Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 986 The way to take the slant of the sword

Haibara Ai saw one big and one small contemplating, Mao Lilan bowed his head in silence, and Mori Kogoro also looked confused about the case, and didn't bother him. After waiting for a while, he saw Conan raised his hand and scratched his head fidgeting, and then said, " There is no rush now, the police will seize the time to investigate, even if there is no result today, there will be some clues tomorrow, we will call and ask after school, as long as we follow, we can always find the murderer, anyway we There's nothing else going on lately..."

Chi Feichi suddenly remembered something, and put away his thoughts of waiting to watch the excitement and silently observe Conan's rules of solving the case, and then he stopped and stopped.

Conan immediately raised his head and cast a focused gaze, the meaning in his eyes was clearly conveyed: Got a clue? What did you find? Speak quickly!

Mao Lilan didn't leave either, and turned to look at Chi Feichi with anticipation in her eyes: Is there something wrong? What did Brother Feichi discover? Quick, catch that nasty murderer!

Seeing other people looking at him, Chi Feichi explained, "I have something to do, I have an appointment with Officer Takagi tomorrow."

Conan: "..."

In this sudden shock, he thought that Chi Feichi had suddenly thought of something!

Haibara Ai:"……"

In the end, Brother Feichi thought of something, but it has nothing to do with the case? No, it can't be said that it doesn't matter at all...

Mao Lilan laughed dryly, "Officer Takagi is going to investigate this case now, so I probably won't be able to spare time tomorrow."

Conan turned curious, "Brother Chi, what are you and Officer Takagi going to do?"

It's impossible for two old men to go on a date, right?

"To see Miss Shimabukuro," Chi Feichi said with a calm face, "She killed more than one person and has been transferred to the felony prison in Tokyo. I asked Officer Takagi to help me find out, and I will go see her with me tomorrow. By the way, ask the prison guards to find out about her situation."

He can visit by himself, but it is difficult to learn more real and detailed information from the prison guards.

Of course, he can also use his identity as a consultant of the zero team to secretly understand, but for this kind of thing, there is no need to take advantage of his position. Originally, it was the best choice for Takagi to go with him...

Is he playing badly with the plot and burning the fire on himself?

Mao Lilan was taken aback, thinking of the witch in Mermaid Island who had a relationship with them, "Miss Junhui..."

Conan had mixed feelings in his heart. He hadn't paid attention to the situation of Shimabukuro Junhui. He just solved the case and it was over. He didn't expect Chi Feichi to pay attention to it. He fell silent for a while, looked up at Chi Feichi, his childish voice was cute, " It doesn't matter, when this case is resolved, let's go see Miss Jun Hui together!"

"I won't go with you," Chi Feichi didn't save face, "If you want to go, make an appointment for a visit."

Conan: "..."

He is kind, he expresses his disgust and rejection without hesitation, it is simply ruthless!

Seeing Conan's gloomy face, Mao Lilan smiled and comforted her, "Brother Feichi probably wants to meet Miss Junhui alone, so I will take Conan with Dad some other day."

"Miss Jun Hui?" Hui Yuanai was puzzled.

"It was a friend we knew before. She avenged her mother and killed three of her friends from childhood to adulthood. Brother Feichi went to find her alone and asked her to turn herself in. She put Brother Feichi to sleep. But it didn't hurt Brother Feichi." Mao Lilan explained simply, looking at Chi Feichi, "He is actually a very cute and good person, Brother Feichi, what is the result of Miss Junhui's sentence?"

"No period." Chi Feichi said.

The death penalty still exists in Japan. Killing three or more people is likely to be sentenced to death. However, the sentencing criteria of the death penalty include the motive, nature, cruelty of the murder, the emotions of the victim’s family, social influence, the age of the prisoner, Whether there is a criminal record, the performance after the crime and other factors.

Junhui Shimabukuro killed three people, but the motive was because those three people locked her mother in a warehouse and set fire to her alive. They had no criminal record and had little social influence. In addition, they did not say that Junhui Shimabukuro committed a crime. He was exposed and drugged, and the investigation results recorded that he surrendered himself. Afterwards, the victim's family also expressed their understanding, and the villagers on the island also said good things, so the death penalty cannot be sentenced.

Kogoro Mori walked to the street corner, turned around and found a group of people still standing behind chatting, and shouted speechlessly, "Hey, are you still planning to go home?"

"Father, you go back first!" Mao Lilan replied loudly, and looked at Chi Feichi again, "Brother Feichi, how about we go to Miss Sachiko's company to find Police Officer Takagi? If you go there, maybe you can find out What clues? And you can bring Conan with you, Conan can always find some clues that adults can't find..."

"Need not."

Chi Feichi looked up at the street where they were, which happened to be the street where they bought ingredients last night.

Ruin his schedule for tomorrow? That's not okay, he disagrees.

There is also a way to break the game-reverse push.

Looking at the previous situation, without his meddling, the police and Conan would not have suspected that 'Nishimura's boyfriend does not exist' for a while.

Then, Sachiko Nishimura's "boyfriend" will still be regarded as a suspect. I have asked colleagues, friends, and apartment residents, but no one has seen that man. How will the police investigate next?

Ask more people, ask more people about Sachiko Nishimura's boyfriend, and want to find someone who has met Sachiko Nishimura's boyfriend.

Including the shops on this street where Sachiko Nishimura often buys ingredients!

Conan turned his head to look around in doubt, "Brother Chi..."

"I heard from the owner of the butcher shop yesterday that Ms. Xicun should often come to this street to buy things, and her residence is not far from here," Chi Feichi looked at the rice noodle shop nearby, and said in a low voice, "Along the road Ask, tell them that the police are suspecting Miss Nishimura's boyfriend, and ask them if they've seen that man."

Conan was stunned for a moment, and after realizing it, he could only use one word to describe his whole mood - shit.

He understood, Chi Feichi was completely slanting his sword.

They knew what was going on with Sachiko Nishimura's boyfriend. In addition, the murderer who broke into Sachiko Nishimura's house at dinner time last night, who was an acquaintance of Sachiko Nishimura, should have discovered that Sachiko Nishimura hadn't dated her boyfriend at all.

The murderer will certainly not spread the word "she doesn't have a boyfriend", but as long as the murderer is told that "the police are suspecting Miss Nishimura's boyfriend", in order to cover up the fact that he committed the crime, the murderer may fabricate a lot about "that man" and mislead direction of the police investigation.

It is possible to get nothing if they continue to cheat like this, but they are just waiting for the results of the investigation, so why not try this method that has a high probability of finding the murderer first.

Even if the murderer is not found in the end, this incident can also be used to test the attitudes of Sachiko Nishimura's acquaintances, and maybe they will find some clues.

"Ah?" Mao Lilan didn't understand, "but Ms. Sachiko's..."

Conan raised his hand and tugged at the corner of Mao Lilan's clothes, and after Mao Lilan bent over to get closer, he whispered Chi Feichi's thoughts in a low voice.

"So that's how it is..." After listening to the explanation, Mao Lilan was also a little eager to try, and asked Chi Feichi curiously, "But, Brother Feichi, are you suspicious of the shopkeepers and salespersons on this street?"

"Not sure," Chi Feichi looked at Mao Lilan and said, "So let Officer Takagi also ask."

"I see," Mao Lilan nodded immediately, "I'll call Officer Takagi right away."

After Mao Lilan called, a group of people started asking questions from the nearby rice noodle shop.

"Miss Sachiko Nishimura?"

There is only a fat woman guarding the rice noodle shop.

"Yes," Mao Lilan nodded, and raised her mobile phone. On it was a photo of Sachiko Nishimura's entry file that Takagi had sent, "This is the lady."

The woman nodded immediately, "Ah... so it's Miss Nishimura, I've seen her before, she often comes to this street to buy things, and she also comes to my place to buy rice noodles, so I remember her."

Mao Lilan approached the woman with a serious face, and deliberately lowered her voice, "Miss Nishimura had an accident. Now the police suspect that it has something to do with her boyfriend. I wonder if you have seen her boyfriend?"

The woman hesitated and looked at a group of people, "You are..."

Mao Lilan's peasy eyes, "I, we..."

"It's the assistant of the detective Mori Kogoro's office," Chi Feichi handed a business card of Mori Kogoro to the woman, "This is the business card of the tutor, and the tutor is also concerned about this case, let's help him investigate Of course, it can be regarded as helping the police."

They have children with them, it is inconvenient to pretend to be a policeman, and they have no documents to show, so carry Moori Kogoro out.

His teacher is now well-known, and sometimes it is very useful.

The woman took the business card in surprise, and looked down, "So it's the famous Mr. Mori Kogoro!"

"Yes," Chi Feichi looked calm and serious, "If you encounter any trouble, you can also call for consultation, or go directly to the Maori Detective Agency."

Mao Lilan: "..."

Brother Feichi didn't forget to ask for a commission for the detective agency. Should she be speechless or moved.

Conan: "..."

Chi Feichi actually carried the business card of the Maori Detective Agency with him, he... had nothing to say.

Haibara Ai:"……"

If things go on like this, sooner or later, Uncle Maori will be able to live a life of 'every day has commissions to be busy'.

The woman put away her business card and looked forward to seeing Chi Feichi, "It's like suspecting that the neighbor next door said bad things about our family, can you trouble the Maori detective?"

Chi Feichi nodded, "No problem, you can go to the office another day and sign the entrustment contract after consultation."

"Has Auntie met Ms. Sachiko's boyfriend?" Conan couldn't help it, and asked a serious question, "Or do you know the man's last name? Where does he live?"

"I'm sorry, little brother," the woman bent down and said kindly to Conan, "Ms. Nishimura only comes to my place to buy things occasionally. I haven't met her boyfriend, let alone know her boyfriend's name."

"That's it," Conan raised his head, his childish voice was cute, "Then don't bother Auntie!"

The next store, the store where they bought beef last night.

This time it went much smoother. The shop owner knew that Mao Lilan and Nishimura Sachiko knew each other, so he told Mao Lilan without much hesitation.

"Miss Nishimura's boyfriend? As I said yesterday, I have never met her boyfriend. He must be very busy..."

The next one is the fruit shop opposite.

"Miss Nishimura?"

"Yes, that's the lady," Mao Lilan took out a photo on her mobile phone and showed it to the clerk, and then handed over the business card she borrowed from Chi Feichi, "We are the assistants of the famous detective Mori Kogoro, and he is very concerned about this matter. case, so let us help investigate."

"I have met this lady before," recalled the young female clerk, "but I have only been working here for less than two months, so I haven't talked to her, and I don't know about her boyfriend's situation."

Ask all the way to the shop where I bought drinks last night.

"Miss Nishimura's boyfriend?"

A tall young male clerk stood in front of the electric car at the door, arranging the goods.

"Yes, this is the lady," Mao Lilan continued to let the other party look at the photos on the phone, "Miss Nishimura's family has an accident, and her boyfriend is very suspicious. We are the assistants of the famous detective Mori Kogoro, Mr. Mori I am very concerned about this case and assisting the police in the investigation, so let us ask everyone if they have met her boyfriend, and if they know the name and address of the other party."

"Ah... so it's Ms. Nishimura, I know her," the male clerk temporarily stopped tallying, stood in front of the electric car, and thought back, "Ms. Nishimura's boyfriend is very mysterious, but I should have seen it yesterday. .”

Conan looked up and stared at: "..."

There is a situation!

Hui Yuanai looked up and stared at: "..."

Was it really scammed?

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