Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 981 Belmode's scapegoat +1!

"Pretending to be a ghost?" Mao Lilan was afraid but wanted to listen.

"Yeah, just like Kaitou Kidd, the so-called miracle performance is nothing more than borrowing a helicopter to hang himself up, and it's not miraculous after seeing through it," Conan explained, "I remember that the doll wall of Brother Chi's house is at the corner of the entrance, It’s facing the glass door of the balcony, right? Maybe it’s the window plus the light coming in from outside that creates a magical projection, Huiyuan, where is the phantom you see?”

"It's in front of the curtain of the glass window on the balcony," Haibara said, "it's just opposite the doll wall."

"It's completely gone after turning on the light, right?" Conan confirmed again.

Hui Yuanai nodded, "That's right, so in the morning I found that the shadow I saw last night was very similar to the doll on the doll wall, and I suspected that it was when Brother Feichi opened the door, the light from the corridor outside the door was reflected on the glass door of the balcony, It is projected onto the doll wall, and for some reason, the shadow of the doll is projected onto the nearby building, and then the glass windows, mirrors and other things of the nearby building project the shadow onto the curtain. What I saw was a standing shadow, but in the process of virtual shadow projection, there may be some changes due to some reasons, for example, the hanging paintings of a certain family were integrated into it, and I saw that the woman's shadow was just For a moment, I didn't see clearly."

"Is this okay?" Mao Lilan was confused and doubtful about life.

Chi Feichi: "..."

Indeed, when he opened the door, the corridor light would pass from the door across the living room to the balcony glass door, and then reflected to the wall on the right hand side from the entrance and the right side of the living room, that is, the wall of dolls.

He knows this very well, because sometimes he will stand at the door and look at the balcony glass door. When the door is opened, the glass door will reflect the entire living room and the doll wall. Although it is a bit blurry, he can confirm at a glance when he left Did anyone else get into the house.

If the shadow of Xiaomei on the wall of the doll happens to be projected out for some unknown reason, and it happens to be projected back by the glass or mirror of the nearby building on the opposite side, and the curtains in the living room, which are not too blackout, just play a role similar to the projection screen, then it is indeed possible Shadows are reflected on the curtains and in front of the curtains.

"It's ok," Conan nodded, "Actually, many ghost phenomena are caused by the combination of various coincidences."

Mao Lilan was dubious, "Then Xiao Ai suddenly opened her eyes and saw that woman smiling when she was sleeping, so what happened? She would close the door when she was sleeping, so it is impossible for the doll in the living room to be projected into the room, right?"

"Maybe I saw the shadow in front of the curtain before, thought too much, and had a nightmare," Hui Yuanai yawned, "I'm not sure if I was awake when I saw it last night, because I saw I was very confused when I was there, and soon fell asleep."

Mao Lilan sweated, "Xiao Ai is so courageous..."

Is she the only one here who is afraid of ghosts? If it were her, she wouldn't be able to sleep at all.

"So it's not haunted, and it's unlikely that Haibara is hallucinating," Conan thought, and suddenly had a doubt, "Huihara, could it be that someone used projections, light mapping and other methods to pretend to be ghosts?"

If Chi Feichi saw ghosts, he might be suspicious and not rest well, resulting in neurasthenia, leading to the deterioration of his current stable condition, so he could kill people without using his hands.

In other words, he suspected that someone wanted to harm Chi Feichi!

Doubt the target is not without.

First of all, to create this kind of projection phenomenon, it is necessary to know where the doll wall in Chi Feichi’s house is, because the area around the doll wall near the entrance cannot be seen from the opposite building, even if you are facing the balcony and looking in through the door, at most, you can see it. You can only see the sofa. Besides, to accurately create this kind of projection, you need to enter Chi Feichi’s house and avoid Chi Feichi’s sight to do small movements and adjust the position of the doll. After investigation, Chi Feichi's interpersonal relationship is simple. Apart from them, he seems to have no other close relatives, but he has no enemies. Except for those murderers whose plans were destroyed by Chi Feichi, there are almost no people who hate Chi Feichi...

The only ones who knew the position of the doll wall and had the opportunity to adjust the doll's position secretly were him, Hui Yuan Ai, Mrs. Kanai, and Belmode, who lived in Chi Feichi's place.

Moreover, the purpose of Belmode's approach to Chi Feichi is unclear. Although it seems that Belmode has no intention of attacking Chi Feichi, it cannot be ruled out that some people want to attack Chi Feichi because of business competition or the hatred of the previous generation. , and even Chi Feichi inadvertently formed an enemy, but that organization has not been playing assassination for a day or two, so it has to be guarded against...

Belmode's fault +1!

Hui Yuanai lowered his head and thought about it, "After I entered the door, I went to check the curtains. There was no projector or anything like that, but I'm not sure if someone deliberately tampered with the nearby building."

"Has brother Chi ever seen the shadow of that woman before?" Conan asked.

If Chi Feichi had seen it before, it was certain that it wasn't a coincidence last night, and it was also a clue where he saw it.

Chi Feichi was silent for a while, since Xiaomei could float out of the doll's body, he could see Xiaomei floating every time he went home, but to be honest, maybe he would get a "worried look from everyone" Add the big gift package of "Detective Conan Field Investigation Action", anyway, it is impossible for Conan to admit that it is a soul...


"That's it..."

Chi Feichi's momentary silence just now was regarded as a memory by Conan, and he didn't doubt it, thinking silently.

So, it's all just a coincidence that something happened nearby last night? Or was it because of the angle that Chi Feichi couldn't see the phantom at his height?

If it's the former, it's okay, but if it's the latter, it means that the other party has calculated the angle, only for the height of the elementary school student, and won't let Chi Feichi see it...

Belmode is still very suspicious.

Hui Yuanai also thought about it.

That woman didn't deliberately do some tricks before leaving, waiting for her to come to the door one day to scare her, right?

She is a person who advocates science, she is not so easily scared, doing this kind of thing is like a child, childish!

Belmode's fault +1!

Seeing that no one spoke, Mao Lilan became nervous again, "Is there any other questions?"

Conan came back to his senses, "No, I just think this kind of projection is very interesting, and I'm wondering if I should choose shadow magic as a topic with everyone for my next extracurricular homework."

"I'm also thinking about my homework," Haibara Ai decisively copied Conan's reasoning, with a serious expression on his cold face, "It's going to be a holiday soon, and I don't have a clue about the subject of the holiday homework, and it's boring to do social surveys every time. "

"That's it..." Mao Lilan breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "Conan and Xiao Ai are already thinking about homework during the holidays. They are really working hard, but don't put too much pressure on studying. Your grades are already very good. Bravo."

Conan was so cute, he smiled and nodded, "Hmm~!"

Hui Yuanai looked at Chi Feichi again, "In short, the black air you see should be caused by the brain deceiving you, and when the brain deceives you, it will use the real things you have seen as prototypes to carry out Modify or completely copy, everything on the wall of the doll is wrapped with black wool and hung up, right? That should be the prototype..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Good point.

"Last night was probably a coincidence. Even if someone deliberately pretended to be a ghost, when I went to wash in the morning and passed the doll wall, I slightly adjusted the position of the doll, and I will never see it again," Hui Yuanai said in the usual tone, but his expression was different. Seriously, he warned, "It doesn't matter if you see black air or shadows, don't be too nervous, but if you see black air too many times, I will accompany you to the hospital."

"It was the first time just now," Chi Feichi cooperated, "I will pay attention to it in the future."

After those prisoners were exposed in the past, some of them revealed their dark personalities and looked broken, but at most they only had horrible expressions, and there was no black air on their bodies...

It's not the protagonist group, and they don't even have the qualifications to appear black air.

"What about Xiao Ai?" Mao Lilan asked, "Could it be that you have hallucinations? It's better to go to the hospital."

As a person who hides big secrets, Hui Yuan Ai doesn't like to see psychologists and other people who like to probe into people's hearts, but after looking at Chi Feichi, she feels that she needs to be a role model, so she nodded calmly, "I'll see you tomorrow." I have to go to school, and I have to go back to the doctor's place at night, just to change the environment. After a while, if I see the ghost of that woman again, I will go to the hospital to see it. If I don't see it, it means that last night was a coincidence , don’t bother the doctor anymore.”

"That's right," Mao Lilan nodded, and looked up to find that they were talking and almost walked out of the commercial street, "I almost passed by..."

As he said that, Mao Lilan looked at the liquor store next to him, then turned to ask Chi Feichi, "Then let's go buy the beer that Dad wants first, what would Brother Feichi want to drink?"

"I'll just drink beer with the teacher." Chi Feichi said.

His teacher's capacity for alcohol is not good, if he drinks alcohol with high alcohol content, he will be drunk and start singing and dancing in a short time.

Mao Lilan went to the liquor store, picked up a bunch of canned beer and small bottles of sake, and bought fruit juice.

As the person with the strongest physical strength present, Chi Feichi took over the task of carrying the bag without hesitation.

"Do you want to buy beef next?" Mao Lilan walked to the freezer with beef in a store on the street, tangled, "Beer doesn't go well with steak, and we didn't buy red wine..."

Conan took a closer look at the price, "And the price of the steak here is not cheap, although the price here is not too exaggerated..."

Mao Lilan continued to struggle, "But I already ate fish last night, why should I change the taste today, I think it is better to eat beef? You can buy some common ingredients to make curry beef...but if you only eat curry beef , it feels too random."

Conan: "..."

Forget it, he is stupid to give advice to shopping women.

Chi Feichi and Hui Yuanai had a lot of pocket money, but they also offered to pay for it themselves.

Mao Lilan proposed to treat guests to dinner, no matter what they eat, they don't mind, even if they cook a bowl of clear water noodles, it doesn't matter if they ask to pay the bill, it will change the taste.

"Xiao Lan?" The woman beside her was surprised.

"Huh?" Mao Lilan turned her head and laughed when she saw the woman, "It's Miss Sachiko!"

Conan's childish voice was cute, "Sister Xiaolan, who is she?"

"Didn't I lose my student ID card once?" Mao Lilan explained with a smile, "Miss Sachiko Nishimura helped me find it and sent it back."

Conan remembered, "This is my sister."

"Come on," the shop owner put the tray on top of the cabinet and let Sachiko Nishimura look at the beef, "Can these two be okay?"

"Okay," Nishimura Sachiko said gently to the shop owner, "Then I will trouble you."

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