Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 985 Yes, who is the murderer?

"That's right, Sachiko used to have a boyfriend."

At the nearby Kawamura house, the hostess of the house stood at the door and nodded for confirmation, looking at Chiba Kazunobu, "Actually, I told that police officer before."

Qianye and Shenjian Mao Lilan turned to look at her, scratched their heads and said, "Ah, yes, so we want to find out more about her boyfriend, whether he broke up or..."

"His name is Hisami, and he is a mountain climbing enthusiast. Sachiko and her have been dating since they were in school," the woman recalled. "Five years ago, Hisami went climbing as usual, but the place he went that time An accident happened, and he has never been heard from since. The police organized a search and rescue, but they did not find his body, but judging from the situation at the time, Bian Jian may have died."

Takagi Wataru and Chiba Kazunobu looked at each other.

Mountaineering enthusiasts, the death, the photos on the table, and what the neighbors heard from Sachiko Nishimura last night, combined, it is possible that Sachiko Nishimura was really missing her boyfriend who died five years ago last night.

"When Sachiko left and Sachiko went to see him off, I followed him. Bianjian also said, let Sachiko rest assured that he will be back on the 25th. Sachiko also happily said that he would cook delicious food, etc. When he came back, he still laughed and joked, saying that he wanted the kind of thick steak," the woman sighed, "Who would have thought that after seeing this trip, they would never come back. It's a pity for the two of them. I always wanted to Sachiko came out, but I didn't expect this kind of thing to happen to her again."

"Then may I ask, did something happen on the 25th half a year ago?" Takagi asked seriously.

Now there is another question: Since Sachiko Nishimura's previous boyfriend died five years ago, why do colleagues in Nishimura say that her current boyfriend started dating half a year ago, and the monthly dating also started half a year ago?

Conan also looked at the hostess, thinking about various possibilities in his mind.

Half a year ago, that Mr. Bian Jian came back, and in order to cheat the insurance, did he hide that he was not dead?

No, if the person really came back, and Nishimura Sachiko was secretly meeting with Bimi, then there should be traces of a male guest in Nishimura's house...

"Half a year ago?" The woman thought back and shook her head, "I don't know either. Sachiko has been working hard these past few years, and we only get together when both parties are free. My husband is now married. Last year to the beginning of this year happened to be the time when I was expecting to give birth. My baby was born half a year ago. During this time, I have been taking care of the baby every day. I only met Sachiko once after the baby was born. We never saw each other again."

Takagi She nodded, "So that's the case..."

"Then where is Mr. Bian Jian's house?" Conan raised his head and asked, "Is there anyone else in his family?"

"His parents are at home, and their home is not very far from here..."

The woman turned her head to look in one direction, and told a group of people the location of Bianjian's house.

A group of people found Bian Jian's house again, but the father of Mr. Bian Jian was not there, only the old mother with white hair was at home.

Facing the old lady's invitation, a group of people did not enter the door, but stood at the door to understand the situation.

"The 25th half a year ago? It happened to be the day when my master paid his salary," the old woman said, with deep sadness in her eyes. "It was also the day when my child came back."

Takagi was surprised, "Hui, when will you come back?"

"Yes, there is a son in our family. He went out to climb a mountain five years ago. He encountered a mountain disaster and his body could not be found. Half a year ago, the police came to the house and said that someone found his backpack on that mountain. , there are things he brought with him, and a roll of negatives he took.” The old woman’s eyes were flushed, “That child, he likes to take a lot of landscape photos when climbing mountains and bring them back for us to see.”

Gao Mushe was silent for a while. Although he didn't want to expose the scars, but now he still needs to investigate the case, he immediately took out his mobile phone, found the preserved photos of those photos found on the table of Sachiko Nishimura's house, and handed them to the old woman, "Then Excuse me, are these photos?"

The old woman stared at the phone, nodded and said, "That's right, these are the photos. My son has a girlfriend who has been dating since he was in school. I think he must really want to give those photos to that girl named Sachiko." See, so I called Sachiko the other day and gave her the photo."

Conan bowed his head in thought. In this way, the photos on the table and the fact that Sachiko Nishimura's colleague said that she had a boyfriend half a year ago can all be explained.

"Excuse me..." The old woman hesitated, "The two police officers are here, is something wrong with Sachiko?"

"This..." Qianye Kazunobu hesitated, "Something happened, but it's not convenient to disclose it for the time being, so..."

The old woman nodded without asking any more questions.

After leaving the area around Hisami's house, Takagi Tsutomu, Chiba and Shinzai heaved a long sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, Mao Lilan sighed.

Before coming, she was still struggling.

If Chi Feichi is right, it means that Sachiko Nishimura has been busy with work these years and has no interest in dating boyfriends, just because she can't let go of her former boyfriends, and since half a year ago, the happiness every day of the month is just deceive yourself.

But if Chi Feichi is not right, it means that the person who killed Sachiko Nishimura was probably the boyfriend who made her so happy and looking forward to meeting her.

She really didn't know which answer to expect to be correct, and when she knew the answer, she was even more depressed.

Conan looked at Mao Lilan, diverted Mao Lilan's attention, and also reminded the two melancholy policemen, "Since Miss Sachiko didn't meet her boyfriend last night, who would kill her? "

Takagi She: "..."

That's right, who would be the one who killed Miss Nishimura?

Chiba Kazunobu: "..."

From this point of view, the police still need to re-investigate Ms. Nishimura's relationship, and the possibility of random killings is not ruled out...

Chi Feichi: "..."

Did he push the progress so fast that the suspect clues that should have been there have not yet emerged?

That can't be helped, he can't remember the case, and he's been bored recently, and wants to find something to refresh his brain, so...that's it.

Can the clue still appear?

"Could it be a frequent visitor to her house?" Hui Yuanai guessed, "There are three pairs of women's slippers that are often used at home, and two of them are used with similar frequency. When Miss Nishimura's body was found, she was at home, and her feet should be It is wearing a pair of slippers, that is to say, even if one of them is her changing slippers, there are still two female guests who are regulars in her house..."

"I know about this," Chiba and Shino took out his notepad, "The two women who often go to her home are both her colleagues, and they are also the ones who found out that she was absent without asking for leave, so they went to her home to check on the situation. As the first person to discover at the scene, I learned about their alibi at the time of the crime, because the time of the crime happened to be dinner time, and they were all having dinner with their families, so they all had alibi."

Takagi had a headache for a while, "Miss Nishimura's interpersonal relationship is very simple, she is usually very busy at work, and she rarely communicates with other people except her colleagues in the company, and no one said that she had an enemy with anyone, or that anyone was dissatisfied with her ..."

Mori Kogoro rubbed his chin, "There is no trace of rummaging in her home, so there shouldn't be any money lost, right? Then it wasn't that she was killed by a thief who broke into the empty door or was killed by a burglar..."

Chiba and Shin also had a headache, "There is no trace of being violated, and it probably wasn't a pervert who followed her home..."

"Acquaintances committed crimes." Chi Feichi said.

Conan, who was about to remind him just now, didn't make another sound, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

The little friend is also very motivated today, probably like Xiaolan, he feels that it is a pity what happened to Miss Sachiko Nishimura, and he is still holding his breath, and wants to help find the murderer.

Seeing other people looking at him, Chi Feichi explained, "Miss Xicun fell at the door, next to the cabinet where the phone was placed. It is not clear whether she wanted to make a phone call before she died, but there were no signs of struggle or resistance at the scene. , There is no trace of the door lock being picked, so the other party should not be a stranger, and Miss Nishimura opened the door for the other party, and she didn't think that the other party would kill or rob her."

Conan nodded.

That's right, judging from the situation at the scene, it was an acquaintance who committed the crime, which ruled out the possibility of the murderer killing people randomly.

Mao Lilan also understood, "That is to say, we still have to investigate the people Sachiko knows..."

Takagi called to report the situation, called Chiba and Shinobu, and went to the company to investigate the interpersonal relationship of Nishimura Sachiko and the alibi of Nishimura Sachiko's colleagues.

In this way, the police have a lot of things to do, so they can't take care of taking Mori Kogoro to understand the situation.

Mori Kogoro decided to take a group of big and small to go home, and call Takagi Tsubasa later in the evening to ask about the results of the investigation.

Conan silently recalled the investigation of the entire case, and found that there are really no other clues at present, so he can only go back and wait for the police's investigation results.

He rarely encountered this kind of case. So far, all the clues have been deciphered, but there is no clue about the prisoner, which makes him very uncomfortable...

Chi Feichi was also silent all the way.

Investigating interpersonal relationships, checking alibi, checking with monitoring, visiting and investigating without monitoring... These are all normal police case-handling procedures, and many cases have to be investigated in this way.

Mu Mushisan has other cases in his hands, and the biggest persons in charge of this case are Takagi She, Chiba and Shinobu. When they call to inquire at night, I'm afraid they haven't even checked the alibi of the colleagues in the Nishimura company. Tomorrow afternoon.

In other words, even if Conan wants to solve the case this time, he will have to wait at least two or three days to get a list of suspects, and then go to investigate the situation one by one to help catch the murderer...

Except for the theatrical version, there are very few cases that a famous detective can investigate for two or three days, but he has no impression of this case at all, which means that not only is it not a theatrical version, the modus operandi may not be new, and the murderer may not be too eye-catching. The more strange the case, the more difficult it is to solve the case quickly, and this plot may really be overwhelmed by his progress.

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