Conan: I Am Not a Snake Spirit

Chapter 991 Clean up the list

"Yeah," Gin said with a hint of teasing in his tone, "but if it's difficult, it's probably that guy and the flight lieutenant from the Self-Defense Force."

Chi Feichi didn't answer Qin Jiu's teasing, "Give someone who has a chance to make a phone call recently. If not, I can read the information and try to find an opportunity to make a move."

Qin Jiu didn't expect that Chi Feichi really planned to try it, and said in a low voice, "The security force around that guy from Tumen is not weak, and no matter whether he succeeds or fails, once he makes a move, there will be many people who will pay attention. What's wrong, regarding that guy's actions, that one has no intention of arranging you to get close..."

As he said that, Gin slowed down the speed of the car, freed his hand to pick up the tablet at hand, and handed it to the rear with his backhand.

"If you are bored, just pick two yourself, the password is 134213479636..."

Chi Feichi took the tablet, turned on the screen, and entered the password. There was a cleaning list on the page, and there were six in total.

It's not bad that there are six people with perfect intelligence and who can act in the near future.

After all, these six people have been investigated to the bottom of the sky. Apart from whether they have a secret refuge or not, the addresses of their close friends have all been found out. These investigations will also take a lot of time and thought.

Peripheral members with a tendency to rebel...

A fringe figure who heard about the existence of the organization from her late husband, but didn't know much about herself...

"Which one is tonight?" Chi Feichi asked.

"No. 5." Qin Jiu said.

Chi Feichi took a look and found that he was a peripheral member with a tendency to rebel.

This kind of insider who has participated in illegal and criminal activities and does not know that he will be killed is very simple to clean up, and he can be dealt with in a secluded place.

Gin even took advantage of it frantically and asked someone to steal a piece of business information...

"An appointment to deliver things tonight?"

"Chianti has arrived," Gin said coldly. "That guy has been a little restless lately. Maybe he will prepare a little surprise for us."

Chi Feichi didn't ask again, and clicked on the No. 6 file at the bottom, "I have seen the information on No. 6 before."

Organized actions rarely involve violent groups in Japan, but this intelligence is aimed at violent groups.

Although it was only a small gang, but because it was rare, he remembered it clearly when he had a fever and took advantage of the 'epiphany' to help process the information.

The beginning of the matter was to organize a member who was lurking next to the president of a large Japanese company as a secretary. One day, he suddenly received a threatening letter, which said, "We already know what you did behind the scenes. If you don't want to expose it." , Listen to us in the future', there are also some photos that can be used as evidence, which are not perfect, but the information revealed in it shows that the other party may really know something.

This kind of routine has always been commonly used by organizations. I never thought that one day, as a member of the organization, I would be threatened like this.

That little secretary member definitely couldn't bear it, and some of the things that couldn't be exposed were done for the boss of the company, and some were done for the organization. It was impossible to determine how much the other party knew just by looking at the photos, so they reported it immediately.

After the little secretary reported it, he sent a message to the email address on the threatening letter, saying, "Okay, as long as it is not exposed, I will listen to you for everything."

As a result, the other party made an appointment with the little secretary to meet in two days, probably thinking that the Jidao organization was more intimidating, so he directly reported the truth - he was a member of the Shuanghehui.

Under normal circumstances, there is only one way for the organization to deal with it - kill the little secretary.

That little secretary is not a core member. For the organization, the value is his current position, and the organization has no shortage of such people.

He acted carelessly by himself, and was pinpointed by others. Once the matter was exposed, not only would he lose his position and lose his own value, but he might also be sent to prison. Tell the police, so the organization will choose to kill the little secretary directly and cut off the connection between these things and the organization. At that time, it will be useless for Shuanghe to hold the handle. Maybe the police will treat it as killing the little secretary because of the threatening letter. The secretary's murderer, the organization just kept hiding.

The little secretary doesn't know enough about the organization, or in other words, there are only two kinds of people who know the rules and regulations of the organization, one is the dead people who have been in this situation and have been cleared out, and the other is them who have some experience with that person. Someone with a certain degree of trust.

Some other core members also know this style of the organization, but because the core members will not be cleaned up so easily, they will not have a sense of crisis of "other people's today is their own tomorrow". Don't meddle in other people's business and tell those who will be cleaned up, 'Don't report it, run away'.

If you really want to talk about it with sympathy, then you may also have to be on the clean-up list.

But the little secretary was lucky enough that Shuanghehui happened to be on Rum's attention.

In the past, Shuanghehui was just a group of unscrupulous teenagers. After the unscrupulous teenagers grew up, they registered as a gang, and there was a smart and ambitious leader. Of course, they had to do the normal things of collecting protection fees and helping others. They are also doing things to stabilize the viability of their own violent associations, such as collecting clues from celebrities and wealthy people, and bribing officials.

The latter is done in secret.

That leader is a very courageous and capable person. While trying every means to threaten and control celebrities, he never hesitates to give money to bribes. The peace conference is getting better and better every year.

However, those small actions were still noticed by the organization, and perhaps the Japanese public security also noticed.

Compared with the veteran of intelligence, the leader is still a little tender.

Also because the other party didn't hide deep enough in the organization, threatened to protect their name, and played aboveboard, the leader started to investigate the handles of celebrities at the age of twenty-five, and was noticed by the organization at the age of twenty-six, while the other party Thirty-one years old this year, he has also been paid attention to by the organization for five full years.

Originally, he didn't know what Rum's intentions were, but this time the other party grabbed the members of the organization, and Rum made a choice-the little secretary will not clean up, let's kill the leader and get them The information collected over the years, the list of bribes and evidence, are directly hacked.

He had read the profile of the leader at the time, and he was smart, courageous, ambitious, and resourceful, but his shortcomings were also obvious, with a flamboyant personality, easily irritated, and most importantly—difficult to control.

Maybe it's because he's been the boss for a long time, or maybe he's too smart and ambitious. Judging from some investigations of the other party's behavior, he also judged that this person is not willing to be controlled by others, and he is a person who would rather be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix. It is unlikely to join the organization, and there will be disagreements if you join.

Since for the organization, the chicken is a waste chicken, but the egg is a golden egg, it is not surprising that Rum made the choice of "killing the chicken and taking the egg".

It's just that the other party hides the things the organization wants tightly. In order not to lose those things after the other party dies, the organization needs to find a breakthrough to know where those things are hidden.

The intelligence he read during the time he had a fever was the intelligence of the top leaders of the Shuanghehui. It had already been found out that the other party had a secret base outside Tokyo.

The leader is not the only one who knows and has been to the secret base. After all, sometimes goods need to be delivered, and sometimes materials need to be delivered, so the person who knows where the place is is also a confidant and five of the leader of the Shuanghe Society. The top management, and the personal bodyguards that these few people can trust.

After confirming that the information is correct and thoroughly finding out exactly where the other party hid the things in the secret base, they can start to clean them up.

The target of the cleanup is not only the leader of the Shuanghehui. If possible, other high-level officials need to be cleared out, so that everyone who knows the secret base disappears.

There are more than ten people in total. They seem to be a little troublesome, and they are easy to be noticed by the police. Other violent associations have vendettas, and the matters involved are very complicated. As long as they are handled properly, it will be difficult for the police to track down the organization.

It is also necessary to clear out those who know the secret base, in order to prevent the police from intervening in the investigation after the death of the leader, and learn the location of the secret base from those people. It may be suspected that this is not a vendetta or a gang fight, but for those materials. Once the police are more vigilant and know some of the contents of the materials from those people, it is possible to control those celebrities and bribe-taking officials after the organization takes over the materials. There is no small resistance.

When Chi Feichi was reading the information, Qin Jiu reminded, "No. 6 is a collective action, don't disturb the other party, that guy is quite sharp, and he may transfer the information if he senses danger, and the three bodyguards around him None of them are ordinary people."

"I see."

Chi Feichi flipped through the files of the three bodyguards.

Two of them are retired military masters hired. One helped the leader update the security arrangement at home, and even installed bullet-proof glass on the car and the windows of the house. The other is a detective expert who usually follows the leader In and out, the intelligence personnel of the organization may not be found, but if someone follows and tries to attack and kill, they can respond in time.

Both of these people have good marksmanship, and judging from intelligence, they also possessed firearms illegally.

The remaining person is a good friend of the leader since he was in school. He has practiced judo since he was a child and has won awards in many competitions. He is currently a driver and is the most trusted person of the leader.

From this point of view, the leader is really not simple. He knows that what he has done offends others, he knows that he is threatening and ostentatious and easy to be targeted, and he knows that his life is the most important thing, and he can get more money by spending a lot of money to save his life.

The vodka didn't make a sound, looked at the street view outside the window, smoked for a while, pressed the button to extinguish the cigarette, and then took out the phone to check the time, "Brother, the time is almost up."

"Call Chianti and ask her about the situation there," Qin Jiu said.

"Okay!" Vodka called obediently, "Chianti, it's me... I'm with my brother and Lak, yeah, it's a bit late, we came to pick Lac on the way... What? The person hasn't arrived yet? And It's time to be up in five minutes, where is it nearby? Is there nothing..."

In the back seat, Chi Feichi looked up at Vodka who was calling in the front seat, and suddenly became interested.

There are still five minutes until the meeting time, but no one arrives, which can basically prove that there was an accident...

Wouldn't it be possible to meet a smart person who has already noticed Gin Jiu's murderous intentions? Or died in some accident again?

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