements, or feel that other companies’ equipment development is threatened. The second reason is that the cost of the equipment cannot be reduced. It is always a niche toy. No matter how expensive it is, it will not make much money. It needs to be improved to reduce the production cost, or develop a simplified version. The cocoon can be sold in the In the virtual world, there are visual, olfactory, auditory, taste, and tactile experiences, which are too advanced and cheating. A simplified version can be developed and sold in large quantities at a "low price and low configuration", which can make people accept new games step by step. model, and can earn a lot of money in repeated updates. As for how suitable the simplified version is, someone will evaluate it.

Suzuki Jirokichi didn't ask carefully, and reminded, "Then I can't wait too long, don't forget, I'm 72 years old this year, don't wait a few years until I'm almost buried, and you come to me, then you can say You might not find me."

Suzuki Sonoko, who had been silent all this time, was dissatisfied, "Uncle, you are in such good health, you don't look like someone over 70 years old, so don't say such things!"

Suzuki Jiro laughed, "I've never been old either!"

"Don't worry, it won't be long. When Umbrella's new game is released, you can try it first and then talk about it if you find it interesting." Chi Feichi said.

He is still considering whether to let Suzuki Jiro Jijian team play, or to bring the Suzuki consortium into the competition preparation party.

No matter what, the old man will definitely be interested, as long as he plays, the Suzuki Foundation will find a way to make a profit, and they will not lose money, and as long as the Suzuki Foundation wants to make money from "e-sports", they will help promote the development of "e-sports", which can be regarded as Do Umbrella a favor.

It's just that he is a little jealous of Suzuki Jirokichi.

Many people have their own set of rules for doing things and dealing with the world.

Even if it is organizing the group of people, everyone will show a certain 'personal behavior pattern', let alone pretending or not, he can often judge what the other party will do, even the snake spirit disease of Qin Jiu, he has Sometimes you can judge the specific emotion of gin according to your feelings.

In terms of business, Suzuki Shiro is somewhat similar to his cheap dad. He may not take shortcuts after seeing through some ways. It is a long-term developing enterprise, but Suzuki Jirokichi is different. Suzuki Jirokichi belongs to the kind of person who does not follow the routine.

If one day, the Suzuki Consortium encounters major troubles, it will be Suzuki Shiro who stabilizes the morale of the army, but it is likely that Suzuki Jirokichi will be able to find a breaking point.

This kind of person is the most troublesome. He can't calculate any behavior pattern of the other party, and he can't calculate it, because the other party probably doesn't think about anything, and just does it when he has an idea. If he uses Ark to calculate, it may make Ark It can be regarded as suspicious of the world, but the old man has nothing to do with it.

Fortunately, for the Suzuki Consortium, the goal of their family's relationship for a long time in the future is to make friends and form alliances as much as possible.

That's right, Umbrella's goal is indeed global unification and monopoly, but not everyone has to use 'attack' and 'calculation' methods. In many cases, from the perspective of interests, two ally groups can also be very Blend naturally.

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