Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 989 Takagi She: I want to choose to make a transcript

"I don't know if it happened in July. You also know that the public security police have always been mysterious, and the matter about Kiichiro Numabuchi seems to have a high level of secrecy." The young prison guard stopped in front of a door, "I will accompany you guys." Go in, there will be guards on his side, but you should be careful, don't provoke him, that guy is very dangerous, he is like a wild beast when he goes crazy, his attack power and skill are very strong."

"Is he making trouble inside?" Chi Feichi asked.

"It's not Marsh's fault, it's..." The young prison guard hesitated, "It's because one of us provoked too much."

Chi Feichi understood, it was probably because some people thought they were Kamen Rider who beat monsters, and they couldn't understand the insane villains like Kiichiro Numabuchi, and wanted to teach Kiichiro Numabuchi a lesson on behalf of justice, but they got violent Numabuchi Kiichiro rubbed against the ground...

The first time he caught Kiichiro Numabuchi, he was indeed "taking advantage of the fire". At that time, Kiichiro Numabuchi was hungry for more than a day and was chained, otherwise he would have been under the hands of Kiichiro Numabuchi with his physical fitness at that time It's really hard to please.

Even so, Numabuchi Kiichiro tried to pounce on him several times like a mad dog, and even pretended to have no strength to lure him over.

If someone thinks that Kiichiro Numabuchi can be bullied with shackles on his hands and feet, it will definitely be miserable, and Kiichiro Numabuchi doesn’t care if he kills someone or not, it’s probably because other people reacted quickly, Control the situation.

The young prison guard didn't want to say more, so he pushed open the door and led the way in.

Kiichiro Numabuchi was already sitting behind the opposite glass window, and he was more surprised than Junhui Shimabukuro when he saw Chi Feichi, staring at Chi Feichi for a while.

At present, Chi Feichi is the first person other than the lawyer to visit him, and he may be the only one.

His childhood playmates have long been out of touch, and after he was wanted, people who were not so close before have long stayed away, for fear of getting involved with him, and those who were afraid of him would be even more so. too much.

So people other than lawyers would come to see him, and Chi Feichi would come to see him, which made him feel somewhat delicate.

Is he worried about the news that he betrayed his 'July identity'? That's not right, if you were worried about him being betrayed, you shouldn't have sent him to the Metropolitan Police Department in the first place, and you should have silenced him as soon as possible after seeing him, he didn't believe that bounty hunters would be good.

And if you're worried, the other party won't come here until now, it's time to come to find out the news...

Or is something wrong?

Numabuchi's skull-like face and gloomy gaze made Tsuru Takagi, who was sitting next to Chi Feichi, a little uncomfortable. He was very worried that Numabuchi Kiichiro would suddenly violently hurt others, and considered whether to terminate the visit early.

Although it can't hurt them, it can't cause trouble for the prison guards.

Chi Feichi and Numabuchi Kiichiro looked at each other in silence for a long time, feeling relatively speechless.

Just when Takagi Tsubasa couldn't hold on to the weird visiting atmosphere, Numabuchi Kiichiro said, "Why are you here?"

"I have nothing to do recently," Chi Feichi said the same as he said to Junhui Shimabukuro, "See if you need anything, and I will send you some if you can."

This is the truth.

He was really free recently, so he thought about visiting the criminals he was impressed with.

In fact, Kiichiro Numabuchi means more to him.

After all, this is his first bounty in this world, and everyone has connections with the organization, and he sold Kiichiro Numabuchi for money, and he didn't betray him. Since he is free, why don't you come and see it? .

Numabuchi Kiichiro grinned, and pulled out a somewhat ferocious and weird smile, "How are you doing recently?"

Once he was afraid of being treated as an experimental product and fled the organization, killing innocent people by mistake along the way, only then did he realize that he was so afraid of death.

But one day he suddenly discovered that he didn't seem to be so afraid of death.

Maybe it was just now, thinking that no one would come to see him, when he suddenly saw this young man who always liked to wear a black coat walk in, he suddenly became happy, it was a rare and long-lost thing, like getting something he loved when he was a child That pure joy.

Or maybe earlier, when he felt that the other party would not care about his life and death, but the other party bought him food, the feeling of being full was so blissful, and the sense of happiness made him stupid, or maybe it was because he became not afraid of death I thought that if this person wants to exchange money with him, he can exchange it. If he doesn't run away, it doesn't matter even if he is executed.

If July is in trouble, he will find a way to escape to help, it doesn't matter what he is busy with, life or death doesn't matter.

There was even a voice in my heart clamoring and looking forward to: ask him for help! Even if he dies, he still wants to die on something he likes. It would be a pity to die here, so ask him for help!

But here are the police, he can't say it clearly, otherwise it will add to the chaos.

This kind of emotion was reflected on his face, which was a weird smile that made Takagi Tsutomu feel uncomfortable.

"It's okay," Chi Feichi responded casually, and he didn't think about "seeking for Marsh for something." "It's still the same."

"Really?" Numabuchi Kiichiro was a little disappointed, and his smile subsided. Although it was wrong to think so, he still expected that Chi Feichi would encounter some trouble, "I'm probably much more relaxed than you, living here Eat and eat, don't worry about anything..."

Takagi She: "..."

This is very wrong.

Is it because the treatment in Japanese prisons is too good...

Numabuchi Kiichiro laughed again, the smile was still terrifying in Takagi Shinobu's eyes, "Hmph, of course no one will bully me!"

Chi Feichi had nothing to say, this Thaksin, ordinary people are not as crazy as Nuoyuan, and their skills and physical fitness are not as good as Nuoyuan, it is good if Nuoyuan doesn't bully others.

Numabuchi Kiichiro thought for a while, although people didn't ask him anything or ask him for help, but he didn't want to go back early, and it was a bit strange for people to sit and wait for time, so we had to force the topic, "Your sister is okay Bar?"

Takagi She: "..."

To be asked so grimly seemed like a threat.

It turns out that there is something even weirder than helping Mr. Chi to take notes, and that is to accompany Mr. Chi to visit the prison.

The rhythm of the last one was not normal, and this one felt even more abnormal to him. Is it these three people who are abnormal, or he is abnormal...


Chi Feichi: "Fortunately, go to school when it's time to go to school."

Kiichiro Numabuchi: "Where's that kid who caught fireflies in the forest?"

Chi Feichi: "It's the same."

Kiichiro Numabuchi: "Where's that unreliable policeman?"

Chi Feichi: "I don't know how the mountain village police officer is doing recently, but he certainly won't be troubled."

Numabuchi Kiichiro: "Oh...then the one who came with you today is..."

Chi Feichi was silent for a while, he didn't realize that there were so many problems with Nuoyuan, "He is Takagi, a police officer from the Metropolitan Police Department's Search Section 1, and a friend."

Numabuchi Kiichiro was also silent for a while, and finally couldn't help but said bluntly, "Did you come to visit the prison, or did I come to visit the prison? Don't you have anything to ask?"

Since I came to visit the prison, why don't I ask him a few questions? Isn't that the case for other people visiting the prison?

Chi Feichi's answer was also straightforward, "The prison guards have already mentioned your situation."

So he has nothing to ask.

Numabuchi Kiichiro choked, and suddenly felt that what Chi Feichi said made sense, and they couldn't talk about some secrets in front of so many people, so he nodded, "Then sit down for a while!"

Then, the two were silent again, Takagi She really wanted to give some advice, don't be like this, you can say something like 'reform inside yourself', 'renew your mind and start a new life'...

The young prison guard also found it very strange, and after being silent for a while, he began to chat with Gao Mushe in a low voice.

"Takagi, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Ah, yes, yes."

"You boy! Is it there or not?"

"Yes... she is also a policeman."

"Oh? Really? What department is she in?"

"Search a lesson..."

"Colleague, after you get married, one of you will apply for transfer?"

"Yes, yes, but marriage...hahaha..."

Gao Mushe embarrassedly scratched his head and smiled, and suddenly felt two strange eyes staring at him, one was strange and gloomy, with scrutiny, and the other was strangely calm, it seemed to be just looking at him, always looking at him, no other meaning.

Chi Feichi silently watched Gao Mushe smile like a fool.

Go ahead, sitting is boring anyway.

Numabuchi Kiichiro silently watched Takagi Tsuru's smile like a fool.

Why are the policemen around Qiyue so funny? Forget it, he looks familiar. Since he is a friend of Qiyue, then when he encounters this policeman in the future, he will give him a little face...

Takagi She: "..."

The smile gradually froze.

It was very difficult to visit the prison with Mr. Chi, so he chose to take the record next time.

The young prison guard had never experienced Takagi Tsutomu's departure from the women's felony prison, so he couldn't understand Takagi Tsuru's complicated mood. Seeing Numabuchi Kiichiro looking at them, he even talked to Numabuchi Kiichiro, "Numabuchi, someone came to see you, Are you in a good mood?"

Kiichiro Numabuchi nodded, "It's not bad."


After more than twenty minutes, the visit that Takagi Shepherd felt weird ended.

Numabuchi Kiichiro got up, looked at Chi Feichi and asked, "Will you come in the future?"

"Not in the near future." Chi Feichi stood up, bowed his head and pulled the chair back, and said truthfully, "I have something to do in the near future, and you are at a high risk level, so there are not many opportunities to visit."

Numabuchi Kiichiro nodded, turned around and left with the prison guard, "That's it, then I know..."

Gao Mushe bid farewell to the prison guards and classmates, and after getting out of the prison and getting on the bus, he breathed a sigh of relief, "Mr. Chi, is there nothing else?"

"No more," Chi Feichi took out his phone to check the time before driving away from the spot, "I'm sorry to trouble you today, do you want to have dinner together?"

"Ah? But I have something to do tomorrow..." Gao Mushe hesitated for a moment, then smiled again, "Another day! And Mr. Chi has also helped us a lot with the police, I just accompany you here today..."

After Chi Feichi sent Gao Mushe home, he drove back to his home. After going upstairs, he carried the household medicine box to the living room, flipping through the medical bandages...

"Master, I'm here to help!" Xiaomei floated out, and helped find the iodine and alcohol neatly.

"Help me find surgical scissors and tweezers." Chi Feichi took the alcohol, got up and found a tray from the drawer, and prepared to wash his hands and disinfect the utensils first.

Feichi took the time to crawl out, "Master, do you want to remove the stitches? There is still a little blood smell..."

"It can be removed," Chi Feichi took off his coat, rolled up his shirt sleeve, revealing a bandage wrapped around his left arm, "Besides, it's hot, so deal with it as soon as possible."

This is the last time he wanted to see his own bone cut.

If other people see it, they have to explain and appease, which is very troublesome, so during this period of time he is moving normally, anyway, it is normal to move his left hand less, he is not afraid of the pain from time to time, as long as he does not lift heavy objects Just make the wound burst.

The left hand moves normally, so the slow healing of the wound is inevitable, but fortunately, the body's recovery ability is not bad. Yesterday he was too lazy to cook, and it was also because the sutures of the healed wound on his left arm felt pulled and felt uncomfortable.

The original date has already arrived in October, and he thought that if the time jumps in the future, it will only jump to winter, but he did not expect to suddenly jump to summer at the end of July.

The weather is too hot. If you remove the thread as soon as possible and wrap the gauze thinner, you will feel refreshed psychologically.

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