Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 980 Xiao Ai's Puzzle of Vision

"Okay, come to me when you can play, don't talk about it if you can't, don't make me so curious that I can't sleep at night, and don't make me wait too long, it's not kind to hang on to the old man's appetite," Suzuki Jirokichi detested these too The formal topic spoiled the atmosphere, so he stopped the topic and looked at Feichi who was lying on the table and took a place to swallow the fish, "Feichi, is the fish delicious? Do you want to consider coming to my place? How much fish do you want to eat in the future?" There are all of them, not just fish, I will buy you whatever you want to eat."

This snake can be carried anywhere, it doesn’t seem to be crawling around, and it can play games, so cool!

Like Feimo, he wants it, really wants it.

Feichi looked up at Suzuki Jirokichi, puzzled.

Is the old man digging it?

Suzuki Sonoko wanted to cover her face, but her uncle was actually talking to snakes and poaching people's corners in a serious manner, which didn't seem normal...

"You can also play games," Suzuki Jirokichi saw Feichi looked at him, continuing to be abnormal, and said temptingly, "I can buy you the best game equipment."

Feichi continued to eat fish pieces with his head down, "No, my master can afford it, and I'll get tired of playing games all the time."

Chi Feichi: "..."

He actually spent money to seduce Feichi, if he hadn't had some family background, he would have felt sorry for Feichi, and wanted to let Feichi come over to eat, drink and have fun.

"It's useless for you to tell Feichi, how can it understand!" Suzuki Sonoko tried to remind his uncle not to behave too strangely, "And it's useless, Feichi's current wealth is not bad, and the fish can be enough for him to eat for a lifetime It's gone."

Suzuki Jirokichi looked at Chi Feichi in surprise, "You won't buy a sea area, will you?"

Haibara Ai:"……"

Uncle Jiroyoshi's way of spending money is really bold and unrestrained.

"No, I don't have that much pocket money, I just have a breeding base." Chi Feichi looked at Suzuki Sonoko, "Yuanzi would send a carload of fish there every once in a while, and Feichi got tired of eating it."

Suzuki Jirokichi looked at Suzuki Sonoko again, "You are holding me back!"

"My father also agrees, and I will continue to send it in the future," Suzuki Sonoko said seriously, "Because Feichi saved me. I met a bad guy when I went to Izu to play. At that time, it was just me and that bad guy in the dark. I was still held down in the room, and when I was about to be stabbed, Shi Feichi came into the room, it was like a hero, it rushed forward and bit the villain, of course I have to thank it very much.”

"That should really be a big thank you!" Suzuki Jirokichi nodded, and quietly glanced at Feichi: "..."

This snake will also save people...

Want more.

He has lived for more than seventy years, and it is the first time that he is so envious and jealous of a person. Chi Feichi is a little bit hateful. He faintly smells the nemesis. The heir went to Chi's house, other things can be discussed.

Wait, isn't there a little girl in the Chi family now, who seems to have a good relationship with Chi Feichi, but... Damn, their Suzuki family doesn't have any boys of the right age to hook up with, otherwise he can find a way to make the crow and the snake They're all abducted!

Feichi looked up at Suzuki Jirokichi again, dragging his belly bulging, crawled along the table towards Chi Feichi, coquettishly, "Master, he looks at me so strangely, I want to hide."

Chi Feichi picked up Feichi, put it in his pocket, and let Feichi digest it by himself.

Suzuki Jirokichi: "..."


After the meal, Lu Bang, who ate at the maid's place, happily ran to Chi Feichi again, "Wow!"

The depressed Suzuki Jirokichi pointed at the door, his mood was not stable, "Okay, I've eaten my meal, you go slowly!"

"Mr. Jirokichi, goodbye."

After Chi Fei finished his meal late, he also withdrew quickly, and received a call as soon as he got in the car.

"Little Lan?"

A minute later, the phone hung up.

Chi Feichi put away his mobile phone, "Min also sent the commission fee to Maori Detective Agency, and Xiaolan is going to cook a good meal tonight, let's go over to eat."

Haibara Ai:"……"

This is a day of eating around with Brother Feichi.


Three o'clock in the afternoon.

Chi Feichi brought Hui Yuanai to Polo Cafe, and had a drink before eating.

Sitting in the Polo Cafe until after four o'clock, Mori Kogoro went back to the detective agency upstairs, Chi Feichi and Mao Lilan took the two little devils to buy groceries.

"It's probably because the rental price of the house is low, and the meat sold in the butcher shop on that street is cheap and fresh," Mao Lilan led the way, sharing his experience of being the owner of the house in the past few years, "Sometimes my father also comes here to buy wine. , although all he buys is beer, there are also many famous foreign wines in the liquor store, let's buy better ingredients and drinks today!"

"No, Sister Xiaolan," Conan followed, looking up at Mao Lilan, "Last time, because I prevented the phantom thief Kidd from stealing the gem, Ms. Shuli settled the commission fee in advance, but her uncle has already lost all of it by betting on the horse. Yes, and I also saw a bill sent to the office in the morning. Uncle owes the little steel ball shop more than half a million yuan. If the expenses are too large tonight, next...uh..."

Mao Lilan stopped in her tracks, lowered her head, clenched her fists with a gloomy face, and black air exuded from her whole body.

Very good, another day I want to practice with my dad!

Chi Feichi looked at the black mist floating around Mao Lilan's body, and couldn't resist reaching out to touch the black mist above Mao Lilan's head, but naturally he missed it.

Moreover, when he stretched his hand over, it would drive the air flow. Logically speaking, the black mist would also shake a bit, but it didn't at all...

Very magical world.

"Huh?" Mao Lilan was taken aback by Chi Feichi's actions, and the blackness all over her body disappeared in an instant, "Brother Feichi, did my hair get dirty?"

"No," Chi Feichi withdrew his hand, "I just figured out what happened to the black energy on your body just now."

"Black Qi?" Mao Lilan looked at her palm, then looked at Conan and Hui Yuanai in a daze, "Is there any?"

"No." Conan looked around, "There is no black smoke or fog floating over..."

Chi Feichi started to walk forward, feeling the need to make sure that other people couldn't see the black air, "Then you were taken aback just now?"

"Because sister Xiaolan's aura just now was scary," Conan Tongyin replied, quietly observing Chi Feichi's expression, "It seems that she will run back to beat uncle in the next second, so I didn't say anything, it's nothing Black air."

The four of them set off for the commercial street again, and Mao Lilan blushed a little, "I'm sorry, I seemed to scare you just now... Isn't it scary?"

Conan nodded honestly and gave serious feedback.

If you have an opinion, you have to express it, and Xiaolan may not be like this in the future.

Mao Lilan: "..."

"It's not very scary, I just feel that you are very angry." Hui Yuanai comforted Mao Lilan, looked up at Chi Feichi, "Brother Feichi, do you have hallucinations?"

"Maybe." Chi Feichi was sure that there was a high probability that other people would not be able to see the black energy that indicated 'coming black', and asked again, "Dr. What do you see?"

That was the murderer in "The Assassin in the Eyes". He clearly remembered that when he chased after him, he saw a little black running wildly, his whole body was pitch black, without any features.

"It's just a figure in a white coat," Conan was puzzled, "because I was running too fast, I couldn't see other features clearly."

Hui Yuanai and Mao Lilan also looked at Chi Feichi suspiciously.

Could it be that Brother Feichi also saw some kind of black air that time?

Chi Feichi understands that other people cannot see 'black air' and 'little black'. These comic expressions do not exist in the eyes and cognition of these people, but just represent 'terrible momentum and low air pressure all over the body' And "a figure with no clear features", but for some reason, in his eyes, it is still a caricature of expression.

Could it be that only he can see the 'peas eyes'?

Seeing Chi Feichi's silence, Huiyuan also lowered his head and thought for a while, "Actually, I also had hallucinations yesterday..."

"Huh?" Mao Lilan looked at Hui Yuanai in surprise.

She remembered hallucinations, which meant that her mental illness was serious. Could it be that 'visions' are so common now? Or do many people experience hallucinations?

Doubt in life...

Conan is sweating profusely, hello, this is not a cold, can it be contagious?

"At first, when I went back last night, when I just entered the door, I saw a woman with disheveled hair and blood on her face standing in front of the curtains in Brother Feichi's living room," Hui Yuanai explained, "and then when I was sleeping last night, probably It was I who accidentally tore the quilt while falling asleep, woke up suddenly, opened my eyes and saw that woman, much closer than the last time I saw it, I saw a weird smile on her face, and the hair under her black hair Staring straight at me..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Last night Xiaomei not only harassed him, but also harassed Hui Yuanai?

Mao Lilan picked up Conan in fright, hugged her hands tightly, and shouted in horror, "Haunted! This is definitely haunted!"

Conan was almost suffocated, and felt that he was going to be a ghost first, so he quickly comforted, "No, sister Xiaolan, there will be no ghosts in this world!"

"But Xiao Ai saw it twice!" Mao Lilan hugged her tightly, and retorted, "Could it be that I saw it wrong twice?"

Chi Feichi said nothing. He was very interested in how the famous detective would explain this wave.

"Cough..." Conan was so strangled that he almost couldn't come up, "Although it is unbelievable to see the ghost of the same woman twice, it may also be that Haibara is hallucinating, isn't she still fine... ..."

"Yes, that's right." Mao Lilan relaxed a little, looking at Hui Yuan Ai nervously, "And then? Xiao Ai, did that ghost do anything to you?"

"No, I closed my eyes and opened them again, and there was nothing in front of me," Hui Yuanai said calmly, "Actually, it was the same when I saw that woman standing in front of the curtain before, but I caught a glimpse of a phantom in the corner of my vision. When I looked carefully, it was gone, so I was wondering if something went wrong with me recently, and I actually had this hallucination..."

Chi Feichi comforted, "It may be an eye problem, it's not like hallucinations caused by mental illness, the figures seen by hallucinations will be more detailed, maybe they will talk to you, or follow you all the time..."

Mao Lilan: "..."

so scary? Scared, hold Conan tight.

"Cough... Sister Xiaolan, you're hugging too tightly." Conan reminded him aloud, and if he didn't remind him, he was worried that he would die.

"Yes, I'm sorry." Mao Lilan realized that Conan was blushing from being strangled by her, and quickly bent down to put Conan down.

Hui Yuanai added quietly, "However, in the morning, I saw a more specific and detailed picture, that woman was hanging by a black rope..."

Mao Lilan froze for a moment, quickly picked up Conan again, and hugged him tightly, "Conan, please lend me a hug for a while, I'm afraid of ghosts!"

Conan Banyue looked at Hui Yuan Ai, and was also thinking in his heart whether someone was pretending to be a ghost, or whether Hai Yuan Ai really had hallucinations.

"On the doll wall," Haibara Ai yawned indifferently, "it's the broken Doll's Day doll that Ayumi gave Feichi. It was broken, and when it was sent for repair, the repairer was injured and accidentally splashed blood on the face of the doll. Later, a dog found the doll and kindly took the doll to Ayumi, but the doll was also destroyed. With disheveled hair and dirty body, the woman I saw last night was just like that doll, wearing a queen's kimono, I took a closer look this morning, and she actually looked like that doll..."

Mao Lilan: "..."

She was thinking about whether to send her Hinamatsuri doll to a shrine or temple when she goes back...

"That is to say, what you saw might be the shadow cast by that doll?" Conan asked doubtfully considering various possibilities, "Do you think someone is pretending to be a ghost?"

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