Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 990 Leap of Faith

With Xiaomei's help, Feichi didn't need to use his tail to help pass things, and lay on the side to watch Chi Feichi take out the stitches.

Disinfecting hands, disinfecting instruments, cleaning the wound with iodine, and then Xiaomei lifted the end of the thread with tweezers, and Chi Feichi cut the suture with surgical scissors...

After cleaning the wound again, Chi Feichi took a look at the wound. The bandage was wrapped around his arm twice and pasted with medical tape. Just as he was about to get up to clean up, Xiaomei quickly picked up the alcohol on the table and poured it into the tray.

"Master, I'm coming!"

Chi Feichi didn't refuse Xiaomei's help and went to the kitchen.

"Wait, master!" Xiaomei quickly put away the sterilized instruments, rolled them together with iodine, alcohol and the remaining bandages into the medicine box and closed them, and floated to the kitchen like the wind, "I'll come, I'll come, you Just rest well, I can cook too!"

"Then trouble you." Chi Feichi turned around to the living room without arguing, put the medicine box back to its original position, went to the bathroom, took a bath with his left hand up, threw the dirty clothes into the washing machine, and cleaned the bathroom by the way. up.

In the kitchen, when Xiaomei heard the movement from the bathroom, her eyes suddenly turned bitter.

Look, the master is robbing her again...

After cleaning the bathroom, Chi Feichi returned to the living room. Seeing that the living room was spotless, he went to clean his room again.

Then go to the room where Huiyuan Ai lived when he stayed, it was horribly clean.

Go to Conan's room, it's also horribly clean.

Go to the room where Belmode stayed, the same...

Go to the room where Hiroki Sawada toys and Haibara Ai Hina dolls are piled up, even the wheels of the toy cars have been cleaned...

1103 next door... Forget it, there is no need to look at the next door, it is probably the same.

Chi Feichi silently changed the garbage bags and went downstairs to throw out the garbage.

"I can go downstairs to throw out the garbage now..." Xiaomei in the kitchen murmured quietly, seeing the pot that she didn't need to guard for a while, she suddenly became energetic, and cleaned up the kitchen like a storm.

Clean everything inside and outside the refrigerator, clean everything inside and outside the cupboard, even the top of the range hood!

In the living room, Feichi looked down at his own shadow vaguely reflected on the floor, crawled around lazily, thinking that he didn't take part in cleaning every time, he was a little embarrassed, and turned to the kitchen, "Xiaomei, do you need help?" ?”

Xiaomei floated in the sky to clean the bulbs of the chandelier, and said seriously, "No, don't take my job."

Feichi lay sideways by the kitchen door, "I want to work too..."

"Then you ask the master to go out to play." Xiaomei cleaned the chandelier, floated to the ground, squatted in front of Feichi with some distress, "If this continues, I will have to go to the upstairs neighbor to find housework to do."

"It's okay, I'm going to the amusement park with Xiao Ai tomorrow," Fei Chi said earnestly, "It must be dirty, and when the master comes back, you can help with the laundry."

"I feel like I can't grab it, and the owner just threw it into the washing machine..." Xiaomei pondered for a while, "You send a message to ask Feimo if their residence needs to be cleaned. By the way, there is Wuming there."

"Okay, then let me ask for you."

"Feichi is the best~!"

"It should be."

Chi Feichi came up after throwing away the trash, and saw Feimo coming.

"Fei Mo?"

"Master, I'll take Xiaomei to our residence to clean up." Feimo jumped to the doll wall and untied the black wool on the doll's body with his paws. "There are also two residences on Wuming's side that also need to be cleaned. Let's clean it." It's too much trouble to get up, Xiaomei will be much more convenient now."

Xiaomei's soul can't be too far away from the doll's body, so it can only go around in the apartment building at present. If you want to take Xiaomei away, you have to take the doll with you.

Chi Feichi took a plastic bag, untied Xiaomei's body and put it in, tied it tightly, and handed the bag to Feimo's paw, telling him, "Take care of Xiaomei, don't leave her alone. Lost, especially the head."

"Don't worry, Master!" Fei Mo grabbed the bag tightly.

"Master is so kind," Xiaomei's soul body followed Feimo, with a terrifying smile on her lips, "I cooked curry beef and rice, you can eat whatever you want, and I will clean up those residences as soon as possible. Wait for me to come back, hee hee..."

Chi Feichi: "..."

Laughing so badly... It's time for Xiaomei to go out for a walk, so as not to hold back problems at home.

"Feichi, let's go, I'll play with you another day!" Feimo turned his head and rattled at Feichi on the floor, grabbed the bag and flew to the balcony.

Feichi can't understand crow language, but it doesn't hinder communication, "Feimo, go slowly, come and take me to play some other day!"

Chi Fei entered the kitchen late, served the rice by himself, poured curry beef on it, and tasted it. The taste was actually not bad, a bit like a housewife who has been cooking for many years.

"Xiaomei has worked very hard. She should have been using my computer to read recipes during this time," Feichi crawled into the kitchen, "By the way, Master, Feimo and the others seem to have met someone they hate, and they have been watching them recently, but They are not wanted criminals, they said they will not bother the master, wait for them to monitor for a period of time, and then clean up that annoying ghost..."

Chi Feichi got up and went to the refrigerator, opened the refrigerator, and took out the glass bottle with tomato juice inside, "Is there any news from Hongzi? I have no blood here."

"Feimo didn't say that, I'll ask Miss Witch directly for you..." Feichi crawled outside, and after a while, shouted again in the living room, "Master, Miss Witch said she didn't have any blood there, after two weeks I'll get some fresh ones, and I'll send you some too, and, just now, your phone lit up, and it seems that there are new emails."

Chi Feichi put down his wine glass, went to the living room to get his phone, unlocked it, and saw that person's email, asking him to go to training ground 119 in a while, replied "Ok", continued to eat, drink...juice flavored Then he cleaned the tableware and packed the kitchen garbage bags before going out with the garbage bags and Feichi.

If he was on a mission, he might not be able to come back for a few days, and since Xiaomei was not around, the kitchen garbage would stink.

At the entrance of the alley near Laboratory No. 119, two crows stopped on the top of the wall. When they noticed a car parked at the entrance of the alley, they confirmed the license plate number of the black car and let out a lazy 'crack'.


When Chi Feichi heard this, he asked Feichi to hide it under his clothes, got out of the car and turned into the alley, opened the mailbox at the door, reached in and pressed the display panel, and the palm print unlocked it.

Enter the door, close the door, and open the door all the way to the basement.

In the circular space on the basement floor, the lights were already on.


A mechanical voice came from the loudspeaker, "Why did you jump off the building recently?"

Of course Chi Feichi wouldn't say something like 'you don't understand', and summed it up very earnestly and incisively——

"Leap of Faith."

It's a pity that the one didn't understand what a Leap of Faith is, and didn't intend to listen to his explanation, "Don't attack the core members without permission."

Chi Feichi: "..."

This logic is a bit strange.

He suspected that the one who jumped off the building regarded him as insane...

The mechanical voice continued, "Lum said that the intelligence personnel accidentally alarmed Shuichi Akai, and made the FBI group evacuate from their original stronghold and hide."

Chi Feichi frowned quickly.

What the one said he was asked to do was related to the FBI.

After Belmode's accident, Rum asked him for the FBI information he currently had. Of course, what he gave was the abridged information.

The one said, "Uncle and aunt can bear it, so we can't bear it anymore. We will fight against the group of people who entered the country illegally by the FBI, and target Akai Shuichi. If there is a chance to kill him, he must kill him. If there is no chance to kill him, he must find a way." Kill as much as possible.

Gin's action team will definitely participate, and even if the plan is necessary, he can transfer all the people from Stout to Japan.

He was idle during this time, just waiting to meet Akai Shuichi, but the intelligence personnel surprised him...

Fortunately, he knew that Shuichi Akai was not that easy to calculate. The organization wanted to find out his background quietly, and it was obviously impossible to carry out an extermination operation.

"Of course, all the clues have not been cut off. The female FBI you mentioned is still in the hospital, and Rum has been locking the whereabouts of two of them. It will be a matter of time before they find out their stronghold again," the mechanical voice continued. "Shuichi Akai is very cautious and sharp, don't shoot rashly if you don't have a chance to get a hit."

"I understand." Chi Feichi replied.

"If you want to have some fun during this period, you can contact Gin Jiu. There are some people in his place that need to be cleaned up, and they should be cleaned up so that no traces are left. As for Akai Shuichi, there will probably be clues in a short time. "

After the mechanical sound finished, the lights in the circular space also went out.

While walking to the bathroom, Chi Feichi took out his mobile phone and sent an email to Gin Jiu.

[Clean up action, share it. ——Raki】

In less than half a minute, the reply came:

【Where are you? ——Gin]

[No. 119. ——Raki】

[I'll pick you up, 20 minutes. ——Gin]

【Ok. ——Raki】

After replying, Chi Feichi went to the bathroom to wash his hands, took out a dice, threw three points casually, and began to put disguise on his face.

Feichi took the opportunity to drag Kendama out, and played 'dongdongdong' for a while.

After Chi Feichi put on the three layers of disguise face, the phone also started to vibrate.


Gin: "I'm here..."

Hang up in seconds.

Gin: "..."

Chi Feichi put away his mobile phone, took Feichi with him and went out.

At the entrance of the alley, the black Porsche 356A turned off and parked on the side of the road. The gin and vodka lung cancer duo was still smoking in the car, with white smoke floating out of the car windows halfway down.

Chi Feichi stepped forward with Lak's blond, blue-eyed disguised face, and got into the back seat of the car.

As soon as the car door was closed, Feichi immediately climbed out, looked ahead, and said hello.

"haven't seen you for a long time!"

"Feichi, long time no see!" Vodka immediately greeted, and like Feimo, he had reached the level of cross-lingual blind chat with Feichi.

"It didn't take long," Gin drove away with a cigarette in his mouth. "We went to Diwujin River. There's nothing to do recently. It's just some people who haven't cleaned up yet. Let's clean up when they have free hands."

"Is there anything difficult?" Chi Feichi saw the two smoking, but couldn't help but took out a cigarette.

These two scourges...

"Hmph..." Gin Jiu sneered, showing his white teeth biting a cigarette while speaking in a low voice, "Of course, Tumen Kanghui, one of the candidates for the House of Representatives, is known as the best candidate for the future prime minister. That guy is now By using extreme speeches about fighting crime, he has gained a lot of support, but his leadership is definitely not good for us. That guy is not just talking, even if he is elected to the House of Representatives, he will promote and support some strict resolutions. Harsh policy..."

Vodka was puzzled, "But brother, the information over there hasn't been confirmed yet. We haven't found a chance to kill him yet, have we?"

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