Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 984 The Man That Doesn't Exist

Chi Fei was late at the entrance outside and opened the shoe cabinet.

He found it strange that the scene was cleaned too cleanly.

The chair on Nishimura Sachiko's side still showed signs of being pulled back, but the other side did not. That is to say, the other side returned the chair after committing the crime.

Moreover, there were no traces of my stay on the ground or the chair surface...

Only those who have received professional training and have to wear gloves and hats to come, and clean up the scene afterward, can leave no personal traces at all, which can compete with the organized house search operations.

And this person has obsessive-compulsive disorder, so he must pull up the chair.

It's just that the boyfriend came here for a date dressed like this, and didn't touch any food. Isn't it strange for Sachiko Nishimura?

There was no trace of struggle at the scene, which shows that Sachiko Nishimura was not prepared at all.

It is not ruled out that Nishimura Sachiko knows that her boyfriend is engaged in a special job, or that the other party falsely claims that she has a disease and cannot blow hair.

But there are no traces of wiping...

Even if the other party wears gloves, as long as the gloves touch the surface of those things, they may wipe off the fingerprints left by Sachiko Nishimura and leave traces of wiping, even if there is no trace of wiping, he can't do it.

In this world, probably only Xiaomei's soul body can "take things and smash people to death without leaving traces of contact", and because of this, he suspects that Sachiko Nishimura's boyfriend does not exist at all.

This is also very easy to verify, see the shoe cabinet.

Japan has the habit of changing slippers when entering the house as a guest. Unless you force your way in, you will change your shoes.

The shoe cabinet at the entrance often hides many clues.

Hui Yuanai followed Chi Feichi to the entrance and watched Chi Feichi open the shoe cabinet. After seeing the situation in the shoe cabinet, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment. He squatted down and watched Chi Feichi put on his gloves and check the slippers one by one. .

The slippers in the shoe cabinet are all in the same style, with a complete range of sizes and sizes. There are small sizes for children, medium sizes for women, and larger slippers for male guests or For female guests with relatively large feet, there is more than one pair of each size.

This is very common in Japan. Disposable slippers are uncomfortable, and it would be neglectful to provide them to guests. It is too extravagant to throw away slippers once they are worn. Therefore, many slippers are prepared at home. The style is unisex, and because the slippers are bigger and smaller It doesn't matter at all, just prepare slippers that ordinary children, men, and women can wear.

As for the slippers, because of the material used, after a long time of use, the place where the shoes and the soles of the feet come into contact will sag. However, there are only two pairs of slippers in the shoe cabinet with signs of frequent use and cleaning, and the others are very new.

Chi Feichi put on gloves and took out all the slippers to look at them, "There is no trace of men's slippers being used, not even a single pair, and the same goes for children's slippers. Among the women's slippers, three pairs are frequently used, and two of them are the most used. , the other pair is less, but it seems that the three pairs have been used for more than two months."

"Could it be the same as you, cleaning up the slippers every once in a while?" Hui Yuanai guessed, "It's just that she only cleans up the slippers used by the guests, and keeps the slippers that she usually wears and has already worn. accustomed."

She suspected that Chi Feichi had obsessive-compulsive disorder.

The house is often cleaned up, even the crevices must be thoroughly cleaned, the garbage bags in the trash can are never full, and when I have time, I pack them up and go downstairs to throw them away. Even the slippers have to be completely changed every once in a while. Including Chi Feichi's own slippers, which are often replaced with new ones.

Chi Feichi had just picked up the slippers she was wearing that day, and Chi Feichi had thrown them away long ago. After that, every once in a while, she would find that the slippers that felt good last time were gone and replaced by a shoe cabinet. new.

Although the styles are the same, there is nothing wrong with wearing new ones, but every time I can't find the slippers I wore last time, I still have a strange feeling.

Especially the slippers she wore when she went to Chi Feichi's house for the first time, such commemorative slippers had been lost by Chi Feichi a long time ago, which made her somewhat depressed...

Wait, isn't Brother Feichi trying to prevent someone from inferring the number of visitors to his house from the frequency of using the slippers?

But it's not right either.

Who would secretly go to Chi Feichi's house to look at the slippers?

Even if someone is secretly investigating Chi Feichi, every time they go there, they go there openly. If they want to know about the visitors and living habits of Chi Feichi's home, they just need to stay on the spot for a while or ask people in nearby shops, which is better than sneaking into that place. In an apartment building with strict security, it is much more convenient and simpler to go into Chi Feichi's house to check the shoe cabinet.

Anyway, Brother Feichi either has obsessive-compulsive disorder and doesn't like to see slippers that have been used for too long, or has persecution delusions, always suspecting that someone is trying to harm him...

Chi Feichi didn't know that Hui Yuan Ai's thoughts were drifting so far, so he took out a pair of commonly used slippers and a pair of large-sized slippers that had no traces of use, and turned them to the side, so that Hui Yuan Ai could clearly see the inconspicuous combination of letters and numbers on the side of the bottom of the slippers , "Except for the children's slippers, the first four digits of the factory-made slippers are the same for adult slippers."

Japan sells 'hospitality slippers bag' in packages, that is, there are large, medium and small sizes of the same style, so that customers don't need to waste time to choose repeatedly when buying hospitality slippers.

And this kind of 'slipper bag', most of them have been installed at the factory, except for children's item numbers will be different, adult slippers will be packaged in the order of shipment.

Due to the different sizes, the numbers of slippers of different sizes cannot be arranged in complete order, but the six-digit article number, English and the first four digits are exactly the same, which also shows that it is the same batch of goods, probably the same 'Slipper bag'.

"Brother Chi, Huiyuan, what are you doing here?" Conan also found the entrance, saw Chi Feichi squatting in front of the shoe cabinet, and Huiyuan Ai was watching from the side. He looked into the shoe cabinet and was also stunned. "These slippers..."

"Slippers with the same batch number, even if they are not bought on the same day, the time interval between purchases will not be too different," Hui Yuanai helped explain the situation, "but women's slippers have been used frequently for more than two months, and larger men's slippers There are no traces of use on the children's slippers, that's what Brother Feichi said after observing."

Conan frowned, seeing the glove on Huiyuan Ai's hand, he stretched out his hand decisively, "Huihara, give me the gloves."

The detectives put on their gloves, turned over the slippers again, and confirmed that Chi Feichi's judgment was correct.

"If the murderer didn't take away the slippers he used after committing the crime, it means that there have been no male visitors here for three months," Conan got up after checking, looked at the location of the restaurant, and said the result seriously, "although The slipper and the last two item numbers are irregular, so it is impossible to tell whether any slipper has been discarded, but combined with the fact that her boyfriend did not leave any traces, not even traces of wiping fingerprints, it is possible that it was from Miss Nishimura's mouth Boyfriends do not exist at all, and some women who live alone will indeed create the illusion that there are men living with them at home, or that men often visit at home..."

"But is it necessary to buy such expensive beef and red wine to create a false impression?" Hui Yuanai asked, "And she seemed really looking forward to last night and was very happy."

Conan was silent, frowning in thought.

That's right, if it is to create false appearances, there is no need to spend so much money...

Chi Feichi thought about it for a while, and couldn't remember what happened this time. It probably wasn't a complicated case, but he seemed to have seen this kind of behavior somewhere...


"Nostalgia?" Conan raised his head to look at Chi Feichi, vaguely feeling the clue.

"The owner of the butcher shop said yesterday that the 25th of every month seems to be the day when Ms. Nishimura and her boyfriend meet," Chi Feichi said. On a certain anniversary of a boyfriend who has passed away, I met a woman before, and she kept saying that she had a boyfriend, and I would help her boyfriend hold a birthday party every year, but her boyfriend had actually died several years ago .”

"In this way, that person didn't leave a trace, but Miss Nishimura was really happy and looking forward to it, so it can be explained. It was a boyfriend who used to exist but no longer exists, and she still deceived herself. There was a well-prepared date on the 25th of the month, and the photos on the table were probably left by the man before," Hui Yuanai took over the words, "If this is the case, I hope that the man is dead, Instead of leaving her and leaving."

Conan Banyueyan, "Hey, hey...there is still a chance to get back together if you leave, but there is really no hope if you die. No matter how you look at it, it's better to leave, right?"

Hui Yuanai nodded indifferently, "That's right, then treat it as if I didn't think carefully, and add one more thing, if that man has no possibility of coming back, then it's better to die."

Conan: "..."

"Takagi!" Chiba Kazunobu walked into the door quickly and walked towards the restaurant, "I have confirmed this with her friends. She and this boyfriend seem to have been dating half a year ago, but her boyfriend may be too old. Busy, it seems that only the 25th of every month can come here to see Ms. Nishimura, so from the first to the 25th of every month, Ms. Nishimura will look very happy from early in the morning, but what is her boyfriend like? What her surname is, her colleagues don't know."

"So, the clues are zero at all." Gao Mushe had a headache.

Chiba Kazunobu continued, "I asked a nearby lady who was a good friend with her when she was studying, but I didn't find any clues. Even the lady who made friends with her recently didn't know anything about it. ..."

"Then do you want to ask again?" Conan followed to the door of the restaurant, pretending to be innocent, and his childish voice was cute, "Go and ask Miss Nishimura if she had a boyfriend before!"

"The former boyfriend?" Takagi She was puzzled.


Conan turned his head and found that Chi Feichi and Hui Yuanai had already gone outside to wait, and he had to take over the job of explaining alone, "Brother Chi found that the men's slippers in this house have no traces of being used..."

After listening to Conan's explanation, Takagi asked the other policemen who searched the house to put the slippers into evidence bags, and then led a group of people to the house of Nishimura Sachiko's good friend with Chiba and Shinobu to inquire about the situation.

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