Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 983 Just to experiment with them?

Chi Feichi went to bed very early and woke up very early. It was not yet dawn. Considering that there were no tall buildings for him to practice jumping, he washed up, soaked the porridge rice, and took Feichi for a run to Mihua Town. Morning exercise in the park.

Before dawn, there were almost no people on the street, but when Chi Feichi returned from his morning exercise, there were also many people who got up for morning exercise.

"Good morning!"

"good morning everyone!"

"You should be more energetic today!"

A young man ran along the road to greet passers-by, caught up with Chi Feichi, and greeted him warmly, "Good morning! I haven't seen you before, did you just move here?"

Chi Feichi hesitated for a moment and slowed down.

He has been exercising in Kubado for so long, and no one would greet strangers so warmly. Could it be that the people in Mihua Town are more enthusiastic?

Seeing a sunny and enthusiastic smiling face in the morning makes people lose their temper.

"I'm temporarily staying at my teacher's house."

"So that's the case, so let's be happy today! I have to go to work, so let's not talk about it, see you another day!" The man said enthusiastically, hurried forward, and waved to the others, "Good morning! ...and good morning today too!"

"Good morning, Doctor Owada!"

"Doctor Owada, you are still so energetic this morning!"

The morning exercisers, men, women and children greeted each other with a smile.

Chi Feichi also quickened his pace, and ran back to the Maori Detective Agency. First, he cooked the porridge, and then made three lunch boxes that the school party would bring to school.

As soon as Conan woke up, he could smell the aroma of the food. He was refreshed immediately. He ran to the kitchen and found that the ingredients Chi Feichi had prepared looked normal. He suddenly felt better, "Morning, brother Chi..."

He was really worried that Chi Feichi would never return on the way to the dark cuisine, that would be such a pity.

"Brother Feichi, morning!"

"Brother Feichi, early..."

Mao Lilan and Hui Yuanai also ran to the kitchen.

Chi Feichi spread three pieces of seaweed on the cutting board, and without looking up, he took a small knife from the knife rack, "Go wash up, and then have breakfast."


The three went to wash up in a good mood.

Chi Feichi quickly turned the seaweed into the image of a tiger's head, put the omelet rice into the lunch box, and pasted the seaweed slices on it.

The black seaweed pieces became the black stripes on the tiger's head, and the hollowed out place just exposed the omelet rice pancake. The overall look is a black and yellow, majestic and realistic tiger's head.

After the three of Mao Lilan finished washing and went to the kitchen, Chi Feichi also made the potato shredded pancakes, and turned off the porridge cooker.

Mao Lilan took the lid of the bento box and was about to close the bento. When she saw the tiger head, she was stunned for a moment, and approached in amazement, "Okay, it's amazing, is it made of seaweed pieces..."

Conan danced and danced beside him, but he couldn't see it, "Sister Xiaolan, I want to see it!"

Hui Yuanai silently responded with a scrutinizing gaze. The famous detective's thinking is very young, and he is actually addicted to cuteness.

"Okay, this is Conan's." Mao Lilan was not in a hurry to cover the lid, and bent over to share the lunch, "This is Xiaoai's, this is the lid..."

Hui Yuanai took the lunch box, looked at the lifelike tiger head in the box, and was taken aback for a moment.

It's really amazing, and she thinks it's too wasteful to use this skill to make their lunch boxes.

The three admired it for a long time before they reluctantly covered the bento. Mao Lilan helped to serve the porridge, and Hui Yuanai and Conan went out with potato shredded cakes.

Chi Feichi suddenly freed his hands, thinking that Kuroba Kaito should also get up and get ready to go to school, so he took out his mobile phone to make a call.

It didn't take long for the phone to connect.

"Hey, where is it..."


"Brother Feichi..." On the other side of the phone, Kaito Kuroba obviously yawned, and said slowly, "Is there something wrong? Do you want me to ask for leave?"

Chi Feichi saw through that Kuroba Kaito was just fine and wanted to find a reason to skip class, "It's fine, I just want to tell you that your diarrhea shouldn't be the reason for the Stargazing School..."

At the kitchen door, Mao Lilan, Conan, and Huiyuan Ai, who were about to go out with porridge and potato shredded pancakes, froze.

Heiyu Kaito was also stunned for a moment, he almost forgot about it, how could Brother Feichi still remember, "Yes, is it? How do you know..."

"Other people have tried it, and everyone is fine." Chi Feichi said.

Mao Lilan: "..."

In other words, Brother Feichi taught her how to do star-gazing pie last night...

Haibara Ai:"……"

Is it to experiment with them?

Conan: "..."

This guy...he seems to understand why Chi Feichi stayed here last night without even thinking about it, just for the convenience of observing their group of little white mice!

"Ah...Anyway, I won't eat fish again in the future, absolutely not! Okay, I'm going to have breakfast, where are you?"

"I'm just about to have breakfast, let's talk about it later."

Chi Feichi hung up the phone, and said to the three people who looked back at him with resentful eyes, "Go and have breakfast."

The three of Mao Lilan: "..."

It's this kind of attitude of "so what if you know, I didn't intend to hide it from you, and I don't feel guilty" attitude... It's very annoying.

After eating breakfast, the three of them were in a better mood. They opened the tiger head bento to have a look. Their mood improved and they decided to forgive Chi Feichi for the sake of the food.

"Then I'll send Xiao Ai and Conan to the doctor's house first. After Xiao Ai has taken the schoolbag, we'll drop by to school. Brother Fei Chi, just put Dad's breakfast in the microwave to keep it warm. If you and Dad are too lazy to cook at noon , just go downstairs to Polo Café to have a casual meal... I must show the bento at noon," Mao Lilan put the bento box into the schoolbag with a smile, picked up the schoolbag, and took Conan and Hui Yuanai out, "Then Let's go to school!"

Chi Fei stayed on the third floor, prepared Kogoro Mori's breakfast and put it in the microwave, took out his mobile phone and watched the surveillance video of the mice in the laboratory, and sent an email to Yan Nan Takatori to help add feed.

After Mori Kogoro got up and had breakfast, the two arrived at the office on the second floor.

Mori Kogoro went downstairs to get the newspaper, and went to the refrigerator to get a can of beer. Seeing Chi Feichi staring at the beer in his hand, he coughed dryly, "I don't think there will be any commissions today, just relax..."

"Jingle Bell--!"

The phone on the desk rang.

Mori Kogoro was silent for a while, put the beer on the table, and answered the phone, "I think it's probably a wrong number...Xiao, Xiaolan?...Is that so, where are you now?...Okay, I Got it, I'll be there right away, remember to call the school to ask for leave..."


Sachiko Nishimura is dead.

Downstairs of the apartment, the police have blocked the entrance and exit of the building.

Mao Lilan, Conan, and Hui Yuanai had already given up on going to school, and stood downstairs waiting for Mori Kogoro and Chi Feichi.

A person who was fine yesterday, greeted them gently, and went home full of expectations to go on a date with her boyfriend, but this morning on the way to school, they heard the crowd saying that the person had died, which made them feel somewhat heavy.

Mao Lilan couldn't let it go, and originally proposed to let the two children go to school first, but Conan saw the case and didn't want to leave unless he understood it.

Hui Yuanai also asked Dr. Ali to find a reason to call the school and skip class.

Although it was unscientific, she always felt that if Miss Nishimura hadn't met Brother Edogawa and Brother Feichi yesterday, maybe it would have been better...

Kogoro Mori contacted Mumu Shisan on the way here, heard Mumu Shisan said that it was Takagi Shepherd who appeared on the scene, contacted Takagi Shear again, and when he arrived, he took a group of people upstairs directly.

Gao Mushe opened the door when he heard the knock on the door, "I don't need to ask Mr. Mori for this matter, do I?"

Mori Kogoro entered the door with a serious face, "The deceased once helped the little girl, I want to know about the situation."

Gao Mushe and Mao Lilan nodded and greeted each other, then turned around and took a group of people to the restaurant, "According to Miss Nishimura's colleagues, they found that she was absent from work without asking for leave. The skull was dented, and the murder weapon was a copper ornament placed in her room. The estimated time of death was between 7:00 and 8:30 last night."

Chi Feichi scanned the room.

The body of Nishimura Sachiko has been taken away by the police, but judging from the evidence collection marks left by the police on the ground, the person should have fallen at the door of the restaurant, and the murder weapon fell next to the body.

In the restaurant, there were two servings of red wine and food on the long table, and there was an ashtray on one side, but the ashtray was clean, and the food and wine on the other side had not been eaten.

"It's time for dinner." Mori Kogoro murmured.

Conan looked at the table, raised his head and asked Mao Lilan, "Sister Xiaolan, does Sister Sachiko usually smoke cigarettes?"

Mao Lilan was still in a low mood, she shook her head, but didn't make a sound.

"Then she must be sitting here," Conan judged, "and the customer who can smoke is sitting over there."

"We have confirmed that the person who came here last night was equivalent to her boyfriend, because around 7:30, the voice of Miss Nishimura talking to this visitor happened to be heard by the lady who lived next door. Miss Nishimura seemed to be Tell the other party that the other party will take her with her next time, and that the beautiful scenery cannot be enjoyed by the other party alone, and then they say that the meat seems to be over-grilled. These are some very ordinary conversations. The lady who lives next door does not want to disturb Ms. Nishimura was dating her boyfriend and left soon." She said, walking to the dining table, "The visitor seems to be very interested in mountain climbing, and he left the photo and pressed it under the ashtray. The colleagues in the class have already taken the photos away as evidence."

"Then it should be her boyfriend who killed someone?" Maori Kogoro said.

Mao Lilan was taken aback, "How to say?"

Mori Kogoro stroked his chin, thinking, "If the criminals broke in and killed Ms. Sachiko while they were eating, how could her boyfriend disappear suddenly? They didn't even call the police." , Isn’t it strange to just leave like this?”

Conan looked at the desktop and thought, it was indeed suspicious...

Gao Mushe's cell phone rang, he answered the phone, said a few words to the other side, and hung up the phone before he said to the group of Mori Kogoro and Chi Feichi, "The forensic personnel called and said that copper decorations, photos, even On the wine glass, only Miss Nishimura's fingerprints were found, no other people's fingerprints, not even traces of wiping."

Conan thought about it, and raised his head to communicate with Chi Feichi, when he suddenly found that Chi Feichi had disappeared without a trace.

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