Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 982 No, very standard

Conan watched the boss replenish the beef in the vacant space in the lower shelf of the freezer, "It turns out that the two pieces of meat that were used to make high-end steaks were bought by this sister, and they are very expensive."

Chi Feichi glanced at Conan.

The famous detective lives by the sea, so the management is really wide.

"Conan, you are really..." Mao Lilan was also a little helpless, but when she turned her head and saw the red wine bought by Sachiko Nishimura, she couldn't help but sigh, "That bottle of wine seems to be very expensive, I really enjoy it."

"Because today is special," Nishimura Sachiko rolled her eyes with a smile, "My boyfriend is coming over today!"

"Here, here is the beef and change you asked for," the shop owner handed the packaged beef and change to Sachiko Nishimura with both hands, and said with a smile, "Please keep it, and welcome to visit next time!"

"Yes..." Sachiko Nishimura took the steak and the change, and smiled softly at Mao Lilan, "Xiao Lan, then I'll go back and prepare dinner, see you another day."

Mao Lilan nodded with a smile, and watched Sachiko Nishimura leave, "It turned out that I was making dinner for my boyfriend, how nice..."

Conan looked up and saw the loss and envy in Mao Lilan's eyes, and said cutely, "Sister Xiaolan can do it for me."

"Then you mean, Miss Xiaolan doesn't need to cook for us?" Hui Yuanai joked with a cold face.

"Okay, everyone has a share!" Mao Lilan laughed again, and turned her head to look carefully at the meat in the freezer, "But I really didn't expect Miss Sachiko to have a boyfriend, she is a very capable office worker, more than many Everyone is passionate about work, I thought she didn't care about men at all..."

"Ms. Nishimura will come to me to buy good beef on the 25th of every month," the shop owner said with a smile, "Although she and her boyfriend are both busy with work, I have never met her boyfriend, but their The relationship seems to be very good all the time, when she usually comes to patronize, she is occasionally bothered by work, but every time she comes here on the 25th, she feels in a good mood!"

"So that's how it is," Mao Lilan was instantly happy when he heard what the boss said. Even if the two of them didn't meet every day, their relationship wouldn't change. He pointed to the beef on the lower floor, "Then... I'll just buy this." .”

Conan's eyelids twitched when he saw the price.

The detective agency is going bankrupt...

Mao Lilan looked at the sliced ​​beef and was tangled again, "Three adults, two children, three pieces are not enough, four pieces will be left over, and it's not enough for the bento that Conan and I will take to school tomorrow..."

"Two yuan is enough for the main dish, and the main food for other things," Chi Feichi suggested, "Buy a few small fish, and I'll teach you how to make Stargazing Pie."

Well, he still wants to know if Stargazing Pie has a 'diarrhea' buff.

"Then two yuan!" Mao Lilan decisively chose to learn new dishes from Chi Feichi, raised her head and smiled at the boss, "Boss, please help me wrap it up."

With Chi Feichi joining the ranks of selecting ingredients, the speed is obviously much faster.

Even if the funds are limited, as long as the recipe is wide enough, there is no big meal that cannot be prepared. Even if you buy fish bones, you can make fish bone soup.

The same goes for western food.

For starters, you don’t need to consider fresh vegetables and fruits that are expensive in Japan. Buy potatoes and make potato salad or potato bacon cheese balls. For soup, avoid fresh vegetables and fruits. You can buy mushrooms and make mushroom cream soup. Drinks include fruit juices It doesn’t go well with beer, but it’s still drinkable. In addition, the detective agency also has flour for dessert, and the leftover ingredients for Stargazing Pie can also be used, so after buying it, the most expensive ones are those two pieces. Beef, and the others are not as expensive as a piece of beef.

two hours later...

Hui Yuanai sat at the table, put down the knife and fork, and waited silently for the staple food.

It tastes good, but I had a French meal at Suzuki Jirokichi's house in the morning, and I got tired of eating it at night... Well, she has become picky, but that is also the recipe used by Brother Feichi. Also, the first-class Chinese cuisine made her a fool.

Conan put down the knife and fork, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

Chi Feichi was definitely lazy today, he was looking forward to Chinese cuisine...

Mori Kogoro put the empty beer cans by his hand, opened a new can, "It tastes pretty good!"

Mao Lilan stared at it with half-moon eyes, "It's really rare that someone doesn't complain about not having good wine to go with good meat tonight."

Mori Kogoro thought about the bill sent to him, and he didn't know that he had been sold by Conan, so he coughed dryly, "Hey, life is called life with a little regret."

Seeing that Chi Feichi got up late, Mao Lilan also went to the kitchen to help serve the staple food, and then settled the score with her father later.

Chi Feichi served the Stargazing Pie that Mao Lilan directed and made by himself.

Mao Lilan followed behind with a strange expression, and brought out the dessert in advance, "Brother Feichi, did I do something wrong? It looks strange."

Chi Feichi sat down and began to cut pies.

Because of the large number of people, the pie was also made relatively large. A circle of dead fish heads was very conspicuous, and the fish meat stuck in the cheese and other ingredients in the middle of the pie also seemed to be rolling and struggling inside.

"No, it's pretty standard."

"Stop comforting her, what is looking up at the starry sky?" Maoli Kogoro saw Chi Feichi's hands, he cut a piece with a knife and put it on the plate, and then cut a small piece to taste, "Fishy The smell is also very strong, and it blends with the flavors of other ingredients, and it feels weird..."

Conan and Haibara took a sip and found that Kogoro Mori was not talking nonsense this time.

In the past, the fish cooked by Chi Feichi would use spices or cooking wine to remove the fishy smell, so as to retain the taste of the fish with little fishy smell, and even the fish dishes that retain the original taste still have more umami.

The pie in front of me is not hard to swallow, but it is not delicious either. It is far from what I imagined.

Chi Feichi also took a sip, "British food is like this. Sometimes the appearance makes people feel complicated, and the taste also makes people feel complicated."

"It's British food..." Mori Kogoro didn't find it strange in an instant. He remembered that Chi Feichi complained about the bad taste of British food. When he thought about it, he immediately felt that the pie in front of him was not very bad. It's much better!"

Mao Lilan took a sip by herself, and fell into a complicated mood, and she was in no mood to care about what Kogoro Moori said, "Brother Feichi, can Mrs. Kanai know how to cook?"

She suspected that Chi Feichi lived in such complicated moods every day in his childhood.

"Yes, she used to cook it at home," Chi Feichi took another bite, "but she thinks British food is ugly, so she has always learned the food from other countries."

Conan laughed dryly in his heart, this is also very British.

Hui Yuanai also ate the pie silently, falling into endless complicated moods, "We played the cocoon game before, the breakfast we had at Professor Moriarty's tasted much better than this, did it beautify the taste, or did it simplify the ingredients? British cuisine has changed too much?"

"The latter, in fact, the breakfast in England is not bad." Chi Feichi said.

"Cocoon game?" Mao Lilan was a little envious, "did you have breakfast with Professor Moriarty at that time? Although the time flowed fast in the game, we didn't feel hungry, but we kept chasing Jack the Ripper... and Although Shinichi admires Sherlock Holmes, he should also want to chat and have a meal with Professor Moriarty, if he knows, he will be very envious!"

Conan Half Moon Eyes: "..."

He's already getting jealous.

A group of people ate slowly, much slower than before.

Looking up to the starry sky pie has a strong fishy smell. At the beginning, I just had a complicated mood when I ate it, but it was a bit hard to swallow after eating.

To Chi Feichi's relief, it was correct to reduce the amount of beef Mao Lilan bought. Everyone probably considered that there was no other food to eat and their stomachs were not full, so the Starry Sky Pie was still eaten.

Although, in the past, a group of people who looked satisfied after eating, turned into a daze with complicated and melancholy expressions...

Mori Kogoro was stunned for a while, then heaved a long sigh, and said to Chi Feichi who was cleaning the table, "Feichi, don't do this from now on."

Hui Yuanai packed up the knife and fork, "Have you finished the recipe of Chinese cuisine? It doesn't matter if you eat repeated dishes, they are all delicious."

"No, I'm just more interested in British food all of a sudden." Chi Feichi picked up a stack of empty plates, looked at the faces of the others, and then turned to the kitchen with the plates, "Are you feeling unwell?"

Looking up to the stars can't be really poisonous, can it?

"No, it's not that I'm not feeling well," Mao Lilan followed with a stack of dishes, smiling reluctantly, "It's just...a little..."

"It's because I feel a little uncomfortable," Conan jumped off the sofa, ran to the table to help clean up the tableware, and complained, "Enjoying delicious food is a very happy thing, probably because expectations are too high, this time I didn't eat it I can’t be happier with the delicious food that I can enjoy.”

"Brother Feichi, just put the empty dishes over there. I'll wash them." Mao Lilan rolled up her sleeves and drained the water. "By the way, do you and Xiao Ai want to spend the night at the detective agency? Yes, it's because Xiao Ai I just saw the ghost image late, I think it’s better for you not to go back for the time being...Xiao Ai will sleep with me tonight, and when I go to school with Conan tomorrow morning, there is still time to stop by Dr. Ali to get my schoolbag..."

Conan: "..."

Is it because Xiaolan is afraid that she will wake up in the middle of the night and see a ghost standing by the bed?

"I have no objection, it's good to stay for one night, so as not to run back in the middle of the night, just call and talk to the doctor later." Hui Yuanai took the knife and fork into the kitchen, put it in the sink, and looked at Chi Feichi , "What about you? Brother Feichi, do you want to stay?"

"Okay," Chi Feichi agreed, considering that he has nothing to do in the last two days, and it is convenient to observe whether other people have diarrhea here, "Tomorrow morning I will make breakfast for you and take lunch to school."

Conan was vigilant, pretended to be a child, and said cutely to Chi Feichi, "Then I don't want to eat British food, I want delicious Chinese food!"

If Chi Feichi doesn't agree, he'll just roll around!

The recipe began to flash in Chi Feichi's mind, "Then eat soup dumplings or boil wontons..."

Conan: "Soup dumplings!"

Hui Yuanai: "Cook wontons."

Chi Feichi nodded, and locked the recipe in his mind, "Then eat corn and shrimp porridge and potato shredded pancakes."

Mao Lilan, Conan, and Huiyuan Ai's minds were stuck, and their minds were full of question marks.


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